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mi XLWTUN KIXCS REPORT. I At the Il.iyiimrkot uii .Saturday theiv ] a i-iiti; of pi«>. store* i 2U to *ll-. iW'aiUT.? lo [)-. sIK'U- i Cfe 2s Od to 4*i Oil. ; Al ilie marl tlnr 0 \\a- a ;rood demand lor imultry, hen-. makilij: U 2d lu 2- 2J. pullet- l„ Oil io 2:- 'ill. (•wki-rcN 1 Id to U Mi], duek* 1> Sd to 2s turkeys ■b 3d to 4- Od; <suuilri.'* made ordinary | rate-. | Fruit.—Pritv* realised at late sales jiwit* as follow-*:- IV--ITI applus (Ml I ]1 -.) (J- (id to 8s Od. i-ooker* 5s to Os; j ; p!e* in 2010. 2,. to 4-< Od; [soars. J • sen ."» to **»" ihl. i\>okers 3s (id; >»ge-. Vto 7- 0«h bananas, to H»s: \\ r,atoe*», 4>: walnuts, Od. I At Rahotu on Tuesday bidding was • dot. but iuo-t j>old at !at<» rate*, j tittle—Weaner* made to 12* Oil. ISI ! .ontlw sUvrs 4!K 2-year empty h.MlVrs >tore <ow.- 2,V to 42* Od, tai. io\v,< C 4 a- u> CI I•£>. At Stony River on theiv was a good yarding and attendance, with good bidding tor nearly all line*. Calves made 7- to 10-- Od. IS-nmnths j steers 14' 'id. -tore cowto 4!>s Od. ; old do. 13s to K> Od. forward eows .O to £3 lfts fat cou> 14 l"s to C>; liulU I*2. At Waiwakai'io on Thm>d:iy there • was a "ood yar;ini^ r and more denwn-l tlm(i ot late. falvtv made Od <«> li"> Cml. IH-inoiitli- heifers 2.">s to 20s. ; store eows 3H-* to 40s. old do. 15s to 21-*, fat cows £4 7> to C 4 1 •>■-. forward eowri ' JC3 to C 3 4*, fat ewes 13s Od. MESSRS. L. A. NOLAX & CO.'S REPORT.

Poultry*—A large number of pullet* | and cockerels were keenly competed for, | and realised good prices. We quote:— Hens Is 3d to pullets Hid to Is Oil, cockerels Is 9d to -s !)d, ducks Is Sd to 2s 3d, turkeys 4s Ou to ik. Fruit—This is getting very scare*. niade: —Apples, 3s to 4s <kl; quinces, 2g Dd; walnuts, 8d per lb.; pears, cooking 3s Dd to 4s, eating 5. Dd to 6s. ... At tlie mart a largo quantity ot ltirniture and sundries realised lair price.-. During the week we submitted Mi. UcNab'e furniture, which s old at satisfactory prices.

MESSRS. VICKERS & STEVENS' REPORT. Messrs. Vickers & Steven,* repoi't that there was only a moderate entry ot cattle in their Inglewood yards oil Wednesday last. Prices were about the same late sale*. Calves made fiom to life, heifer- m c;« 11 tl lOs to £1 las, atone ww> Cl 10s to C2 15s. springers £3 l«> C 3 10s. LONDON DAIRY REPORT. Messrs. E. GrMiths & Co. ar t . in receipt of the following market repotl from their London principals, Me*»is. MilU & S]KiirM\v. dated March 20th, 1008: j climatic during the past j week hare U'en nntav-mrable tor paj lures as rdiarp lro-ts e\ei\ night, so the Home -upptv * lt butter ha* not shewn any material inmate. The market opened quiet on Monday with considerable piv-sur e to *ellj and prices were forced down lielow values of la*?'.' week. A large numljer of our retail clitell us butter is selling badly, and it would appear that the recent range ot high prices has driven a good many consumers on to margarine for the time l*eiug. Daui'lt.—Hie market iu the North is verv slow at considerable reductions on I*4week, but Germany cauu* in as good j buyers iu Copenhagen. and prevented a j decline whicli seemed imminent, and

.-ouie tjurprise was caused when tiio (juotatiou came unchanged. Siberian.—Arrivals are oil a very limited scale, but this description will -oon l» c cn-ating mor e interest, as supplies have been delayed iu transit througii >now, and these will be coming along. French.—Notwithstanding the h muli supplies available for thi- country, prices were high as lo almost *top business eutirelv, so that reductions of Id per lb. on " freth " and 10s per cwt. on " -alt " had to lu» made. Even now trade is very gmalL American.—There i- little interest displayed on qualities now offering, as buyers are prelerring the lower grades oi Australian, which are being sold at considerable redmlions, owing to so much of the butter having been heated. Au-traliau. • A few leading brands ai/ -•Ding at their i.'uuiar are but a eonsiderable pn»(K«rtion of th,. gocids now arriving are not up lo their u-nal standard of quality, and consequently haw to be sold at stune shillings Udow the toj> prices. At present value* there is a gond demand and butters have cleared well. Cnsjlted is now making good premium over salted. New Zealaud.--Sonic holders opened v.ith big reduction* in prices and values during the week declined 4* to Os per cwt. At the lower rates the market was all cleared. Cheese.—Trade hi- been quiet, and the market has been depressed awing k» the large arrival- from Now Zealand |»er s.s. Paparoa and Athenic, which have rome to hand within a few days, and considerable concessions wer c made in order to redum- -ale*. We are of opinion that to-dayV- quotations should easily clear the arrivals, and thai the market should b,, better before it i* worse. Coloured is niakiug fully 2s per cwt. more than white in both Canadian and New Zealand.

SOUTH TAIiAXAKI MARKETS. KEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MF.I! CAXTILE AfIBNCY COMPANY, LTD.. STOCK REPORT. At Opunake on the iitli ult. we hud .1 heavy yarding of mixed cattle ami si good attendance of buyers. There ivaa good demand lor all classes, eoiiscquently most lint's found buyers, prices being ahout on a par witli late ipiolatione. At Kit ham on the 2Sth ult. the yard, were well filled, lint the demand was not quite equal to the .supply, although a eon-iderable number changed hands at satisfactory prices. Store cattle were rather neglected. At Hawera on the smli ult. both cattle and sheep were yarded ill lame numitei-. There was a -food attendance and a fair demand, e,pecially lor fats, price,, for this class showing an improvement. We quote: At I ipunake-Forward bullock- C 5 7s lid. V', to :! year bullocks 14. fat row, t!4 l-> to _C4 15s. forward cows CI .5to i;:i Mi-, -tore «< c2 Is t„ ti 10, to CI 14-. bulls C2 N. ito 2■ . (o :( y,. ar ,i,.,.,u| j »-u- li.-il. r- 112 IT-, heifer, in call C! |2- lid to C2 •>,, IS-tn 2o month -leeri -.e. r„ cl I.!, to cl is,, is to month ! hiMer, 2i- to :||-. ue.irici -leer, 2", t,, 2:!-. weaner, imixedi !>- to lis. At Kllham F'at cow, CI 1:1, |o Co I*. fat heifer, til! IS. to ct 4,. forward cows t.'{ 7* lid to cri 17-. ,ton cows t'- •>- lo C2 li-. iKiiier. iN to :)•>, bull, c:l 4, to c.'! 2'.. to :| V e.-,r j CS IS-. IS Jl! ui.illl I) , :i 2- lo C2 12,. heifer- ill .; V |f s. to jC2 lii-. i" in pi y ti.'i- c| 1,, r| |nJ user, 12- Iml t-i 17,; bull<iek- | -old Mi. m ci'.t per pair. ( -It lI.IV.CIM Tint e|„ | u .. lr | 'ock- C."> 2- lid. II! en, i-ti,„| I c;, 7, lid I . Cj HI- li I. other- CI l:i. lo Co (at heifer- c.'J 111, lo C 4 11-. forward con, c:i 3, to C-'i 15,, 2'/:-yiar -leerC.; -tore I-..W- C2 li- to' C2 15- lii. 1-tMlli, CI t'i CI 15-. 20 111011111 -teeter II- lo C2 12-. 2-year heifer- in c.m C2 5, lo C2 l:j, lid. 2;; year ■•mptv lieiler, C2 12~ to C2 Is-.. v.'e.,n,-r-|e, |. ; [ -2- to 2li- HI, llli.\e,| \V C IDC r- I!- lid I" is-, sheep: 12. 1,, |:;,. |. Hid f. 111. -lor,. S. !!.I |„ 11-. . il- t" <- I*l. laml- 1 int. i i.T> :i'. lid I 1,1 <*- '•!- ii'j-: l i.l eiine 1 - :i2-. -lore- | i->- »•» 17-. ."Mtici- 'id 1., in., Ihueia. |-| Muy. AlllMM.Tns -n :< K MAUNIIT. l'hri-ti huivb. April 2H. A( Addington yard, to-day there »a, j .111 other fairly yarding of ,to.:-k ! :o:d a goo ( | attendance. Si ore sheep ; -old .it aluul last week', rate,. There "a, praeti'-illv 110 change in fat lamln. l-'al <-att!e opened dull, but improved 1111 I • la,l week'- price-. Pigs well* in JMIO.I ileiimnd. , ■

There was an average yarding of fat fahut'p, but il won somewhat larger than 1 Ll>t week. The yarding of r>Un e Jsliwp was a arge one, and was? mostly made U]> of amlis ami i-wes. A number of lin**4 roiu Nelson weiv On ollVr. There was i good demand for wethcr?> l'<>r turnip-, uiil a betterselection ol *lr.Tj) was s>ubnitt«'d. The bulk of the ew;-s were in iiw uditiou, having lu i ni nrmijjht Horn t distance, lmt they nio-th changed iiamU at last week* wviv ah-o in lair demand at laic rales, md the gvneral tone of tin- marks l wifather better. The onto of fa I iainh-. was >omewhat larger than h*i week, and lor all good lrcezing lambs ihfi" was an active demand among nvczinu Imyi'Vij, and unfinished lot.-- sold at la l week's rate*. Tegs made Us (id to 2*l, ordinary freezing weighs i:ts to Ut> 3d, light and unfinished lot-, !0» to 12* Od. There was an entry «d irad "t fat cattle, including some prime lines of handy weight-. The market upfue-i shirk. l»ut bidding improved and jn'ifc« reached last wvekV level. The -iipjily ltcyuml l-fijiiirt'iin'ii!> i.iusri! an i-asii'i- tone in lIn? marki'l. Tin 1 i.'HV' of priivs was—Sti'crs Cli 5-. to tl'i lilili. Ul'ilVr;- iCS to .ts 17* fill. <»w.> Im to .C 7 13*-«<|«»l to il" to «• foi' jiriini' sUhm* ln'i'f, IS- Oil lo ■»' (or in I'iliiiiii, unit U'« «il I" ls - ful ' t,A ' mill inl'i'iiov |M-r |IMHI>. Thrrc WHS II nioilonitc >n riliiiy ol I";." and a Ki:oil 'l"i>iawl l 'r ' l'»l wi'ic in ki'i'ii lU'iiiainl. l lioppi-v- m ,M a CI ]ih to Cli, heavy liaron.'is CI t CI. lighter C2 HI- '0 W IS- teijual I , s'/-il |h l r IW. I - porkers CI I • to -- (equal to Oil per Hi.), nuilimn -tores 15I to 18d, and wi-ancrs lis till t« I--.

nCRXSIUK S'iOCK MAIIKKT. Dunedin, April 29. At Burnsiilo to-day 301)5 sheep were penned—a heavy yarding »f medium quality, with a good proportion of ewes. The price of ewes fell troni 2s to 2s (id per head, whilst wethers declined Is to Is (hi. IW'st wethers Ills lid to 22*, ev tra to 2:is !)d, medium ltis to 18s lid, inferior 12s till to 15s (id, best ewes 1:!. to 15s l«l, medium 11* to 12s. interior up to His I'd. 1 jambs.—l4sU penned, a heavy entry. Prices showed a slight decline on last week, licst 13* to His lid, extra to Ills, medium l'.!s to 14s !W, inferior up to li-. ]>ig S ._l2tl yarded, a heavy yarding. Itoth heavy anil light sorts showed i slight de.-iine on last week's rales. Suckers lis to lis. slips Ms to IKstores 21s to 255, porkers 3K< t« 4..5. light baconers 47s to s:ls. heavy hacoiicr 53* to, choppers to li2s. Cattle—2(i:S yarded, principally goo,l ipiality bullocks and lieiiiT-. the \ anting was ill excess of requirements. and a number of pens were turned out unsold. lSesl bullocks up to .U> 17s lid. inedinm to C 7 12s (id, light C+ lb- to Cli ss, best heifers to Co 10s.

AUCKLAND STUCK MARKET. The New Zealand L'>nu and Merca*ilib- Ageiiev Company. i'ep:>rt:--Horse*: On Friday. at tin- Durham Yards, horses were yarded in larks' munlKTs than for -om<. weeks. and anything of a useful sort sold under keen competition. Heavy draughts *old ti from C 34 10s to ,C4(i; medium do., C 2."> to C3tf ss: hacks and light harrier hordes. ,C 7 10- to US: weeds and ponies. €1 15s to ,C 4 10s. Cattle: At th e Newmarket yard* <"» Tuesday dairy and stoiv h tock wev yarded in usual number-, with a 1 nil supply of beef. Dairy cows sold at from C 4 10s io C 7; heifers. C 3 lUs to C"t JrV; empty cows C2 -> Od lo C 3 ~>s, calves, I.js to Cl S-. Kidding for berl' war. -careeiy a.s brisk as the previous w<rk, although quotations wore the same. oxen filing to 23s p«»r NkUW. .tii-l co'ws at 17s lo 21s. Sieers sold at iroin .CO 10s to €lO 17- (id: cow*. C 3 10to C 7 r»s. The fat cattle throughou' of excellent quality. although n» extra heavy weights were yarded. { Sheep: These were penned in lull | Dumlier* at Newmarket on Tue-d»y an ! i -old under steady competition. price* b •• , ing lower than in Ihe previous we< k. J wethers -idling at Jr-un ll- 0d to Cl Us. | ewes 13s (id to ISs Od. well-fatted lamb-. 10, lid to Uh od, otlter nOrts lis Oil t> I 10s. The advertised Angora gouts averaged C 3 11- fid. Billys sold at from t'.'l IS- to CO 10s; nannies, C2 i.-, t<» c:i ISs.

Porki-iv at iiom Cl t > Cl 17s: weaifers, 3s Od l'i '2s (id; ba e<mei'-, C2 2s to We submitted an extra ratalonue td hides, skills. a;;d lall"\\ n.i Tuesday, all Jine K meeting with go«» I eoiMpetition at late rate-. llidvh: The market is linn. We ijiiote—Extra stout ox, 7d to 7'/i»d: (io. to o%d; medium do., .l%d lo 'id: light do.. 5d to cows', be.-L line- 4%d to 4%d, good 4%d to 4'/-d. s< ored 3%d to 4'/ s d; kips. 3d to 4'/,d; calfskins, 3d to sd; stags', 2Ja.(l to 3d. Sheepskins: Market linn. Nest butchers' jjelts and lan»l», Is (>d to I- !)d; ot' ers. Is to la 4d. Tallow: The market is lower. Ih-st u.ixed, 23s (id lo 25s lid: good. 2ls (i I to 22, lid;'inferior. IS- to 20s; roug) fal. l : per lb. liones. ki 15s. Cowtails, U 8d per dozen. liorseliair, la to Is 4 l / 2 d. Maize: iSupplieg are again very mii'.-li short of requirements, and the market remains firm at - r »s 3d on wharf f-ir wliele-ale lines. Wheat is in. good demand at os 3d <-a store. Oats av<» selling at 2s Od e.i.f. for wholesale lines. Butter: The market is easier, excepting for choice separator, which is selling a': 10' Ad to lid; good quality, fl'/nd to I Oil; poor, ltd. Cheese: Factory is selling at Od: farmers', 5d to sy^i.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 112, 2 May 1908, Page 6

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COMMERCIAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 112, 2 May 1908, Page 6

COMMERCIAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LI, Issue 112, 2 May 1908, Page 6


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