FURTHER SUCCESSES, MANY PRISONERS TAKEN, IN GALICIAN CAMPAIGN, (Higli Commissioner's Cable.) LONDON s Dec. 29. , Petrograd reports grave German losses in an abortive attack south-east of Skiernowice. The enemy lias evacuated the left, bank, of the Nida. The development of the fighting on the Opatowice-Biecs front (Galicia) is favourable. Here fifteen thousand soldiers and forty guns have been captured., and the enemy is retreating precipitately via Dukla Pass. On the Lisko loads five thousand prisoners were taken. OFFICIAL REPORT. ON THE SAME ENGAGEMENTS. Press Association—By Tel.—Copyright. Received 9.20 p.m., Dec. 29th. PETROGRAD, Dec. 28. Official.—lsolated German attacks between the lower Vistula and Pulitza were abortive. An attack south-east of Skiernowice resulted in grave German losses. The Austrians have evacuated the left bank of the Nida, and were driven out of Szitniki after an obstinate defence. The fighting on the Opatovee-Biecz line continues in favour of the Russians, who captured from the 18th to the 26th, two hundred officers, fifteen thousand men and forty machine guns. The nomy's retreat to the Dukla Pass is now precipitate and disorderly. Five thousand were taken prisoner on the 26th. The enemy's attempt to transport troops from Czenstochowa to the Carpathians. was completely frustrated. KAISER'S PLAN. "IN WARSAW BY CHRISTMAS." HAS BEEN UPSET. "Time*" and Syfiney "Sun" sa»v.cas. Preaa Association—By Tel.—Copyright. Received 5.5 p.m., Dec. 29tli. LONDON, Dec. 28. A Russian correspondent at the front says the Germans have sent their best fighting men and material from France to the Vistula, promising them ' that peace would follow the capture of Warsaw. The Germans believed that the taking of Warsaw would compel Russia to conclude a separate peace. The Kaiser hypnotised the soldiers with the idea that they would enter ; Warsaw by Christmas. Every possible means were utilised in fierce and fruitless attempts to reach the city, aviators even dropping proclamations promising the Poles their freedom if thev abstained from hostilities, J
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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