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Abowhenua Town Boabd. >— The adjourned monthly meeting of the Arowhenua Town Board take place to-morrow evening. Sale at Temoka.—Mr K. F. Gray holds a sale of valuable freehold property lately in the possession of Mr Wheelband, trees, etc., at his salerooms, Temuka, to-day. Jubilee Merxing at Temdka. A public meeting to receive the report of the Committee on the various schemes suggested aa the most ilting means of celebrating the Queen's Jubilee, and to select one, will take place in the Volunteer Hall, Temuka, tonigh K Excursion Tbains. Replying to the Mayor of Timaru'a request, that " paisengers on the railways should be carried free on Jubilee day," Mr Maxwell, General Manager, states that Government cannot see i heir way to comply with the request, but that cheap excursions will be run all oyer the railways on that day. i

Ball.—A ball will be held at Winchester on Friday evening. BINODSMAN.—Mr Alfred Cox his been elected as a synodsman for Temuke, Concert at Geealdinb.—A ooncflrt in aid of the G-er»ldine Publio School priae fund takes place to-morrow evening. A first-rate programme has been prepared. Jubileb Entertainment at Winchester.— The children in the Winchester district wiil be treated to a tea and sports on the afternoon of June 3rd. The Winchester School Committee are now receiving subscriptions, which" will be devoted to the i defrayal of the necessary expenses. Nett Zealand Railways.—On the 21sfc,! 23rd and JR4th May return excursion tickets j to Ohristohj|rch and Dunedin will be issued j at the TemuKa station at very low rates. On the same date " Saturday return tickets " >. from any station to any station will be issued. All the tickets will be available for return ' up to and including the 30th May. The Temuka Town Disteict.—ln our advertising columns will be found enumerated the streets in which the Temuka Town Board intend establishing and adopting permanent levels. Plans showing the present street surfaces and the proposed levels are now on view at the Town Board office, and any objections to the proposed levels must be lodged with the Town Clerk, Mr Geo. Dyson, not later than June 6th. T.R.V. Brass Band.—The above Band gave their promised open-air concert last evening. They marched through the town and brought up on the vacant section opposite the railway station, where thej went through the programme published a few days ago. Although the evening was cold theri was a fair number of persons present to listen to their excellent music. A Novel Sleeping Berth. The crowded deck of an American packet.—A Californian to the skipper of Hj»tn : "I should like to have n sleeping berth neow if you please." " Why, where have you been sleeping these last two nights since we left 1 ?" said the skipper. " Wal," said the Californian, "I have been asleeping a-top of a sick man; but he's cot better now, and won't stand it no longer." R.M. Court, Timabu.—At the R.M. Court, Timaru, yesterday, Henry Davis, a first offender, was fined 5s for drunkenness. William Sutherland was fined £l, with the alternative of seven days' imprisonment, for drunkenness at Fairlie Creek. Thomas Alpin, charged with drunkenness and with being an idle and disorderly person, was Bent to gaol for fourteen days. W. Pearce for allowing a horse to wander was fined ss, and J. Geasin for leaving his vehicle unattended was fined 10s. The Star of Bethlehem.—lt is calculated that in the present year, 1887, the Star of Bethlehem will again be visible. The star was last seen by Tyohe Brahe in 1572, and is supposed to have appeared before that at regular intervals of nbout 315 years; so that it must have been seen in the year 3 8.C., which is generally said to have been the correct year of our Lord's birth. The star is described as of enormous magnitude, far larger and brighter than the largest planets. On its last appearance it, was seen in full brilliancy for about a year and a half, and then gradually faded away.

WINOHESTEB SCHOOL COMMITTBB.— A special meeting of the . Winchester Sohool Committee was held on Friday kst. Present: —Messrs A. W. Ensor (Chairman)j Ooooran, Geo. Smith, Northam, W. Philp, 0. Bishop, and Bailie. lb was decided to hold a grand Jubilee entertainment on Friday, the 3rd of June, when all the children in the district will be entertained with sports and tea, and on the evening of the same date a conoart and ball in aid of the sohool funds. Subscriptions in aid of the Jubilee entertainment will be received by the members of the Committee. The meeting adjourned to Friday, the 20th instant. TIKiEU A. AKD P. ASSOCIATION. A special meeting of the Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held on Saturday last. There was a gooi attendance The meeting was called to consider a resolution passed by the Canterbury A. and P. Society re the admission of sheep and cattle into the colony. After considerable discussion, Mr Moody moved, Mr B. Mackay seconded, and it was resolved—" That in the opinion of this society it is desirable that sheep and cattle be admitted into this oolony from England, subject to reasonable conditions, if quarantined, and that this resolution be forwarded to the Colonial Secretary." Population or Australasia. Mr Hayter, the Victorian statist, estimates the population of Australasia at the end of 1886 at 3,486,682, the various colonies being as follow ;—Victoria, 1,033,052; New South Wales, 1,030,762; Queensland, 343,763 ; South Australia, 312,439 ; Western Australia, 40,034; Tasmania, 137,211; New Zealand, 589,366. South Australia shows a decrease of 984 persons, all the other colonies shewing substantial Increases. Victoria is the most thickly populated the proportion of persons to the square naile being 11 75, New Zealand coming next with 5'65. The percentage to the squnra mile for the whole of the colonies is given at 1 'l3. Masonic—The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Star Lodge, No. fil9, 8.C., Geraldine, was held in the Masonio Hall, Geraldine, on Thursday last. There was a large attendance of members and several visitors were present. Bro. N. Duolop, R.W.M., presided. The fallowing officers were duly eleoted :- R.W.M., Bro. W. Coltman j W.D.M., Bro. J. Cunningham; W.S.M., Bro. W.Young ; S.W., Bro. G. H. Patrick ; J.W., Bro. A. Reid ; S.D., Bro. A. Spence ; J.D., Bro. M. Buckley ; Secretary, Bro, J. W. Pye; Treasurer, Bro. J. Mundeil; J.G., Bro. N.Sims; Tyler, Bro. 0. Waller; Auditors; Bros. W. Willoughby and N. Dunlop; Chaplain, Brr. Rev. G. Barclay; Stewards, Bros. R. Taylor and D. Denoon. The L dflf* decided to invite the D.Q-.M. to install the officers. The usual routine business having been transacted tbe Lodge was closed by the R.W.M. Gebaldinb School Coxkitteb. A special meeting of the Committee was held on Friday evening for the purpose of considering the applications for the appointment of second master. Present •—Messrs W. S. Maslin (Chairman), R. H. Pearpoint, J. Cunningham, A. White, G. Taylor, J. Riordan and 0. E. C-iherratt. A letter was read from the P.C. Board of Education covering the applications for the appointment, also the Inspector's report on the qualifications of the various appl ; oants, of whom there were ten —three male, and seven female. It wai decided to obtain the opinion of the Head Msster as to whether a male or female teacher would be most conducive to the effective working of the sohool. Mr Aitken, the Head Master, said hit ex, perience would lead him to prefer a male teacher, It was decided to recommend Mr Henry Smith, at present a pupil teaoher in the Isohool for the appoiutment of seoond mister, and to recommend James Colbert for the vacant pupil teachership, and failing his services being obtained that matter should be left the ChairmanL'jjnd Head Matter. The meeting then adjoUMWd.,, ~i

A Fbiend in Nbbd.—A northern exchange writes: - A rather astonishing iisoident occurred recently in ihe court ut Wanganui. A miserable " drunk," was brought before the Court and fined 5s -nd costs, and having no money wai about to be taken to gaol when s gentleman stepped forward and paid the fine. He took the now sobered but amazed delinquent and bought him a new Buit of clothes, then bought him a railway tioket to send him back to hie home at Palmerston. Before parting at the station he put a five* pound note into the foreigner's hand, and said, "There, take that; you are no doubt astonished at what I have done for you, but do you remember giving shelter to a poor man at your place at the Manawatu Gorge P" Foreigner: " Yes." Stranger: " I am that man, and you will always find me ready to help you when you are in need." This may sound as if culled from a ninepenny novel, but W 9 are assured on the authority of an eye-witneia that it was an incident in real life. A Wondbbful Dbtj*.—M. Pasteur may well look to his laurels if the story of the wonderful remedy against hydrophobia is true whioh a Dutch family at Peiz.', in Holland, 11 said to hare in its possession. For over a century the secret of the drug has been kept, and the Nieuwe Botterdamsohe Oourant has only heard of it through the gur/ulity of an old man from the neigberhood ofi'Peize, who affirms that for seventy yearg ft\ has never known a single death from hydrophobia. Besides a large number of human beings, an army of dogs, cats, sheep, and cattle have been cured by the mysterious remedy, about which nothing more i« known than that it has a calming influence on raving lunatics of any kind, and that it is harmless to such a degree that in a ease where a double dose had been administered to a man bitten by a mad dog the patient fell into a profound sleep, and on awaking every symptom of the disease had disappeared far ever. An Awkwabd Mibtakh.—An est&Btned and respected fellow citizen, says the Auckland Herald, was lying on the road not far from his residence, in so advanoed a state of intoxioation that he could neither "walk nor speak. Two men happened to coma, and seeing a well-dressed man in this stata, tried to arouse him. They asked him where he lived, and after gating vacantly around, he pointed to a bouse not far away. By great exertions they got him along to the house indicated, and knocked vigorously at the door. At length there came a lady dressed in white, or perhaps, to speak more oorreotly, in her {nightdress. Not wishing to intrude upon any domestic •scene, the two good Samaritans simply pushed their helpless charge bang into the lobby, and quickly departed. Great was their horror when next morning they found that they had taken the man to the wrong house, and had shot, him in his deplorable condition into the arms »f a chaste amazon !

" Rough on Rats,"—Clears out rati, mice roaohet, flies, ants, bed-bugs, beetles, insecs, ikunki, jack-rabbits, sparrows, gophers, At Ohamiits and Drnggists, Kempthome proi?«r Sr. 1 in. Agents, Ohriitohuroh. 1 Railway Refbeshmbni Rooms, Timabtj. —D. McQ-uinness begs to inform his numerous friends, and the travelling public in particular, that having taken the above rooms for a fresh term he has decided to reduce the charges hitherto made, and in future tbey will be as follow :—Breakfast in readiness for early trains, Is 64 j Hot Lunch or Dinner, served up in the hitherto well-known profuse style, on arrival of North and Sooth Express trains, le 6d. Tea and Coffee always in readiness, and choice confectionery, &o. lhe lessee would especially draw attention to the Ladies' Private Dining-roo«s, which has been specially arranged and furnished for their convenience. A waitress is always in attendance. The usual Is Lunches are still continued at the Club Hotel.—Advt. Certainly the most effective medicine in the world is SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. Test its eminent powerful effects in coughs, colds, influenza, the relief is instantaneous. In serious case? and aocideurr of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, scalaings,. bruises, sprains, it is the safest remedy—no swelling—no inflamma tion. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation if the lungs, swellings, etc.; diarrhoea, dysentery; diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs. In use at all hospitals and medical clinics; patronised by His Majesty the King of Italy; crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust in this approved article, and reject all others. ' ■ -' 'in' *i 1 1 SYNOPSIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS. Concert —At Geraldine to-morrow evenme. Ball —At Winchester on Friday evening next. J. Mundell and Co.—Hold skin Bale on May 23rd. W. Postlethwaite— Invites tenders for gone grubbing. N.Z. Railways—Notioe re fares on account of Queen's birthday, etc. TemukaTown Board—Notice re establishment of permanent street levels. Wm. Ellery, Orari— Best wheat straw chaff for tale at 6d per 501 b bag. . Lady's Ulster—Notice to person who took lady's ulster from Milford School. R. Young and John Farrell—Notioe re publican's license for Winchester Hotel. Winchester School.—Grand Jubilee entertainment for the children of the district on 3rd June. Shooting Match—For two light draught horses at Upper Rangitata Bridge on 24th May. J. Ballantyne and Co., Victoria House, Timaru—Hare determined to reduce prices for French millinery, etc., before the winter i has set fairly in, and invite inspection. Considerable reductions ha*e been made in ths price of drapery in all departments. Drummond and Glasson, Commerce Housi, Timaru—Notify that they hare just opened out a consignment of new goods ex Aorangi, including lines in ladies' linen and lace oollars, collarettes, hosiery, cashmeres, and dress stuffs; invite the publio to compare tbeir prices bofore buying.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 1582, 17 May 1887, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1582, 17 May 1887, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1582, 17 May 1887, Page 2


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