A STRONG DEMAND. MERINOS EASIER. A. catalogue of 7574 bales was submitted to a fair attendance of buyers at the first sale of the season in the Victoria Hall this moriiing. The first sale of the 1913' season was not held on account of the strike, and the brokers were following a similar course this year on account of the European wajk but the healthy tone of the London sales of Octobor and the indications that the war would not bo of short duration caused the auctioneers to reinstate the sale on the calendar. The fact that seven thousand odd bales came forward serves to indicate that wool-growers were alive to the fact that the demand for New Zealand classes justified early shearing. Generally the offering was much below the average clip of last year, owing,
no doubt, to the continued dry weather
in the latter part of the winter and I early spring. The wool was dull and Vdusty, there being a remarkable absence of good, clean lots, though a fair amount of grease was'noticeable. The gallery contained the usual number of English buyers, and three or four Americans, but the embargo against the export of wool to anywhere but the British Dominions was an effective barrier to business. The deep voices-of the Germans and the shrill calls of the vivacious Frenchmen were entirely absent, a,-reflex of the chaotic commercial conditions of the Continent. The order of sale and the catalogue was as follows: Bales. N.Z. Loan & Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. .. '.. .... ... 222 Pyne & -Co. .. •. 2529 Matson & Co. .... .... 1328 H. Friediander & Co.'.. .... 103 Dalgety ft' Co. .... -.. ...'.. 1052 National Mortgage and Agency . C 6., Ltd. ... .: .. •• 017, N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association, Ltd. .. -■;.' .... .; 1725 Total ; .. '/..'..'.. •• 7574 Before the sale commenced Mr F. H. ' Pyne drew the attontion of buyers to the new rule that no buyer shall purchase on behalf of any German or Austrian firm. It -was a pity to spoil competition, but he Was sure that every buyer would loyally observe the rule and prevent any wool from going to Germany or Austria. (Applause.) It Was a pity that, from a proclamation of November 3, American buyers were. v excluded,varifl the wool could therefore only go to England, presumably because England considered that she was •very short of wool and needed it. The speaker expressed the hope 'that by ; next sale the Americans would again be in the market. From the outset it Vas apparent that the buyers representing Bradford houses came prepared to do business, and prices immediately took an appreciable rise upon the values ruling at the close of the last series, and were substantially above the rates of ,the opening sale of last year. Merinos and some of the minor lots, such as bellies'and pieces, usually brought ior the Continent, were easier. The sale was practically-a reflex-of the London sales .of recent; dates, all Bradford qualities Bhowing advances. Super halfbred was a full penny per lb dearer than at the closing of the' season. Three-quarterbreds improved upon last January prices by about Id per lb. Corriedales and in fact all - half-bred qualities sold at much • improved prices, but pieces, locks, bellies, and crutchings were easier. Merinos were much weaker than last year '. The top price of the day was realised by the New Zealand Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association, for a line of 28 bale's of first half-breds branded F, C over three stars, the price being 14|d. Towards the close coarse cross-breds did not sell so well as in the early stages. The following gives the range of values as comparable with, the scale of prices at the first sale of the past season: >
Greasy.—F\V, E.L. hogget, a at 93; AG, first combing halfbred hogget, 4 13d; YZ, throe-quarterbred hogget, 5 12 Id, threequarterbred hogget, 4 12Jd; AG over Sockburn Shed/6H, halfbred hogget, 4 102; YY, crossbred hogget fine, 4 lOJd; Raynham/S in triangle, three-quarterbred hogget, 6 Bd, three-quarterbred ewe, 4 10jd; ARU, first combing halfbred, 12 12id; Woodgrove, halfbred, 0 12d, crossbred ewo and hogget, 4 lOJd; . Broadflelds Shearing Shed over P6, halfbred ewe, 3 lid, three-quarterbred ewe, 4 lid; FST, crossbred hogget, 3 10|d, crossbred hogget and ewo, 3 lid; S in triangle, E.L. hogget, 7 IOJd,; NB conj. ovxr —, threequarterbred hoggetj 3'lOJd, crossbred hogget, 5. 10d; FGH, halfbred ewe, 7 13, id, three-quarterbred ewe, 3 12d, crossbred ewe, 4 10Jd; reverse RL conj. over Oihitu. cross bred, 8 lid, 5 lOd; 8 turned over JT. E.L hogget, 8 11, crossbred, 3 lOd, crutchlngs, 5 82d; bar over broad arrow, halfbred 3 Hid;' Pie, halfbred No. 3 part crossbred, 3 92d; Raynham/S in triangle, crossbred, 3 92PYNE & CO.'S SALES. Greasy.—Bar over 7, crossbred hogget, 3 at 83d; D 7, halfbred wether, 5 14d; —B, fine crossbred ewe, 3 lljjd, crossbred ewe, 7 lid, fine crossbred hogget, 3 9Jd; over \VF, halfbred; 3 10Jd; AS conj., fine three-quarter-bred hogget, 3 lOd; T over E turned, crossbred, .3 9d; over DB, three-quarterbred hogget, 4 lOd; K in 0, halfbred wether hogget, 7 9d; Hazelhurst, halfbred, 5 lOlxl; PT, halfbred ewo hogget,,3 12d, three-quarter-bred ewe hogget, 10 HJd; crescent over O, halfbred hogget, 3 ll|d; ovjfr X over —, halfbred, 3 lOd; over LC, thfee-quartor-bred hogget, 3 10|d; G5, crossbred hogget, 3 lOd; J5, halfbred hogget, 4 lljd; LL, halfbred wether, 3 UJd; P over R turned, first halfbred ewe, 6 lid, second halfbred we, 3 10jd; A over ES, three-quarterbred, ,' Bjd; ,WF conj. over —, first combing hilfbred hogget, 4 lid; Wardslea,- three-
quartevbred wether, 4 lid; Waimarama over GH, halfbred wether, 9 13d, three-quarter-bred wethor A, 5 < 113 d, threo-qunrterbred wethor, 13 lljd, three-quarterbred hogget A, 3 lQ2cl, three-quarterbred hogget, 4 IOJd, pieces, 6 9id, bellies, 4 9Jd; HD conj., first combing halfbred hogget, 25 lOiJd, first halfbred pioeos, G 9!Jd; "WT conj. over Waiau Hills, first combing hogget, 5 134 d; WAK oonj., crossbred, 4 lOJd; WN, three-quarter-bred ewe hogget, 4 10£ d, crossbred ewe hogget, 3 lOd, crossbred hogget, 3 9d; .A., halfbred hogget, 4 Hid, three-quarterbred hogget, 6 lOd; TM, crossbred ewe, 9 11 id; Omaha, thrce-qUarterbred hogget, 5 lOIJd; Prince of Wales feathers over G, first combing halfbred ewe, 3 123 d, first combing halfbred hogget, 7 lid; S.D. hogget, 4 12d, first combing three-quarterbred ewe, . 3 lliid, first combing three-quarterb'red hogget, 25 10Jd, first combing R. x E.L., 5 llijd, first combing U. x E., 12 103 d, first combing crossbred hogget, 7 10id, first combing L.E., 5 lOd, first crossbred ewe pieces, 3 7id; Mt. Fyffe, three-quarterbred, 3 Hid; Lochiol, crossbred hogget, 5 lid; over SY, crossbred hogget, 14 Bramdean, halfbred ewe, 9 14} d, halfbred hogget, 4 14d, first three-quarterbred ewe, 12 132 d, three-quarter-bred hogget, 3 12Jd, crossbred ewe, 5 Hid, first three-quarterbred pieces, No 42 part halfbred, 4 lOd; Prince of Wales feathers over G, first combing halfbred hogget, 3 lOiJd, first combing three-quarterbred hogget, 8 10id; over 31, halfbred hogget A., 5 lOJd; I'revena over Amberley, fine halfbred A., 11 14Jd, halfbred, 3 12* d, merino, 7 10£ d; W over G, three-quarterbred, 5 12$ d, crossbred, 9 lid; P7. halfbred ewe, 5 13 ! jd, halfbred hogget, 3 12d; Westwood, halfbred ewe, 9 Hid, halfbred wether, 5 lOd, three-quarterbred ewe, 4 BJd; Ngaio Downs, halfbred ewe A., 23 133 d, halfbred ewe 8., 6 12& d, halfbred ewe, 9 HJd, halfbred hogget A, 7 9Jd, halfbred hoggat B, 3 9d, halfbred hogget AA, 4 lOd, halfbred pieces A, 9 9Jd, halfbred pieces,' 3 7d; W over B, super halfbred, 4 14d, halfbred A, 9 12d, three-quarterbred A, 12 ll|d, tiireequarterbred B, 5 IOJd, three-quarterbred halfbred A, 7 lid; New Zealand over thvastika, halfbred ram, 3 13Jd, crutchings, 11 «S<l; T V turned, couj., halfbred hogget, 3 10j|d, three-quarterbred hogget, 5 lOd; Leii-" I dervale, three-quarterbred hogget AA, 3 Hid, | three-quarterbred hogget A, 3 108 d; It reI versed with bar and R," conj., halfbred wether, 3 Hid; Lowry Hills, halfbred A, ! 4 13d; Bell, halfbred ewe, 5 Hid; BX, crossbred hogget, 3 92d; BA, three-quarterbred ewe,*3 HJd, crossbred ewe, 4 Hid; Hui I Hui, Corriedale half bre,d, 3 12d; Hui' Hui lover Mount Hilton, Corriedale, 3 14d; "Waiau Hills, first halfbred hogget, 12 14d, second halfbred hogget, 5 13Jd, first halfbred hogget pieces, 5 lid; The Gums,- three-quar-terbred-ewe hogget, 16 first ewe hogget pieces, 5 9§d; Scaitcliffe, halfbred and three-quarterbred, 9 lOJd; Vulcan Downs, first halfbred hogget 10 13ijd, 'first halfbred hogget pieces, 3 lljd; W in diamond/ halfbred ewe, 5 lljd, three-quarterbred ewe; 3 io}d, three-quarterbred hogget, 3 Bid* -Merlon Park, merino, 12 • Bdj -JW/S, first' pieces wether, 4 BJd; Gem over, Burrongong, second.combing merino, 10 Bid; j - through G, crossbred hogget, 4 lOd; Fernleigh, Ilomhey ewe, 6 12|d, Romney hogget, 3 HJd, crutchings, 3 7-Jd; JB- oyer Point, three-quarterbi-ed hogget,. 4 lid; J over; F, halfbre<f: A. 8 13Jd, halfbred B, 12 13d, crossbred A, 3 iojd; E with R Teversed, crossbred ewe A, .6 10Jd, crossbred ewe B, 14 9Jd; inverted V over B, crossbred ewe, 7 lOiJd, crossbred hogget, 3 lOJd; o over' W conj., three-quarterbred, 3 lid; Vernon; halfbred, 7. 123 d, crossbred. A,' 3 10£ d;, SA, first combing crossbred ewe, 4 103 d, first combing crossbred hogget, 5 lOd, longwool ewe, 5 10d, longwool hogget, 4 lOd, Southdown ewe, 3 HJd, merino, 3 laid, crutchings 3' 8d; 5 over J,, crossbred hogget, 5 103 d; RT, three-quarterbred ewe, 6 first crossbred' owe; 4 10id, crossbred ewe, 8 93d;'. JC conj., crossbred ewe, 6 10-id, Leicester ewe and hogget, 4 lOJd; Crystal Brook, halfbred hogget, 5 lid; 9P, half bred, 3 .12d ; A9j crosbred hogget, 3 lOd; 4P, crossbred ewe, 3 103 d; V inverted betVveen dots, crossbred ewe, 4 9ld; US, halfbred ewe hogget, 4 ll.Jd, * three-quarterbred ewe hogget, 0 IOSd, bellies and pieces, 3 BJd; JK over over Hickory, three-quarterbred ewe, 7 10-i2d; D reversed wjlh P conj., crossbred hogget, 4 9jd; RCH, first combing halfbred eWe,. 3 133 d, S-'D; ewe/ 4 i^id,-first* combing fine : crossbred- ewe,' 3- .13d, first .combing crossbred ewe, 10 12jd, first crossbred ewe pieces, 3 IOJd, second crossbred ewe pieces, 3 BJd, crutchings, .4 7d; Pinaki, three-quarterbred hogget A, 6 10Jd; - over 76, halfbred ewe, 3 133 d, three-quarterbred ewe, 4 123 d;. Plasisa, halfbred, 4 lid, crossbred, 3 9d; RCH over.J over C,. first combing .crossbred ewe, s.'lOSd; F6, halfbred liogget, 3 10Jd, threequarterbred hogget,, 5 10Jd; I'M, halfbred ewe, 4 113 d; over heart, halfbred, 3 113 d, three-quarterbred, 4 11 Jd;, H2 over threequarterbred, 4 lOd; CM,, halfbred ewe, 5 N lid; Ashley Cliffs, crossbred hogget, 4 101; Almond Bank, halfbred wethci 1 , 4 lid; TC over K, Leicester, 3 10id; Cashmere, fine halfbred ewe A, 3 14d, halfbred owe B, 6 133 d, three-quarterbred ewe, 9 12id, threequarterbred hogget, 3 lid, dingy ewe, 3 12Jd, dingy hogget, 3 lOd, three-quarterbred ewe pieces, 5 9d, hogget pieces, .5 83d; interlaced arrowheads over RMM, super halfbred hogget, 8 14d, halfbred, 18 13 Jd, fine three-quarter-bred hogget, 22 12 id, three-quarterbred, 10 113 d, scoured three-quarterbred crutchings, 4 13id; V 5 first halfbred hogget, 6 lid, threequarterbred hogget, 5 93d; Y in O, fine threequarterbred, 3 lOJd; .Wairewa, crossbred hogget, 9 lOd; crescent over PG, three-quarter-bred hogget, ;?• lid; 7T r crossbred ewe, 3 lid; JK conj. over —, halfbred ewe, 4 HJd, three-qunrterbred ewe, 3 lOd, threequarterbred hogget, 3 10id, crossbred ewe, 5, 9id;- Waipara Downs, first halfbred pieces, 5 lOd; Willowdale, halfbred ewe, 3 lid, -threo.fluurtorbred ewe, 6 10id, crossbred ewe, 10 10id; the Pines over Kaituna, super halfbred ewe, 4 13d, halfbred wether, 3 9}d, threequarterbred ewe, 5 10id, three-quarterbred hogget, 3 lOd, crossbred ewe, 11 103 d, crossbred hogget, 3 BJd; J/8,. three-quarterbred hogget, 3 lOd; O in diamond over WJW, three-quarter-bred hogget, 3 9d; BWG, halfbred hogget, 4 Hid; RCH over JD, halfbred, 3 12d, first coming crossbred ewe, 3 lOd; Lanecrost, first halfbred,- 8 halfbred, 7 14d, first halfbred hogget, 3 133 d, halfbred hogget, 5 12\d, first three-quarterbred, 6 12 id, crossbred Romney; 5 12d; Pahau Pastures, first halfbred hogget, 3 14d, first halfbred wether, 7 14id halfbred wether, 3 123 d, merino wether, 4 10id; WJ, crossbred ewe, 3 lid; MS over —, three-quarterbred ewe, 4 lOd; SE over —, crossbred, 4 9id; PI over Pinegrove, halfbred wether, 3 113 d, three-quarterbred wether, 4 10Sd: over cross, first halfbred hogget, 7 13Jd, first three-quarterbred hogget, 3 103 d, three-quarterbred hogget, 3 lOd, crutchings, 1 7d, halfbred pieces, 4 8d; . swastika over Oiahuna, halfbred wether A, fi 14id, .halfbred wether B, 5. 13d, three-quarterbred wether, A 3 13$ d, three-quarterbred hogget, A, 4, 103 d, three-quarterbred hogget B, 0 10id, Leicester, 3 10id; Hawkswood, halfbred ewe A, 5 14id, halfbred ewe, 8 133<1, halfbred hogget A, 5 133 d, halfbred hogget, 3 12Jd, halfbred wether' A, 11 13id halfbred wether, 3 13d, three-quarterbred ewe A, -8 12id, three-quarter-bred ewe, 6 Hid, three-quarterbred hogget A, a Hid, three-quarterbred ewe and hogget, 3 10id, dingy, 4" 103 d, first pieces, 4 .10jd, second pieces, 5 93d, first three-quarterbred ewe pieces, 5 9d, crutchings, 3 8<1; MB, crossbred ewe, 13 10id, crossbred hogget, 4 9id, pieces, 4 7d, crutchings, 3 5 id; over JB conj., crossbred 4 lOd; C2, halfbred hogget, 7 12id; Corriedale wether, 4- lOJd; BZ, crossbred, 3 9d; 4 over'C, crossbred ewe, 7 VI, halfbred and crossbred, 5 lid; AB, super halfbred, 5 13id, halfbred A, 9 13d, three-quarterbred A, 12 Hid, three-quarterbred B, 7 IOJd, three-quarterbred hogget A, 3 lOJd; Tiinpendean over bars, halfbred hogget A, 7 14id, halfbred hogget B, 12 14d, halfbred wether hogget, 9 13jd, halfbred wether hogget C, 5 12Jd, halfbred hogget pieces, 12 HJd, halfbred bellies and pieces, 8 lOd; Steventon, halfbred hogget A, 4 13id, halfbred hogget B, 8 13Jd, halfbred hogget C, 5 13d, first pieces, 4 lOJd; PH, halfbred owe, 8 103 d;, FHT, crossbred ewe, 9 13d; F reversed with S, first halfbred. 3 HJd; JG, three-quarterbred ewe, 4 12d. I
Greasy. —II over in diamond, halfbred, 6 at 12|d.; = over ' T3, crossbred, 6 lOd; T., crossbred, 3 9Jd; W .over over C, crossbred hogget, 3 lOJd; through D, halfbred hogget, 3 lOiJd; 58, crossbred ewe, 3 10id; W over L, Southdown, 5 lOiJd; p = , halfbred ewe A, 3 113 d, halfbred ewe B, 3 lOJd; Glenovis, halfbred hogget, 8 14Jd, halfbred wether and ram, 3 13gd; L in square, crossbred ewe, 5 Hid, crossbred hogget, 3 HJd; Fairview, halfbred wether, 7 13Jd, crossbred wether, 3 93d; .75, three-quarter-bred hogget, 3 12id; VT, halfbred wether, 3 lOjd, three-quarterbred wether A, 9Jd, three-quarterbred wether B, 3 9d, first pieces, 3 81d; 1.1, three-quarterbred ewe A, 3 lid, three-quarterbred ewe B, 3 lO&d; IP, halfbred
ewe, 3 12d, threc-quartcrbred ewe. 3 10Jd, | crossbred ewe, 3 9Jd; over diamond,! halfbred ewe, B'lljjd, three-quarterbred ewe, I 3 lOd; HH conj., crossbred ewe and hogget, i 3 9Jd; arrow through heart, halfbred wether, ] 3 lliid; JJ turned and conjoined through L, j halfbred and three-quarterbred ewe, 3 lid,! crossbred ewe, 4 HJ-d, crossbred i hogget, 3 112 d; W'A, Leicester ewe. 10 lOd, j Leicester ram and ewe hogget, 4 IOJd, pieces, j 3 6Jd; 4 with .-. over ||, crossbred ewe, 8: 12Jd, Leicester ewe and hogget, 3 JC, crossbred hogget, 4 lOd; V 4, crossbred, 4 lOd; two hearts inverted, halfbred ewe, 4 9d; BZ, crossbred ewe, 5 9ijd; crescent over LB, crossbred ewe, 3 lid; bar over MC, halfbred hog-" get, 4 133 d; Claverton, three-quarterbred wether, 4 10id; reversed C with |C conj., halfbred hogget, 5 lOfJd, crossbred hogget, 5 9Jd; reversed LB conj., crossbred, 7 lid; Glen Mona, halfbred A, 3 12Jd, halfbred, 3 13d, crossbred A, 3 10d, crossbred, 5 Higham, super combed halfbred, 6 13d, first combing halfbred, 5 12d, first combing threequarterbred, 6 12d, first halfbred pieces, 5 lOd; bar over DB, halfbred wether, 3 13Jd; JJ, halfbred ewe. ,4 11 Jd, GX, crossbred, 3 12d; Rockvale, first halfbred, 6 12Jd, threequarterbred, 5 lid, crossbred, 3 lOd, first ! pieces, 3 lOd, crutchings, 3 7d: DF, halfbred hogget, 5 91d; OV, crossbred hogget, 3 9d; Garfield, crossbred ewe, 4.lOiJd; L in circle, three-quarterbred ewe, 4 10id; IA over bar, Ryeland ewe, 7 lid, Leicester ewe, 9 10|d, Leicester hogget, 4 92d;" kirwee Shed over PC, first halfbred hogget, 7 14Jd, super halfbred ewe, 3 14id, first halfbred ewe, 9 13"id, super halfbred wether, '8 14i, first halfbred wether, 15 14d, second halfbred wether, 6 13Jd, crossbred, 3 115 d, first halfbred pieces, 11 HJd, halfbred bellies, 5 9d; D over -.?,■ three-quarterbred ewe, 13 Hid; H in diamond, crossbred ewe, 3 112 d; W.T, crossbred' hogget, 4 9id; LD over Woodside, halfbrert, 3 12Jd, crossbred, 4 lid; cretcent over JD, ! three-quarterbred hogget, 3 10id; Ornihi, half[bred, 4 12Jd; Waihora, halfbred wether, 4 14d, crossbred hogget, 3 lOJd; TH conj., crossbred ewe 9 10id; LH first combing three-quarterbred ewe, 4 102 d, first combing crotsbred ewe, 9 9id, first pieces, 3 Sid; CC over eye, first crossbred, 14 lljd; EC crossbred, 4 lOJd; T over M, halfbred ewe, 3 13£ d; SHA, .first combing halfbred. hogget, 3 10id; YC, merino ewe. 3 lOd, 6 over C, crossbred ewe, •.3 lid; A 6. over bar, crossbred hogget, 3 103 d; W-f, halfbred ewe, 4 12Jd, crossbred ewe, 6 ! ewe, 8 9Jd; ./.halfbred, 3 13d; HR conj., three-quarterbred hogget, 3 lOd; H, crossbred ewe, 3 lOJd; S between bars, three-quarter-bred hogget, 3-ll'2dj" HK over bar, halfbred : hogget, 4 9jd;Mar,g, halfbred, 6.'123 d, threequarterbred A, 8 113 d, pieces, 4 sid; 4L conj. crossbred ewe, 4 lOJd; E, crutchings, 4 BJd; A over | over —, Corriedale hogget, 8 123 d, first pieces, 3 9id; W over E, crossbred hogget, 4 lOJd; Taihba, halfbred ewe, 6 12d, threeqtiarteivbred ewe, 3 10Jd; 4AVcrossbred, 5 lOjdf L 4. crutchings, 4 8d; FH, halfbred wether, 3 Hid; 'ZD over AVwimau-e, halfbred ewe A. 6 12Jd; crescent, - hatfbred hogget, 12 12id; over A, threequarterbred, 3 9Sd; W'aipapa, three-quarter-bred hogget, 5 lid, first pieces, 4 Bd*;' JA over"-Harleston, crossbred hogget, 17 12id> first cross, 8 12Jd, first crossbred, 71 HSd, crossbred, 3 lid, crossbred, 4 IOJd, pieces, 4 Sid; G, super halfbred hogget; 3" 13d, halfbred ewe, 13 14Jd, halfbred ewe and hogget, 12 13d, crossbred ewe, 7 pieces, 10 9%d; WC over .C., 1 super crossbred, 5 Hid, crossbred, 19 lid, cotted, 3 92d, bellies and pieces, 3 74;. PT, crossbred, 8 91; MG, halfbred ewe, 5 12d, crossbreH i ewe, 3 lOd; \V over C turned,- halfbred, 4 j 14d; Mt. Brown over two diamonds, half-, bred ewe, 14 14d, A over —, three-quarter-. '■ bred ewe, 7 12Jd; over ÜB, crossbred ewe, 5, 9id; CJ, halfbred, 6 11 Jd, crossbred, 5 H4d; - over P, crossbred ewe, 12; diamdnd over .j. over diamond, crossbred ewe, 4 lOd; 63, ,crossbred' ewe, G 13Jd;' ;Y j over —, halfbred hogget, 5 18jd, crossbred I hogget, 8 I2d, crossbred ewe, 3 9'id; 3 over —, three quarterbred, 4 lOi'd; BC, halfbred i ewe and wether, 3 lOJd; ll'A over —, three-
quarterbred hogget, 3 9Jd. FRIEDLANDER BROS.' (ASHBUKTON) SALES. ■ Greasy.—T7, hogget No. 3, 20 ewe fleeces, 3 at 9jd; Cattle Peaks, fine crossbred hogget, 3 lOJd; 8 W, crossbred ewe, 6 10Jd; crossed J's, halfbred ewe, fi 12d, crossbred ewe, 6 93d; TT, halfbred ewe, 3 crossbred ewe, 5 10|d; HO, crossbred ewe, 7 lOd; TM, crossbred hogget, 0 10£ d; Te Aro, first crossbred ewe, 3 103 d; HM, three-quarter-bred wethor, 4 103 d, three-quarterbred hogget, 4 lid, first halfbred hogget, 4 HBd, second 'halfbred hogget, 4 lljd;— over LS, lialfbred ewe, 3 12d, crossbred ewe,. 9 10^d. DALGETY & CO.'S SALES. JW conj., three-quarterbred hogget, 5 at 103 d; JA, three-quarterbred hogget, 4 lid; reversed J over G, three-quarterbred ewe hogget, 5 103 d; Mt. Grey pver Whiterock, crutchings, 3 7d; Pleasant Peaks, three-quarterbred hogget, 3 11 £d; .—'over D 8 with Maltese cross, three-quarterbred hogget. A, .13 103 d, three-quavterbred hogget B, 7 IOJd, A pieces, 3 lOd, B pieces, 3 crutchings, 4 8d; Kirkstyle, crossbred hogget A, 3 Hid, crossbred hogget B, 3 103 d; GF, thi'ee-quarterbred hogget, 3 103 d; ZD, Corriedale wether, 7 13 Id, halfbred wether, 8 133 d; over HD conj., lialfbred wether, 7 113 d, three-quarter-bred hogget, 3 9?id; Rosedale. Border Leicester ewe hogget, 3 101 d, English Leicester ew,e hogget, 4 10id; FR, halfbred wether, 3 12Jd, crossbred hogget, 5 IOdJ 7L, first combing halfbred hogget, 3 IOJd, first combing halfbred ewe, 3 10$ d, first combing three-quarter-bred ewe, 3.9Jd; U, crossbred ewe, 8 lOJd;, K reversed 1$ over Burnt Hill, halfbred hogget, 15 12d, three-quarterbred hogget, 12 lOJd; Hayland, halfbred ram, 3 12£ d; Y9, lialfbred hogget, 8 9Jd; WD, halfbred, 5 101 d; WE, halfbred hogget, 6 .lO'Jd; Rakahiiri, Corriedale hogget.AA, 4 14d, Corriedale wether A, 4 14d; AH, halfbred owe, 3 12d; Spurtletou Downs, halfbred hogget, 8 12d; turned C with /C, halfbred hogget A, 7 112 d, three-quarterbred hogget, 7 10Jd, first pieces, 3 Bjd; The Terraces over B, halfbred wether, 4 10$ d; Wharenui, '2-bred hogget, 7 12d, crossbred .Jyjggef, 3 10id; Beverly, Corriedale hogget, 4 Hid; Patiti, halfbred ewe, 6 13:Jd, three-quarterbred ewe, 6 13id, three-quarter-bred hogget, 3 10"d; Ngahorehere, halfbred hogget, A, 12 13id, Corriedale ram and hogget, 13 13d, halfbred hogget, 3 lid, first pieces and bellies, 3 9id; Manuka Bay, halfbred hogget, 4 lOfld;- WJ> conj., Southdown ewe, 3 12Id, halfbred wether, 5 12d, thrcoquarterbred wether, 3 lOld, three-quarterbred ewe hogget, 4 10Id, crossbred ewe hogget, 14 93d; U reversed in square, Corriedale hogget, 10 Hurstlea, Corriedale'hogget, 12 12ld, three-quarterbred hogget, . 8 103 d, bellies and pieces, 3 9d; TT, threequarterbred ewe, 4 103 d; heart over Clifton, Down, 4 105 d, crutchings, 4 8d; Glasnevin, tine three-quarterbred wether, 4 12(1; crescent over R, halfbred wether, 3 113 d; 3 over —, three-quarterbred ewe, 6 101 d; M in circle, three-quarterbred ewe, 3 103 d; CH, lialfbred, 9 lid, crossbred, 3 10id; Orui, halfbred, 19 13 Id, three-quarterbred, 8 lid, pieces, 5 8d; 7D, first halfbred hogget, 7 lid, second halfbred hogget, 6 9s>d, first crossbred hogget, 4 103 d, bellies and pieces,' 3 7id; HR, halfbred, 3 113 d,. crossbred, 7 10 Jd; 4F, Romney hogget, 3 10Ad, Shropshire hogget, 3 83d; WL, halfbred ewe, 4 113 d, crossbred ewe, 3 101 d, crossbred hogget, 5 10|d; Karatarau, halfbred, 4 lid, dingy, 3 9Jd; WD, halfbred, 11 I2jd, crossbred, 5 9jjd; WG, three-quarter-bred, 3 103 d, ci-ossbred 4 91d; D turned with O, halfbred ewe, 5 133 d, three-quarterbred ewe, 5 13d; Highfield, crtiteliings, 3 7ild; AD over Morven, halfbred hogget, 3 Hid; Sundown, halfbred hogget, 5 Hid; JB conj., Southdown ewe, 4 lid; ,F\VD, Border Leicester ewe, 4 93d, crossbred ewe, 4 lOJd; AB over —, crossbred ewe, 10 93d; WM, crossbred ewe, 4 9jd; WF, crossbred ewe, 4 10jd; 13 over —, three-quarterbred hogget, 5 10Jd: Belmont over 9U, three-quarterbred, 4 9Jd; Mt. Grey over Whitero'ck, Corriedale ewe A, 3 14d, Corriedale ewe B, 3 133 d, Corriedale hogget B, 10 14jd, Corriedale rams, 3 13Jd, Corriedale hogget C, ' 3 121 d Corriedale first pieces, 5 HJd, Corriedale bellies, 3 9d; TSI, three-quarterbred ewe, G 9Jd; Coffee j Pot, halfbred ewe, 3 lOd; Glendore, crossbred ewe, 3 11.3d; Oranga, fine crossbred ewe, 5 Hid; Clearwell, crossbred hogget, 4 IOJd, crossbred ewe, 3 103 d; 7U, crossbred ewe, J6 103 d; Stonyvale, first crossbred ewe, 14 131 d, second halfbred ewe, 7 113 d, halfbred wether, 3 113 d, halfbred hogget, 5 three-quarterbred 3 lljd, first halfbred pieces 4 9Jd; Achray, first halfbred hogget, 5 13Jd, first three-quarterbred ewe, 5 12Jd, first pieces, 4 lOd; U2, fine three-quarterbred ewe, 3 12d; 68 over —, halfbred ewe, 14 13 id, pieces, 3'9ld; MF conj. over Cheviot, halfbred ewe, 7 13jd; X over Cheviot, three-quarterbred hogget, 4 10 ! jd; CT over Avoca, halfbred ewe, 3 llld. halfbred hogget, 3 lf&d; 2 0, halfbred, 4 Hid; Rocklea, three-quarterbred, 3 103 d, crossbred, 6 lid; Z, three-quarterbred, 4 Hid; TH, crossbred, 3 Hid; XB conj., crossbred, 9.103 d; Kairoma over HB conj., halfbred,' 10 12id; Taruna, Corriedale rain,
4 13d. halfbred hog<ret, 4 lOJd; L 3, halfbred hogget, 4 lid. . N.Z. FARMEWS' COOP. SALES.
I Greasy.—D3, three-quarterbred wether, 10 i Ojd; L over .1 conj., three-quarterbred hogget, \4. 9§d; M under —, crossbred ewe, 5 Bjd, | crossbred ewe hogget. 3 9Jd; XX, three-quar-jterbred hogget, 3 10} d: T over inverted cresjeenl, halfbred hogget, 4 10Jd; T3 over —, I crossbred wether, 3 10jd; 3U, three-quarter-j bred hogget, 5 9 : ; d; Flaxinere, throe-quarter-bred hogget. 5 9Jd; Barford. halfbred and three-quarterbred hogget, 5 13Jd, three-quar-terbred hogget. 4 V2d; = over O over Bar- ■ ford, crossbred and three-quarterbred hogget, 4 113 d; Dalmaney, Corriedale ram and hogget, 5 14d; J reversed in circle, halfbred hogget, 4 13 jd, crossbred hogget, 3 lid; 20, fine three-quarterbred ewe hogget, 13 lOJd; TM conj., three-quarterbred hogget, 14 BJd;-AF conj., crutchings, 3 7jd; 56, threequarterbred hogget, 4 10jd;FH over Greta, hogget, 4 103 d; KT over —, tlireequarterbred hogget, 5 lOjd; TO, crossbred hogget, 5 9!Jd, erossbrfls* pieces, 4 82d; JWF over Thornlea, threeqjuirterbred hogget, 8 lid; •TSB, halfbred wether, 3 lljd; B with J turned conj., Leicester hogget, 5 10jd; Stormlen, crossbred hogget, 4 ,9Jd; HI under —, crossbred hogget, 5 lljd; /F ovn B turned, crutchings, 3 8d; Cairndale, three-quarter-bred hogget, 9 lid; ZZ. three-quarterbred, 6 10jd, hogget, 4 9jd; SX over —, halfbred, 3 11 §d. crossbred ewe, 9 l6d; 17, threequarterbred, 4 10Jd; RO, J-bred hogget, 3 10ld; East Lynne over ,TS, halfbred ewe 4 llijd, halfbred hogget, 6 lljd; Lagmhor, halfbred wether, 3 11 jd, half and three-quarterbred ewe, 4 10Jd," Ronmey ewe, 11 ICJd; UR conj.. .first combing, crossbred-ewe A, 4 13d, first combing crossbred ewe, 7 lid, first combing crossbred ewe B, 3 10jd'; AV over Grange, crossbred, 7 lOJd; C.T. over —, .halfbred, 3 12d; J+ .T conj. over Riversdale, halfbred hogget A, 3 12d; Green Hills over R reversed 'with L conj., halfbred ewe crutchings, 3 BJd, 73; three-quarterbred, 4 9id; H—H conj., crossbred hogget, 3 9id, H with ■ J reversed, conj., ewe hogget,-3 103 d; WP, crossbred ewe Jiogget,. 3 104 d; Allandale,. halfbred hogget, 6,114 d; X, crossbred hogget, 5 B|d; SZ.under —.crossbred ewe,; 4 .IQld;' AG, halfbred hogget A, 5 lid, halfbred hogget B, 5 10jd; J turned with 11, conj., halfbred 3 Hid, B.L. ewe,' 4 101 d, crossbred ewe, 3 lid; 38,; crossbred ewe,-6 :li)ld;,,flW, halfbred and crossbred,M i lid; JK conj. in triangle", .crossbred wether, -6 lid, Leicester, 3? lQjjd; 32, "three-qiiarterbred hogget, 19 lljd; two bars,and .half-circle, Shropshire ewe, 9 12jd; JH, super combing halfbred A, 13 13 2d, super combing fine irossbred B, 4 lid; Nesslea over G.t, c.onj,,. first halfbred hogget, 4 lljd, first pieces, 3:7jd; JJ, Down rnnv 3 Hid; Marksbury, fiwe.crossbred.ewe, 6 aSJdiWKv half bred, ewe, 3 12d; FE, crossbred, 3 lOid. :
N.Z. LOAN AND MEBOANTILE [Published by arrangement.)
Christchurch, Nov.-12, 1914. • The New Zealand Loa>; and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report:—
"We held our first wool .sale of the season at the Alexandra Hall this morning, when we offered a small catalogue, chiefly of hogget and wether wool, to a representative attendance of. Home, American, New Zealand mills, and local buyers. .'.; Owing to the conditions prevailing, and to the 'recent; legislation by the New Zealand Government, competition- was entirely; confined to Bradford and New Zealand buyers, although both America and the Continent were represented on the benches. * '
The bulk of our offerings was well grown, light conditioned hogget wool, showing more earth than last season, and we sold practically the whole of our offerings at""•prices.;-which must be considered' entirely satisfactory to -growers. - All descriptions of fleece were well competed for, but pieces were to a great extent" neglected. *" ; "" : '■" The following were the principal sales:—
FGH, account F. G. Horrell (Horrellville), halfbred ewe 13Jd, tnreo : quarterbred ewe : , I2d, crossbred ewe 10 £d, half bred hogget J3jd; YY, account J. Seymour . (Simngfield), half bred hogget, 1,8 Jd, crossbred hogget lOJd; Raynham over S in triangle, account F.. C. Sowden (.Aylesbury), halfbred Jiogget I3sd, crossbred hogget A &', account A." Graham (Horrellville), halfbred hogget lid to 13d; YZ, account Pickering Bros. (Hprorqta), three-quarterbred hogget, lOiJd to 12Jd; ARU, account McCoy and Lock (Sumner), halfbred ewe 12|'d';' Woodgrove, account Jno. O'Carroll (Hawarden), halfbred wether and hogget 12d, crossbred ewo l0£d; V 6, account W. Phillips (Weedons), halfbred ewo — over broad arrow, account A. Sloane (West Melton), halfbred ewe Hid; OH, account J. G. Hunt (Yaldhurst), halfbred hogget lid; JT, account Jos. Taylor (Waipara), E.L. 9'id to lid; R reversed with L con. over Oihitu, account R. Latter, Barry's Bay, crossbred lOd to lid; FST, account F. S. Taylor (Waipara), crossbred to lid; 8 in triangle, account W. H. P. Sowden (Dunsandel), E.L. hogget lOJd; NB conj., account A. Boulnois (Aylesbury), three-quarterbred hogget IOJ.d, crossbred hogget lOd.
Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report as follows: —
The first of the local series of wool sales was held fo-day, when 7574 bales were submitted for sale.
There was a large attendance of Home buyers, also New Zealand woollen mills' representatives and local scourers and fellmongers. Particular interest was taken in this sale, being the first held in New Zealand since the outbreak of war. Special conditions of sale prohibited German and Austrian representatives from buying, and, in accordance with recent Government regulations, American buyers were also debarred from operating! As a result of the recent dry spell of weather and high winds, some of the wool opened up dusty and earthy, but, on the other hand, quite a miniber. of clips opened up in bright, attractive condition. Yorkshire buyers took by far the largest share of the offerings, the local factories and scourers not operating so freely as usual. Compared with the opening sale last sea-son,-which on account of the strike was held in December instead of November, we quote: Super halfbreds and fine crossbreds, lid to 2d dearer. Medium halfbreds and crossbreds, Id dearer. , Crossbred and halfbred pieces, Ad to Id dearer. The quantity of merinos offering was too small to afford a reliable indication of values,, but the few sales which were made were on the basis of Id to 2d per 11) below the opening of last season.
To-dny's range of values, compared with December sale of last year, is as follows: Today's sale. Dec. 10,1913 d. d. Super merinos . . None off. 12 to 13 Medium merinos . . 9 to 10 10 to Hi Super halfbred and
Medium halfbreds . . M to 12 10 to 11 Fine crossbred* . . 11 to 13J 10 to 11 Medium and coarse do 9 to 10?. BVto 9^ Super pieces . . 10 to llh 10 to loj{ First pieces .. .. 8 to 9J 8 to 9 Medium pieces , . fil to 8 6 to 7 Locks 4 to 5J 4 to 55
Our own catalogue comprised a total of 1052 bales, of which we practically made a complete clearance at auction. Some of our best sales to-day were as under:—
Account 11. Ensor, Mt. Grey over Whiterock, 10 bales Corriedale hogget r.t 14£ d, .9 Corriedale 13Jd to 14d, 5 Corriedale pieces Hid; Hugh Elisor, Kukahuri, 8 Corriedale 14d; Alex. Duncan, ZD, 15 halfbred Carricdalc 13 Jd to 133 d; \V. J. McMillan, Patiti, 6 halfbred 13:] d, h three-qua.rterbred 13Jd; D. J. Osbourn, D.O, 5 halfbred 13jjd, 5 threequnrterbred 13d; Mrs A. Macfarlnne, Achray, 5 lialfbred loid, 5 three-quarterbred 12Ad; M. Flaherty, MF over Cheviot, 7 halfbred 12£ d; "\V. G. Rudd, Ngaherehere, 15 halfbred 13d to 13Jd; James Cooper, Horseshoe in squaro, 10 Corriedale 13id; W. Cunningham, Orui, 19 lialfbred 13.} d ;. Harrison and Sou, Stonyvalo, 14 halfbred 13i<l; G. H. Sharpe,"6s, 14 halfbred 13id; K.' Evans, Taruna, 4 Carriedale 13d; J. D. McCracken, Hayland, 3 rains 12Jd; J. Wells and Sons, \VD conj., 11 halfbred 12£ d; B. Hampton, Kairoine, 10 halfbred 12£ d; J. It. Maxwell, Hurstlea, 12 Corriedale 12 Jd; F. Ileesby, FR, 3 Jmlfbred, 12id; C. F. Bassett, Burnt Hill, 15 halfbred 12.} d; 0. N. Hamilton, AH, 3 halfbred 12d; S. Burrows, Spurtleton Downs, 8 halfbred 12d; \V. F. Jackman, Whareuui, 7 halfbred 12d, G. N. McLean, Glusnevin, 4 halfbred 12d; D. J. Mcintosh, U2, 3 halfbred 12d. The second sale has been fixed for December 7, with a limit of 17,000 bales. Catalogues
close on November 30, unless this limit is arrived 'at before ihatdate. .'';•'.'.■
PYNE & CO. ,
Pyne and Co. report as. follows:
The first bf the series of -wool sales in Uie' Dominion for this season took place at Christchnrch to-day, when a total of 7574 bales were submitted. There was a .good attehdanoe of buyers, arid practically .the whole of the catalogues wore cleared under a very keen competition. If was expected that there would be -a decided .advance in the price' of .crossbred wools as compared with last season, and such was ..the case.... The advance for bright clean sorts was equal to in. some instances Id to ljd-per. lb; inferior and discoloured, lines also sold at advanced prices, though the improvement in these was. less , .... . ; % ' The feature of the sale, however, was", the enhanced values paid for super halfbreds, which brought prices Id to lid in excess of those ruling at the closing sale last season; ~ Merinos.—There were not many on offer, and for these there was but" little,'" if anjv change in values; in fact, the market, if anything, was somewhat lower in wools of this class than last year. . •:',
The range of prices may be given as follows: Super Halfbreds .. . . 13d to 14d Extra lines .. .. .. to 14Jd Gqod Halfbreds .. .. 12d to 12 id . Others .. .. .. f. lOd to lid Best Corriedales .. .. 12jd to I4d, Medium Corriedales . . 10jd to ll'ld Best Three-quarterbreds lid to 12d Extra good 12 Id Other Three-quarterbrcds 9Jd to lid . Croasbreds 10d to .Hid, Medium Crossbreds .. lOd to 10id Our catalogue comprised 2527 bales, .of which practically everything was sold. • A detailed report of our sale will 'appear in to-morrow's issue.
Jan., 1914. Nov., 1914. MERINO-^-d. d. Super 12 to 13 None off. Medium to good. . 10J tollS 9 to 104 Inferior 9 to 10 8 to 8'1 HALFBRED— Super . . Hi to 14 12* to 143 • Medium to good,. . 10 to 115 11 to .12 Inferior . . . . 7Z to Q'i 9 tolOJ THREE-QUARTERBRED— Super 103 to 12 Hi to 12J Medium to good. . 9 to 104 10 to 111 Inferior :. -. . 7J to 83 8 to 9 A CROSSBRED— , Super . . ; . . 93 to 113 12 to 13 Medium to good. . • 8 to 94 10 to Hi Inferior . . 62 to 7$ 7\ to m Longwool 7 to 103 8 to 105 CORRIEDALE— Super . . 125 to 133 13 to 14J Medium to good. . 10J to 12 114 to12| Inferior 94 to 104 10 to 11 DOWN— ' Super None off. None off. Medium ,to good. . '.. 8 J tollii 9 to 114 Inferior . . ■■ None off. None off. PIECES— : Merino . . , 10 5 to 74 Crossbred . . \ . 41 to 81 54 to 94 Three-quarterbred 6J td 8 74 to 9 Half bred .. ■•■'. . eito.iii 74 to 115 Locks ■ 4£. to 6 42 to 54 9 5 to 10 Crutchings . . ... 6 to 7J 54 to 7% NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE SALES.
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 239, 12 November 1914, Page 3
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5,871THE WOOL SALE. Sun (Christchurch), Volume I, Issue 239, 12 November 1914, Page 3
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