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(From "The Colonist," Feb. 11;).

The annual meeting of the Nelson district of tho New Zealand-branch of. tine Manchester Unity of Oddfellows was hold at Tadmor yesterday. There were present: The Grand Master Bro. W. Thompson; Dep. Fro*. G.M. Bro Thos\ Be-ii; 0.5., Bro. A. G.

Shrimpton; Prov. 'Trees., Bro. J. P. Cooke, and lodge deputies as follows :—

•Nelson Lodge: P.P.G.M., W. 11. Probble; P.G.s, F. Graham, A. Cross, W. H. Robertson, and P.S., W. L. HeseeJtine.

Travellers' Rest Lodge (Richmond): P.P.G.M.'s W. D. Harkncas, F. \V\ O. Smith, and J. F. Papps. % Howard Lodgo (Nelson): P.P.G.M., J. Corder; P.U.s W. Liddle, A. R. Kitehing, A. E. Davies, and G.M. Cha« Graham.

Mansion of Peace Lodge (Wakefield): P.P.G.M.'b 1. Tunnicliiire, P. Higgins, and J. W. Hagen; P.G., E. J. Painton, and P.S., F. E. Shuttleworth. General Cameron Lodge (Brightwater) : P.G., R; Dieher, and G.M. R. S. Haycock. Mataki Lodge (Murchison).: P.G. A. J. Pellow.

Palmyra Lodge (Tadmor): P.G. G. W Fawcett.

'Before the business of the day was proceeded with P.P.G.M. Hagon wits presented with a sash indicative of his rank.

•.The Grand Master then presented his rej.ort.

The Grand Master, in his report, referred to tke departure from New Zeaand of Lord Islington, who is a member of tho Oruer. Referring tq the position of the Order in New Zealand and the Nelson district, he said: "Throughout New Zealand our .Order i 6 making steady progress. The membership shows 23,123, the districts registered with the New Zealand 'branch having a membership of 16,433. District separately registered 7,699. aggregate capital of all the New Zealand friendy societies is £1,441,352, the M.U., 1.0.0. F., possessing £674,975 of this total. Coming to bur own district, I am pleased to report a maintenance of the steady progress wo have enjoyed for some years. Our capital value is now £39,225, made up as follows: Sick and funeral funds, £30,678; widow and orphans £6,246; surplus fund, £2146; management, £318; distress fund, £140; and goods, etc., £300. Throughout the year we dispensed £1428 in Bick pay, £367 in widows' allowances, and the sum of £624 was paid' to the central funeral fund," While touching upon financial matters attention was directed to tho fact that three lodges in -the district had not banking accounts. Mention was made of fureral funds as follows: "The central funeral fund having become an accomplished fact, the old district funeral fund has been dissolved, and, with the surplus, has been apportioned amongst the lodges'' a« at 30th June, 1912, in accordance with the recommendation of the Actuary in the 1910 valuation report."1 In his remarks on consolidation of sick funds the G.M. said: "I would specially recommend members, if they have not already done 60, to read the report on 'Consolidation of the Sick Funds,' a6 contained in the report of Ishe meeting of the board of directors held on the 27th and 28th of August, 1912. These reports are obtainable from lodge secretaries." National insurance was] toudhed upon, and the feriiit of the Howard Lodge mentioned, and the G.M. ex>pressed the opinion that the time has arrived when the board of directors should bo asked to take into consideration the advisability of establishing a maternity benefit in connection with the Order. On the subject of funeral benefits ho eaid: "it may not be generally known that members become- entitled to the funeral benefits immediately on joining a lodge, and a member joining now is entitled to the increased funeral benefit of £30, with the provision that £10 of this amount shall be paid to him should his wife predecease him." With regard to the finances of individual lodges the G.M. said : "I think it is a matter for congratulation that at tho 1910 valuation every lodge in this district was found to be in a sound financial position, and showing a Burplus. This is a unique position, brethren, of which we ought to feel justly proud. We are reaping the benefit of the labours of those brethren who in days gone by fought hard for the reforms which have placed us in the proud position we find ourselves to-day." In connection with the brethren last mentioned, the G.M. suggested that the name of Bro. -W. Besloy, who was for 16 years C.S. during the period referred to, should be placed on the district merit board. Various reports of committees were referred to and visits to lodges wore mentioned as follows: ' 'Durincfthe last half year, accompanied by the D.P.G.M., Bro T. Bell, and the C.S., Bro. A. G. Shrimpton, and on two occasions by several members of other lodges, I have visited the lodges in the district, with the exception of the Loyal Mataki Lodge. I regret very much that circumstances prevented me paying a visit to the Murchison brethren. . .

I have again had the pleasure of visiting the Loyal Wakatu and Richmond Juvenile Lodges. I think it a matter of great regret that the adult members of the lodges to which the juvenile lodges are attached do not help the superintendents more by attending their meetings, and by ihelping to make them attractive to tlie younger brethren." An innovation introduced by the Howard Lodge of 'holding an "invitation" lodge meeting was commended as being successful in bringing together the members of a number of the lodges. Various details with regard to the management of lodges and cases of nonobservance of the rules were mentioned, and after referring^ to the fact that negotiations werS^-well forward for a medical officer for Palmyra Lodge (Tadmor), the G.M. concluded by saying: "I wish to thank most 3'eartly my colleague's, the D.P.G.M., Bro. t. Bell, and C.S.. Bro. A. G. Shrimpton. for their valuable assistance given'me during my term _of o^ whieir lias helped to make it a very pleasant one. a/i)d those brethren who have accompanied mo on my visits, and also- the brethren generally throughout the district for the hospitality and many kindnesses received at their hands."

The-address was well received, there being «■ .short discussion on the suggcsti'on°vith regard to' maternity benefits, •and it was 'resolved that a committee' should be sot up to living up a report upon the matter at th.3 next district mooting. .Tho'Suggestion with recognition of the services of PastProv. C.S. Bosky was cordially received, a number of the deputies speaking in terms •of -praise of th* great rendered the Ord-ei1 by Bro. Bedoy. It was resolved that Bro. Besley's name be placed on the district merit, board, and that ■ili'v district officers T>© empowei-cd with tbo. corisewt of Bro. Besley to obtain an o. ill n r fi ed. ph otoprrapTi. of thnt j brother. thA ( > to bo hung for a-period in each lorkeroonV before- filially going to the Nelson T/f)djre. ■. - \ Bro. Fawoott montionod that a satisfaetorv arraiijioment between the Palmyr.a/'jt'i>dsze' and tli6' medical man of 't]]«/dj«tricfc fed been made. _• _ Explanations; were mado by deputies aopount^4<hat"t% piraotico wrw>;to;'teeo ■a^urttsI;i^-thb;Pqst;Ofßce^^.vjti^:-Miik' jb^:being more convenient;. ;i :; ;■ ,•■

A number of matters of detail aiid cases of infraction of rules were dealt with. ■•/ v, T<ho Graiul Master wag then accorded a hearty veto of thanks for his address, which was ordered to be printed with the report-.of--the proceedings. Statements of accounts .aitd, auditors' reports were presented and adopted. Copies of tho report of tho board of directors on the matter of consolidation of sick funds were distributed and a communication from the. corresponding secretary of tho Society was-read. ■ It was resolved that in view" of the importance and magnitude of the subject that consideration be deferred till the next district meeting to give the deputies the necessary opportunity to go through the information provided. It was resolved to grant £5 to the Thoina« Collins memorial fund, the late Bro. Collins having been 60 years'a member of the order and for 28 years the corresponding secretary of the Unity . The valuation committee appointed at tho last district meeting reported that the district having adopted the advice, of the actuary to apportion among the lodges the capital of the district funeral fund and with a view of carrying the distribution into effect, the Registrar of Friendly Societies.was asked, to draft a rulei or rules dealing with the subject. Draft rules were, duly furj nished by the Registrar, and the same | were registered. It was resolved by the committee to transfer to the credit lof each lodge in. the lodge investment fund their .respective shares, and to issue certificates. The committee also I approved the suggestion that loanfo should be advanced to members on the system of repaying the principal by instalments with*'interest payments. A table showing the. payments under the latter proposal was appended. The report was duly adopted, and the district officers were authorised to have the valuations printed in such form as they considered best. The report- of the juvenffe committee to consider the best means of assisting tlhe juvenile lodges recommended that a medal to the value of one guinea be issued to each juvenile lodge to be awarded to the member who introduces the most members in each year. Also that members of adult lodges be urged to show more interest in the juvenile lodges by attending meetings of the same. Also that' the superintendent and committees of the juvenile lodges be requested to arrange for an annual re-union.

The report was well'received, and tihej reoommendatiiona of the committee' were' adopted after a short discussion, which emphasised the value to the Order of juvenile lodges and the benefits to the latter derivable from a more sustained and sympathetic interest on the part of adult members. The committee- set up to consider' the question of the abolition of the August half-yearly meetings of the district reported in favour of doing away with the ■half-yearly meetings. The expense of these meetings averaged - £28 and the' committee recognised that the affairs of the society are so thoroughly safeguarded by the provisions of the movable committee rules and osfre..Fidendlv Societies Act and the machinery co well oiled that thp necessity for the meetings no longer existed. At the same time -tfhe committee asked deputies not to look solely at the expense side of the question if they saw benefits to be derivable from meeting twice yearly. A discussion followed in which the majority of the speakers favoured the recommendations of the committee, while those in opposition were of opinion that the result would be to accelerate fhe tendency-to do away with the social and goodfellowship side of: the society's activities and make it solely a financial institution for definite purposes.' ... The matter was taken to a division, which resulted in the- committee's report being adopted, and the August half-yearly meeting abolished. The division resulted: —Ayes (15);: Tunnicliffe, F. Graliam, Hagen, Painton, |Shutseworth,i Didher,j Prebblo,, C Graham, Robertson, Hesseltine, Corder Liddle, Pellew, Cross, Davies; Noes (7): Harkness. Smith, Papps, Kitehing, Higgins, Haycock, Fawcett. It was resolved that the annual meeting in future be held in the last week in February, this being neceseary if tho business paper of the movable conference wa« to come before the meeting for consideration ; heretofore the district meetings had been held too early to allow this to be.

The rnanagemenVcornmitteo was fixed at five (as at present), with the district officers ex officio, five to form a quorum. The district officers were empowered to make tho necessary alterations in the rules to bring them into conformity with the resolutions.

Bro. Tunnicliffe, in accordance with notice, m-ovod:. "Rule 11, clause i: Strike out all the words after 'nominated' in the third line and down to 'meeting' in the sixth line and substitute therefor, 'Any lodge in the district may at any summoned meeting nominate candidates for such offices, and their name shall be forwarded to the Prov. C.S. on or before Ist February in each year and be printed on tho business paper for the annual district meeting." The effect of tihis amendment would be to allow lodges to nominate members for district offices direct, instead of in the district meeting only, as heretofore. Tlie motion was carried, also the machinery amendment rule 8, clause 6, to strike out all tho words after "taken."

Bro. Shrimpton moved the adoption of a remit from the Howard Lodge: 'That in the opinion of this district meeting, the Grand Master and board of directors of the New Zealand branch of the M.U., 1.0.0. F., should approach tlie Government to introduce a measure providing against destitution in sickness and old a£e by compulsory national insurance." The speaker pointed out that he was not asking the meeting to do any more than have the matter placed before the board of directors. Personally he was very strongly m favour'of compulsory national insurance against destitution. It might be looked upon as antagonistic to the society and other friendly societies, but it required to be borne in mind that while there were some seventy thousand in tho various societies, there were over a quarter of a million of adults not in tlie societies, and as good Oddfellows they must look to the greatest good for the greatest number. His convictions on tho subject were very, strong, and. lie read from the late Sir Harry Atkinson- 6 1884 to show that tho matter .had then been put forward m a statesmanlike manner, and had tho proposals boon carried into effect the benefit to tho country would have been'incalculable. As things now ' were, the thrifty were compelled \to meet the necessities of tho improvident, a- form of compulsion already in existence that destrcvod any argument that could be ■brougnt forward against the compulsory mortion of the scheme. The mover amplified his arguments,' making a ■speech wftrich earned him the congratulations of. the demitiefi. Tho motion was carried, and Bro. Shrimpton asked to put.his remark®'into-. «uch formthat they; could be embodied iii tho printed ■report of proceedings.' .Jt was resolved that' tho _matW of district officers' .'expenses"' in. visiting lodges be 'referred, for report, to the committee of management. . ; \ ■ It:wia« resolved bo hold lino next meeting at Brigbtwatnr. '.■. '..:.' v-v,'-'. ■:> ■■ '■:■ 'Officers .'were elected as follow^:— Prov. Grand Master. : Brov ThofeUell YunopVosed);: Dep. ':[P : .Q;M:^Jit6. '--Wi- H. Robertson" (2 \ homiriationis)^',;:;:Auditbra -':* Bros;; and: Ee^pltine*:;, Lodge

book examiners: Bros. liarkness and iSimth. Loi. secretary: Bix). A.-jG. Bhrimptan" (re-elected). Prov. treasur-: er: bro. J. l. Cooko (re-elected for thirty-third time). Management^ com- j mittee: iiros. Cordor, Markuess, Tunnielitfe, Prebblo and' Hagen: (8 liommatiottsl). ■' • ' • ■■ ■'■ ;-"'-'-V '■> '■: ' Bro; Thompson, retiring "G.M;, was elected a trustee of the library fund, vice Bro. A. it. Smart, deceased. The further consideration of the question of maternity benefits was referred to the management committee, for a report. '. Before vacating the chair, Bro. Thompson expressed himself as sorry to .eavo the position oi: G.M. He had done what lie was able, but after his experience he was of the opinion that one year was too short a term of office. It was. only after a year's service that a man knew enough to make himself as useful as ho would wish.

A very hearty vote of thanks was passed to the retiring Grand Master, and complimentary ; reference made "to the able manner in which he had filled tho office. Ho was accorded the honour of the office and presented with a P.P.G.M.'s sash.

The new officers were duly installed by Bro. F. W. Smith, and each suitably addressed the brethren.

The matter of refunding members of the Palmyra lodge who '■ had suffered; sickness' ill the period during which tiho lodge was without a medical officer was referred to the management committee. It was resolved to forward fraternal greetings to the Foresters' '■■ district meeting to be held on Thursday next. Complimentary remarks were made aneait the satisfactory arrangements made by the district officers tor the day's meeting, and a vote of. thanks was passed to Mr. Thos. Edwards, district railway manager for his courtesy in arranging -for'■-the trains to stop at the meeting hall and otherwise considering the comfort of the party.

The delegates dined together at Mrs. Hodgkinson's and were much pleased with the good fare provided.

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Bibliographic details

Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13653, 19 February 1913, Page 2 (Supplement)

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ANNUAL MEETING NELSON DISTRICT ODDFELLOWS. Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13653, 19 February 1913, Page 2 (Supplement)

ANNUAL MEETING NELSON DISTRICT ODDFELLOWS. Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13653, 19 February 1913, Page 2 (Supplement)


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