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(From Our Special Reporter.)

Takaka, Feb. 1. I The weather was gloriously fine for ti1!© eighteenth ishow of tlie Golden Br«.y A. and P. Association, which was opened at TakaJva to-day by the Hon. D. Buddo, Minister of Internal Affair 3. There was a large attendance of the public from the surrounding district and tho Waimeas. Tho entries were in excess of last year's, and competition in all classes was keen. The pvoduco tent was a feature of the show, .tho entries being large and tho quality of tho exhibits excellent. Light horses were also a strong class. Following is the prize list: — DRAUGHT HORSES. Judge: Mr J- S. Wratt; Stewards: Messrs P. Page/and E. Windle. Brood mar.3: D. B. Scott 1. Plough horses: W. Petterson 1 E. Windle 2. Mare or; A. Ilaldane 1, D. B. Scott 2. Mare or geldfjig (2 years old): D. 15. Scott 1, Clifford Hall 2. Yearling: F. Fauchello 1, D. O. Winter 2. Fqal at foot: D. B. Scott 1. General purpose horse: Alt' Hitch- \ cock 1, F. B. Barnct-t 2, Leslie Newlove 3. Spring dray horse: F. Fauchelle 1, Walter Potterson 2. SHEEP. Judges: Messrs F. G. Hunt and F. W. Fairey; Stewards: Messrs W. Campicai, G. Mnnson, A.' Hodgkinson, and T. E. Baig«ut. I Ram, English Leicester (under 20 I months): P. H. Baiyent, 1 and 2. j Ram, Rotnney (over 20 months): 1 Robt Scott 1 and 2, Franklyn Bros v.h.c. Ram, Romincy (under 20 months) 11.. Scott 1, J. L. Harris 2. Two ewes, Romnoy: Robt Scott 1, A. Hodgkinson 2. Ram, Lincoln (over 20 months) A. Hodgkinson i and 2. Ram, Lincoln (under 20 months) ; A Hodgkinson 1 and 2. Two ewes, Lincoln : A. Ilodgkinson 1 and 2. ' - Two ewes, Sovathdown: It. Hviand 1. Ram, Shropshire (over 20 months: P. H. Baigont 1, R. Hyland 2. Ram, Shropshire (under 20 .months): P. Hyland 1 and 2. Two ewes, Shropshire: R. llviand 1. Halfbred ram, any ago: Felix Barnet t 1. Throe halfbred. J. L. Harris 1. Three halfbred- lamb?;: John Winter 1. Five fat sheep: R. Hyland 1 and v.h.c, E. Windlo 2. Five fat sheep, free:«rs.: R. Hyland 1 and 2, L. Newlove 3, E. Windle h.c. Ten fat lambs: Lesl'Ci JSiewlovo 1, . R. Hyland 2 and 3. Third prize quarter ton of manure by Mr F- W. Fairey. CATTLE. Judge: Mr W. Colemun : Stewards: Messrs M. Hunter and H. Rose. Shorthorn bull, over two years: J. L. Harris 1. Shorthorn bull under 2 years: E. Windlo 1. Cow or heifer calved! prior to June 30, 1909: E. Windle 1, /C. Halt lane 2. Cow or heifer calved since. Juno 30, 1909; J. L. Harris 1, L. Newlove 2. Ayrshire Bull, over 2 years: W. Feary 1, A. Haldaue 2. Ayrshire bull, under. 2 years: A. Haldaue 1. Cow or heifer calved prior to Juno 30, 1909: W. Feary 1 avid 2. Heifer calved since, Juno 30 1909 • ; W. Feary 1. I Jersey bull, over 2 years: D. Mason ; 1, A. F. Berry 2. I Jersey Bull, under 2 years: A Hodg- ! kinson 1 and 2. Cow or heifer calved, prior to June 30, 1909: A. Hodgkiiioon 1 and 3, A. Bruce 2. Cow or heifer calved since June 30, 1909: A. Brueo J, A. Hodgkinson 2 I and 3. Bull, any other pure bivied: J. F. Rose 1. Dairy cow: L. Newlove 1, E. Windlo 2 and 3. Grade dairy row: A. Haldane, 1, E. Windle 2, A. Hodgkjison 3, J). B. , Scott 4. ! Grade dairy heifer calved since June 30, 1909: J.'Maihsou 1 and 3, Franklyn Bros 2. * Locally grown fat beast: J. G. Pag" 1, D. B.'Seott 2. Champion bull: I). Mason (Jersey). Champion cow : A. Hodgkinson (Jersey. PIGS. Judge : Mr AY. Coleman; Steward : Mr J. F. Rose. Berkshire boar, over 1 year: 11. Naldcr 1, A. Hodgkinsou 2. Berkshire boar, under 1 years: A. Hodgkinson 1 ami 2. Berkshire sow, ovw 1 year: A. Hodgkinson 1. 'Bcrkshiro sow, under 1 year: A, Hodgkinson 1 and 2. Boar, any breed, over 1 year: 11. Nalder 1, W. Osborne. 2. Sow, any breed: 11. Nalde-r 1 and 2. , Tarn wo r'th sow, any age: A. Hodgkinson 1. Two porkers, under (j months: E. Windle 1, H. Nalder 2 and h.c. Bacon pig : L. Newlove 1 and 2. DOMESTIC PRODUCE. Judges: Messrs Jameson and Glen: Steward: Mi-A. Whelham. 31bs dairy butter: Miss Walker 1, Mrs A. Bruce 2. 1 31bs butter (separator): Mrs A. ' Hodgkinson 1, T. Hic-kmott 2. 1 561 bs farmer's butter (separator): Mrs A. Hodgkinson 1. Hen's eggs: L. Newlove and Mrs G. ' Franklyn, equal. ; Preserved fruit: Miss Lindsay 1, 1 Mrs Hodgkinson 2. Home made jams: Miss Lindsay 1, Mrs Tbos Symes 2. Pot jam, girl under 1G: Miss Elsie ' Hunter 1. 1 Tomato sauce: Miss Lindsay 1, Mrs 1 Hodgkinson 2. ; " Homo madoi pickles: Miss Lindsay 1 ' and 2, Mrs F. G. Sparrow 3. Home made wine: Mrs Hailes 1, ' Mrs G. Franklyn 2. ; Hop beer: Miss Lindsay 1 and 2. Mead: Miss Sparrow 1, ('. S. Pet- ; terson 2. Jud"-o: Mr F. Stallard; Steward: Mr ! W. Baird. 1 Loaf of bread, baked in tin : Mrs I Jas Moore 1 and 2; Mrs Bruoe. v.h.c, j Mrs Sparrow h.c. Seed cakq, by Maori girl: Jane 1 Mason h.c. '. Bread, roll: Mrs Jas Moore 1, Mrs I E. Windle 2, Miss D. Rose v.h.c., Mrs Chas Page h.c. Plate of scones: Miss I). Rose ] and . 2, Mrs T. Hyland v.h.c., Mrs T. Symes h.c. , Sponge roll: Mrs Beattio 1 and 2, '_ Mrs E. C. Baigent v.h.c, Mrs C. Gate j h.c. j Sponge cake: Miss D. Roso 1, Mrs r Sadd 2, Mrs A. Bruce h.c. j Shortbread: Miss D. Rose 1, Mrs ' Chas Page 2, Mrs Beattio v.h.c. t Oat cake: Mrs Beattie v.h.c. ] Fruit cake: Miss Mn<- Page 1. Mrs Hugh Pago 2, Mrs Beattie h.c 1 Currant cake : Mrs Chas Page 1 and s 2, Mrs Beattie v.h.c. Plain cake: Miss D. Rose 1, Miss s P. Hunter 2. f Cake, a.ny other variety: Mrs Hugh - Page 1, Miss P. Hunter v.h.c Cream puffs: Miss 1). Rose 1, Sirs s Chas Pags 2 and h.c, Mrs Beattio v.h.c. 1 Tarts: Mrs Chas Pago 1 and 2, Mrs 1 Beattie v.h.c, Miss D. Rose h.c. :J VEGETABLES, FRUIT, AND FLOW:I ERS. s Judges: Messrs C. Fry and W. 11, d Boycis ; Steward : Mr R. Kirk. c Potatoes (pink eyes): H. Hitchcock ; . Potatoes, Brown Rivers :A. Hodgkinson h.e. Potatoes, Breeze's Prolific : H llifchcack 1, W. Peterson h.c. Potatoes, Vermont: A. Hodgkinson I 1 and v.h.c, Mrs E. Windle 2. c ' Potatoes, Victory: A. Hodgkinson 1, P. B. Scott 2.

Potatoes, Bruce : A. Hodgkinson 1. Potatoes, Up-to-data: A. Hodgkinsou 1 and 2, D. B. Scott k.e. Potatoes: Northern Star 5 A. Hodgkinson 1 and h.c. Potatoes, White Star: A. Hodgkinson 1. Potatoes, any other standard variety :A. 1, W. Pearson h.c. Collection potatoes: A. Hodgkinson 1, H. Hitchcock 2. Seed onions: H. Hitchcock 1 and 2, R. Parkard y.h.c. Potato onions: H. Hitchcock 1 and 2, Three onions: Mrs A. Bruce 1 and 2. Carrots, table: A. Hodgkinson 1, H. Hitchcock 2. Carrots, Shorthorn: F. G. Sparrow 1, A. Hodgkinson 2. Carrots, any variety: A. Hodgkinson 1. Parsnips: F. G. Sparrow 1, L. N«wlove 2. Swede turnips: A. Hodgkinson 1 and 2. Table turnips: H. Hitchcock 1, Miss Rose 2, h.c. Silver beet: Mrs T. Symos 1. lied Beet: H. Hitchcock 1, Mrs A. Brace 2. Dish of Peas: H. Hitchcock 1, R. Bartlott 2, A. Hodgkinson h.c. Dish of broad beans: Miss D. Rose 1, h.c. Dish of beans (staked): H. Hitchcock 1, W. Pettorso.ii 2. Dish of beans (dwarf): Miss D. Rose 1 And 2, Mrs Symes v.h.c. Rhubarb: D.' B. Scott 1, Mrs Bruce 2, A. Hodgkinson v.h.c. Two cabbages: Mrs W. Pctterson 1 ar.d 2. Pickling cabbage: H. Hitclicock 1. Lettuces : A. Emms v.h.c. Cucumber, long: Mj's Petterson 1, F. G. Sparrow 2. Cucumber, short: R. Bartlett 1, Mrs A. iStc.nt 2, Miss Handcock v.h.c. JMarrows: R. Bartlett 1 and 2. Pumpkin : J L. Harris 1. Tomatoes: Mrs J. Lindsay 1, R. Bartlett 2, A. Hoclgkinso.u v.h.c. . Pears: Miss Sparrow 1, Mrs E. Hitchcock 2. Apples', dessert: Miss C. Hunter 1, Mrs A. Sturt 2. Apples, cooking: A. Hodgkinson 1, Miss D. Rose 2, Largest apple: Miss D. Rose 1 and Gooseberries: Miss Handcock 1. Lemons: R. A. Packard 1, R. Bartlett v.h.c. Apricots: A, Hodgkinson 1, Chas Newport v.h.c. Peaches: Mrs E. Windle 1, R. H. Parkard v.h.c1. Plums: A. Hodgkinson v.h.c Plums, Japanese: Mrs E. Windle 1, R. A. Packard 2, Sus. Walker v.h.c Plums, Greengages: Chas Newport 1, H. Paine 2. Cape Gooseberries: C. H. Pettorsoii 1. Figs: C. Newport 1, E. Bird 2. Nosegay flowers: Mrs Thos Manson 1, Miss'l>. Hose 2, Mrs 11. Hitchcock v.h.c. Nosegay flowers, native: Mrs A. H. Scadden 1. Buttonhole bouquet (under 14): Hazel Bird ], Elsie Hunter 2. Bridal bouquet: Miss D. Rosa 1, Mrs Bruce 2. Bridal bouquet (children): Freda Page 1. Wreath flowers: Mrs T. Manson 1, Mrs D. Mason v.h.c. Stand cut (lowers: Mrs Hugh Page 1, Mrs A. Bruce 2, Mrs T. Manson v.h.c. Stnml artificial flowers: Mrs D. Mason 1. Collection dahlias: Miss Reta Page and Miss Zoe Boyes 1. Collection ferns: Mrs D. Mason 1, Mrs Jas Lindsay 2. Cocksfoot seed: IT. Hodgkinson 1. Stacks maize: S. 0. Stent 1, Mrs T. 2. Birds' eggs, collection: Leslie Hodgkinson 1. Sample of wool: I?. Scott 1, A. Hodgkinson 2. DOGS. Judge: Mr J. S. Wratt; Steward: Mr H. Sparrow. Smooth coated collie: It. Hyland 1, Franklyn 2. Rousili coated collie: C. Newport 1, Thos. Hume 2. POULTRY. Judge: Mr Frank Fry; Steward: Mr 11. Sparrow. Pair of turkeys: Miss Walker 1. P;iir of ducks: Thos Hickmott 1, A. Hodgkinyon 2. Throe fowls: L. Newlove 1, and 2. Brown Leghorns: L. Newlove h.c, H. 8. I'aine 2. Minorca?, black: Thos. -Hickmott 1 and 2. White Leghorns: Thos Hickmott 1 and 2, K. Windle v.h.c. Buff Leghorns: Tluis Hickmott 1. Orpingtiin : Thos Hickmott 1. Silver Wyandottes: E. Windle ], Thos Hickniott 2. Rooster mid hnu any breed: Frost 1, E. Windlc 2. (From "The Colonist," Feb. 3.) The eighteenth annual show of the Golden Bay A. and P. Association was held at Takaka on Wednesday last, and proved an unqualified success, the number of entries exceeding those received last year, while a general improvement in the exhibits was noticeable. Fully fifteen hundred people were present, including visitors from Nelson and the surrounding districts. The show was formally opened by the Hon. D. Buddo, Minister for Internal Aifairs, who was briefly introduced by Mr. Alex. Haldane, President of the Association.

. The Minister, in addressing the'assemblage, said it was not an occasion on which to deliver a long speech. He expressed his pleasure at being present to declare the Show open. Me said that in his drive over from Motucka ho had seen tho potentialities of the district, and said what had impressed lam was the capabilities of the Takaka Valley. In regard to the exhibits lie had rarely seen better produce anyttlierc than shown in tho tent. The stock also indicated thiat the dairy fanners were taking care to improve their herds as fast as they could. If the farmors continued in their methods of improvement it would he beneficial to themselves and to the country generally. It was pleasing to see tho di vdopment of the dairy industry,and lie noted with pleasure tho erection of the large and modern dairy factory. The Minister recognised the disabilities under which the fanners suffered in regard to their export trade ."•■« expressed the opinion that in tho near hituro they would he brought Into closer touch with outside markets. Jn conclusion, the Minister expressed i!;c wish that the Show would contains to improve upon each preceding OJIC _ On the call of the President, choirs wore given for tho Minister, and also for tho Hon. R. McKenzio, Minister for .Public Works and tho representative of the district. lv regard to the. various classes, light horses were again strong and showed an improvement, on last year. There were some fine hacks shown", and tln> judge (Mr. 11. Newman) was well pleased with the quality of the entries. In the jumping competitions the entries wore numerous, and the public were provided with some capital exhibitions of riding. The gent's -uniting competition was won by Mr. H. A. Bishop's Tommy Atkins, ridden by Mr I'assett, and Miss Anderson on Mr, C. Thomas' River Stone secured first place in the ladys hunting competition. The same lady also rode Tommy Atkins for second place. The driving competitions also proved mosi interesting. "" Draught horses, although weak in numbers, were good in quality, the class for general purpose; horses being exceptionally good. The two-year-olds and the solo representative in draught mares were also above the average. Sheep were a strong class, a feature being the line show of fat lambs and fat sheep. - Mr. F. W. Fairey, the judge.expressed the opinion that while Takaka could produce fat lambs of the quality exhibited in the first prize pen it had nothing to worry about. The llomney rams, for which there were eleven entries, wore a very even lot, and considerable difficulty was experienced in coming to a decision.

In cattle, the Jersey breed was strong in numbers and good in quality. The dairy cattle- were described by Mr AY. Coleman, the. judge, as aji exceptionally good lot, which would hold their own in any show. The Ayrshires were few in numbers, but fair in quality. Favourable mention was also made of th© grade heifers, and a Holstein bull shown by Mr. J. F. Rose" was highly spoken, of. • Pigs were a good all round class and a credit to the district.

As usual, entries were numerous in the domestic and produce classes, and competition was very keen. A feßure of the vegetables was the fine display of potatoes, while nice lots of tomatoes peas, beans and onions were shown. -The number of exhibits in the domestic class indicated that the ladies of lakaka had been very busy preparing for the Show. There was a large collection of cakes, bread, preserves jam etc., and the quality of the exhibits was^ excellent, reflecting tho greatest credit on the exhibitors. An outstanding feature of the flower section was a nne collection of dahlias. Tho ring events were got off in excpJlent tune and were over by five 0 clock, enabling those living at a long distance to see the whole of the competitions and yefc get away from the Show grounds early. The officials were an energetic body of men and were unsparing in their efforts to make the hJiow a success. The President (Mr. A. Haldane) and the Secretary (Mr. W U. Humphries) were courteous and obliging officials, and our representative desires to acknowledge the assistance given by these gentlemen. Appended are the additional results: LIGHT HORSES. Judge: Mr. H. Newman. Stewards: Messrs. T. Hyland, 11. Bensemann C. Page and James Page. Thoroughbred entire: H. Pike's Sir Galahad 1, W. Feary's Bridegroom 2. Entire for weight carrying hacks and roadsters: H. Pike's Sir Galahad 1, W. Feary's Bridegroom 2. Brood Mare: J. Glen 1, A. F. Hook 2, D. Manson 3. Foal at foot: M. Hunter 1, A. Emms 2, A. Hodgkinson 3, Yearling Colt or filly: 0. Peterson 1 W. Stobio 2. Colt or filly, 2 years: J. E. Bartlett 1 C. Robertson 2. Fourteen stone hack : J. Green 1. D. Cabb 2, E. W. Scott 3. Eleven stone hack: I). E. Fry 1, 0. Rogers 2, 0. Robertson 3. Girl rider, under 15: Miss Falconer 1, Miss Dyer 2, Lady's Hack: C. Rogers fMisg L. Hyland) 1. D. E. Fry (Mrs. Fry) 2. Boy rider: E. Reiily 1, R, Rcilly 2. Sulky horse, under 15.2: A. F. Hook 1. H. Holyoakc 2, James Page 3. Dog Cart horse: J. Green 1, E. W. Scott 2, I). Cobb 3. Best foal by Mountaineer: A. Halclano 1, A. Hodgkinson 2. Best trotting horse: Jas. Pago 1. D. Cobb 2, A. F. Hook 3. Gents Hunting Competition: H. A. Bishop 1, C. D. Thomas 2. Lady's Hunting competition: C. R. Thomas' Riverstone Miss Anderson) 1 H. A. Bishop's Tommy Atkins (Miss Anderson) 2; 0. Robertson's Black Boss (Miss Robertson) 3. Lady's driving: Mrs. F. Reiily 1, Miss Falconer 2. Nine entries. Trotting foat: M. Hunter 1, C. Allington 2, A. Emms 3. Buggy Pair: H. Holyoake 1. MISCELLANEOUS. Chopping Competition: R, King, 3min 30 4-5 sec, 1; H. Spittall, 3min. 30 1-5 sees 2; H. L c France 3mi.n. 50 3-5 sees 3. Twelve entries. Sawing competition : G. Grant and mate, 14 4-5 secsl ; Skilton and mate 16 sees 2.

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13020, 8 February 1911, Page 6 (Supplement)

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GOLDEN BAY A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13020, 8 February 1911, Page 6 (Supplement)

GOLDEN BAY A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13020, 8 February 1911, Page 6 (Supplement)


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