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[By Electric Telegraph—Copyright] [United Press Association. 1 Bloemfontein, April 18. The National Violence Committee (representing the supporters of General Hertzog) passed a motion of noconfidence in General Botha, and disapproved of the increase in the naval contribution on the groud of insufficient prosperity. ft was resolved that where the interests of South Africa and the Empire do not coincide, South Africa should take precedence, for instance, in the

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Bibliographic details

Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 87, 19 April 1913, Page 2

Word Count

WHEN INTERESTS CLASH. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 87, 19 April 1913, Page 2

WHEN INTERESTS CLASH. Stratford Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 87, 19 April 1913, Page 2


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