It is estimated that upwards of 17,000 men and 5000 horses will participate in the four principal district camps which will bo held towards the end of the present month and throughout the greater' part of May during the visit of General Sir lan Hamilton, Inspector-General of> the Overseas Forces. The quotas am made up as follow.: —Otago district camp at Matarfle, April 29, 3691 men and 1000 horses ; Canterbury district camp at Kofaai, May 1, 490 men and 1030 horses; Welligt.on district camp, 5666 men and 1574 horses; Auckland district camp, 1540 men and 1400 horses. Camps will also be held in other- centres, as already announced, and, at the expiration of the general camps, casual camps will be held. It is, estimated-that about 780 will attend the Takapau casual camp. Largo supplies, of provisions and stores will naturally be required for the men and horses, and these have already . ! jeen ordered. The quantities required for the Takapau. camp are as follow, those for the other camps being in proportion:—Bl,2solb of bread, 97,"iOOlb fresh meat, 16,2501 b butter. 10501 b 'ee, 16,2501 b sugar, 65,0001 b potatoes, L6,2501b onions, 16,2501 b jam, 81301 b oatmeal, 4070 gallons fresh milk (condensed milks as required if fresh milk is not available, 1 tin per eight men per diem), 20301 b salt, lllb pepper, 48001 b flour. Fuel: Six tons coal, •238,0001 b wood, 13601 b candles. Forige: 97,5001 b straw, 2700 bushels oats, 96 tons oat-sheaf chaff, 48 tons hay, 12 sacks, bran.
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Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 97, 17 April 1914, Page 6
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254IN CAMP. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 97, 17 April 1914, Page 6
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