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The ordinary monthly meeting of the Timaru Harbour Board was held at their offices (his morning. MEMBGES PHESENT. Messrs Acton, Jonas, Morris, Kerr, Flatman, Wilson, Talbot, Teschemaker, and Manchester. THE CHAIRMANSHIP. Mr M033 Jonas said he had much pleasure iu proposing Mr E. G. Kerr as chairman of the Board. He was a town member, and Mr Jonas was sure he would make a really good chairman. Mr Morris had great pleasure in seconding the proposal. Mr Talbot threw out the suggestion that, as the meeting was not a full one, a temporary chairman should be elected. An election to till Mr Sutter's place was being held that day, and it was only fair that the new member should hare a voice in the matter. He (Mr Talbot) had also to apologise for the absence of Air Gray. Messrs Flatman and Teschemaker supported Mr Talbot, the latter adding that nothing would be lost by postponing the election till next meeting, and that he would like to see Mr Kerr occupying a position on the Board other than that of the chairman. Mr Manchester would support the amendment, and Mr Acton was inclined tow lit the issue of that day's election, and would like to see Mr Gibson (if he got in) elected their chairman. Ho was a man of great experience of harbour matters. Mr Talbot then moved as an amendment that Mr Kerr bo chairman of the mooting that day. This was carried, and in returning thanks Mi 1 Kerr said that hi! quite agreed with Mr Talbot and tho others. He had not time to attend t» the duties of chairman, but would always be willing to lmlp the Board aa much. 13 possible as a working member. RESIGNATION. Captain Suttur wrote resigning his position oa the Board, in consequence uf beiiisj about to visit the Old Country. Mr Talbot moved "That this Boird rec ud its appreciation of Mr J. H. Sutter's manifold services to thia district for the many years ho sit as » member "f this B iard, uud latterly as chairman, in both positions always proving himsolf a most energetic and us. ful member." After Mr Talbot had sp .ken uf the excellent work done for the port by their late fellow-member, the motion was put and carried unanimously. DREDGING PLANT. The secretary to (lie Lyitelton Harbour Board wrote offering their drddging plant for aale. — Received. NEW HAWSERS. The Belfast Roue Oainpany wrote soliciting an ordur from the B >ard for hawsers, etc., offering to supply a splendid article. — Letter held over for future consideration. THE B lATIKO CLUB. The Timaru BoaiingCiub wrote stating that, if they required die removal of tlieir ailed, would tho Board allow them the use of one of the compartments and ways in tho old landing ."service. Mesara Mackay, (Captain), and G. Shirtcliffe (Deputy Captain) attended as a deputation from the Club, and explained that the Club desired to h;ive tha use of the division in the shed nearest to the Mo.idy wharf. From the Euginefir's statement it apP e ars that the present shed might not have to be moved ; thereforo members decided that the question of allotting space in the landing service she.l be held over 1 for further consideration. THE DREDGE. Captain Peter P.illesm of the Spray, ! applied for tho post of Dredge Master. j Application postponed till tho drudge is CJmpleted. THE HOARD'S AUVBRTISINM. Tho proprietor if tho Evening Mail wrotu soliciting a share of tho Boant's advertising. Mr Acton moved that tho letter be hul I over for further consideration, ineanini; by, this that tho board, if they found that the paper's circulation was such aa to bo of some service to the Board, would advertise in it. THE STATE OF THE DRRDGE. In reading a letter from Meaar.i McEwan and Co. it w is stated that they had drawn against tho B .ard for tho mm of £42 18s 21 for inspection of drolge ; and a diacusainn again arose as to the rusty state of some of tho plates, and to tho fact that the rivets sent out wen; f.-un I to bo ti><> lung and had to be cut It -f. ire they could be used. Members thought a claim should bo made on Messrs MoEwan, and, on tlie motion of Mr Acton, tliH Board's hanker was instructed to hold over t>>e draft until the claim of the Board for £25 was considered t'y the frm ALLI-.GKD DAMAOB TO THH WAKATIPtJ. Mr Spalrliui; wrote Htaling thnf tinabove steamer's bilje pi itos had been slightly started last time she lay alongside the wharf at Timaru, nnd ho ursjed that tho fender piles be altered to a morn perpendicular position. He also referred t'i tho " boat charges " in terms of a letter published in our coitions just after the B >anl meeting ill June. Mr Flatinan naid iha f , bo far as he could 'earn, the damn/o to tlm Wakafipu miyht have taken place at LyMolton or any oilier port sheviniied, but it was easiest to saddle Timaru with the damage. The letter was referred to tho Standing Oomiiitt 'o. THE BREAKWATER CONTRACTORS. Messrs I'.llisor and Jones, contractors for the Breakwater, wrote :iskin<: that t.lir- | contract, be completed hy Mr T. R Jom s. The application was referred to the Board's solicitors, nnd should they approve of it, the Board to a«rea to thß chargo, and their seal be affixed in tho presence of Messrs Jonns and Korr. CLAIM FOR ALLOWANCE. M-asrn Ogilvie and Byer«, contnet'irß for the dredge, made a claim for £25 for extra w>rk in cleaiiins; the bottom initl othnr plates of the dredue, as they wore found to he in a more rusty stato than was at. first supposed. The engineer nureod with this, tho ruai could not he scratched off ; it had to bo chiaelled -ff. Memhors thought that a special indopundent roi>oi lf , should bo mido on tho drod»o, and a moro substantial claim tlmn that of £25 bo mado upon Mossrs McEwan and Co. Tho nutcomo of tho disnußsinn was that Mr Talbot moved — " That tho firm named bo informed that a further claim will bo mado upon them as soon as tho work of putting her together is cnmplntod. It was further agrood "That a special inspection and report, bo mado on tlm stito of the d'ed'.e; Mewra Ogilvie and Byers' olaim to stand over for tho present. engineer's report. The following report was read : — "Breakwater contract No. C. — With the exjeption of bli.ckmakitm no work has been executed in connection with this contract sitico lust mooting, on account, of wet and unsettled weather. Tho whole of tho random hlnck work on tho smith flidn of tho breakwater is now completed ; it may bo necensary to mako up a few slack places in it which will probably apponr aftor tho nest storm. " Drodgo. — Tho contract for tho building of tho hargo is proceeding steadily nnd vnry satisfactorily. I think she may be launched in about four weeks' timo. Tlie contractor* have an oxcesMvo amount of work iu scraping the plates. Thero are very many of thorn in a moro extremely rusty state than I thought at first. There aro also aomo orlioles missing, and othors of insufficient strength ; those will hnvo to bo made good, Messrs Prios'mnn have made sooros of those drodgns, nnd I trust in practical working we shall find this nno Natinfnclnry and up to the contract rato of npiod, but at th« prnsont time I have my doubln about, it. For tho working nf tho drertgn mncliinory I recommend that Mr Chnrlns Head should bo nppointud, ho linving pnfsed nn examination befnro tho ftiMpedor of Machinery for flint purpose Tain of opinion it will ho necessary to oh'ain n certificated ma«tor for hor nlso. Will tin) Board decide upnn a twino for her ? I would Hii^goit tho Maori nnmo " Taniwha" us 0110 befitting ht>r npponrance,

" Slip. — Havinu failed to obtain a satisfactory tender for Colonial made steel wheels, I propose therefore to use cast iron ones of extra strength. I have laid the contract plans for the shipway on the table,and can call for tenders for the work in about ten days time if the Board desires. "North mole. — Having Bent away the contract plans for lithography, and having the draught specification written out, I think I could get everything ready so as to call for tenders for the work in about 14 days' time, if the Board wishes to do so. It will be necessary to give not leas than than four weeks time for the preparation of tenders. I have had an interview with some of the Railway officials, during which I pointed out that the Government charges and conditions for the haulage of stone were too heavy and stringent ; they appeared to think that the Government would meet the Board in the matter, and that the best way would he for the B mrd to make an offer of terms to the Government." STANDING COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The following report was read : — " The Committee have considered Mr Merchant's report in reference to a supply of stone for the construction nf the north wall, and recommend that, in calling for tenders, the following alternatives Bhould be submitted to tenderers: — " Ist. Tenderers to undertake the whole responsibilities of providing atone. " 2nd. The stone to be taken from Kerby's quarry, the Board to arrange with the land-owners for royalty and right of way, and lay a line of siding from the railway line to the quarry, contracting with tli- Government to haul the stone from the quarry to the works. "3rd. Tenderers to select a quarry to the approval of the Board ; the Board to jut concession for construction of a tramway from the quarry to the works, and to advance 50 per cent on the Engineer's valuation of plant on the contractor nivinii apnroved security. '"The second alternative, in the opinion of the committee, offers many serious difficulties and probably will not be adopted, but the committee advise that tenders should be invited for each proposal. "Tho committee recommend that the deposit should be £1000, «nd the time allowed for construction, 2£ years. "After careful consideration as to whether " the Port is at present over officiated," your Committee advise the appointment of Captain Clarkson as Harbour-master at a salary of £250 per annum, with house, «nd that the Board's ag eement with Captain Clarkson be similar in construction with that at present in force between the Board and tho Harbour-master. That J. Thomson be appointed Harbourmaster's coxswain at a salary of E3 a week. That an increase in the salary of Mr E. W. B. Watkins of £10 per annum be made. The Committee are of opinion that these are 'In- best and most economical arrangements to be made with the Board's staff." In reply to Mr Manchester the chairman said that the re-arrangement of officers would effect a saving of £250 per annum, and this recommendation was agreed to, Mr Jonas only dissenting. The question of dealing with the North wall was postponed till next meeting. harbour-master's report. The following report was read : — "I have the honour to report the arrival of 30 vessels of the aggregate registered tonnage of 8321 tons, and the departure of 31 vessels of the aggregate registered tonnage of 8709, t0ns during the month of Juno, 1887. l; Tho weather during the month hns been very utiaettled with occasionally heavy seas,the whole of the above vessels having been worked at tho wharf ; no surf boats having been U9ed this mnnth. " I beg to acknowledge the receipt of the Board's resolution of last meeting re terminating my connection with the Board. I accept the same with surprise and regret, as I never had the slightest noticn or cause tn think 1 did not retain the Board'o confidence. As the dismissal in has>>d on the accident to the barque Norman Macleod on February 7th, I beg to refer y.u to the captain's firststatement, at the time of the occurrence, and accepted as satisfactory at the meeting of the Board las' February 7th. "The second statement pmanatinz from the registered owner, Mr 0. W. Turner, which was printed on the front page, of the averayo statement, was very properly thrown out by the Committee of Enquiry as being so much at variance w th the captain's first statement that it wns n-it dt'emod worthv "f notic j . It is my wish to court the fullest enquiry into my conduct, character and professional abilities. For the 17 years previous to my appointment here, I only served two employers, being 9 years in the Indian and American fleet of Sir Donald Currie and Co., and 8 years in the U.S.S. Company, whoso service I left to take my present position, which I have endeavoured to till with credit to the tort, and myself." "Before leaving. I wish to express my sincere regret that the Board should have thought fit to so cruelly wrong me; he notice of my dismissal having boon reported in most of tho Colonial nowspnpers thus seriously damaging my reputation. Any word or siu'n of th"> Board's want of confidence would have bean met on my part with a courteous resignation. ■' Soundinira hive been taken during •he month with result as per hook; tho Prießtman dredge being at present employed deepening the berthage alongsido the m-iin wharf." Tho Chairman thought Captain We-b---ster might have been eiven more consideration, but Mr Flatman Baid they could do no other thing than they had done. Mr Jonas said he was not present Rt last meeting, but ho certninly felt very strongly on the matter, and now moved a motion to mncind tho resolution dismissing the Harbour-master. Ho thought, th n Board had beon too hnsty in passing tho resolution. The Board then went into committee, and on resuming, tho Ohairmin ruled that the motion could not bo put. at thi* meeting, but would stand as a notice of motion for next meeting. In rnply to Mr Jonas the Chalrraai said that tho notice, nf motion did not nffect thn resolution passed hylthn Board at. the Juno meeting about the Harbour-master, and that such resolution would take its cnurso. Later on, tho Chairman drew the Board's attention to bye-law No. l,olnuse SC, which must be suspended to enable 'hem to appoint Captain Clarkson as Hnrbour-mnstor.and other officers to thoir several posts. MrToichemakcr moved in this direction, and six members agreeing to it. Catttnin Olarkson'd appointment, also those of Mr Charles Head as engineer of the dredge, and Mr John Thomson as Harbourmaster's coxswain were confirmed. ACCOUNTS Accounts amounting to £1,452 8s 5d woro passed for payment, and tho Board adjourned.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 3989, 21 July 1887, Page 3

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TIMARU HARBOUR BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 3989, 21 July 1887, Page 3

TIMARU HARBOUR BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 3989, 21 July 1887, Page 3


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