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The importance of the hemp trade adds to the interest of an article on the industry in the supplement tins morning. The writer is (qualified to spoak witli the authority born of knowledge and experience. The licensing question is represented by a number of letters on a leading artice which appeared last Saturday. Faflmers are catered for ns usual, and for general readers there are r* ligious questions, fashion 1 notes and a variety of .general matter in lighter vein.

A pleasing episode occurred at the meeting of the Education Board yesterday, when the Chairman, at the request of Major Loveday, commander of the Cadet Forces, presented Priv. A. Kingsland with a silver medal, presented by the Department as second prize in the South Island cadet championship competition. Mr Cowie said that I’riv. Kingsland had scored 74 out of a possible 84, and was only beaten by an Oamaru lad for first place by 6 points. The position was a highly creditable one, and he hoped that. Priv. Kingsland would strive to win the highest distinction in next year’s competition, both as ai unit of the greatest army in the world, and in rjter years as a citizen of the Empire. The chairman having, pinned the medal on the lad’s coat, and the members of the Board having testified by their applause their interest in the occasion, the incidentended.

Shipments of flax from Blufl ((tiring the past four months (Ist January 1 to 30th April) aggregate 14.302 bales,! weighing fully 2900 tons, Owing to . the fall in value and- the approach" of/winter the n(put from the mfils is likely to fall away rapidly,

In the supplement to-day, a-r.>ss tho top of pagl? 2, is an advertisement of interest to townspeople mi well as to j farmers. Mr Jas. Maealister not only , holds agencies for leading British agri- . cultural machinery, but he htlds heavy stocks of the machinery itself, and a shipment of 150 tons landed by the Rakaia is only a portion of tho extensive stocks which will shortly he on view at his shGw-rocims, Mr Maealister is not a

sub-agent; he deals durectly with tho and in nnany lines his Pee street depot is headquarters for tho whole colony. Farmers will thus he able to moke their purchases after a careful examination of the machinery, instead of

from “ specifications,’' or an engraving in a catalogue. Mr Maealister is also South Islantl agent for Alldays’ motor, cars, motor bicycles, and the ordinary machines, ‘and tho line comes from works whose reputation requires no comment. When complete stocks arrive la due com so Mr Maealister will be able to show a range of agricultural machinery second to none in the colony. The arrangements for the solemn blessing, opening anti dedication of the very fine new Catholic church are now completed, and the ceremony on Sunday promises to make the occasion a red-litter day in the annals of the Catholic Church, in Southland. Arrangements have been made for Sunday trains at excursion rates from Winton, Nightcaps, Otautau and Orepuki. No fewer than three prelates will grace t‘3e occasion L-y ’heir presence -the Most Rev. Dr. Redwood, the Right Rev. Dr. Grimes, and the Right Rev. tho Bishop of Dunedin. The Most Rev. Dr. Redwood will preach at the solemn Mass of dedication, and the Right Dev. Dr. Grimes in the evening. The Right Rev. Or. Verdon -will be the celebrant of the Mass. A large number of I nests have signified their intention of attending, It is confidently anticipated that a great concourse of the laity from ail parts of Southland will l>e.present at the interesting ceremonial, which mark's so distinct an advance in the progress of the Church in the province.

At a meeting of Justices of the Peace, held in the Municipal Chambers yesterday afternoon, 22 gentlemen being present and the Mayor presiding, the following resolutions were passed “ That, in view of recent offences and outrages in the town and suburbs of Invercargill, it is the opinion of this full meeting of Justices residing in or near Invercargill that in the interest of the public safety further .police protection is required for the town and suburbs ” ; “ that the Mayor- be requested to convey the foregoing resolution to the Hon. the Minister of Justice.’’

Mr Hugh G. Rodgers, of tho Melbourne branch of .the Equitable Life Assurance Society, has been appointed district manager TOr Southland, and is staying at the Club hotel.

.Yesterday, Mr Riddell, S.M., gave judgment for the Invercargill Athenaeum Committee against F. Webb (Christchurch) for £1 10s, costs £l—Mr Rattray for plaintiffs. David Roche (Mr G-il-fedder) sued Thomas Anderson, painter, for £3 17s 3d, on a judgment summons. Defendant stated that on account of his own bad health and also sickness in his family, he was off work for a considerable time since judgment was given against him. His Worship said that under the circumstances, no order would Io made. —Mr Raymond for defendant. Harvest thanksgiving services will bo conducted in the Leet street Methodist ChurcW totmorrow morning and evening by the Rev. A. Mitchell. The evening service will be largely musical, there bein/g two sacred solos and two anthems. Mr Mitchell’s subject will be, “ Dees religion narrow or broaden life?” Visitors are assured a cordial wiT:ome.

About this time last year a line of lambs, bred by Mr David Thomson., Winton, was killed at the Frozen Meat Co s Wallacetown works, the average weight lieing 431 b. On Tuesday last 206 of Mr Thomson’s lambs went through the works. (They (made tha excellent average of 47.341 b ; 190 of them passing in the “ prime ” grade. They were the rick of 300 purchased by the Southland Farmers’ Co-operative Association.

The Southland Bowling Club wind up the soason on Wednesday next with a game with the Nortf>end Club, on the southern green.

Councillor McDonald has given notice to move at the next meeting of the Borough Council : ” That this Council call the attention of the Minister of Justice to the fact that owing to steady increase of population in the town, suburbs and country districts < £ Invercargill, the police force is now quite inadequate to the protection of the people and the property of this town ; that the member for Invercargill (Mr J. A. Hanan) lie requested to urge upon the Government at the opening of Parliament 1 tha claims of this town to an l increase ill the police force ; that copies of the foregoing resolutions be sent to .the Minister ol Justice, the memher for the town, and the local Inspector of Police.”

The present year has been an interesting one from the stockbreeder's point of view. In no, other previous season has so much 1 stock changed hands in Southland. Had all the high-country sheep which have been sold been bought and held locally, Southland would now bo well stocked, but unfortunately the Northern farmers have been exceptionally keen buyers throughout the seiv.on, and Southland hits been left us hare of 1 stock as ever. It is a jiity that vith another increase in the price of wool and the good demand for mutton and lamb there should be so much good grazing country understocked The last important stuck sale to lie held this year takes place at the Castlerock sheepyards on, Wednesday, whemi over 13,000 tussock-bred sheep from Linwood station will be sold. As nearly all of these are young breeding ewes and lambs, this will be a good • pportunity to those having country that is lightly stocked.- Sheep from this station do exceedingly well on lower country and give great satisfaction, and there should therefore be a good demand on Wednesday. A special train will convey buyers from Lumsden' to Castlerock Siding aftei the arrival of the Invercargill morning train, returning in time to catch thedown train leaving Lumsden at 4 p.m.

A great cabbage is now on view at the office of Messrs Henderson and Batger. This giant, grown by Mr McCaughan at Fairfax, weights 42tt>. The same grower has also sent in some splendid sampAes of Up-to-date potatoes, a crop of which has yielded 20 tons to tbte acre. Although the Municipal Band Fair was open to the public within an unusually short time after the project wps put in hand, there is every prospect of it proving a record financial success. It is now certain that the total receipts will amount to more than £lOOO, so that the margin of profit should at least be £5OO. There is a general concensus of opinion that the, lady president (Mrs MacKinnon) is entitled to a considerable share of praise for- her oxcellent management. She accepted the position on very short notice, and while she supervised her own departments with great vigilance, she was also a worker of unflagging spirits and energy. The fact that the Fair ran for ten nights without one single unpleasant episode is a tribute to Mrs Mackinnon’s tact and powers of management which perhaps only a woman can properly appreciate. The stallholder!;, too, have all done exceedingly "ell. They made excellent . use of their limo, with the result that when the doors wete closed on Wednesday night there was only ab’out £3 worth of stuff left in the hall. The Grand Floral March proved a continuous attraction, and credit is due to the directing edmmittee, Mesdames MacKinnon, W. D. Ross, and Biacke ; to the instructor, Mr Hanna; and also, of course, to the performers themselves. The Fair is happily and successfully over, and ns the result the Municipal Band will find itself now on a firm foundation.

The- Governors of New South Wales have always been men of which the British people may be proud, then of intelligence and valor. The people of Southland appreciate Baxter’s popular choice Rava Tea ; 10lb tin for 13s 9d, or Is 6d per it), Try it.

Attention is directed by Messrs W. Lewis and Compahy, Dee street, to an important cash deal in Ladies’ WinterJackets and Ready-to-wear Costumes recently effected by the Firm's Buyers in London.- The stock which comprises in all over , 600 Fashionable Garments arrived ex s.s. Corinthic and Turaklna, and are now offered at less than ordinary London prices.—lt is fully anticipated that there will be a rush for the Bar-

gains, which are to be sold for Cash only, while none will be allowed on approbation.—This special sale IS NOW ON, and will be continued throughout next week. —W. Lewis and Company, Importers, Dee street.

PRICE AND BULLEID’S Famous Low Cost Prices for Blankets ; cold snap now on :—Special Blanket Bargains—Doublebed Colohial Blankets, heavy weight, 16s Gd, 19s Gd, 21s 6d, 22s 6d ; English Blankets, warm and cozy, single-lied, 6s lid, 7s Gd, 10s Gd ; double-bed English Blankets, Ils 9d, 13s 6d ; new winter Flannels, white, grey, pink, IOJd ; soft make Colonial Flannels, Is IJd, Is 2£d, Is 4Jd. Buy all your winter clothing .at PRICE AND BULLEID’S. synopsis of new advertisements Williamson's BioTableau in Zealandia Hall to-night Particulars of 11. J. Alley’s clearing sale at Oreti Plains—N.M. and A. Co. Special train on Wednesday for sale of stock at Linwood station . . Services to-morrow in St Paul’s Presbyterian Church announced . Services to-morrow in First Church announced Services to-morrow in Knox Church announced Lost, two-bar go'd brooch—reward . Winter excursions to South Sea Islands-Union $ Harvest thanksgiving services at St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Leet street, to-morrow Mr W. Johnson will preach the Gospel in Temperance Hall to-moriow evening Special selection of high-class jewellery st, George Lumsden’s, Dee street „ .r, Money to lend at lowest rates—Carswell and C.’. Wanted, improver to blacksmith and horse-shoeing For Sale, 200 acre f arm at .Morton Mains—W. B. Scandrett , I ost from Lumsden railway station, a package For sale, dairy farm at Otataia- Carswell and Co Wanted, youth for printing cilice E II Whitmore inserts a notice to business men - Now 0-roomrd Iwiise for iW-Carsw 11 and Co Stationery, tobacco, pipes, goods, etc, at 1. Hide’s , , a Carpenter seeks employment, t own or country Six-roomed h wise for £4oo—Carswell and Co Special value in new goods—Herbert, Haynes & Co Clearing sale on A. Mitchell's farm, Edendale, o.i 17lh inst - Wrigl t, Stephenson and Co Notice to sellers of tickets in 1.M.8. Art Union All accounts against Axemen’s Carnival Committee to be rendered ,„ Otago A. and P. Winter Show, June 14th to 1411 ’ List of farms for sale—Featherstone and Co Particulars of Featherstone and Co’s Saturday sale Teviot canned fru ts, first in the market '»• N. Stirling ~ , , ~ Cash system is the best -See Si r.on s advertisement Prime Jersey butter at J. S. Baxter’s Good S-roomed house for a:3.iii—l. !'• Macdonald Cheap prices announced at the Cash butchery, Tay street , , , , Fori ale, confe tionery business and tea rooms—A. For sale, 100-acrc farm,*Waimatuku —It J Cummiug Stra- ed, roan gelding—reward Smj th’s clearing sale-cheapest for groceries Wanted, a cook for private house For sale, 40-acre dairy farm—Featherstone and Co Wanted to buy, second-hand express cart Tradesman wants private board and lodging Tabla lamps at English cost—Smyth and Co For 8 lie or lease, 70 acres, near town—Featherstone and Co , ~ , r , List of farms for sale I. W. Raymond and Co Large and choice lot rugs and furs for sale -George iequ’s tes-lmt wa’er bottles, chest protectors, etc—W G. Gilchrist “’"For private sale, Waimea Estate, 29,01)0 acres, sub divided into fam s -Wright, Stephensm and Co Sale of Jas. Millar’s racing stud at Otautau on llitli inst—N.Z. Loan Co Particulars and oilier of McKay Bros sa c to-dar Particulars of Todd and Go’s weekly m rket to-day For sale, Indian runner drakes -Thos Ekensteen Sale 0 draught geldings next Saturday J. A. Mitchell and Co ~ Mutton birds in splendid order, any quantity McKay Bros . Household treasures at bedrock prices—T. LI eisteen, Don street . , . Potatoes, any kind, by the bag, ton or truck McKay Bros.

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Southland Times, Issue 19553, 6 May 1905, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 19553, 6 May 1905, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 19553, 6 May 1905, Page 2


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