New Year GIFTS SENSIBLE AND SUITABLE, FOR ALL AGES. Lowest Prices. DIRECT IMPORTER OF FANCY GOODS, STAFFORD ST. NORTH. "'IMWIIIHI THE SMARTEST TIES IN TOWN A'RE MiJMHI AND Laban, Stafford Street, NEXT EMPIRE HOTEL. BOOKS, STATIONERY, LEATHER AND FANCY GOODS, ART NEEDLEWORK. FINEST SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE GOODS FOR NEW YEAR CIFTS. NEW. YEAR GREETING CARDS— Single Cards and in Boxes.. NEW YEAR POST CARDS n ow to hand—"Fyfe's Series" of Timaru Views. Photo Post Cards, 2<s each, Is 9d dozen (British Manufacture). TTMARU VIEW BOOKS, Is 6d. N.Z. VIEW ALBUMS (containing; Beautiful Productions in Sepia of the Beauty Soots in N.Z.) North and South Island 12s 6d, North Island 7s 6d, South Island 7s Bd. SCENES FROM MAORILAND, 3s 6d. 104 VIEWS OF N.Z., Is 6d. GUIDE TO TIMARU and Picturesque Canterbury, Is. Just Opened— LADIES' HAND BAGS, British Manufacture, in Black and Coloured ' Leathers. FYFE'S, Stafford St BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, AND NEWSAGENTS. Telephone 682. 'iMlEElfl GIFTS. iXXMAS SEASON is fast approaching-, and one's thoughts turn to 'resents for Friends and Relatives. ADAMS AND CO. have opened out Splendid Assortment of FANCY rOODS suitable for Presents, and invito your inspection. HANDKERCHIEF SACHETS in Writing Case from Is .4d each. Suitable Present for a girl. HANDKERCHIEFS in Fancy Boxes from Is box. LADIES' HAND BAGS in Newest Shapeß. LADIES' HAND MIRRORS with Antimony Backs, from 4s 6d. LADIES' JEWEL CASES, Antimony, from la. DAMS & CO THE CENTRAL DRAPERS, STAFFORD ST.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 6
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