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HEW ADVERTISEMENT*. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ■ . ' . I Children's Monster Demonstration! jgH"l---lISI AI All IHS - lA.IIO ~~ NDER ™E Auspices or the —- rfio join the crusade against the ■lllVl'll'MlilV' •*§■■%■ UEIOAU UA MACUQC ICAP6IC X Liquor Traffic, by taking part in -r: iICLOUN NU * tlbtflot LtAUUL' the Children's Demonstration, SaTOBJ«k X ' ' DAY EVENING, at 8.15, at the Church. barpSTS- A MONSTER DEMONSTRATION s*i?•*■•*.*— : «•« . _ • WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY EVENING tHi t^AsEHOkDERs, Nelson We are offering our large Stock of Superior Iloor->; NEXT/becember 2nd,at 6:15, when all the Children lanb plSfmcT. and Carpets at ; o f tne q^^ an( j: m^i e> are invited to take part, dear sir or Madam,— GREATLY REDUuED "HluCOt ;■■ pj^Qg and BANNERS will b» supplied! the seat rendered vaoj,nt by the retire--~--------~—-m--~m-mm— "—"—"— I LIFE BO AT" for th« Little One 3! nient o' A. Sinclair Esq., from the ._ ... , ~ i i __ii __j op&i ' CITIZENS'BAND will lead the Proceaaioii, and will be Nelsoa Land Board, I hereby l-eapeotfully Buyers Of these gOOdS are invited TO Call ana sec; , Assisted by the Salvation Army Baud, solicit yottr supports the fine variety we are showing. ( Speo»al |; m m _,„,„ tHEGRUSADE AGAINST THE,LIQUOR TRAFFIC! JsUs%£%&ZS£i j T—»*>,w w -»J%ii- v vote foe tov> m jjK3£^ aSSS J (about 25yds.). ■ THEATRE ROYAL. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. BkotivTßoard^con^stiDg of reprise" ! __ tlllj|l,i?ie' Dlti*&2BPOC tatives of Freeholders, Leaseholders, and ■ -000- —— S \ — ■ ■■ ■ v I l»Jtl fjHlP'HP** ""■■ PV»ll»l«iwO« Landless, with a Crown nominee for TAHnlfirhLl TObIH£IIII TPi"k-TVri"i"Dl?/"k\yi7 vacant lands,- and wtuld assist Crown Ol7X^l>T?nrvP TJT?ArTTTTnT?ft I lITIHg"** IW "'O 1111 1U MUlfclLlJ \\ tenanta during times of adversity by EVEKETI J*J£UX±LbJftb» j ■ AND to .morrow night. HffiX^RffASSSSL >^<«'«~n*~**-i~ BRIDRE STREET, NELSON. \ [ The great Spectacular Drama, entitled— We hive never had a member locally, _ . THE BATTLE OF TRAFfIifiAR 80 I would urge you to return me, and to <«———— - <* ' l).^TL7Jiti »d the ge all portions of the distriecrepresenDnnPQPnin! various incidents conn.ct-d wife it on I "remain, yours truly. II . DOCCaCGIOi «aV ß^p a |leic C» a nT ROBERT PATTERSON, ~.%~i%». ... n , nA n n ii *• «n«"tw HfcAKJ. • Eeefton. The New COTTON DRESSMEPIHISP Boccaccio! .ffiSß^resßi, We'"""'Ko'-26""""• - "VFS MSMM THFY WILL realism with a venceance. rams for sale. WASH-AND WASH "el TOO!" BEILUiNT WCOESB' m »HOST 0F mm tp -* „, „, LJ i. j.r™A.i..f™.,» THE BEST COMIC OPERA EVER NO SHOW "> J-NICHTJ until the end of this week. Dn'not lose YOU see tLe dyer's art has reached such perfection the last year or unoi gTAGED 4668 ohanca rf obtaini some o£ the two it is almost superfluous to ask the question. Rams in the district. > Yet, for your satisfaction we make answer. Box p] an at Bunny & Go's, "IT|7"AKAPUAK A.-A Xmas Tree will For further particulars apply to f nf showing are Useful PRINTS, Pretty Prices: 4s, 2s, and Is. 4664 TT be held in the Hillside School on NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERZEPHVt? also^TopXtNßli LINONS, CAMBRICS, and — ™£ CANT^A^OT Oa, LTD "/Our ALI,OVER S ROIDERIE^ HqWaNl 8 PICtUPeS. and Refreshments. Admission U^ WltA*ssMiaUty°Sith^ NO PERFORMANCE TILL U/aUTCn innn ANNUAL DEMONSTRATION cost but little outlay in the matter of price. SAfURDAY. WAKItU IUUU in connection with the To see them is to Bny them-Come and have first choice. Star ««*"»: (iTT?,TjS BIBLE LESSONS IN STATE $$ + HOCKEY CIRLS' TOUHNAWIfcNT. \^a JLJUtJJLJKJ SCHOOLS -mimci i ATdmrrn? DRAPER, Come and see your uirla win the npO JOIN the CHUSADE against the will be held in MKS ANSTIGE, nelsons v^^A^_jm I dS^^o^^Al BCHOOL <* MUSIC- . — s — - — ' — D <y EVENING, at 6.15, at toe Church OuTHUKSDaY 30thNOV., t, * " """" IN THE SUPREME COURT OF HUI Steps. at 730 p.m. — — ~" NEW ZEALAND. Come and get Flags & Banners. Bishop Mules will preside, "'■ Mrs Crump will distribute the prizes. I——— . ""^ m~m NELSON DISTRICT. NELSON NO-LICENSE LEAGUE. Collection for Prize Fund 4643 LOOK THEM ALL induce —— . Zaia--* BETWEEN T>UBLICSIEE! INGS in the interests CVUULa OVER. ■ " SARAH HANNAH ORR, Petitioner, JC of LOCAL NO-LICENSE and FOR, mT?FCT SHTPMKNT "i I and NATIONAL PBOHIBTHON will be *OK V"-™'™- BHIIMBNT. ERIC ORR, Respondent, held at Eight o'clock each Evening— NELSON TO LONDON That's all we ask! Go carefully over any Pair of BOOTS or SHOES in our Stock. TO ERIC ORR, formerljr of Waimea fi X B||ft J. XJfTE are now making C ASH. Adrances They are undoubtedly the most attractive lot we have ever h»dj KrW bu! Sse addS is .' BPOOK-Streel W on WOOL Eta, for direct shipAnd in point of price. now unknown. OnhnnllHinm . NE^faON^bout the S^DeLIGHTBAND & GO.S. TAKE NOT ICE"Th"at Sarah Hannah .501100^00111 \ center next. NEW FOOTWEAR FOR MEN AND M L^Z^SiS^ TO-NIGHT» LEVIN & GO. LTD. is far and away better value than 13 osually obtained in rach Sed to you, has filed her petition XXJ W* * • 4549 quality goods. * against you in the Supreme Court of Speakers: MR N. A. McLAREN, MR Liok at these. - New Zealand at Nelson, praying for 3. P. LA3SG, and Others. RCnMHP Dl SKTC »,,fci. Ji ..,...i.»..».> : ;,.ir..^,~. ~ ,„.,,„■■„„ mmb loU'Ldt. iipHTßiiMD kwT^ «*»«■»»„ ss^/ n br«^s^..jfUJol^LfipsT s^^sjirsy:^ LlUnlEmryU d WW., p os tßox6S. iffhoneW, pursuant to an Order of His Honour SDNUAY SCHOOL, VANGUARD-ST. mog> Ageratium Hrigoldß> tockß ' ' „ the Chief Justice, personal service of CD i niU ncnruDrn 4 Asters, Heliotrope, VVallflowerb.Nemekia, -11 "'■""■ " '—° "•'""" '""■■ ■■ - the Citation and Petition herein upon FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. Speoiil Daisi-af Lin.Ti» Arabis Albia — the Respondent is dispensed with, and Zinnias. Galrigloßsis, Poppies, Pfclox nnnnnn.riruTLr\j-irLAru-vuv/Vvn^UX^^ in lieu thereof service shall be etfect- Speakers: MR F. A. C *RLISLE, MX Mina Lobato (creeper). ' .„ , w ed'by this advertisement to be pub- ROBERT WATSON, and Others Also— J '1 lished once in a daily newspaper cir- TOMATO and CAPE GOOSE--1 culating at Nelson, and once (at an EVERYBODY INVITED. 4663 BERKY PLaOS. . jiM __________^______^. am ■■!■■ miii 1 j 1 interval of 7 days thereafter} in FRESH BEEPS '-W - ;] a newspaper circulating in Hawera ARTIFICIAL MANURES. , ■ ■ b a i and Inglewood, AND further take n nH r i Nn nrtn 1 UAMtfftAnCfc 11 note that you are hereby required to OUIWC SHU Htfllt NELSON SEED AND PRODUCE 1 n4%IBHi 4% 11 ■» , ' enter an appearance to the said Cita- co 1 Tn. ll«A!Bifl&&Be V ;: . , tion and to file your answer to the TVTATT1"!^ A T"T POAT mpk ruNT« I nx) rA rp ' ' ' said Petition at the office of the Re- rJaIAjJC JJ iLK JL COAL MEKwHANIS. vxilJljAl ( 1 gistrar of this Court at Nelson, Svith- ■■- .1 A I ' (' in 28 days after the date of the, pub- Banlu r. r, nll'nnnTljnin Qnlil <' lication of this notice in such ' last llt?|JlJf U Oa*d.] UllnPH I Illli TOfllfi '' mentioned newspaper, AND that un- W. SPENCER HAMPSON, flllUl ULIUII vUIU ; . 1 i eßß you do so this cause will be TO REf.FNT STATFMFNTS A-LA- (N-z-) by Exam., A.S.A.A 1 ,c «nw in Bin 1 AWUIAI ! w c o.ia ««a oeieruiinua >our absence •« ncucin omitmcmo . (Eng.); Incorporated Accost-act ; lO nUn IiI'TULIiKWWwIU J ,' notwithstanding. Copies of the said ms~i VTriTTrn (Eng. and N.Z.) , _^__ ' i-"-1' '1. 1 I Citation and Petition will be sup- TONIGHT Audits, Investigations, Company 1 _. _, ~ . .. ~ ~ „ . 1 pliwl to you on application at the Secretary, Arbitrations and Average The Builders are On tne job. A i office of this Court at Nelson. AT THE RINK Adjuster, Professional \nd Trades Wholesale Slaughter has been de- • ( Dated at Nelson this 23rd day of rn^n's Books designed and kept by the . . , °~ . . ~ ~ . ( November, 1911. at 8 o'clock. 4650 ■ Prm or yearClded Upon, as it IS imperative that f I WYVERN WILSON, 00 Agencies—Yorkshire Insurance Coy.. tVip d-nnr\<i MTTST "RE fHiEATIED 2 : ' Registrar. Ltd., Fire, Accident and Live tile trOOas MUai jmj, Kj\jlhJMS,toV m ( NOTE: _ Any person who may know »» Om- „ Stock, British Dominions Marine ; OUT, and Without delay. i: ' < the address of the above named Will ODBnCGP HflniDSOn Insurance Co.; Ltd. n pn nn T.AinniunrrnniMATniAnmAruT ' Eric Orr is requested to forward "IHI wpUIIUUI IlUllipOUII NATIONAL BANK CHAMBERS REDUCTIONS RANGE FROM 10 TO 40 PERCENT. ( this advertisement to him. m (OPPOSITION OANurDATHi) Trafalgar Street. ' AhL PLAIN FIGURKB Messrs Adams and Harley are ,Soli- Will Address the Electors as follows:— ~ I citors for the Petitioner, whoso _ . ■■■■■■■■■■■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■Haßi i address for sernce js at:'their _._^,.-. r , , .' ,l n n • offices, Hardy street, Nelson. STOKE—THURSDAY November 30. MR G. ii « J A xa IX i- Oil ' 4664 WAKEFIELD—FRIDAY, December itllUl OP >4«iP^K Uannah c Hppat AltPitatinn RjjipJ i lst- uuHiur, M%ms*Zj£s. \ ndlllldll 0 Uldal ftUGlallUll 'UalCi i, ■ ~ ■ — RINK <NeI«m)—MONDAY, Dewm- SUE'iEONfeS^-^^'S I ■ • ' ■ '"•*" '.; |> FOR IMMEDIATE BALE. ber 4th. DENTIST, W'ffM^fc/ I '" "' '"'" '"'■■■—^■""""■"■■■■"■""■^^■■ii'""^" i _-— Chair to be taken each evening at 8 JmO I " ' i -i M EXTRA good 2-tooth Lincoln o'olock. 4629 >-~^*-»w I i 1 J.O KAMS in wool. The same — Visits Fohtnightlt— k tww» breeder.topped^ejydneyxnarket. THE mm SIGHTW&S? so' .^and Also, a number of Corriedale, 2-tooth % 24t'n . and 4-tooth Romney Marsh and Half- TVfR GEORGE MACMAHON'S Oom- KOHATU, Nov. 13tn »nd 27th | iredKams. Price £3 10s to J25 ss. XTX mittee will meet THIS EVEN- TADMOR, Nov. Hth and 28th. j. n_nri_«i-wvf»nj>jf>«««i-Lftj^iTLrt^^ 1632 BIaLEY BROS & CO, ING, at the Kechabite Hall, at 8 o'rlocfc. I uuu v_ w — — — .» i All deHiroua to secure the return of the . ( ' ', rn/^w T "Tim Liberal Candidate are invited to be Our Surgeries are Open WEl>--1 mß^^^^WSSS^maMm& ! '* SOCIBiY acoepte MONEY ON Mp W I MflfFlJjtt Wanted, Women to use Dr McGill's 1 laKm^nrlffl»BiWwi6S^^S ■W^"B*^"^B With and with- ( DEPOSIT as on^ar: — Ml Hi Ui. .iuUllall Pastile Treatment and so ensure good i aQd will * c v 11 1019 Secretary. i y jH^H^HH^^^^H^^^^^n^^^^^^^^^^l^^Hj along a narrow ' Hardy Street, Nedson. ; Tennis Racquets Lawn Bowls' OroqueiSets || — punosbykuhla £52i0 8 (Uprtair* i v Tennis Balls Cricket Bats Lawn Markers ! just landed. pianos by kdhla) Z £52io s Trafalgar street i ; - ', PIANOS BY KUHLA; ... £6210s T&AFAIAiAii HIKIi.JS/.. THF WILKINS & FIELD HARDWARE GO i "EW BT°°K' ™g? iS^: SIS »°™ « Z^! iIHE If ILmliW I* nttW nHn WnnnS MVi| ], Carter's Broad Leaf Essex Rape. As supplied to the Nelson School of ROUT and MILNER, 1 LIMITED, ,| Carter'B Giant Rape. . Music. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. V HARDY STREET AND SELWYN PLACE. i|! Kangaroo Rape, grows 4to sft. high. PUNOS BY. BECHSTEIN. W^f.^ MortfLs^of I Purple Top YeUow Aberdeen Turnip. PIANOS BY^BECHSTEIN. La _d at^Loweat £te»^lS L^^*..^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Green Top Ye l^Abe F deen Turnip. PIANOS BY BECHSTEIN. t . at Imperial Green Glob^Turnip. JJ^Ngf gj BECHSTEIN. ? asy terms made for repayment of , Devon Grejfltone Turnip. As mvp Ued to the Nelson School of "^P"* White Stone Stubble Turnips Musio. MONEY TO LEND. IIITIAIIII GUARANTEED S YEARS, Foeterton Hybrid Turnip. w> / RO ut * SONS, N A ill IN AI on v D TTTI lUntD UVDCDd &? ?i?# W? cv PIANOS BY* BEGG. LMd and Financial Agents IlrlrlUllnL 32 H.Pi NYBERG Elephant Swede. PIANOS BY BEGG. Wa have Money to Lend in large lUAIIBIUAF AAUniUU AE UtUI -O/i A A n^Seater 1X AU Swede. PIANOS BY BEGG. jr small sums to wit Borrowers from INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW abQAji} firing Car. PIANOS BY BEGG. 5 per cent. ii«vvu?nvi. wvmim w __^ >. PIANOS BY BEGG. Eas^y .tennß made for repayment of '7FAI ANhl lIMITFn Principal ,J t .Z' c ,^n!■»T^ """ """W*. «««, MimtS. p_«b n «©_'___». S6hey Ta _■=— (FIRE, M*RINE, ACCIDENT.) 5 k-P- Jv^PftO H*PO, TajMp*,"SnrHop Mannres. PIANOS BY G.ORS and KALLMAN. _ . „ ~- _ . M , ■ f eOWW .. . PIANOS BY GORS and KALIJUAN. We h? Te c ,Mo" 6.y *» H^ «n T Mort ___ . ni- .■■ PIANOS BY GORS and KAJJjM-V^ gages of Freehold Land at Lowest 25 H.P. 4-CYLINDER PAIGE* *'V«a ***•. *to- Seam^i PIANOS BY GORS and KALLMAN! Current R*tos of Literest. Easy terms •^—a--«— iTIOIT %P£s&™>-*^'Ws p^os by chappy. ' ■ g/^JHSaft h«t» -CQAQ . 5-Soate».Torp«?o Type ' As supplied to the Girls' College Rohcitors. Trafalgar Street. LOWEST PBEMIUMS. S©OV«7 pet. ■ — Nelson. UftM _ v Tn LEMd "-—i PIANOS BY TIETZE-NEWMAN MONEY TO LEND. ■— 20 H.P^JcENMORE, 4)265. dairy farmers* (£36 iss.) pitta moore, "cylmderVXdwrswSte MEtOTTt-SEPARATORS. ESTEY ORCANS. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, AND W. ROUT AND SONS, ? °°mpi9re ' -^Jb^ NOTARIES PUBLIC. Chief Agents for W. ajfij^ TASfigff * LEVHSN. BEGG^S. . .K^J^^SlJfflSt NELSON AND DISTRICT. .«** ' *.**«. HAW>f>TRBOT. NELSON, , A. L. DBSGRANGES^ R^es d- ; Ij ' payment of Principal.

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Bibliographic details

Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13277, 30 November 1911, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13277, 30 November 1911, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13277, 30 November 1911, Page 2


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