KVIIXTS Oir" A WEEK. diii: i iiirn'AL of Kirpiica. i- LOXUOX, Scut. tt-atival Ueiiso. -Ahere the otliciai l>u-m ej , OI t i u . i'e-clVai vi Kmpue. is ue transactjd, a Scona . rcjCitya ULtivity. Th o prenu-ea tUL-ilut the Greeu J'ark aro alreadv loim4 madetiuute and thu council is "yy* t..r ninre cenimeiUous utiKvc 1U a central Witli the at.dU!ii« ~i an Itnp. i.al Kxliibitmu to the already pro-raimae, it mil btf real.-ti! readily that the ta=k in trout .it the ci.iineii :s a .-tupenduus one. .Nil elfort :> spared to organise an Iniperiai Kxhibitiun which w tii t'!«.:..- rl y re-present tlie productive and tmht-tnal greatness ..f the Ktnpir" The taet that tlie exhiliition will be under the three; patronage of the Goveriimen!. that the eitire (vrntits i f the te-tiva! of Kuip re and In-oerial Kxlnbif..n nil! be dev.,ted to" King J-d----ivard s Hospital Fund, and that the exhibition v. ill be restricted to ar'-i.-i>s r»r..:hii'e.i anil nianutaeture.! iWthin Kn.pirc. will make for the suc --a of the undertaking. Ml!. TKXXYSOX DICKENS.
Mr. Alfred Tennyson Dickons, ihd eldest surviving ,->on the lute Lhari.-s Ori.kt.-n-, ha» arrived in England a.'or ■i j years' abse::;...- ia Australia. Mr L>ickous will begtn uu October -1 til at CV-- tor a ItiiiLT tour of the United Kingdom nrili lis lecture entertaiu:n. nt. - Mv Father", 1.;:',, and Works." -In tif days of my boyhood I was constantly nidi my tatii. r." Mr DL-kons ' --•aid i!! a recent interview. "and 1 have j tunny intere-ting reminiscences o. him. ! which I --hall hop.- to n liut to a Lou- j don ande-nce in tho cours-j of my tour. My tir-t ton years in Austral a were | .-I»■!!• m tiio bn-h, until I rcarried and | nettl-'d in M.-[!x;urn<>. Fc: tha last ' twenty years r havr- le-itirod in Aus- j tralm. where mv father's novels nre ' immensely potmiar, and the namo of Uick'-t- is oho to conjure with.*' Mr. | D rk' ?i=:. a godson oi Tennyson. was Horn m l?4-j. " . IRE NATION S I'ACPEIiS. 'J ho tu;rty-a.uth annua! report m the' Local Government Board for l'J«'f> -hows j that there iv.ro m Euoiatid and Wale-, in tho mouth of January, So-.i,-tCij paupers, uu increase oi :i1»,G17 compared with r-'io previous year, which total dtciined to hUAM in last, representing a rate of "22.'J per thousand of estimated population. The average number of casual paupers relieved nightly was 11.054, as compared I with an average of 11,491 for the year 100>. Tho average nnffilw relieved nightly in London during tho year was 11«33. SJ hundrofl and fchirtv-fivo paupers were emigrated, all within the Empire, with tho exception of five, at n total ccat of j£79.V_\ " The iota! inimbV:r of old pen-ions payablo on March 31. I!>K>. in t!n> I'liited Kin.'doin. was G!>'.).:s--.e. Om- lnindrt-d am' tv.vnty-fivo deaths took ol.ve in F.n«Innd and Wales in the eas*» „f wliloli a c<»roncr"s jury returned a verd'et of death from stai vatiuii. or death accelerated by privation. INCREASING TRADF..
_ Accounts published bj; the Hoard of Trade .sluv.v [hut the United Kingdom's imports during the first six months of this year amounted to £279,141,000, a yt ry substantial increase over the totals in the ri.rre-i*mtl;Ny periods of HMJ3 and i!" I' l . uhirh were respectively £2sS.99U.<>'» and i-200,099,000. The exports were .satUfactorv, the sis months' total <,i L'2U4.oSC.OOO comparing with £l>oo in 190S: and £173.03-1.000 lfK»9. Statistics corennir the trade to tho end of Juljyive the Tinted Kingdom's total for this T'-ar ns €:V20.2-11 ,(JOO in imports as a»aifL-t €205,921,(100 j n 1909 and £290.4 !7.H>O in IMS. whilst in exports the was £242.n74.000. i n comparison with £212.420.000 in the preying ye Kr au4 £223.699.000 in 190 S.
j A -I U\.\CK SIOKY. ' Air . .•^ii'a'*: , tiir.'' _ y ;-.i - iias ! liv :i>> mal airy. i :■■!•!;"«■ • r:i <■ • li.iM-T au'l !l ■» ■ .i: t;:-* ••"•ItltiMOn • I ".;v ; it'.-jitnu- turj «edd'Ui: y:£ts troui th>? j house (.>! a Mr ami Mr.-. AUcu wliiit) I thfrv were away i n the:]- hMuyi:.uo:i, i and Vvirl; stiMl uu ih'rt p:»ii =- of , h.-ot-. troju. s*:• C"»»n- ---' ■>' f- r i!i'> p:> • • m;:< n -:11»I tti:it tli*»ro !♦ -»l ti :» '.'jkeil ■ 11i f l ; n.out Ittii" « , lnMr.-u t-» ; fit. Tlio icnlo prisonf-r hurl frh Mmi Uy a toruivr wfp. 'Yhvy u«m.' . s«ut to >nak» smail ptirclm^t;ui-l t v.Ucn tlifj sliopman's Hark ua*. l!ioy took whatever they couUl lay taeir h;uids on, put i: 111 tho carpet hnjr, and went home. The K-iievud tho j;irl acted under the of tho man. and dixhariied her. The male prisoner was committed for trial. FLODDEN FIKLD. On Fiodden F.eld, iiiihortu 1111ltt'M«»:!red save m and .Scottiaii l«v, ili'Tt 1 has !»ec*u unveiled by Sir (leorn.' l)oug!a<. tiro \wH-kn«j\vu 'Girder and a Celtic iu*'iii'tit!i 1.; A!>ei'deen-;iiire vraiwif. !ii--.-ri'Jt d "*l*o iho l»r;iw of hfth naiious. ' *1 !i«*r»» u;u a tatiw attendaiue in ulniaitis weather, j fa* ri'n.s. vs ii!.-!} i> iH*ar t!i»' .nj>t w ln»re -Jaitnv | i;;v . It,-.-ti t-rcrwd hy a puMte suh-rri'iimn •►iLiaii sed l>v tlie Hervvi.-K-hin- Naturalivs' Ch;h. Fmm Vip rV FTili. r l t , <.f :ht* n'omorfn', where tho dei s:vo p»»inr «.f t!;e battle pl:u*t\ i'.iii he «:een ai! tlie ]>rlncipal rouit-i *»f thr- hati'.-JifM. wlicroon the a'Mfi.« !«.»: !''>« m-. ;1 _ Th(^ niomcrial iia< ..v.-r L liin. and a Mirn will In., inw-trd inr ijje ur>koep of it.
BAKOXKT > <O.\ SKNTKNCEI"). Hubert# Jieiiry •"'poannaii, w*.\eiity-icVcii, £>u;t <>t nutn, Hart., iw mrrly a j.LiKoiKiut :u Uic -Navy. >etu.-tuvU t«» throe !i:t»n:h-> :ihi»riM'nna/iu on (.-uart^'s ul irauuuL-nUy eiviiit ;ti tv\o rc>tai:r:i:u-; and v - 1:4 hy ia.>o i>iVivri« vs irolii a lady m !*»uth Kvti- ri-t m. It \vii- auiu-U 1 uu-ak m iv*iaiir;.:us i:t van.Mis ui London, ami ihwt rv-U-Mvti H;e v. aitri'-s >;:yiti'4 Jit- had mi isioiuy J,ay. l n tjou witfi i (tt- !;; *»L it v.'aa SUiled that t .it* acruscil hail eaitod upon tin* adv. t«» whom ht> and ha father had '•ffii iiitrutlmoii. :uui. »;u:n, r tlru S'r - i„ So,.[[ami. iiitu that he ii:id no munev to t;o tu liim, vbtaini:'.! the niiinniit i!n-iu;<-n< I -•il.i.ve from her. It u.m xinit >l»o:irmaii !unt i:::ulo a liuiubei* i i jiirciun cities all over iko Comment t.;o hot t,i liukl Jinn. esi'io.vagk cask.
Lieutenant Helm, ti, t . alleged Gor--111:111 spy, has !>toii committed for trial by lilt- I'areham liench. ljail iva.~ <<i, the lieutenant himself 111 ClO'To and tv.o biireiitii of i.'COO each, who tnuit be Ur.t:.-!i iubiens ana househuider.s. Jt will be remembered that. wcvk the magistrates decided that the olfenee with which the young officer was charged—..f unlawfully making <3; the fortifications near l*TtM:>outh—was not a feicnv, but a iii!.-dvii;,-an<uir. The defence 'was that the sketches found v.n.m ihe prisoner "°re taken through a U'!e-;coi)e lrum the pier, and were purely for his .mu lUToriiiatiou.
(A cahlo received Inst Tuesdav stated that Liout. Helm was bound «.\vr !n , not oft*"nd a-.rain. and i.o so.emnly promised the Court that lie uoum not repeat his misdemeanour.) PAYMENT OF M.l'.S.
In connet-;:.in « ; t!i the payment 01 members ..1 Parliament by tile Slate, Sir .K.lui 'lavernei*, Gt-iieral lor \ a t<;r:u, Cleared up some i-.nntty points when interviewed ro-ei-ntly. ]K' said, w.th regard to tho -•tiit.-iiient thai once payment- of members i- the llou-e will be Hooded by a different i-la-s of nan:— "I venture to .-ay that tho members of the Parliaments and Governments of Canada, Australia, and .W.v Zealand will compare fuvuiirably with tin..*.- of il.e Mother-country. 1 Irivv h»*en amc tuber of the Australian .Parliament and (•ywrnnient. hiul 1 have s.ecn payment 'i? jju'ldljits ;n ox.stenee f«»r vears tivre. I heliove jr w*.u!ii K* a'verv good thine for this country if the system were i!itri>i!i!f«'tl. 1 thin): everv man ia worthy of his filre, nn<J o man who l\vps !::> pine aw! attention to tho affair* of the country is ju-; n< much entitled to pr.yTsK»nt- :t> a barrister <r any othrp person who works with his hrains. Tt I s ; not. of course, with ; n my function to talk ah>mt your Parliament here. hut it occurs to me thai. if there wore fowe- members of the leisured class in Parliament and inoro men of business capacity we would itc: bett-er results."
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIII, Issue 14350, 16 November 1910, Page 6
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1,355ENGLISH NEWS. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIII, Issue 14350, 16 November 1910, Page 6
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