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6 CASES IRON BEDSTEADS iand OHiLfiUEN'SCOTS^ow landing ex D<na At. to. consisting of ; Tent, Canopy, Half Tester, French, and Stjump Bedsteads, also '. Children's Cots of-various sizes and superior kinds. .■-■-■ -■■-■■ ; 251 ... ' / . JOHN SYMONS AND CO. AMERICAN STOVES. AMERICAN STOVESi JUST RECEIVED ex LALLAH Kt)OKH— ** 30 Golden State Cooking Stoves, No. 7 and 8. ,-_:. 5; Highland Chief, No. 9 ... -6 Parlor Stoves, consisting of Coral, Cricket, , .^. .. .-Fairy-, Magic, and Model Parlor i . on hnnd~ ■;• .v '.',.■ " ! ■'" :. 3 Snow; Birds, :Nos. 6 and 7;;',■ >' i • - '4 Pioneer,'No, 6. ", ' "",. ~' ' .-'. ■ '-rv*- 6 P t eer]ies3, NoVS. and.6 :' ■" . ..'.';', .... 1 ft--; ■■'■- •"'l2 well assorted Eeglster Stoves,'yaribifepaite'rnr. i The undersigned beg to call the attention of pur- I chasers to the above splendid stock of StoveV^ being of the best description ever yet imported. : . | . j 252 .' .-.> . JOHN SYMONS AND CO. HP HO M A S AL L E N, '*•.'' Gibbs' Flat, Collingwood. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STOREKEEPER, AND . - : "GRXERAL'COMMIS'sibN AdEOT. ■ Sole.agent foi\ Flobper and.Go.'s XXX Ale, Bentley's 'j' Cordials alid grated Waters, &c., &c;,-&e. ; Bonded and.Free Stores. • ■ . ■ ' N.B.—Goods'under "bond.consigned for sa, stored ' free of charge. . 23 L ■•■ ■■■; :.-'.v-'-'<''!--"ADVIGE""<<iftATIS;'; ■'-■ ' To-puRiirTHE blood;; ". ! , - These pills have beenptacsd.'bythe commo'n.'eonsent of nrankind at the he'ad'of all femidies for renjoving obnoxious'poisonsfrom -ihe bloodjand cleansing: all' tfte tissues: of the body. - TJiey' i : have-saved'thousands year afteSfsear from • falling- srsacrifice to the, effects...of dyspepsia,,dysenjry, diarrhoea1, constipation, | liver complaints, &c, a fact attested by myriads: of witnesses. Excessive weakness and debility, the warnings of decreasing organic-' enprgy^and"; vital -decay,, are rcstoredand -reanimated with vigor and healthful action in-every organ throughout 'the system, by the restorative; and.- 'exhilarating: influence of this medicine. ~.,•■•-•;•:•;.; v-j { . JFEAIALE- COMPLAINTS. - 1 All disorders of tbe sex, and diseases in every crisis perilous to the life and health of woman, youthful or Aged, married "or single, <m'ay-te''radically arid quickly cured'without risk or trouble by a few daseS'.of these- pills, • taken - -according ■ to the ' printed directions; >',■ :'i.p > <■:■ ):'' > ••■'•' i . . .INDIGESTION, with LANGUOR -and WAIST. OF ENERGY. ' When taking tliese pills; rub HoU'oway's celebrated Ointment over the pit of the stomach, and over the regions of the- liver, on the right.side. under! the ribs/ and?you will at once experience a change, for the 'better in your digestion, spirits), appetite, strength,"and energy. The improvement, though H may [be gradual, wili be thorough and lasi ing. ■' . ' ' "'■ ; :'.,:.■' ':".-J>: !.'..= •' DROPSY;: , ■ -•■•■■'■"-{.■■.■ The efficacy, of Holloway's pills in dropsy is extraordinary. They'act With such peculiar effect upon the system, that fclie fluids arising from this direful .dUease are imperceptibly car-ried'.-tift'; and-..prevented from- nny4 further accumulation.. The sufferer, regains ■a.boyancy of spirits and.rejdiceai in a completely renovated-constitution; but it is indispensibly necessary-that the ointment should be most'effectually itbbed into the complain-'. ing parts. ..,;..■. ■- -■< i..-.-: ■•:■:■■ ■■■ ■• - • rr STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS; AND BOWELS. i' . .Those who sufferfrom bile and liver-complaints, should trythe.effects of this valuable remedy, a few doses of which will the sufferer feel elastic and vigorous,'removing all itnv purities, giving a healthy action to the liver; if bilious attacks . be :allowed; 'to coutiriue,.'serious cusualities-may.arise, and the sufferer be consigned to-a bed.of sickness. In all disorders of :" tho kiiineys, the Ointment should be well rubbed into, the small of ths back, once or twice atfayj-ahd the Piils acting in unsi'on will cure any complaints arising-from these organs. ■ PUFEY.-SHORTNESS pp rBREATtt.WJTH-WEAK "l SS. : Very bad symptoms, which if not corrected, may tend to'soAie serious disordsra of the heart;'brother vital organs.: Eat modorately of solids, take sis- pills nightly for some little time; take plenty of fresh air with moderate exercise, and tbe human machinery -will be quickly restored to health and_vigor. Try this but for three days only, arid the result will be marvellous. • COMPLAINTS INCIDENT'TO CHILDREN. . All complalnts'of children can soon be cured if care he taken to purify.their blood, correct the action of the liver, and cleanse the stomach and bowels; a few doses of these famous pills will immediately haVd the desired effect, particularly if parents be careful in : not allowing them to eat things which they know would be injurious to themselves. :-.■'- •• ' ; HOLLOWAY'S PILLS (ire-the,best remedy known in-the ' '...'...■ tyoi.ld'for th-. following lliseases. ' ■ Ague - . ■ . IFeinalelrregulafitiesi Scrofula,» or King's ABthnia • ..-.■■■•"r. •( Fever« of all kinds Evil " ."""': -Bilious Complaints: His "f . Sore Throats ' Blotches on the skin Gout . • Stone and. Gravel ■ Bowel Complaints Headache . ' Secondary Symptoms .Colics '■■ •- '■' Indigestion ' Tic-Douloureux . Constipation of the Inflammation Tumours- - Bowels ~ Jatindipe Ulcers • ' ; Cqpßiimption ..., Ljver Complaints Veneral Affections Debility •' •■• Liirah'ago; '. ' Worms of all kinds Dropsy ' ■ ~■••'• piles -'••■ '■' •■ Weakness froni whatDyeentery . r .•;" Rheumatism- ~-,■;,: i-evercauso- ■'' ; Erysipelas . .".,.. 1 Retention of Urine,. Jcc, &c. ■. •. . * + * There is a,considerable savlfag by.taking.the.larger Bizea. N.B.—Directions ftir;theguidahce'of~patientsin every disorder . .':.. ..'. - • are affixed to each'box. ■•■'■'■■; '■ ' Sole Agent for Nelson, W. Wilkie, Bridge-street. ■ ■-'■■•' '•'■- • CURE-IS AT HAND! JJ OLLOFA V* 3 01N TME NT. SCORBUtiC ERUPTiOfNS,.;AS SOR^E HEADS' A'NpVORO- -..;,; r.,.,..-.-. , : FULOUSSWEELIKGS. -; '; • '.•-';;. ; •.: r lf=,-this powerful olntintint be .well rufebed'lnto; the; paipt* af- '. fepted^all skin disease will jbe .spe.edily overcome, It.aeta not fbylreipresSibns, but repulsion. it'.«nter's "(jie sjste'ma^finlt enters : -njeati' aiid'optfrateVriot- locally 'dirty, .b'utxonstitutionaHy^p.i^ril . -fying.^Ue, \y.hple >ystem^ htiinors.-'and effflctjng.fl iradical and. comiilete .c]ure.; The!pills-nliould.rbe taken as an auxiliary to the oinppent,, as they.are so. prepare^ as tff act in. unison .with* it,' (a'cilitutlng and dopfirming the'eorv quest'Of thedisea»e. ;'!'■ .:.':'J >;- ; ■'•'■ ■'•' '■■'■' — ■'■'■-■■■ DIPTHERIAi ULC.EBASED SORE THROAT,; &; QUINSE^.; The ahoye'comply j|its hare fo- twenty .year.s.UeDn^reatedvvitO HoHoway'ff'ohrtnl'erit arid pHls^wifJi^pe.rfect.siicc.^ss.^ The cures have been'Bor remarkable,.-speedy, and numerous,1 that these often fatal diseases; are more easily, cured by these medicines, than even the common sore throat, if taken, in' tjmg. L : •.-, -■•'■ 'THE KIDNEYS,'STONE ANI?'6RA,VEL..-.••..=,.:-.., : In these complaints the ointment almost acts like a charm,: providing It is very -effectually; rubbed o'v.^r the region of the kidneys which it .will penetrate.and'give- almost immediate relief,} while the,pills should bes taken ? aceording I to the pointed - .directions, when the most'extraordinary'cures may be. effected -by this nieans. . ■ :.. f.-i- ; •■•.■;■:■;>■•: --•11 -, ",'.v.7 '■-• ■ BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS, SCROFULOUS SORES AND j GLANDULAR SWELLINGS. " ; In such cases the Ointment, operates surely, and with a rapi-: dity that resembles; magic. It should be rubbed into the parts; affected,-after'they have been fomented -waterj The purifying and curative powers of this mnrvellous unguent' have never failed. /.Anyold sore,-wound,'oF>-ulceralways yields to its influence ; and in cases of bad breasts, or milk fevers, its; action 1b wonderful. Glandular swelling&may.soon be reduced; by following thY printed directions. ' •' ' . ■ ! ..;,.■ ..TJiE.ACTION OF.THE-HEART.,' DROPSY. ''"•- ! -.This last-named,diseas? ; is commonly'preceded by: ■ irregular | action ,of the heart,, and difficult respiration ;, whiclisymptoma; a,re always severe, and ever go from bad,to worse,,' per means of cure are resorted' Vo. iij- Holloway's unrivalled i ointment and pills.thedropsical patient will-ever flnd succour;! the present relief derived from the use; »t itheseiremedie's is' marvellously quick, and perseverance ip the steady-; application | Of this -famous- Ointment, invariably results in a cure. They ; act with such energy on the. circulation 'and absorbent.system', that the Jrop3ical fluid vanishes, and tliei sufferer- finds all the i oppressive svmpto'ns daily decline, till natural health returns. ! , ■'-■'•' 'GOUT AND RHEUMATISM, .."';.■ ~ .. r \ ■' >,'.-.Hay Jje cured with flic greaUet certainty if-large' flOanHtiea ; .of Ointment be well: worked into the complaining- parts, : "and this perserveringly done , for. sonic itime. ■ use to i smear it on the skin only, ii must be got into the system. Take as many PilU nightly as will act two or three times during the 24 hours; eschew the use.of coffee, attd all stimulants. When . thes« complaints are leaving- the system, the virulence of the complaint frequently seems to increase. . • ■ . INDISCRETION OF YOUTH. . ~'.". Sores, UlcerSjand Swellings, can with certainty be cured.'if this Ointment he thoroughly rubbed all round the complaining parts twice oj thrice, keeping them covered with Jinon rag spiead With the same. : , . . .• .... ■■ .The Pills must be taken according to the printed directioim. The blood being in an impure state, perseverance is necessary. From humane tnoLives Jhiters of advice will be answered, gratuitously. Te* save carriage, the Pills and Ointment should be obtained in the neighborhood oJ the sufferer, and not from Holloway's Establishment. Both tho Ointment and Pills should be used'in the following • • cases :— Bad Legs \Corns (soft) jScalds . Bad Breasts Contracted & BtifflSore Nipples Burns joints Sore-throat* Bunions Elephantiasis .- Skin diseases Bite of Moschetoe* Fstulas Scurvy audSiindfiitß Gout Soreheads Coco-bay Glandular Swellings Tumours Chiego-foot Lumbago Ulcers Chilblains Piles Wounds Chopped hands Rheumatism I Yaws. Cuncc-rs .■.-... *»* There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are atßixed to each pot. * Sole agent for Nelson, W. WIL.KIE V BH<Jge«ftte<&

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Colonist, Volume IV, Issue 350, 1 March 1861, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume IV, Issue 350, 1 March 1861, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume IV, Issue 350, 1 March 1861, Page 1


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