U5 hty High-Grade Dainty & Attractive THE HEW SBASOIPS 'HECrKWEAB WE ARE NOW SHOWXBTG WILIi APPEAL TO Ail. PERSONS OP GOOD TASTE, AND THE STZXES ABE JTTST WHAT ABE BEQEXBEO TO OrVE CKSBM TO TOTO JJEW SPBXKO APPABEXi* . MILITARY COLLARS. ,in ,SHk.and Muslin, 1/3 to 3/11. MILITARY VESTS, in .Silk,and. Muslin, 1/6 to 3/11. ivm .itapv COLLARS, Jap,.' Silk, with Regimental Stripes, 3/G to 5/6. JAP SXX.K VESTS, with.Navy, Pink, Sky and Grey Stripes, 4/11. Embroidered Muslin. Sunshine and Roll COLLARS, 1/9 to 2/6. AEROPLANE COLLARS, in White and Paris Lace, 1/9 to 2/6. MUSLIN VESTS with Roll Collars, 1/9, 1/11, 3/6. MUSLIN VESTS in Navy antTVieux Rose Stripes, 2/3. WHITE MUSLIN and PIQUE .ROLL and MILITARY COLLARS and... VESTS, in Black, 1/6 to 4/6. fs TJEE LEADING- HOUSE INVERCARGILL. Estab„.lEM. The London Piano Co. WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE NOW RECEIVED A NEW'STOCK OF PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, GO-CARTS, PUSH CHAIBS, EDISON PHONOGBAPHS AND BECOBDS. ZONOPHONE OBAMOPHONES, AND alt. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ZONOPHONE lOin. RECORDS, 3/6 each. Double-sided, CINCH lOin. RECORDS, 2/3 each. Double-sided. PHONOGRAPH AND GRAMOPHONE OWNERS.—Send U8 - your name and address, and we will send you the latest lists of Records as they come to hand every month, post free. WE REPAIR all makes of SEWING MACHINES, GRAMOPHONES, GO-CARTS, and PUSH CHAIRS, etcNOTE NEW ADDRESS: LONDON PIANO COMPANY, P. H. VICKERY’S BUILDINGS, TAY STREET. P.G. Box. 213 :: :: :: :: :: Telephone, 464. QENTRAL o TAGO IN Winter THE IDEAL SEASON FOB RECUPERATION. VERY BRACING AND HEALTHGIVING. CRITERION FERTILISERS ARB THE BEST. Used In Government Tests Frosty Nights, but Bright Warm Sunny Days. at Wyndham, THE BEST SEASON FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Rapid results achieved. AppiyJyc4B MATRON, Bon Accord Sanatorium, Waiplata. That racking cough can he eased by “N.VZOL." Thousands have proved the soothing, curative properties of this scientific preparation. GO doses, 1/6. x RESULTS t Exceptional Crops up to 47 Tons per acre. DALGrETT AND CO., LTD. SOLE MANUFACTURERS.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 5
Southland Times, Issue 17506, 21 August 1915, Page 3
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