110 N'T ta A' .MfcXTLVG. Tha moßthly Dieetino; of th» South Caaterbury tlospical and Chatbl* Aid Board \vs hold ve-:terria.y. I'rcsffit — Messrs D\ Li. U.-hairtiian W. S. M.a.s!in, (I. Butler, N*. Fruneis, T. L. Hart, l>. (limm:, d. ami Mrs C. L. W'.vrdiart:. A a a£Mdov;y i'*»r abdeace was nct-ivi-d tru:iL Or. U:di;xes, and Mr L*yu,L v. as aas<..nt in eUurch. The Chai rir'.uii. .s:iiu :!:i> rwelpts ior the raontli'd 1.7> tid, ti'.uiie foUuws: Lni-uL i).)<i[>:iyments iTTTS 7s. patir-nt.-' n:i i-rnc:i ts tilS 4'l, old age tti Home i;tj7 Is Nl. sundries .£ii f»s fjil, Th-' <*r<life hahincj" •toofl at £1062 tfk At ;iri ,l the accounts to n;;for PUtfln+''E.t totalled £737 Ow !>!. COR 11ES E'OXDEN'CK. The Temuka, B<.run'.;u Council for* -warded iu levy ut' Gs- 3d, and ti» ilackenzie Cnmtry Council toi'Vr'arded tht> amount due ir,jm i:—£l27 L±i -Id. XUe Xorth. Caucerbury HuspitaJ Boarti wrote that tht v pru£>ost-(i conferdice the various HiispLtal and CliaritabU ' Aid Boards will be held during t'u-e first week of Jaac next, when .t was probable thai the Goverumenc would coaren© a conference.
TKv Ofcaqo Board triat in future th-o for patients admittpd to cho Du^d{ n from the South Carttcrhurv distrecS would ho CI l"s ner week.
Mr Julius w : rofcp frotn Cnclclowood eora;\i:» of th? war Be had hi-?en tr.-atrd hv th* Bo;-rd in the land uhfrT, he Tm4 Wsrd from them, awny, nnrf tTiorr Tpfet-mcr it to another p:an for Tecs* H<> rompTiM w'rh nV th-e* mntfKion.s had hj.? hoon ;i chr-rrp. and he (•I:i.i:n< : 'd n. rpfnrid of nwinch.s rent out of tho six rr:onch** rcat he had in advance. Mr S€-EG'-'t also eurrinhun-ed tliar. Tie liati be n given uo oir'n.'ial notice of the doings ot thfi Board ill ColirLCet.ort with this case and all hj knew had V-eii Learned from, the " L'iraani Herahi."
The fiiuinnan raid th«- letter Ujok ahuw<ed Chat Mr Sie-ert had b-'en noti.. lied, aud a-, to th..- rt»t of hio cumpiamt, he hail ualv L;iii.-L'ii tu Ijlam'-'. Jivety effort hati beeu,.- i„ yet Mr Sieyert to cimiply with the conditio as of the lease ber'ore hid dejx>sil; and ro-iettiiii; th;-- land. 'i'ila Be aid Uec d-.d tu receive the letter.
Tho Oauiaru [[;>,- [ii. iioard t'or■warded an. ai.rauut ioi- £'j IDs, bomii tho oost ot the rnuiutuLiaiu.o ut a catient froci Uk-nnvy. The Board il_<;i< 1-I not to pay the aocuunt, in th" meautiniv at all tvea[\ as an i< iu esL-.toti;-o hy which OaUKtiMi airl Tir.iaru t'd to treat patient.-, from earh i.tli-TV 'lUrricc.s trro ot char'.'.* no to a. ct rtain point. Arid l:i t par:i.-u!ar oa?0 thoru wa.- mi to.- the patent goinu: to Uatiiar'.i, as he could ju-t Jiavt; readily frma (oenavy ro Waiuiate. It v. a.-> (i.Kriiktl that Mr Hart and Mr t'r::ii--is should iut n-vit-w the Uamaru Hospital authori.tii.s and explain the po,,ta,:i. The Inspei.-tor-Ueuoni! wrot« that in. the £ aiihjuiy had 'neon paid by the Depa.rtmeut to tho i.loa.rd 'u two Gullv<:to<l in Timarti on h,-!iait ut tv. o destitute woa.eti —onu iu and th" other in IIoAJ. lie „-.aid he euuld haidly look up..u those don,-Mon-, a: "un-
conditional"—(the only oi; donations which carry a subsidy) as whether they were- or were not uomina.lly hanfled over to tho Hoard unooudititionally, there was riot the .-l ; o}.te-t dotlht that tho aliiourits were colh'.-r----ed and paid to the Hoard for tin- relief ot' the t-.vo women referred to. Etc proposed therefore to deduct tho amount of subs-idy paid, from tho next payment of subsidy. Member* discussed this tetter : n .▼ery mditmant term.?. The chairman said the Board hnd doerrrseittarr ft;denco to ptnvf* thn.t this ra ianded over itncond: t'or,al!y. and this
being so rt was entitled to carry a G-overruncut sub-s-tly. It hud been applied tut* nli'..'- »-Jt the women cur \;horn it was collected a:id had saVtd them ir. »ru becoming a char^ 1, "il charLtubl" aid in. rh» fc ordinary wa>. It \\V." de-'idvd 11> write to the fuper tor-General to this etfeV'-'t. iVrry. IVrrv and Kmnf-aiey, solicitors to r!;r-* Board. lorw o.ip:es iiL between the 111-»pi -»pi t< »r-f it" i iff a! i«r tiuapitaU and Charir.aiiU* Aid, and UrettiielveS etmcernm'.:; the >..urli and Mid-Carrterlmry :ott sanatorium. The point was ihafc the Coird had drawn no j_'oVer!i:n:4 this nui :tr-r. ' The In- net: tor-General had approved of these, but tie had neglected to gazette them, his contention beLriix that they >hoiild Im* framed under an Art whiL'li wa.-» riot in fierce when lhc-v were drawn ui>.
It was that the ItispertAr-Opne-ral w*a> delaying the n:a:t.-r with the ♦ ihic-r. of the B»;ard to fait ttt t .tit;Fi id»-;j. of cite sanatorititu fi-.r the nf t!>> Th' 5 ?. rn.i'T-* ir. i>!:* n. th (i y would n?r<?r dn. and ir ???< d*-v : drrl t'> frrrthpr tf te t«"> liave the *fV Crxiszc. M.P.. to >ie asked to exnT:i:rt the m' to th-> TnspertorOon ft rn.T. he \v:\< a inemne- of t!re RonrrT wT-nn rTi« re'/trT.-iKi-ei-.-np and fen*?w rosit on thorftuslity. impor.TS. Tht> reski-euc medic-tl uidcor roporttnl that tor the tuuu:U Nuveuibcr lu'wh, iherc wi't- lite cL.z-rKtticitt-s, -•« o pat:eiu-» in iil and o hau b-.*n i:i th- •m.p.tai uvtr tcout!ia. A <ji it.-l.riuist £:• fiiietv.':us u«'ull ;th i'C i!:l» iiu-sjii'.ul witU liirticiiLty til-- ti.uLkti iikjiu v...i ;i'r: yi.-c ile tJrciv nCtcnti'iU t.» tLie need tor a cosneaieiit Lod cur-
k itjj decided ro ordsr a L-id-car-ct' a k.tid rtvounecdcd t>y the do.-iur.
Ic was decided to write to tiio De. partcuent the valine a puiido't >_ t; a: the h.i-pital. Tlie ma trim rerHHt'd that .Mt«s K. Tcaiplcr >. A.i ui:dt'i'i;»m;4 her three riif'.nrh-.* trial a and aijter Harris wao entitUd to have her salary raited to the saiiml Ibe catetaiier ut the lallwH liu6t>ital rcj-oi'tu'ti ihat there ivti'e at present >ii la hospital. abuiit the bu.lditi-> v.a> in "urdei' The «>miuitt©e app<j;c:ed recom> uietided that the i'brary ut lit,.- [ato L)r Hayts cuuld h> Uot!.,ctl m the d-u- - tlie do-tur'i The r'ja.niLttee had li:et £'r»-rti thv Ituiacu Atuhtdanee t»ri.;_:ade ami d:»eus>;."d tie. v matter o[ an. other :sruhidarn-e van. The intT.rtnation tortheti wa,. u.r.c >i:rhrtent to • • i:;11jI»■ • the e«oiui' to i-n>trn- to anv d'etui-De- rijri• *ll l-itui>. It wai prop-;.>t.'d to yath'-r ad'iitionat p«rticular» as to a suitable ran. CEXKKAL.
Air I runtu mentioned a. proposal Was, t.> k»uh» U'fitrv the Tv'uttuate Trustee- to allow put eut.s to lv attended in the Waituuti-j Hu..pttal by aoctor they uU'iLt eh. wt and lit- and ,\lr Hart would like to kin>w<.'ptaioa u£ the Uoard on the proX.» r :SU-I _ Ihe chairin satd it would never do i: r, ah. 1 c a'oiiid mean coriv-rLiti^; a public institution into a £ .riv;-ttr t'ersor* who -.vert- in a rv *i:hm t«> induce th-ir tinny by mekiri'; and ehoosthp!r doctor ere i,u-' tit Mif>i-.-ts for a pub!ie !:o-nitat at all; th'-v j»ii t.> a j.riTatc fco-p.tal. It "• >'"t >'tto»vd lit tfc<» Tiruaru Flos-i-rul should not bo adopted at Waimato.
| \\ th >, -f• tlior tiu-'.r.' >■: < :»ut e >f. . :"ivr--.t M. ,-r~ Hal? , arid ["r.iiici-. tf•• i[at rh»» ni»eiiit:; "I tfu» War;;.;,:- 'lmi--I;.-A r... ~r:y •ii in I th-? tisN'v. thy i sun.'t;: ! tiiir • vfi!d K> to the ; vatj';-- vt' :he institution, j Tfc- Bcvtri •i- vi'ie.l t-> adhere to their j M.v!>!t , :-n ■■* .M ' I >-r tn re :ur-J to the < T-~ -:t .t a*- I >!>! I s -H'-m*'. and t" <!••' MlUS>'st- d ;,, 't "t th-* »V |ie** r 11*'ttt r't in I. r-•* tj,i v lli-u'-i r ■ t-» tin- V„r t t, Canterbury <h^tnet.
Mr Mti.-lin show thri tin- " <>f kri'jmtji tli»- »!<! t*">t>!-' in tin- Home at Timaru is nmch less thnn :tt the North Canterbury Home in Ashhrtrton.
Tiro '-h.-rirrcinn reported tint no tenders b"en rr.~e:v.-<l fur the worh of the hoi water system at the kospi'-.1. the r«t««n f«r tlrs j>r«bai»ly bettiir that the trado was very bristT ?t th« :.r>--ent- time. Ii \va> dtv-'dwl to r*f> on with Trtviofi nf tl ,,v ■■ as possible without ile T :iV. bv flay '? 1 v.ll f.
charitable aid. The Tier. 0. Ti. -Mann. «>t Cer::ldim\ Wrote *lr at t etl t ion to tile . .ISO «»E a nutn living at \\ otntHui'v who. If.* thought. should be.taken into tin- OM Home., of (o-iaMiii". t"«pi>r r t"J on titf i-a.-e. The man >lioubi 111- taken into tj.e Hume. He ha'! an insurant t»oUey uttieh v.i >i i M he worth iiiM I in l!*i t. an*! lie *vas willing tn five this to tin- Board if ihey wotitd keep him i:i t!u- Home.—lt was cliM'tcK'tl t'» t.tkf t!u* ulti r.:an in.
An i.-.tfa Is •»! a u.-.>k ivas sranted to a \vi>nn:Ei r»t (teraldine ;vl:o iia> •rtinrue ot" a '•'larckd-iitit It «as de.~i*!<?<l t"» terminatf the arwith a wonian in the I'airiii- liistrict who lias hrvl rliarse of t'.vo lioys (.oariU'i! out '»v the Board.
'lll.- Otav»»> Board advised that a \ottti j; woman ir >m St. Amicus had h*en admitted to tit.- Maternitv Homo tPere. She was indigent. and expected to he in Herein her. She had c;ii»*t* tli*' name • n i!u- man who was responsible tor her condition (u man in Timano. The Smith Canterbury Board w.mld he ••harmed I"> per we%--k tor !u-r k»*ep. It >atd that th»- T>oard should hnv.- M-tit the «4iti f»a. kto Timai u. and ir v.a-* de.ided to make ntrelit-r inanities into the ease.
1 hj»» oi a de>iit ttte woman with :t tamilv at Kurlie *ra> discussed, and a *>rant provisionally m;.di\ Another ea>e was in which a woman to Timaru hat! applied for aid on a» »i;t11 or her husband having cleared *»t:t and left her dt stitUte.
IV*' Board decided to do no tiling miles < the woman "ill oms.-nt to lay an information ;vi»h the poiiee. so tn.'t .*t**p*» may he taken to bnn» r her husband baek.
An I'.i.pii.aii.m L . ;lmo (~-for,» the Ifciurt! fi.r r.-lii-t m,- ;1 „ r |, lamily of yoni.- ehihiren in Timaru. tho hij«d>and and rather l»einn a man partially who Is in busfnass ir: Thiiaru.—Consideration of thia 'caso «:is it*, i-t: ,(!. ACCOCXTS.
Accounts itiiiiuiiitint: to £7: fT ps 0,l wore passed t,> r paynieni. the total belli-_ ma.!.- up ;,s i,.|!,m s- l i n.a u . L "; ! ' , lOs il.'soital 1 s id- Old Men's {1..,,.e I's lU<i. c.ianrable anl £;-_';r, i| ( i 'ihe iJoard ro-f ;»t rt.l.j p.m.
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCIII, Issue 14350, 16 November 1910, Page 6
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1,726HOSPITAL BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XCIII, Issue 14350, 16 November 1910, Page 6
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