THE PLACE REFILLED AND REPLANNED. THE PLACE REJUVENATED. ' THOMSONS' THE BEST OF GOOD CHEER. STYLISH ANL SERVICEABLE COATS are expertly cul from the very latest materials and, apart from their usefulness, are extremely smart wear. They are guaranteed thoroughly protective against both rain and dust, light in weight and extremely comfortable. We have a wide range for our customers to select from—all at most reasonable prices. MOST ATTRACTIVE SHOWROOM SHOWINGS. Pique Hats, Towelling Hats—Misses' Towelling Hats 2s 3d. New Straws, ex " Mamari." Violets, Roses, Posies. The Costumes commend themselves — mostly with Basque, 15s lid to 32s 6d (washing), 45s to 75s (tailor-made), 7s lid to 10s (for House), 8s lid to 55s (White Voile and Mouseline). Underwear and Corset numbers superb. Mostly made by French peopleUnderwear in the Dominion. Tussore Silks, Is 3d to 3s lid. Bathing Costumes, eveiy size, lg 3d to 12s 6d. Waterproof Caps, lOd to _ - 2s lid. Nagasaki Crepes, White and scareo shades, 9Jd and is. English Crepe, 6ld to Is lid, double width. Poplins, good shades, Navy, Tussore, Jap, Pink, etc. Buttons, a season's demand—Noveltv numbers. All the scarce lines—s6s Corsets 0s - lid, Doctor Flannels, Whalebono Brushes 2s 6d up, Swansdown and Fur Trimming, Bridal Veils, White and Black Hosiery Is to 5s lid etc. ' ■ll BB mmm CHEAP AND REALLY GOOD IS OUR WAY. WORK DOES IT. New Year For New Year Gifts wo can offer you a very fine Selection of Daintily Bound Books in various Leather an,d other Fancy Bindings at prices ranging from 6d to 20s. If you prefer a Fountain Pen, we have the Genuine Gold Nibbed Iridium Tipped Pen at prices from 5s to 20s. If ,your taste lies in the direction of Leather Hand Bags, Wallets, Purses, Writing Cases, Ladies' ' Companions Manicure Sets, Book Holders, Autograph Albums, etc., wo have a biorange at ALL PRICES. DIARIES for 1915. While buying your iNTew Year Gifts, Gpn't forget your own requirements*,in the way of a Diary for 1915. We have a very complete range in both' Collinjs's and New Zealand Diwiesy and the only sure'..way to get the Diary you want is to make your purchase before the New Year begins. mm BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS STAFFORD STREET SOUTH PHONE 116."-..■■'' Shop will bo closed all day New .Year's-Day. and Nest Pay. ■• (Saturday).
Page 6 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 6
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