Si Look ! i PIANO VALUE. A First-class British Piano [ I ——FOR £55. £55. £55. Specially Constructed for US In London. WELL WORTH INSPECTING I A Small Deposit and this Fine PIANO Trill he placed In Your Home, on easy Monthly Payments. m u * THE LEADING PIANO HOUSE, JJS U= ESK STREET, INVERCARGILL. MR
r Prices Despite the phenomenal state o c the Tea Market, Lipton Tea-drinkers throughout New Zealand can sti'l purchase Liptms Superlative Qpality Teas at the Same Rates as those obtaining prioi to the War, via'.. ; / / Per lb. /- Messrs. Lipton desire to intimate also that so long as British-grown Tea is allowed to come into New Zealand duty free they will protect the interests of their Customers and will continue to sell at the above rates. If your Grocer docs not stock Liptons Teas, send amount in Postage Stamps to LIPTON LTD., P.O. Box 7, Auckland, and Tea will be forwarded you post free. Don’t forget, Liptons are the only firm trading in New Zealand who are actual owners of Estates. Their Teas are supplied to you direct from the Gardens, thus ensuring absolute freshness and uniformly good quality. WISH SO/i SUPPLIED TO H M THE KIHC OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LEADING GROCERS.
TIMES DELIVERED by Motor Car, A MOTOR CAR leaves tbo TIMES OFFICE, Esk Street, every morning at 5 o’clock, for Otautau. via Wallacetown, Underwood. Walanlwa, Thornbury and Fairfax; returning through Drummond and lala Bank. Papers delivered on any part of the route. Passengers and Parcels carried at reasonable rates. For full particulars, apply SOUTHLAND TIMES OFFICE, ESK STREET. MZ467 KINQSLAHD & FERBOSON SJmisffakers EE" tB. 1881 Dee Spey Streets. Inveroa. £.,\. Telephones—l 26 and 187. •PHO XKB 60 A 536 JMENTAL SCULPTORS. J. FRASER & CO., Garner SPEt & KELVIN SIS, INVERCARGILL. ANYONE using Largo Quantities oi ENVELOPES would Save Money and Obtain a Better Article by seeing OUR LATEST SAMPLES and Indenting a suppIy— SOUTHLAND TIMES PRINTINC DEPARTMENT. CARD LEDGER . SYSTEM.—CARDS ruled to any pattern by the SOUTHLAND TIMES CO., LTD.
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Southland Times, Issue 17476, 17 July 1915, Page 4
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