Reasons why every Housewife should insist on being supplied with UPTONS TEA: 0. UPTONS TEA comes to you direct from the tea gardens. You can therefore rely with the utmost confidence upon getting a - tea which, from plucking to preparation .and packing,., has been handled ,by -experts, and*is the product . of t' ideal conditions, combined with the experience of the world's ieadlng tea specialists. C. UPTONS TEA Speolal£sts >are .professional... men of the hlghasti:order—thajr study-the tea leaf just-as a famous surgeon would diagnose 0 a case. The- result is that Llptons&Packet Teas-can be absolutely reliedtupon to contain only the finest and best of tea-sold anywhere at~ thet same prices. 11. UPTONS TEA is to-day enjoying the largest sale of any tea known to the world — which fact‘is ample testimony to its superlative quality and consistent goodness. It is only by handling such a vast quantity of tea (over 20,000 tons annually) that Uptons can afford to place on. the market such high-grade teas at ordinary prices. t, UPTONS TEA can be drunk with confidence by all, from the youngest to the oldest; the weakest and the strongest may alike enjoy them. Being high-grown teas, they contain; Jess tannin than is found In coarser grades. The result Is that once you know the flavor of Uptons Tea, -ordinary blends common only to a local market become quite distasteful. ®I UPTONS TEA is the only tea on the New Zealand Market which Is grown and packed by actual owners of estates. Other teas are simply bought at Auction Marts. Uptons therefore occupy the exclusive position of being able to guarantee their grades as the pick of the finest Tea Cardens of the World. e. UPTONS TEA Is now marketed in New Zealand in four grades—Red Label Tea at 1/8 per ib. Green Label Tea at 2/ per lb. To those who prefer a Pure Ceylon Tea, “ Lfptons Golden Ceylon ” grades at 1/10 and 2/3 per Ib aro specially recommended. LIPTONS TEA, on account of its superb quality, goes further than other brands sotd at the same prices. Always remember to USE LESS of Liptons Tea lor each infusion than you do of any other. O. UPTONS TEA is obtainable by all. If your grocer does not stock it, write Lipton Ltd., P.o. Box 7, Auckland, giving his name and address. Enclose postage stamps or P.O. order for amount of purchase, and tea will be forwarded you carriage paid. 1,000,0001bs SOLD WEEKLY The only Tea that’s known the world over. SO L T TJI r.A XJ ) AG KNTS FOit LIPTON TEAS: THOMSON AND CO., AND J. M. 3SOWN AND SON, XU V KItCABGILL. NO COLD IS “NAZOL” DROOP! Taken Inwardly, inhaled, or rubbed on tho chest, "NAZOL” quickly relieves are those who have tested it for .Sore Throat, F.ronchitis, and Colds. Hold everywhere. GO doses cost only 1/G. x
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Southland Times, Issue 17506, 21 August 1915, Page 3
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