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FINAL MESSAGE FKOM TROOPSHIP. COLOXEL BAUCHOPS VALEDICTOKV DUXEDIX, September 22. •lust before the Hawke's Bay look her departure yesterday afternoon a carrier pigeon was placed on the troopship by ’ an Evening Star representative. Colonel ! Hauchop consenting to a request to send | a farewell message to the people °f Otago. The bird returned to its home ! this morning. It brought the following; i This message is sent three hours titter ■passing Taiaroa Head. The troops have j now settled in their quarters on No. !* i Transport. j In saying good-bye to their fclloWeitizens from .lUTerent parts of their I province the prevailing feeling is one of deep thankfulness to t lie patriotic i committees who have worked unceasj ingly to equip and despatch the troops I with every foresight for the work in ! hand. The discomfort inseparable from ] if campaign will be met in measure by I this thought fulness. The responsibility which now devotees on your contingent will be accepted tmtl carried through as becomes your roprei sentatives In the field who have been brought up in the traditions of Otago. A. BAUCHOI'. Lt.-Col.. Officer Commanding Troopship. The following message was sent I rout • the 0.0. Xo. ;i Transport to the t'.O. ol j troops at the Taiaroa forts: good-bye to the last detachment ot I Hugo troops. their fel low-sold iers ('ll . l“>ard wish them good luck and all honour in the service which is done in our coast and defences. —A. BAUOIIO!'. BUY SCOUTS. A X AOKXOVV I. FOG - M ENT. The following letter speaks for ilselt: To tiie Oc-mmissioner of Boy Scouts. Otago. Dear Sir. --.lust before we leave I should like to express my deep graiiI'.ide to you for the valuable assistance rendered by > our organisation. Night and day the Scouts never failed ns. and ior three weeks 1 saw no slacking oil in the order with which they carried out Four different duties. 1 question if any 1 help could have been of the same xnluo. I also note with keen satisfaction the : high spirit of the whole of the Scouts. : I am sure I voice (lie feelings (.>1 the : whole of the expeditionary Force of iii.igo when I say that I truly feel that 1 those boys are soldiers in the true sensi: of the word. 1 present my regards t-, you.—Yours faithfully. A. BAi'CHOI . i I .icutcnant-Colonol. Expeditionary Force. j HEADQUARTERS ST.vFF APPOIXTj MFXTS. 1 (Pc,- United Press Association.) \VEI.I.I NtITON, September 22. The following is the final list of names i of the officers of the Headquarters Staff I of the main New Zealand Expeditionary I Fi-rcp, which it has hoon announced is ' destined flit s.'i'xb'e ill F.urope;-- ■ V'ur.iander. M a lor-Gcnera 1 Sir Alet,l ruler .lohn .God ley. K.C.M.G.. C.8.. I p.s.e.. Imperial General St a IT. i i'ersonal a ope i at men I s: -- Assistant { Military Secretary. Major .lohn Get.hin I Hughes, I i.S.i X.Z.S.t Aide de Camp. ! Second Lieutenant Arthur Taint Grave- | nor Rhodes, Grenadier Guards! Special i Reserve). I Staff;— General Stall Branch: General Staff Officer "ml Grade. Lieutenant - 1 Colonel William Garnet! Braithwa ite. D.S.i >.. p.s.e., Imperial General Staff; I attached to General Staff. Captain Walter William Alderman (Administrative I and Instructional Staff Commonwealth | Military Forces i. ! Adjutant-General's Branch: Assistant j Adjutant - General. Colonel Edward ' Walter Clervaux Chaytor, T.D.. p.s.e.. I X.Z.S.C. Deputy Assistant Adjutanti General. Captain Nathaniel William i Benjamin Butler Thoms. X.Z.S.C. Quarter-master Gene red's 'Brunch: As- | sistant Quarter-master General, Lieutj Colored .lames Jacob Ksson. f-th VVelj lington Regiment, Deputy Assistant, I Quarter-master General, Gaptain John Robert Henderson, X.Z.S.C. i Administrative Services and Pop-art- | moms:—Medical: Assistant Director of i Medical Services. Colonel William Johnston Will. V.D.. X.Z.M.C.: Deputy As--1 sistant Director of Medical Services, i Lieutenant-t 'Vdone.l Percival Clennoll i Fonv.ick. X.Z.M.G. Veterinary: Assistant I Director of Veterinary Services, Major I Alexander Reid Young-. X.Z.V.C, Ord- | nance; Deputy Assistant Director of 1 Ordnance Services, Hon. Gaptain Wilii limit Thomas Beck, X.Z.S.C. Army Bay i r>epartment: Field Cashier. Honorary j Lieutenant Thomas Lawless, flth I Wcl- ; lington » Regiment. Special Appointments: Assistant Provost Marshall and Camp Commandant, Captain Charles Henry Jeffries Brown. X.Z.S.C. Interpreter. Second Lieutenant Clemen; .Marshall CazuleL : Attached. Lieutenant John Anderson. ..Motor Service of Officers. Lieutenant ‘ Dudley Kettle (Motor Reserves of Officers 1. Mounted Rifles Etrigade fwith attached ; troops i. not allotted to a Cavalry Divi- '• siou Headquarters: Commander. Colonel 1 Andrew Hamilton Russell. A.D.C. (Commander Wellington Mounted Rifle Brli gade). j Personal A poo: n tnirn ts: -- Aide-de ■ Fa rnp to (’nm mu mkr. 2nd Birntonant j Alan Stand's': Wilder. Pth < Wellington 1 Coast i -M.R.: Orderly Officer to | >'ora. niander. I.'e-itenant Charles Arthur I B anaharop Piuckard Hawkins; Staff i Brigade Major, i.'aptain t'harlcs Guy I Pm>-!es. X.Z.S.C.; Staff-Captain. Captain ■ G'o. Augustus King. X.Z.S.C Administrative Services and Oepart- | m-mls: —Army Pay Department: I'ield I i 'ash jor. ('npiniu Percy Bathe Brandon. I i’,fii i Man a van.: u i M.R.; Attached Army ; Service Corns, genere.i duties. Captain Norman • ’. Hamilton. A.S.C.: for Re- '• qu ;s i t ionn ry Duties. Captain Henry ) Ac.-ry, j Infant-'.' I lead.; u.i rt ers I ‘ommander. ' '"lmt.j Francis Johnston. Prince of Wales' i North Stalfordsh i re ) Regiment. S;aT: Brigade .Major: .Major Arthur Temperb-v. Norfolk Begiment: Staff Captain. Captain Alfred Morton. X.Z. Administrative Services .and De.part--1 men;-: —Veterinary: Veterinary officer, I i 'antuin George Waugh. N.Z.VJ '. j Artillery, rue' Field At I il--1 lerv Brigade Headquarters: Comma rider. : Lieutenant-Colonel George Johnston. Royal Artillery: Adjutant. Lieutenant James Richmond, R.W.Z.V: Orderly Orfic -r. 2nd Lieuteuanl Moore. < •-.n.-ors. Otago Mounted Riff os mem. Head-quarters. Lieut.-colonel .'rti ut Bauchop. G.M.G.. X.Z.S.C,: .Major ! H. G. Nuts ford. X.Z.S.C.: Adjutant. Gant. H. G. Gh'ndiiiuia. X'.Z.S.G.; Signalling ( Mlivl.b-ut. G. 1!. Ft■■rgiisou. Ith Miiiirm Regiment; Qua rte:-;nas ! ei-. Honorary Gaptain A. F. Grenfell, fin . i Sou 111 la nd t M.R.: Attache, i .Medical t iff'n -t, Gaptain 11. M. Bticlut ha:i. X.Z. .M.G.: Ve|-T ; n.iry Ofiieer. Gaptain F. ('. Hinva ; -1!. X.Z.VJ". Machine llini Seclion. Subaltern, 2nd Lieut. \V. G. Howie. 7lii ( Southland ) M.R. 1: MIR,go I I ussu.-.s ) Squadron. - Major H. S. Orlicll. at-I M.R.; Gama in A. J. , S. i * o >v ! i ■; Lieut. R. F. Mitchell: :.nd J. Srnitli: 2nd I.ieut. R. .M. Watson; Bid Lieut. L. Millard. 7th ( Sov.thI land I M.R. 7:i ( South Hindi Squadron. ■— Major D. B. .McKenzie; Gaptain J. S. W. ItaliioM r Queen's Own Canadian Hussars):. special reserve; Lieut. I •. Mc- ( urdv.; 2nd T.ieuL P. McKay: Bid Lieut, E. S.' Mcl-Byre. 1 Bh (Otago) Squadron. Major R. : I; lingor I amain L. S. Haj. ->. Z.S.I ... Bid Lieut. 'I. R. Mitchell: Bid Lieut. E. ■ A. Seotl: Bid Lieut. A.. < ’. Finluyson; , 2nd Lieut. S. B. Paterson. Firs) reinforcement (left d ba-e-).-- ■ •_ nd I.lent. F. B. Alley. • Hi (Southland) i M. R. Officers Otago in tan try bat Hilton Headquarters Lieut . -Gol . r. A\ . Mellon aid. X .Z. S.G. ; Major J • H. Mcl.)y- . Mont 14th (South OUgo) Regiment; Adjutant. Captain A. Moore. D.S.O I Koval Dublin Fusiliers); assistant ac.i jutant. I.ieut. .1. S. Reid. 4th (Otago) ’ 1 Tra.nsT>ort ofhleer, I.ieut. 11. It. Martineati. V.G.. 14tU i (Soutii Otazo i Regiment; quartermaster, ! I.ieut. V. J. Fgglostoue. 4th (Otago) i Regiment: Ki.tclied iiflicer^ | Gaptain G. • A. Baigent, X.Z, M.t .. ■ I.ieut. W. Ci. Scannei, N.Z..M.G. ! .Machine gun section —2nd. Lieut. Li (".. Wilson, 1 411 a (South Otago) RogiI icui t . I Xth (Otago) Company —Major K • i Price. Captain A. V. Spedding. i.ieut. ( R. Jones. Lieut J. S. Reid. Lieut. J. L. 1 Saunders, 2nd I.ieut. Boyes. 1 Sth i Sou Ut land) Company —Major .1 . A. McKenzie. .Captain )V. Fleming. Lieut. W. 1. K. Jenning. X.Z.S.C., Lieut. G. Myers, 2nd Lieut. Gabiles, 2nd i.ieut- W. F. Tracey. tilth (North Otago) Company -Major j. H. Mnir. Captain F. H. Statliam. Lieut. H. Xlshet. 2nd Lit-ut. C. Hamil-

ton, 2nd Liout. J. G. Cowan, 2nd Lieut. W. M. MacKenzie . 14tii (South Otago) Company—Major W. McG. Turnbull, X.Z.8.C.; Captain G. S. Smith, Lieut. J. T. Moronoy, Lieut, it. L. Duthle. Lieut. H. L. Richards, 2nd Lieut. D. J. Little. First Reinforcements (left at base) Lieut. C. T. Woodficld. The officers of the. Artillery Brigade Xo. 1 Battery arc —Major I-’. Sytnon, Captain C. McGill. Lieut. C. X. Newman, 2nd Lieut. J. C. Dunnct, 2nd I.ieut. F'. M. Turner. Xo. 2 Battery—Major F. B. Sykes, Capt. G. id. Daniel, Lieut. V. Rogers, Lieut. R. C. Wickcns, 2nd Lieut. A. E. Honvond. No., 3 Battery—Major 1. T. Standisli. Capt. C. V. Looming. i.ieut. RRichards. 2nd Lieut. CL- Carrington. 2nd Lieut. T. Carr. Field Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column—Capt. Prank G. 2nd I. S. W. Morton, 2nd Lieut. N. 11. Purdy. Officer left at basc—2mi I.ieut. H. J. M. Wilson. Divisional Signal Soiwicc. Headquarters and Nos. 1 and 2 sections. Signal Company. Headquarters—Capt,. H. M. Edwards. Lieut . J. Lamb. 2nd I.ieut. A. E. Alexander, Lieut. C. D. Cooke. Divisional Transport and Supply FaitDue company divisional train —Capt. M. G. Reid, 2nd i.ieut. J. G. Stewart. 2nd Lieut. H. Hewett. Supply details for general duties. 2nd’Lieut. M- M . Hig~ ginson; for requisitioning duties. 2nd i.ieut. 1,. G. D. A eland. Divisional Medical Units. ()ne*Field Ainbiilance —Commander I.ieut .-Col. C . MacKic Begg. Section A Headquarters Bearer Subdivision—Capt. J. G. Mitchell. Tent Division—l.ieut.-Col. C. MacKie l.e'gg, t "apt. E. A. Boxer. Quartermaster ■ Honorary I.ieut. W. It. Will. Section B Bearer Subdivision—-Capt. 11. K. Wat ton. Supenmma.ry —I.ieut. G. S. Sharp. Tent Subdivision Motor D. X. W. -Murray. Cant. C. H- Twcsley. , Section C , Bearer Subdivision —(.aptA. V. Short, Supocnu ma ry—l.ieut. J. Connor. Tent Subdivision —Major K. J. O'Xvill. Capt. 11. Short. Supernumary Lieut. K. McCormick. .Medical Officer Divisional Troops—Lieut . B- - 1 - .lory. Veterinary Officer Divisional Troops—Capt. J. H. Primmer. A PCK I, AX D TIUJOPS FA IIE W ELI. ED. AUCKLAND. Sept. 23. Tin- Auckland section of the Expeditionary Force, to the number of 2200, wen l assembled at the Domain to-day. where in Hie presence of about 24,000 i ~,.p1e i■ i e troops wore officially fareweip'd ).v the prime Minister on behalf nf the dominion, and by Mr G. .1. Parr (triiu or I. on betiait of the city. Aftettie- troops marehed through the main streets, where they were enthnsi.isticalß- el leered by largo crowds. In ij,.> ............ .if !, stirntw speech the Hon. \V F urged the men to uphold p... p. .if \e«' Zealand, to be patient lb Hu- face (, f Hardships, and brave and courageous a.lwnys.

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Southland Times, Issue 17764, 24 September 1914, Page 3

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THE EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Southland Times, Issue 17764, 24 September 1914, Page 3

THE EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Southland Times, Issue 17764, 24 September 1914, Page 3


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