THE RIALTO. Messrs William Todd and Co., Ltd., report the following sale at their weekly market on Saturday, May 2: — Pigs: Good demand. Weaners 11/- to 14/6; well-grown 15/- to £1 3/6; stores £1 5/- to £1 11/6; porkers £2 1/- to £2 6/-; young boar £1 8/6. Poultry: Better demand. Hens 1/2 to 1/9; second-year hens 2/- to 2/11; heavy breeds 2/5 to 2/6; White Leghorn pullets (small) 3/6 to 3/9; (well-grown) 5/6 to 7/1; Rhode Island Red pullets 7/1; geese 3/-; White Indian Runner ducks 4/-; Indian runners 2/- to 2/9; geese 2/11 to 5/3. Dairy Cows: £ll, £9, £B, £B. Spring Cart: £l2. Bacon Pigs: We are cash buyers of bacon weights 1201b—1501b at 41d lb and receive every day except Saturday. Produce: Table potatoes —the market was well supplied. Prime quality £5 10/- ton; onions prime 8/- bag; chaff £4 to £4 10/-; straw £3 10/- to £3 15/-; clover hay £5; meadow hay £4 10/-; oats 11/6 to 12/6; oatdust 4/6; wheat 18/to 20/-; sorrel 5/-; Poaka pig food 9/-; Moa poultry food 9/-; pollard 9/-; bran 8/6; crushed oats 12/-; Crushed peas 21/6; partridge peas 7/6 bushel; Moose Meal 19/-; Moose nuts 17/6; meat meal 12/6; fowl grit 9/- cwt; rice pollard 12/-; barley pollard 14/-; rock salt 7/6; molasses 7/tin. Vegetables: Cabbage 1/6 to 2/- dozen; cauliflower 3/-; carrots 7/- cwt; parsnips 11/-; swedes 1/- bag. ■ Miscellaneous: Rabbit netting, 17 gauge (discoloured) 12/6 roll; English barb-wire 25/6 cwt; No. 8 galvanized 19/6; sheep netting 15/-; fowl netting, 6-ft netting 19/-; kauri washtubs £2 15/-; portable boilers £4; plunge baths £3 5/-; tanks from £2 15/-; sawn timber, 12/- to 14/- 100 ft; dressed T. & G. and weather boards 23/to 25/- 100; stakes 25/- 100; droppers 12/-; totara posts £5; roofing iron from 2/1 sheet; rabbit traps 26/- dozen; pegs 1/9; nets 5/6; horse covers (lined) 25/to 36/-; cow covers (lined) 15/- to 16/-; Ceylon tea 51b boxes 12/6, 401 b chests 2/3 lb." Mutonbirds (prime quality), 7d in small kits. ' D. W. McKAY, LTD. Messrs D. W. McKay, Ltd., Exchange Mart, Invercargill, report as follows:— Fruit and produce.—We handled . very heavy consignments of fruit during the week especially pears and apples. Considerable quantities of tomatoes also came to hand and peaches. Passion fruit in good supply and meeting ready market. Cape gooseberries also came to hand in good quantities. Jam melons are now in full supply and as a jam fruit these are hard to beat. The market is bare of lemons and oranges are also scarce. Australian grapes are due by next boat. Vegetables are still very plentiful and ruling at low prices. Current prices are as follows:—Apples, (dessert) 6?- to 9/-; cookers 5/- to 7/-; pears—cookers 2/- to 3/- box; dessert 3/6 to 4/6 box; tomatoes—best 14 d to 2d; others 1/6 to 2/6 box; oranges 45/-; grapes 16/- to 18/- case; hothouse 10(1 to I/- lb; peaches 3/- to 4/6; Cape gooseberries 8/-; jam melons 2d per lb; carrots 6/to 8/- cwt; parsnips 8/- to 10/-; cabbages 1/- to 2/6 dozen; marrows and pumpkins Id to 14d.
Produce.—Potatoes £5 10/- to £6 per ton; bran and pollard, current rates; oatdust 4/-; chaff 4/- to 5/- bag; straw 2/6 bale; hay 3/6 to 4/6; fowl grit 3/6 561 b bag; wheat 19/6 to 25/-. General.—Galvanized corrugated iron 1/6 to 2/3 sheet; doors 17/-, 19/-, 21/-; sashes 6/-, 8/-, 10/-; ranges 50/- to 55/-; barrow 14/-; grindstones 10/- and 12/6; rabbit traps 21/- dozen. New season's muttonbirds (in kits) 7d per bird. Furniture. —A considerable quantity of furniture was disposed of (both new and second-hand), and we have 150 pairs of blankets of extra heavy quality which are now selling freely. Our range of bedroom, dining room furniture and carpets at bedrock prices, are well worth inspection. F. BOWDEN AND CO. Messrs F. Bowden and Co. report that tomatoes are now getting finished, anything ripe and firm commanding better prices. • The bulk of the fruit now arriving are apples and pears, passions and Australian grapes are available. A few Freestone peaches are still coming to hand. A shipment of Norfolk Island bananas are due and will be sold to-day Monday. Heavy supplies of exceptionally good cauliflowers are arriving, other vegetables are in good supply, prices ruling low for most lines. Produce is moving off steadily and full stocks of all varieties are on hand. The week closed with prices ruling: Tomatoes Id to 3d lb; apples, dessert 5/- to 8/6, cookers 4/- to 6/6; bananas 37/-; oranges 42/- case; pears, dessert 2/6 to 3/6, cookers 1/6 to 2/6; passion fruit 3/6 to 8/-; peaches 2/6 to 3/6; Australian grapes 11/6 to 12/-; plums 3/3 box.
Vegetables, Produce, Etc.: Melons to 2d; carrots Id; parsnips lid lb; onions 7/6; oats 12/- to 13/-; bran 9/-; pollard 10/-; barley pollard 15/-; wheat 19/- to 22/6; oatdust 4/6; lime 2/-; swedes 2/-; crushed oats 12/6 bag; muttonbirds sd; honey 3/6 and 6/6 tin; cabbage 1/6; cauliflowers 3/6 to 4/-; celery 4/6; red cabbage 2/- dozen; straw £3 10/-; chaff £4 5/- to £4 10/-; potatoes £5 10/- to £6; choice clover hay £5 ton. , ... Poultry.—Hens 1/6; grit 1/- and 2/6 bag. . , . Pigs.—A good entry and some Choice lots of weaners sold. Weaners realized 8/6 to 16/-; small stores 18/-. We are cash buyers of bacon pigs at full market rates, rail paid to Invercargill. . . . Dairy Cows. —We have several inquiries at or near to calving and would be pleased to hear of any for sale, sales £9, £3, £10; covers 15/6 to 18/6; churn 10/-. Horses—£s 10/-; collar 25/-; new harness, saddle and breeching £8 10/-; collars 50/-; hames 16/-; bridles 16/- to 22/-. Timber: Full stocks of red pine on hand, prices ruling, sawn 12/- to 14/-, dressed 22/-; totara posts £6 10/- to £8; broadleaf £6 to £7; stakes 30/- to 45/-; droppers 12/100; strainers 6/- to 10/- each; sashes 7/6; new doors 18/-. Meat. —Roast beef 3Jd to 4d; sausages 3d; mutton, fores and loins 2d, legs 3d to 31d lb. General.—Rabbit traps, second-hand 12/-, new 24/-; pegs 1/9; nets 8/- dozen; new lawnmowers 55/- to 65/-; boy s bicycle 19/-; range £3; oil drums 2/6; barrels 6/-; gate hinges 12/- pair; English roofing iron, barb, Nos. 8, 9 and 10 galvanized fencing wire; rabbit and fowl netting; Cyclone and sheep netting at lowest market rates; tea 2/6 lb. BRAY BROS. Messrs Bray Bros., Ltd., report as follows for week ending 2/5/31: Apples, heavy supplies have arrived from Nelson and Canterbury—dessert varieties sell at from 5/6 to 12/- case—the highest price being for C.O.P. with Delicious up to 10/-, Jonathon are plentiful, and we have also received a consignment of Sturmers. . Cooking apples 5/6 to 6/6 case, according to variety and size; blackberries to 61d lb; cucumbers — hothouse —to 6/6 dozen; grapes 10/-‘to 15/- case for Australiangrown ; lemons —Italian —to 45/-; melons ljd lb; oranges—Californian —41/- case; peaches —supplies now casing up—2/6 to 5/6 box; pears 1/6 to 3/6 box, and to 9/6 case for W.N. and W.C. varieties; passion fruit (N.Z.) 3/- to 4/6 box; plums 4/6 to 6/- box; quinces 5/6 to 7/- case; tomatoes 1/6 box to 3d lb; cabbage 1/- to 2/-; cauliflowers 1/3 to 4/-; carrots 2/6 to 3/6 bag; marrows to 6/6 cwt; onions 8/- bag; parsnips 3/6 bag; pumpkins Id to lid lb; potatoes 5/- to 6/6 cwt; honey, 101 b tins 6/-; walnuts 8d to lOcl lb. Furniture. —Showroom upstairs. All classes of furniture at bargain prices. We can manufacture any article to your order at short notice and guarantee quality. Now is the time to secure your bedding—we have supplies of the well-known '‘Sleepwell” mattress which are recommended for comfort and durability. Double mattress in millwool, flock, or kapok from 55/Two rooms furnished for £2O, and three rooms for £3o—linoleum included—cash or terms. Bohm Piano in new condition — guaranteed—reduced to £45. WYNDHAM STOCK SALE. Messrs Dalgety and Company, Ltd., re port:—Sheep: A fairly large yarding comprising principally aged ewes with a few lines of store lambs. The demand was not particularly keen, but late rates were maintained in practically all sections. Cattle: A small yarding which met a very slack demand, the market being easier than previous sales:— The following are our sales:—2l fat ewes 7/-, 40 do. 6/-, 14 do. 6/6, 14 do. 7/-, 29 fat wethers 11/-, 30 do. 9/-, 70 do. 8/6, 3 do. 12/3, 14 do. 12/3, 60 m.s. lambs 5/2, 15 cull do. 2/9, 60 ewe hoggets 8/-, 67 wether do, 5/-, 67 s.rr. ewes 8/5, 73 f.m. ewes 7/9, 18 do. 6/„ 38 do. 7/4, 155 do. 6/-, 20 2,4, 6 and 8-th ewes 6/7, 33 full ewes 1/-, 34 do. 6d. Rams.—Southdowns from 3gns to 2gns; Romney Marsh from 2lgns to Ign; Border Leicesters at 2}gns; English Leicesters at 2gns; 1 fat cow £3 15/-, 6 do. at £3; 3 do £4 15/-; 1 do. £3; 1 do. £3 5/-; 2 do. £2 15/-; 2 do. £2 10/-; 1 do. £2 7/6; 1 do. £1 17/6; store cows at £1 10/- and £1; 2 bulls at £1 5/-; 1 do. £2. (From Our Correspondent.)
Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., report a large yarding of sheep mostly breeding ewes. The quality of the yarding was not up to previous sales and prices were back to those ruling at late sales, though vendors were prepared to meet the market, and the majority of the yarding being disposed of. There was a medium yarding of cattle composed mostly of fat and store cows, these were back 30/- to £2 over previous sales. We sold: 17 2-th wethers at 9/4, 39 do. 10/-, 22 do. 8/1, 34 4 and 6 th ewes 13/-, 50 do. 12/6, 60 f.m. ewes 6/1, 40 s:m. ewes 7/6, 59 do. 7/-, 76 do. 6/9, 50 f.m. ewes 5/6, 36 do. 5/-, 27 do. 4/3, 1 ram 14gns, 1 do. 2gns, 1 do. 2gns, 1 do. Ign. Cattle: One fat cow at £5 5/-, 1 do. £5 10/-, 1 do. £5; 1 do. £4 17/6; 1 do. £4 10/-; 1 store cow at £3; 1 do. £3 5/-; 1 do £2 10/-; 1 do. £2 5/-; 1 do. £1 7/6. LONDON WOOL SALES. The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram, dated 29 th instant, from the High Commissioner for New Zealand, London:— Wool. —Sales opened yesterday with largo attendance and competition fairly general. Selection offered mainly crossbred with only small proportion of Merino. Values reflect easier tendency prevailing since preceding gales. Compared with closing rates last series Merino par to 5 per cent., fine crossbred 7J per cent, to 10 per cent., medium and coarse crossbred 10 per cent, to 15 per cent, lower; 164,000 bales available for series, of which New Zealand 60,000; Australian 73,000 and South American 29,000. DALGETY AND CO.’S DIVIDEND. Messrs Dalgety and Company, Limited, have received advice that the interim dividend, payable on May 15, is to be paid in sterling. BUTTER AND CHEESE. The South Island Dairy Association, Ltd., has received the following market report from the New Zealand Produce Association, Ltd., London: — Butter: Slow 106/- to 108/-; unsalted 110/- to 114/-; Danish 120/- to 121/-. Cheese: Quiet. White 48/-; coloured 49/- to 51/-.
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Southland Times, Issue 21384, 4 May 1931, Page 2
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1,879COMMERCIAL Southland Times, Issue 21384, 4 May 1931, Page 2
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