.% An ordinary meeting * of this Council was held last, nighh .Present — His Worship the' Mayor (,Mt J; Piper), Ors Lightband, Grace, Hampson McConchie, Franklyn,anodgrass, Bisley, Field and Eobertson. Minutes were confirmed and payments authorised as follows: —
£ s. d. . General Account 255 16 10 Gaewoiks „ a 300 8 4 Waterworks „ 20 2 4 Abattoir „ 47 13 8 Cemeteries •• 918 4 Drainage „ •• 52 19 H Gas Reticulation »•' 55 3 6 Bridges fieiostatement .. .. 17 15 9 Total .. £7£9 13 8
The report showed the slate of the Bane Ba-ANtaS <6'be bs follows: —
Dr. Cr., £ p. d. £ s. d. General A/o .. 12511 16 7 Water „ ..728 2 a Gag „ 5183 19 0 Interest „ ■.. 68 17 8 Abattoir .. 4u7 16 2 Hj&pital Oi Charitable Aid .. 24 14 2 £18,423 17 7 £501 7 7 Cr. Cemeteries Trust^Acoount .. 102 7 2 Contractors' Deposits Aooount 288 0 0 Trafalgar Park Account 33 1 1 Drainage Loan Acoount . . 556 13 2 Renewal Loan 1906 Acoount . . 38 15 8 Gas Reticulation Loan Account .. .. 346 16 5 Bridges Reinstatement loan Acoount .. .. 2447 11 8 Dr. Bank Balance .. .* £18,177 1 S
was read and considered. Amongst the letters received were the following :— From Government Sanitary Inspector, requiring repairs to be effected to building Hardy street; from same re low lying land, idallifax street; from Mr W. Bout, junr. , Hon. Sec. Church Hill Improvement Committee, re cutting of trees ; from Mr Reakes, acting-Chief Veterinarian, re complaints of butchers and stating that an agreement had been made with the butchers as to slaughtering etc. ; from Secretary Hospital Board, asking for extension of water main ; (all these were referred to Committee) ; From Government Sanitary Inspector, thanking Council for support and invitation to attend Bye-laws Committee. ; on the motion of Cr Snodgrass it was resolved to appoint Mr a. Smith, C.E., to give certificate for drain laying; from Mr C. Clarke, Maitai, complaining of state of roadway, etc. ; from Mr W. K. Turner, asking to be allowed to rent Milton's Acre for grazing purposes; from Mr "Mestayer, correcting a statement made ; from residents Vanguard street, asking for extension of footpath — All these were referred to Committee; from Messrs Robertson Bros., asking leave to erect verandah in Nile street — granted; from residents Cambria street, asking for extension ga§ service — referred to in Committees report; Jfrom Mr Atkinson, re road Beachville— reported that matter seen to ; from Mr T. B. Huffam, re "gravel ; from lesidents Trafalgar street North, asking for extension gas supply — all these were referred to Committee; from Mr J. B. Harrison, reminding the Council that footpath Brougham street had not been attended to — agreed to be done ; from residents Hallifax stieet East, asking for extension of path I referred to Committee; from Mr G. Sutherland, complaining of gas supply — to be attended to ; from Dr Gibbs, calling* attention to horse ambulance as falling far short of what was necessary. He suggested that if a more suitable ambulance could not be obtained at once this vehicle should be fitted with rubber tyres— referred to Committee; A letter from Mr Langlands was referred to Drainage Committee. REPORTS. The Finance Committee reported : — 1. On letter from Mr T. Gawthorn : That the 3-in gas main be extended from Waimea street to Trafalgar street along Examiner street as soon sb possible. 2. On letter from Mr J. Miller : That the Council be recommended to consider the appointment of a Manager of the Gasworks, and that Mr Miller be informed that in such case applications will be invited, when his letter will be considered, and that in the meantime he be asked for further information as to his method of procedure and cost. 3. On letter from Mr G. Robertson : Consideration deferred until next ''meeting.'' i. On letter from residents in Harley street: Consideration deferred till next meeting. 5. On letter from Mr R. Q. Rose : Consideration deferred till next meeting, the Clerk of Works to report. 6. On letter from secretary Citizens' Band : Consideration deferred. 7. Aa to Post Office clock: That the burners be repaired and that the matter of
lighting the clock bo deferred till next meeting. 8. That the Railway Manager be asked if he would accept a nominal sum for the exclusive right to remove ashes from Use •Station yard,, and. if so to name Ibc ■ Sum; •$. That the 'arrears for gafc? and also for dog registration feesj be sued for. On clause 2, Cr Hamrson moved that the Cuuncil advertise, for n manager at a salary not exceeding £300 a year. He said they were gri ting many complaints and he urg .<'■ that the time had r.omo when tic Works should be put under proper management. Cr Snodgrass seconded the motion fend Said the amount they handled was large, the leakage was large and the complaints were numerous, lie .thought those facts were a sufficient reason for the step proposed. The Mayor said he* thuught tbsy were turning out good gas, and tfaa' it. would bo a pity to interfere w it! liHe present management. The roan had got tbe gas into good positk ; and he did not think they could d better. He opposed an appointmeut, and said the least they could do was to let things remain as they weie for "six months. . , Or Field thought the motion might be held over for a time. They had agreed to set up a Committee and hi thought they should have that Committee's report before they acted. They would then be in. a better position to make an appiontment. In justice to Mr Hart they should remember that he had produced more gas at less cost* Cr Grace said the Committee did cot anticipate that the matter would be dealt with straight off. They could not judge of the efficacy of the works tiil the reticulation weS car ried out. He was not prepared to pass this resolution at present, and he would like the Committee to go fully into the financia aspect &s then they would be in a better positioc to act. Cr Lightband would oppose because he did not think it just to Mr Uart as this was the hardest time of the year and he was doing good work. He moved an amendment that the question of appointing a gas engineer be deferred for three months. Cr Franklyn seconded tbe amendment. He was sure the Coundil de?ired that the works should be placed on a sound business basis ; but he did not think the present, manager had had sufficient time. if they had an angel in charge some would complain. Cr Bisley said he was surprised at any one moving an amendment to tbe motion. They must all Jacknowledge that they were losing about .£I2OO a year. The works had cost about £75,000, and they were now valued at^£3B,ooo. He believed that with competent management they could save £2000 a year. He said there were hundreds in the LCity complaining of the gas. With p property [so valuable they shoul.l have a proper management. Cr Snodgrass said he had no intention of reflecting on Mr Hart, but they needed a general and scientific manager. They were losing £1200 a year in leakage alone and goodness knows how much in other waysj ILe works were not payiog interest on the reduced capital, while other works were paying 15 per cent. The Mayor said this was unfair because ho had not figured therej to disprove statements but he could tell them the works nad been very'profa'table. He said the overdraft had been materially reduced since the beginning of the year and was doing very well. Ors. Grace, Field, and Hanipson again spoke, the latter saying -that he never understood that Mr Hart wasjto be a permansnt'manager and te meant no reflection on him but he wanted to see the works a success. He did not believe there was another gas works the size of theirs uader the management of a working foreman. At present they were not making by a thousand to fifteen hundred a year what they ought to ■make and every cqontb they were losing twice the salary they would hav9 to pay. Cr. Lighband'again spoke and the question was then put and the amendment was carried on a division by seven to three, tne noes being Crs Snodgrass, Bisley and Hampson. Cr Field then moved that a special committee consisting of Crs Hamp son, Grace, Eobertson, Bisley, Franklyn, Snodgrass and the mover be appointed to go into the matter of the gas works and report to the Council. Cr Grace seconded the motion which was carried. On clause 3 the Mayor moved that the water main be extended in Woolf street, Washington Valley. In answer to a question he said it would cost a considerable sum, Cr Grace said the committee deferred the matter to ascertain tbe cost. It was then agreed to refer the matter back to the committee and give the committee power to act. Tho balance of the report was adopted. The Public Works Committee reported:—!. On letter from residents Collingwood street: That this matter has been attended to. 2. On letter from Messrs Kingdon, Glasgow and Hayes : That consent be given to thiß right-of-way. 3. On letter from residents Trafalgar Square: (a) That a footpathSft wide be formed from the corner of Mile street to the right-of-way, Bhelboume street,cost about £23; (b) as to cutting trees, consideration deferred 4. On letter from Mr F. St. John: That consent be granted to the laying off of this private street. 5. On letter from Mr Jesse Jennets: That this matter be referred to the Acting Town Clerk to make enquiries. 6. On letter from Government Sanitary Inspector (a) That the owner of the premises in Parero street be given fourteen days'notice to remove the privy; (b) that the owner of the premises in Waimea street be given one month's notice to pull the building down. 7. On letter from District Health Officer: That Mr Biddle be given 14 days' notice to carry out the requirements of the Health Department. 8. On letter from Mr J. Graham, junr. : (a) That a footpath be formed at a cost not exceeding £6; (b) that the 3-in gas main be extended from Milton street as far as Mr Chiel's. 9. As to building in Corporation- yard : That the building be not removed for the present. 10. As to Tip road : That their previous recommendation be adhered to, and that the roadway bo used for carting rubbish to the tip only except by special permission of the Council. 11. As to planting Milton's Acre: The Committee estimate that the cost of planting a belt abont 4 chains along Haven road would b,e about £24. They recommend that their previous recommendation be adhered to. 12. As to testing septic tank : That the 3-in water main be carried to the junction of Wainui and Trafalgar streets, and a 1-in maid from thence to the soptio tank. 13. As to Victory Square: That the trees. on the south side be taken out to make room for native shrubs. ? Od clause 3 Cr Bisley called attention to the cost r~~. On clause 4 Cr Kobertson moved that consent be given on condition that the street be 50ft wide. Cr Bisley moved ah amendment to the effect that they compel the owners to make the street 66ft v.:.:« 2ir compliance with law. Cr Lightband seconded the amend ment. The Mayor said they could not compel them to take over the street so he did riot see that it tbadea difference. y i After discussion the amendment was carried. On Clause 10 Cr Bisley asked for a reason for closing this road to the public. The Mayor said the road was not taken over and was merely a temporary road for their, own use. Cr Bisley said public money had been spent on the road and it therefore became a public road* ET could sttenb harm in pe^opde using the road. Tfc3 Mayor said- ipe.ople were destroying the character of the road. ■ Cr Bisley moved that the public be allowed to use the road. The motion was not seconded, On clause 11 Cr Snodgrass moved that the work be done,
Ur. Robertson said it was proposed o plant native shrubs for a spite v about 12 feet wide near tbe footjr-il : -i and protect same with, wire netting fence on each side. Cr Franklyn seconded the motion. Cr Grace said the pievious recommendation was that the work be not done. He did wot think they wotfM get £24 worth of beavity out of v; The Mayor took the same riew aad said it would be damaging'the city'--propeity. Cr Bisley supported the motion and suggested that they should plant tbe piece of railway land adjoining. Cr Hampson would like to see a design for beautifying the place and thought the public would contribute. After further discussion the motion | was Jcarried on a division by seven to three, the noes being Crs Lightband, Grace and 6b c Mayor. A committee consisting or Ur3 Robertson, Field and Snodgrass was then set up to carry out the work. Claus6 12 was referred to the Drainage Committee. On clause 13 it was agreed that, tbe work be entrusted to the Special Committee set up for Milton's Acre. The remainder of the report was adopted. „ The Mayor reported that a drain permit had been granted for Mr H. Moore, Scotland street. The Foreman of Works had reported ou works carried out and in hand, viz., footpaths in Vanguard street, Trafalgar street, Weka street, and off Nile street; footpath in Tipahi street had been roughly formed of ashes, etc. , cost £5 2s. He referred to drain for Mr H. Moore, and asked for instructions. The report wbs referred to the Drainage Committee. The Inspector of Nuisances reported that no infectious diseases had been reported. The Abattoir Inspector reported that the number of animals slaughtered had been as follows:— Sheep 630, lambs 35, cattle 83, calves 9, pig 3 55 ; total 812. He also reported that he had condemned a cow for tuberculosis and advanced pregnancy ; had condemned four sheep for advanced pregnancy, and one sheep for small round celled sarcomata, commonly described as cancer ; had condemned and destroyed for parasitio invasion and abscesses, etc., 419 livers and lungs of sneep, and 19 livers and 15 lungs of cattlo, two ox kidneys for hydatids, and 31 livers and lungs of pigs. Cr Franklyn remarked that it was time they all became vegetarians. ORDINARY BUSINESS. It was resolved that Mr Langlands be given notice to remove his engine from the Quarry within fourteen days, otherwise same to be ejected. It was formally resolved that the Resident Engineer's salary bo paid out of drainage loan ; that he have authority to order goods as previously agreed to, and that the seal of tbe Council be affixed to his agreement. Cr Field asked when the contractor was likely to start work on the Normanby Bridge. The Mayor said they had not heard from the contractor. It was stated that the contractor was advertising for a foreman, and that he'had still three months with in whicj to complete the work, which was not expected to take long when the material was landed.- . On the motion of Cr Lightband it was resolved to increase the pay of the foreman carpenter by one shilling a day; •Cr Snodgiass called attention to the state of Hardy street ford. He suggested that the willows between the ford and the bridge be cut down, and incandescent lights provided at the bridge for the advantage of those using the ford at night. The proposal was referred to the Committee. Several matters were referred to, and the Council went into Comn'ittee to consider drainage matters with the Resident Engineer.
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Colonist, Volume XLIX, Issue 11999, 27 July 1907, Page 2
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2,634CITY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume XLIX, Issue 11999, 27 July 1907, Page 2
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