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1 Li JU»A\J Li UD. F v ;"FpRSI AN,; Tailor, J^RAPEifc, aud Ouso- -• fitter,' Bridge street, Nelsonphas the pleaj sure to offer to, fW [public aVselect assortment of i .GOQJDS^wJuqh-Jie has.received fay 'the'above vessel, and solicits,an;inspection o'f.the.sfl;nie,!feeling confident that eveiy ;.one : \vho favors*hira with a eall<!will ;be sati?fied : with the.dipiceprasentedito^hem. \ MEN'S: AND YOUTHS' iRBA^Y'WAD^OLOTHI^GV among which ate Black anS"^ Tahijf -'Dceskin Trousen of the tbrt best qt/AMty and wdBKMANBmp. Firstrate Moleskin-^ and Cord Trousers. Sleeve and other Waistcoats. ■ : Bdy's- TUnfo'and otJier'Sfttits. Also : & choice fctock'ofc--"'-''-.•'•''-^!:" »• ••• j-: ' SIKST CLASS* CtOTHS'AND COESKINS, i which^he"will' be erikiiled'ts'triak^idOTeasMre at | Exceedingly Mp&rate Vfusjcges. ■ 5 A beautiful as'sqrtment rcstj&Boj& DEESSES and MANTLES^seleeted'fTOm-th'e^l^^goiJ^tgS o/* iht . Autumn. . _seasan. Earasolp^-Drapei^-Oooctai- Felt Hate, Shirts, H qsiery N§ekf ies^firaoßSi &e>; \ '- ■ ■'■ -;- :' ■ ' ANo r'"'');Tv, y. "i ~-•, 1 *." TWO DOORS FROSr THE MARINE HbtEL.': '• )25£ T?:£GEIVED per LAkLAH ROOKH from ■i"^ • Melbourno,^ and ?RINCfc: ALFRED, from .Sydney. .■ ' ■■-■:■■'■. ■-'~~■■■" -: '- : ■-■■• ' - yw!- '■ " 724 bags-Sugar, assorted . . ! i . : • 19' Cases Sago.• - -. ! '-: '^v :': :^:'"- j':: i/;':v'-::"" ■^■■i'w,^Jii3Ctß,I"'' ! - 254 -••'•' ■--■••;;" ;'*, Z," ! ■ ■'■■'"' Bridge-streeft " Jtf'OWf per ;I)0NA Aifm, -^-^ • 'from London;;':,; j .30 chests superior Congou and Souchong Teas'24:hja^;chpW;ao. 40;; ;v,;, J. ■; i - 3 iierces l?laritat(on' Coffee" " | 100 boxes;Spsrin Gandlesrir j . 35 „* "'sriperibr London Soap "i '. 1 - i.2.aalf:fierc^^egi'dh'eaa'Tobaeco ! 5 casl^s suj)er|pr Scotch, Oatmeal j 3 ca^^^b^ei sarclines ~ • I ]2cratesass6f tea Earthenware i •40dmrns"iL;inseedJ6il'' ''. n' ' . , \. : i - 1 ton^updnoi-'White Lead j l'bal«:best'Blu'eSe?ge Shirts i ' 1' „ Bleiached Sheetihga ,' j 2 •">,'■■' white Blanketi : ' | 1 „-' Flannel ; r ' ) 10 pieces Blue Serge ' ' :,:,'.; ; ■; j ■ '<v&c.,:.•" &c, ..'&c.'.'/'^ : ..;''.'-v-':;v." ( . ■257--.-"" '■".".. \'- /• v ■ Bridge-Btreet.! '. T)ICK GIRTHSVand! TARPAULINS 'At* Coffeei Ceyjbn and Manilla •• .-.= .... . Reap hooks.and Sicklesiß.Y.-^-'; Canvas, all numbers ;-••■- r- - ; , Strong Iron Wheelbarrows .-..-..; : •.: ; Bottled Ale—Byass'.lGs. doz;; '.- \ J. tEVHSN-A-SD-CO. i JUST'ARRIVED, ex AIREDALE.— w Silver Tea and Table Spoons. _ Best Electro-plated do. dp. dessert- d 0... and '.-:• Forks ;•.■■"■" ■■ ! "•■■ ■ •---■; .: : Clocks, Lockets, &c.y &c.,&e.:' r; ' : ■■■■ H. I>REW, : ■'■"'• " l°l - Trafalgar-street.; ".•'' '. ■ •• <■" ■' -"''-'•■■■••'- ':.'."!■"•"•^>-^ h THE undersigned are Cash purchasers of GOOD MALTING BARLEY.' r; v ! ■ ; G. HOOPER ANT)1. CQ. I . Nelson Brewery, . . . •■•,.- _- ;, -y-'., '■ Bth Febiiiary, 18.61. ''; "' .. ."."' :'\ . ■ 189 WRITING HOME—VIEW: •of^'itKe ■'■■■*■ GOVERNMENT »tjILl)iN G!S on Letter-paper ON SALE at ET. P. JACKSON'S, Trafalgar-street;■" Misses JAY, Bridge-street; and at the-COLONIST'affix... '.] ~■ ;•. •. '.. ;iB7 Thomas c. ciidbkE, '; PLUMBER, GLAZIER, PAINTER, PAPER- I V i HANGER/-ETC./!':;-; t j TJBTURI^S his sincere thanks'to the in- ~-*< habitants of Nelson and its", vicinity for their liberal support.,' bestowed upon him, for the last two yeara a.nd:a half since he ,lias.been .in >Nelson, and hopes by '' '' " .."."'•..'.' ....:.,":./■.; PUNCTUAL ATTENDANCE TO ALLrOEDEES, to continue : a share of their patrpnage, and support. : • ' : BRIDGE-STREET, NELSON. 17$ TOSE^"TAYl^ii : Clutfer,Gunßmithi " &e.i begs to inform his rfrjends i'and others that from this dfte'lie has CEAS-ED TO REPAIR or SELL GUNS^P&TQLS,-&c., as .his.coiitmuanoe in the trade without ]a license would suh^ti^t ;him to a very heavy penalty^ Those persons^whp hauvjealready left guns, jfre1-, dlhjs shop for<3, therefore requested to procure ;;^'ofti the- Collectdi^bf (jjil^ni^an order of permission to remove them; finished "or" unfinished. ' J. TAYtOß'at the same tim 6; v:ihforms- ]'his friend^ and the public that be is sfciii"at!libertv-]f(>^ursue the other liraifch *of his tride'-^-that; of/, WORKING CUTLEtt; 'and'that though lie'winnot.gifnd swords,, he will sharpen scissors and set rap Site';" "that while he| is unable to'fit a new ramrod £6" a gun, lte will con-^ tinue td'iit umbrellas and :parast>]s with hew wires;' and that it shall still be his eiideavor to be grateful for, and' v.o rdeserve a continuance of, the patronage that has been extended to him for the last nineteen years. •■ r'- " • "-':': r ■ ■ Nelsori, TJhufsday,-Feb. 21,1861^ ,; ;\ \ 238 ON SALE by the Undersigned---1 SEINE NET, 2SO feet on rope, barked nnd mounted: complete. - ■ • ' ; c: .'■■ • ,"■ ■ h^;thomson. Nelson,,2lst February, .18617 '■ ' :"'V"'r 240 '-" j - -•-'■• ' " :; LOOK. HERE I LpOK'HEBE ! ! ALFRED iXEECH, AWHEEL WRIGHT, has REMOVED to more commodiotis premises in Bridge-street; adjpining Mr.. VVimsett rs shoeing forge, whererhe will be enabled-to turh;;out WORK of the VERY; BEST KIND; as he. expects shortly to receive from Sydney a quantity of -. SEASONED TIMBER of the choicest andmost durable description. Drays and .Spring Carts made to order. /.' FOR SALE, 3000 Van Diemeh's Land five-feet PALINGS, on board; the Lallah Rookh. : . . JOHN. BEIT, 246 , \ Auckland Point. pO RT R AIT S FOR HO ME. All desirous of sendtng home ..PORTRAITS to their friends, per Buica,. wool ship,, or by Mr. OXLEY'S/ next Portrait Mail, will,please, visit him shortly at the Royal Photographic. Gallery, Trafalgarstreet, next door to Mr. StantonV ■'.'., Photographs copied, Brooches fitted with likenesses, &c. Attendance from* 10 to 5 daily. N.B.—Portraits carriage free to England on the 10th March. ' / 217 ".' JUST PUBLiSHEDJ '!. I\] A - VIEW of the WWMotITARANAKI -*•*• from Marsland Hill, showing tlie:eeveral Forts, RedoubtSiKßaiTdqks, and G^mps, the Trenches, with the military'and Volunteers, &c, &c,on stone by Furgusson and Mitchell, Melbourne, from the Drawing taken on the spot by Edwin Harris, artist, Nelson. Price 10s. W. M. STANTON, 235 Trafalgar and Hardy-streets,. Nelson.

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Colonist, Volume IV, Issue 350, 1 March 1861, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume IV, Issue 350, 1 March 1861, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume IV, Issue 350, 1 March 1861, Page 1