LEWIS’S Bi-Annual CLEARANCE Now Proceeding. The Values are Incomparable. anl THE LEADING HOUSE INVERCARGILL* Estab., 1862.
ME 'I p*> A sr 879 vr &l® ss -ysi (&« >£f* This hold that mak that p on that tne mou nat ca me and rnoi ff // waters to; more- - ana m f/ Th''s ;s the book that t< Bif beautiful cakes and scones Ssf P a l atr and tickle the tas §SS the digestion ! V if If you have this Baking Powde *// cannot go wrong in the making 0 Hi cious, toothsome pastry, cakes, scon |f The Baking Powder you can buy Si for Edmonds 7 The Book wii el free if you arop a postcard to II Christchurch. ?cU A r wds r^y-v. how e!!s and Huns nint hat BO od tor are ana 800 l and th Pastry udd and ngs hei nvvv ou po orxs nas Owing to the non-arrival of shipments, it has not been possible to fill nil orders for Edmond's Baking Powder. The tens of thousands of housewives who have tried and proved that there is nothing to equal Kdnionds, should know that nevertheless there lias been no increase in price in the last six months, and should therefore refuse to pay any advance if asked to do so.
t! l »:'i VS SMALISm LARGE. SlZl ft BOH immmi & ?®SS*
Mud Won’t Dirty Your Boots And Met won’t penetrate them if yon OVERSHOE them with Kingsland’s Goloshes Good Quality Rubber, Easy Pitting. “Non-slippable,’ l and real Wet Registers. We have full Stocks iu all sizes of MEN’S WOMEN’S and CHILDREN’S. Consider the Family Health—get full protection against W£lT FEET, and the consequent ills by purchasing these Good GOIOSHES. Prices are quite Low, so come and get fitted. J. KINGSLAND & CO. WE LEAD FOLLOW WHO CAN. 'PHONE, 199 :: BOX 27 INVERCARGILL.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 2
Southland Times, Issue 17476, 17 July 1915, Page 4
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