A London Press Association message announces that Tom Mann has been elected secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers. A Press Association message from New York says that Colonel House denies the report that he intends to sever his connection with diplomatic affairs. At a meeting of the Ashburton Presbytery it was decided to nominate Professor W. Hewitson, of Dunedin, as Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly for next year.—Press Association. Colonel T. A. Hunter (of Dunedin), Director of Dental Services, is returning to New Zealand by the Remuera at the end of the month. Colonel Hunter went to London some months ago on work related to the demobilisation of the men. Mr Thomas Bogue is being transferred to the Wyndham branch of the Bank of New Zealand. He entered the Bank’s service at Wyndham, and was located at Gore when he enlisted in the Expeditionary Forces. Since his return from active service he has been stationed at Invercargill. Mr F. Aston, who was recently appointed to the position of Superintendeit of the local Telegraph Office, has arrived in Invercargill to take up the duties previously carried out by the late Mr C. H. D. Canavan. Mr F. Aston was transferred to the local office from Greymouth. Mr H. J. Fartant, secretary of the local War Funds Association returned to Invercargill from Wellington yesterday after having attended a conference of representatives of the various War Funds Association* throughout the Dominion. v A Press Association cablegram from London says that the Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts has purchased Streeton’s Academy picture Le Gateau Church and the Imperial War Museum has purchased the picture of Bullecourt Tunnel of the Hindenburg line. Streeton sails for Melbourne at the end of the year. Mr Dawson T. Herbert, who has resigned his position as agent for the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Coy., Ltd., was entertained at Wyndham and presented with a gold watch and chain as a parting memento from his Wyndham friends. During the evening eulogistic references were made to the guest’s many good qualities both as a business man and as an all round sportsman. Mr Herbert intends to settle in the North Island. Mr R. W. Dalton, H.M. Trade Commissioner of New Zealand, who is at present in England, has been delayed in his return to the dominion. On account of this Mr S. W. B. McGregor, H.M. Trade Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia, has come over to New Zealand to make a tour as the Acting-Commissioner for the dominion. Mr McGregor arrived at Auckland about six weeks ago, and has made a tour through the North Island, and is now making a tour through the South Island in connection with his duties as Commissioner. He will return to Australia in about a fortnight’s time. Mr H. Vivian Haszard, who has been appointed engineer to the Wanganui Harbour Board, has had a varied exeprience in railway and harbour engineering work, both in New Zealand and Australia. He is a keen yachtsman, and joined the R.N.V.R. as sub-lieutenant. On reaching England he was first engaged on coast defence work, and was then taken into the Admiralty, where he collaborated for some months with the inventor of the hydrophone Jistenj ing device. On the perfection of this in- 1 strument he was sent out to the Mediterranean Station, with the rank of lieutenant, and served on H.M.S. Kuiniki till the signing of the armistice. Mr Vivian Haszard is the eldest son of Mr H. D. M. Haszard, Crown Lands Commissioner for Canterbury and formerly in Invercargill.
Southland Times, Issue 18697, 15 October 1919, Page 5
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