Reduction of Interest,—The New, Zea : ' land Banks on Monday decided to reduce the interest on fixed deposits for twelve 1 months from 6 to 5 per cent. ■ 1 DIVOBOB.—-Mr J. B.G. Bowern has filed > a petition for divorce from his wife, Mary r McDonald Bowern, of Christchurch, an the | frounds of, her adultery with one Edward r Thos. Kitchin, of Christchurch. v CaiOKBT. —The Cricket match, Shaw and: Lillywhites team V. Eighteen of Bathurst District, was concluded on Saturday, and re-' suited in a draw in favor of the English-; men, J . Sale AT Tsmdka. Ta-morrow- Messrs - Gracie, Maclean and Adam sell at the rooms of Mr K. E, Gray 1 acre 2 roods land in the Township of Wallingford, Temuks. Pull particulars will be found in advertisement. Timabu Woollen Company. A meeting of shareholders of the Woollen Factory was held at Timarn on Monday evening. After a long discussion it was decided to wind up the old Company, and a strong | Committee was formed to take steps to float n new Company. S.O. Chabitablb Aid Boabd.— A meeting of this Board was held on Tuesday evening t last, Messrs John Jackson (Chairman), t Talbot, Barker, Elworthy, Post lethwaite, and Balfour being present. Mr Clulee sent in bis resignation,. which was : accepted with regret, and Mr Balfour I was appointed treasurer. To suit the country members it was resolved to hold the meetings of the Council on the second Wednesday: in ' each month at 2 p.m. Accounts to the • amount of f 990 were passed for payment these including a progress payment of £540 to the contractor for the new buildings. A dispute bet ween the Resident Surgeon (Dr i Drew) and the Steward (Mr Jowsey) was considered in Committee, and correspondence and charitable aid business having been dealt with the meeting terminated, , Ibbiqation.—We again remind those of; bur readers interested in the. irrigation scheme proposed for the Orari and Bangitata district that the poll for' the purpose of authorising the County Council to borrow . £2500 to carry out the work, takas place to-day. The polling places are the Rangitati station school, Mr P. W. Badham’s house (Bulmer) and the Geraldine County Council Chambers, Timaru, the tutors of pollidg being from 9 to 6 p.m. It is most important that every ratepayer who has an interest in the matter should vote. At the poll, re Headown scheme only 58 ratepayers voted, and as this was about balf«a-dozen less than the number required by the Act the proposal was lost, and this unlooked for result is said to be due to simple carelessness on the part of a few ratepayers. Sad Death mom Thibst.—A sad case of death from thirst and exposure occurred near Portland, Victoria, on the 9th. A Miss Hedditoh left Kestbruck for ’ Bridgewater, some fifteen miles distanti She was on horseback, and bad a child two years old in front of her. She got off the horse, leaving the child on its back, when the animal moved and the child fell off, the horse then breaking away. The woman picked up the child and proceeded on the track of the horse, intending to go to a bouse which she thought was about three milea distant. .She, .however, missed the track, and wandered about oil day. Towards evening the poor child went into convulsions, and died in Miss Hedditoh’s arms, where she held it until! assistance came at about 7 p.m, The two had walked fourteen miles from the starling point, and when found Miss Hedditoh was exhausted. 1 She was taking the child, whose name was Arthur Charles Morrice, to bis mother, who ; resides in New Zealmd. An inquiry was held, when medical evidence was given that j the child bad died from convulsions, due to { the effects of beat, thirst, hunger and fatigue , on a teething child. I Qbbaldinb Libbabt Committee. — A ( meeting of this Committee was held on , Tuesday evening in the library. , Present— { Messrs A. H. Brisco, J. Cunningham, G. E. ] Sberratt, Dr Fish, and the Secretary, f Mr J. S. Waite. Mr A. H. Brisco j occupied the chair. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and . confirmed. It was decided to obtain the ! New Zealand Farmers’ Journal for the use of ' the reading room. The Secretary submitted t the draft of his annual report to the meeting, r The report was with a few small alteratior s, r approved of. The balance-sheet was also r submitted, which showed the receipts for the t year to be £64 1 Is 4d and the expenditure a £63 14s. The report of the Committee as to t the position of the library, number of sub- j eoribeys, etc,, which has to be filled in, in n order to ol)ia|n the Government subsidy v was also certified tp apd laid upon the table. e . The accounts were ordered to stand over , till the pext meeting, ft wap decided to bpld (the apnijiqd tpfielfng on tlie 31st imt., and to pdyprtijje t)io aapje twice ip t he 9 EUALdink Guardian upd Tim.arw Herald, A vote ® { of thanks to the Ohairmao terminated the meeting, c
Woodbury School.—The distribution of prizes will take place in the school room on Saturday, 22nd inst., at 6, Mrs W. P. Tujiton having kindly promised : to undertake the distribution. All persons . interested are requested to attend. • T Gold. —An important discovery of quartz ih ■■reefs', has been made' on thjS north-eastern i Mount Rangitoto, a few miles frop 1 Cedar Creek reefs, West Coast. The reef is 0 said to be well defined, 15ft thick, and carries payable gold. The official assay : will probably, be known shortly. A number of leases have been pegged off, and there is great-excitement in Boss. EBCOVBBBD.--Mrß Hampton,, who twelve months ago, murdered her daughter and was pronounced insane, is now considered fit to 0 be entrusted to her friends. The three ■, daughter* remain in gaol, but it is underf stpod their friends are willing to receive s them. The mother and her daughters were t at the time.said to be suffering from religious mania. Geraldine Rifles.—The first Government inspection parade for the year of . this company took place on Tuesday evening. In the absence of Lieutenaot- - Co l . Bailey, Lieut. Ward acted as Inspecting officer.- The company, to the number of 37, fell, in at the drill shed Ij and was marched by Lieut, Ward to the ,(; Domain, where severs! battalion and |g company movements ware performed. The men having returned lb the drill shed d Lieut. Ward informed them thbre would k be another inspection on' Tuesday next; 25th inetknt, when be hoped there d would be a better muster, t’here would r > also be a meeting On the same date, after ( parade,; to discuss Very important business. * The company was then dismissed. The Death of Lord Iddesleigh.—A special telegram to an Australian paper dated London, Jan. 12, says ;—‘‘A ter- ■ rible sensation has been caused -by the sudden death of Lord Iddesleigh. Wild » rumors have been in circulation as to ihe t cause of his death. The facts are ; - Lord Randolph Churchill has for some time "• past been in open strife with Lord Iddesleigh. This considerably affected the ~ veteran politician,'and the later efforts of . the younger members of the. Conservative party (b shunt him from the Cabinet t ■ led to the'development of an acute form I . of nervous agitation. . Lord. Iddesleigh g strongly objected, to lower his political status, and as a protest to the treatment d which His Lordship received, his son, Sir H, Norihcot.e, resigned the position e , of Surveyor-General of Ordnance. When d Lord Iddesleigh was removed from the , Foreign Office ;to give place to the Hon. d„ E. Stanhope, Ilis Lordship was offered lfc the choice of posts as Lord Privy Coun- • oil or President 1 of the Council. Both t . positions Lord. Iddesleigh declined, and openly avowed he would not re-enter the ! g Salisbury Ministry. This determined s action on the part of His Lordship .was e not anticipated by Lord Salisbury, who 1 requested Lord Iddesleigh to disease the situation. It was at tbe'end of (he inter- . view when the tragic end came. During y the interview Lcrd Iddesleigh displayed :. greater excitement than was his wont, 0 and while in the heat of the discussion he ? suddenly faltered, fell back, and died t almost instantly.” f Waitohi Flat School Committee. ; —The monthly meeting of the Wai-’ ’ tohi Flat School Committee was . held ;fn the schoolroom on Mon* day, the 10th January. Present—- , Messrs J. Fraser; (Chairman), Scott, r Cunningham, Seaton, Orr,Andrews, and j. Johnstone. The minutes of the previqus j meeting, and of a special meeting held bn 1 the 13th ult., were 1 read and confirmed', > Correspondence was read from the Board’s ■ Secretary, requesting the Committee to • nominate two qualified persons to be 1 members of the. Board, and from the (same, covering blank abstracts of the 1 school 'fund accoiinfts, to be accurately I filled up and returned by,, the 30th inst. ; also from Mr Burt (Dunedin) and Mr , Nashelski (Christchurch), covering dia- ; grams and;price list of force-pumps and; piping suitable for the school well. It \ was resolved that the Chairman fill up the ! required abstracts, and that consideration of the .other matters be deferred till a special meeting to be held about the 25th inst. Accounts were received and passed as fallows:—From Mr W. Watson, for cleaning the school, etc., for the six months ending 31st ult., £5 Is fid ; from Mr A. J. Andrews, for repairs to kitchen range in the Master’s house, 12a ; and fromiMr J. W- Telvin, fis. It was further resolved that the school close for harvest holidays-from Thursday, the 27th inst., to Tuesday, the Ist of March ; that Mr Watson conduct an examination of the school, to enable .the Committee to distribute the prizes; and that the annual sports, etc., be hold on the school ground , on the 27th inst. This being all the business the meeting terminated. South Oram School Committee.— The ordinary monthly meeting of the South Orari School Committee was held in the schoolroom oh Monday evening. Present—Messrs R. A. Barker (Chairman), McLeod, Biaset,. Coles, Naughtoo, 1 and May. The minutes of the last meet- 1 ing were read and confirmed, Correspondence from the Education Board was ■ read as follows If-fl) JB© forwarding to the Education Office An abstract of the school fund accounts for the past year; 1 (2) Notifying the postponement of the ! examination of the school from the 19th J lost, to the 4th prox.; (3) Re nomina- ' iion of two persona qualified to be mem- g hers of the Board. Resolved—That an abstract of the accounts be prepared ?hd d forwarded as requested ; that'the Chair- i man confer with the Inspector r& getting I the school examined as early as possible ; • and that this Committee nominate Mr R. Ai : Barker and the Rev, T, JasperSmythe as members of the Board. The Master’s report was then read. The strict average attendance for the last 0 three weeks was—Boys, U.2; girls, 19.2; n total, 33,4. A few cases of very irregu? I lar attendance were delegated to the g. Chairman, who was authorised to summon a the parents who had already received », notices, unless an immediate improvement in the attendance of the children be reported. , The visitor (Mr May) reported 11 that he had that day visited the school, and found everything in good ordbr, and the school going on satisfactorily. Mr ~ Naughton was appointed visitor for the li next month. Resolved—“ That the har- se vest holidays be given as soon after the m examination as possible.’' Bt children’s 9 ] treat—Mr Biaset moved, and Mr Coles . seconded- I 'That subscription lists be X, drawn up, arjd thaf subscriptions be . solicited lor tljis purpose,” After passing ,l 1 two small accounts tfca meeting ad- cl ournyd, w .
The Cain Muhdbb Caer,—Ttfdlfoneaaei" in this case leave for Bunedib to-day. Auction Sales.— ln our advertising columns Mr J. H. Dean, of the Woodbury Hotel, notifies'that at the request of a number of inhabitants; ju the district he intends holding monthly or 'periodical sales of stock and other produde. * \ Hit first sale 1 will take place on. .t(io ■' jsiat January. He is now receiving Outfits. Flowbb Show.— The flower show to be held at Geraldine- to-day promises to be a thorough success* A large cumber of entries have been received, and all arrangement* are perfect. One great convenience will be the refreshment stall which will be fitted up in, the room, at which refreshments, including all kinds of temperance drinks, etc., will bo procurable. Valuation List. —lt is announced in oiir advertising columns that the valuation list for the Geraldine Town District is now open for inspection, and objections thereto must be lodged at the B.M. Courthouse on or before the 15th February next. A copy of each objection must ■. be left at the Town Board Office seven deaf days before the next sitting of the Assessment Court. Temuka Bulbs.—A Government inspection parade of the above corps was held last evening, at which 28 members were present. In the absence of Major Newall the dorps was inspected by Captain Hayhurst, SergeantMajor Jones being present to represent the staff. After inspection the corps was marched to the vacant > ground opposite the . pound, and ptot through various evolutions by Sergeant-Major Jones, after which they returned to the hall and were dismissed. WESLEYAN Cgkfbbbnob. —The Wesleyan Church Conference of New Zealand opened on Tuesday evening at Auckland, between 40 and 50 ministers being present.. The Rev. W. Oliver was elected President, and delivered a very eloquent address. In the first draft of stations of ministers for the ensuing year, which is, however, subject to revision, the Ber. Mr Martin is named for Timaru, and the Rev. W. G. Thomas for Temuka. Mr Fairclough Is to go to Kaiapoi. Peosphobisbd Oats a Cause of Fires —Mr Angelo writee to the Lske County Prise that having laid some phosphorised grain for small birds in a shady place, one of his' boys discovered some ten days afterwards that it had set fire to a stock of oats. The cutting of the grain bad exposed the phosphorised wheat to the sun’s rays, and thus caused it to set fire to the oats. Some of the mysterious fires which occur in the country district* might be traced to some such cause as this. The Kknnbdy Champion Washes. —ln our advertising columns Messrs J. Mundell and Go., the Geraldine agents, solicit orders for these washers. It is said that where these machines are used no previous soaping or steeping of clothes 11 required, 1 the clot bes do not need rubbing, and the rubbing off of buttons and wear and tear of material is of course obviated. A recent trial at Geraldine proved in every way satisfactory to the public, and the machines are selling rapidly. Further particulars o£n be obtained from the agents. / ' A Fish Story. -*-Goose Lake, California, is a wonderful lake. It grows fish of a kind, nature, quality, and tohe not to be mec with elsewhere. The fish, so the veteran angler alleges who relates the story, is called by some the greenback fish, aod it is an inflationist. It had the power to fill itself with air until it becomes very much like a ball. Every evening, about sunset, they may beseen playing on the surface of the water. They reflect all the. colors of the rainbow, and : when sporting over the lake are a grand sight. A hunter several weeks, ago, saw a crane swallow one of these fish when in the normal condition, but befofe'tbe crane had got more than fifty feet above the lake the fish had taken in enough air to explode the crane, which, at the sound of a report like that of a gun, flow into atoms, and , the fish floated lightly down to the water, no worse for its short ride in the ajr„ The fish is a gradt curiosity, never having been found in any other waters. j D, MoGuinnbss begs to inform bis friends and the public that the Shilling Lunches hitherto served at the Ba'lway Refreshment Rooms will, on and after Saturday, the 20th Nov.; be discontinued, and in : future will (with the same liberal menu) be provided,jo the large and elegant diningroom of the jOlub Hotel. In future lunch at Railway Refreshment Rooms, 2s fid; at Club Hotel, Is.— [Adyt.]
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Temuka Leader, Issue 1542, 20 January 1887, Page 2
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2,761The Temuka Leader THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1887. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1542, 20 January 1887, Page 2
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