LANCE-CORPORAL WM. ALFRED ORR. Advice has been received by Mr and Mrs A. Orr, of Balfour, that their, 31-year-old son, Lance-Corporal Wm. A. Orr, who left with the 17th Reinforcements, has received a gunshot wound and fracture of the right arm, in action in France, on October 13. He was bom at Tapanui and educated at the Waikoikoi and Isla Bank schools. He was the owner of a farm near Balfour, which he leased to enable him to proceed to the front. PRIVATE M. PRENDEVILLE. Word has been received by Mrs Prendeville, of Drummond, that her son, Private Michael Pre.ndeville, who enlisted in October, 1915, has been wounded in France. This is the second occasion on which he has been wounded, the first time being during the battle of the Somme. He was born at Opio 25 years ago and educated at the Convent School at Wrey’s Bush. He was engaged in fanning pursuits prior to enlistment, and was well known as an enthusiastic all-round sport. PRIVATE T. P. BOGUE. Private Thomas Patrick Bogue, son of Mr and Mrs David Bogue, of Wyndham, is reported wounded in the face on October 12. He was bora 23 years ago at Wyndham and educated there, and when he enlisted with the M.GJS, of the 9th Reinforcements was employed as a clerk in the Bank of New Zealand. He was an enthusiast in all field sports, being a good cricket, tennis, hpckey, and football player. He was also a first-class draughts player. He previously received a tfound in the knee about twelve months ago. PRIVATE J. CAMPBELL. Another of the 6th Reinforcements, Private John Campbell, has been reported wounded on October 14. He is 27 years of age, and was born at Longbush and attended school at Kapuka. He was a sawmiller prior to enlistment in January, 1916, and is the son of Mr and Mrs Geo. Campbell, of 37 Robertson street, Lindisfarne. He spent some months on Lemnos and Gallipoli, was present at the evacuation, and then proceeded to France.
Southland Times, Issue 17805, 2 November 1917, Page 5
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