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?ir J. Q. TVftrd : arrived- from Dunedin by last -Right's . express. Be returns on Monday, in order tdf^elce part in, the opening of the Opbir swalfpn ot ,the Otago Central raiiw/tyV, The Premier and the Hon. HaJl-Jpßea 'WiH also 'represent the Ministry on "^he occasion.. A special train is to leave Dunedin at 5.30 a.m. on Tuesday, arriving at Omakau (Opbir) at noon and leaving again at 2.30 p.m. for Dunedin. The Ministers and ithers will raniain at Oph'ir ovar . Tuesday night as ithe residents intend to celebrate the occasion by a banquet. Follovt'ng are tbe crews for tbel.n.O. fours :— Burnes (stroki^, Davidson, Miller, Totbill ; J. M. Adam (strokd), Fraser, Chaplin, Haslett ; Larkin (stroke), Mulvey, Martin, Wright. ; Steele (stroke), Mathesoni Carswell, H. Hrown ; Butler, (stroke), Mair, Barries, Macaliater ; Walton (stroke), Fallow, lUtclil*. Taylor Emergency: J. Carswell. Mr Fred Duval wriUs to the Star (Dunedin) : I was much surprised to learn on my arrival here that a rumour had been circulated to the effect that Miss Campion's people were in comfortable circumstances, and could well afford to give her fch© necessary attention that money couM procure,- As business manager of -Pollard's Opera Company for nine years, during part of which MJ6S Campion was a vaiued maember, I think a few words from me might dispel these unwarranted rumours. She was in receipt of £6V per, week, out of vhich she forwarded £4 weekly for the support of her mothw • and sisters. I can stJoly vouch for the truth of this statement, os I had frequently the occasion to p*ocure the money order for heir. During the vacation <says tbe Wlnton Record) the Birchwbod ITunt Club are keeping thoir hounds with Mr Herbert Sutton, of Thornbury. The Club have been introducing some of The Canterbury breed of pups, e»d they hope by next season to have so replenished tho pack, which was getting a IStfcle rundown ns to put iW strength beypad. question. I

The I.C.C. team to play the Ware- j housemen to-day, starting at '2.15, are Dalrymple, Purdue, Burnes, T-aywor, Wbitaker, Huntley, McLauchlan, Froeer, Twemlow, Tapley, Quinn and Mathais. The soft goods men are modest : they do not seek publicity for their names. The Rink was fairly well patronised last night, a number expressing regret that the hall closes after Wednesday next. For the- remaining nights a galaxy of amusements Is provided. On Wednesday night the director lutends to give the employes a benefit. "Is this Invercargill, Mister 1" <vske4 a civil-spoken young foreigner in the neighbourhood of the Courthouse the j other morning at daybreak. the probabilities -were that he bad walked from the Bluff, atfd was not 'quite sure whether he haid reached his destination or whether* the place he was passing through might not be some wayside village. At the Police Court yesterday, Mr W. G. 'Riddell, S.M., fined Bernard Petily Es costs 7s, for riding on a footpath in North Invercargill, on the information of Inspector Anderson, W. 73aird was fined 10s, costs 9s, for allowing cattle to wander in East Invercargill. At the S.M. Court yesterday J. l>ouneltfy, for whom Mr GHfedder appeared, sued en' elderly man on a judgment summons, but as tbere was riot sufficient evidence of means to pay* the application for an order was not granted. Judgment was given for plaintiff 9 in the following .undefended cases •— tJ.> H. Geddes v. Fred Smith (Wrays Bush), for £4, costs 12s ; Catherine Milnes v. John Reid (Mataura). for £13 8s costs £1 15b 6d, The District Railway Engineer estimates that the damage caused by the recent smash at the Waipahi goods shed wftl cost £600 to repair. • Cabinet has not yet discussed the appointment of members of the Land Ten* ure Commission to be set up under the resolution of the House Ust session. The Gore Trotting Club, having considered the question of holding n. one or two days' meeting, decidad in favour of one day. £200- will be given In stakes. The latest wprd received in Wyudhain with reference to the Rev. Mr Aitken, who recently removed thence to Kbandallah ("Wellington }, iras to uhe eOecu that he continues to improve in' Jionlth, and that Dr. Chappie, his medical at* tendant, considers him now out of danger. What promises to become n very flourishing industry is the Sounds Fishing Company which has recently erected an up-to-date freezing plant nt Chalky Inlet on the West Coast. Several vessels have already gone down, nnd these will shorrtly be joined by the new oil launch Thelma, a clinker built vessel 38ft long with an Bft beam owned by Messrs Ellis Bros, and party. Into this vessel Mr James" Macalister haa installed a 1! h.p. Hercules oil dngine ftfttV a very successful trial run woa made on Thursday afternoon, the average speed of the. vessel down to the Mok'omoko and back being eight knots per hour. The engine worked very satisfactorily and Messrs Ellis and other practical men on board expressed themselves as more than satisfied with the work done by the engine, remarking* particularly upon the ease with which it was started and the small amount of attention required in working. It has now become fully recognised that the oil engine is practically iadiapensible in the Ashing trado and nearly all the fishing vessels have engines installed. Mr Macallstflr's representative states that he will be installing on engine next week tn another vessel destined for the srtmo grounds, and with these additions to the 'fleet the company will be in a position to keep their freezer going very near to its full capacity. A Wellington city bylaw compelling carters in the public streets to load and unload their vehicles expeditiously, is being enforced. Carters must do their work smartly so a» r.ot to interfere with the tram- traffic. A strange' rcoincidenc£ in connection TOith the recent dispfacenient ~otr Laka Tarawera is that ever since that time the Waimattgu geyser, about four miles distant, has been inactive. In other words Waimangu has been silent since the beginning of the month, and is now as quiet as dt was during the sinter. On the other hand, the "cooking pot,' at Whakarewarewa has been unusually active. Mr R. McNob's agricultural motor ap-*P*O<V**<-J iz* the streets ot O-ow -=*xi. nesday, and naturally attracted much attention. It is 18-h.p., and with a 3furrow plough can turn over six acres in eight hours. By working drivers in shifts from daylight to dark, at least twice that area can be ploughed in a day. Tbe motor con be used as a stationary engine for driving a chnffoutter or any similar work. Mr McNab will probably exhibit this new fttrin adjunct, from which great things are expected, at the Gore show. The meeting last night to consider .the formation of a brass band in connection with the 'Young Men's Christian Association, was attended by some 30 or 40 young men who entered euthuMewticaUy into the project. »It was decided to form a band, the purpose of which will be to assist in all Christian, temperance, and charitable objects. A' committee was elected to draw up rule* and go into the question' of finance, and altogether good progress was made towards the realisation of the proposal. Of er twenty have already signified their intention of joining the band, the name of which will, with other matters, be discussed at a further meeting next Friday. On Wednesday last tliel Wyndbam, Edendale, Wairekiki, Mimihau, (Menhani, Redan 1 , Kamahi, and Morton Mains schools combined in a picnic excursion to Colac Bay. The weather was perfect, and the outing 'was hugely enjoyed by the children. There is a scheme on foot among several prominent Southlanders to promote a monster excursion of <3atoterbury farmers to this portion of the province (says the Ensign). It is believed that if settlers in the north could , only tie made to realise what excellent land is to, be obtained in Southland at a )ow price, many of them would embrace the opportunity of acquiring farms without delay. In^order to achieve that ond It is quite on the cards' that something in the nature of a special trip from the * north will be arranged before very long. Members of the local railway staff and other fellow workers in the service provided the community with a pleasant social and dance at Edendale last night, the floor . space being taxed to its utmost. It was a Bociable gathering in every sense of the term, for all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Mr M. Thomas, Invercargill, thanked the promoters fot their hospitality, and hoped the social would be the forerunner of many such pleasant gatherings. The dances were interspersed with songs and instrumental selections. A case of some importance to sawmillers waa taken by Mr W. il. Riddell,. S.M., at the Magistrate's Court yesterday afternoon. R. McN aught sued his late employer N. A. Neiderer for '£-6 8s 9d wages, the point in dispute being whether plaintiff should be paid at the rate of 8s or 9s per day. The plaintiff's evidence was that defendant qmployud hin* at '8s per day to lay a tratnlino, hvf'he was put on as breast bertch tailer-out instead,, the payment for which under the Arbitration Court award was 9s • per day. Defendant's mill was' not In operation when the award was made, but it was contended that the order of the Court covered all mills in the district, and Mr R. W. Hall^or the plaintiff, stated that a decision b*y" Mr Chapman made it perfectly clear that Nelderer. was bound* by th^ award. Mr J. L. Watson, who appeared for the defendant, contended that his client was not bound by the award, but apart from that he applied for a non-suit on the ground that the Magistrate's Court had no. jurisdiction in this case. The question of whether this was a breach, of the toward was involved and it was a matter for the Arbitration Court. His Worship upheld this contention, granting « non-suit with £1 Is costs against plaintiff. The matter will therefore be made the subject of a case before the Arbitration Court.: ,

Two residents of Collingwood, Nelson, the town recently burnt out, drew the firat prize, £4000, in. TattersaU's sweep ©n the Sandhurst Cup. Dealers in horseflesh and others interested *iill notice that the monthly sale by the Southland Fanners' Co-operative Association will be held at Otautau on Monday, sth December, and not on the last Wednesday oi the month, nu the Otautau show falls on the usual Bale day. Exactly ten years ago the Japanese captured Port Arthur from the Chinese alter one day's fighting. On taking the town they massacred every man, woman and child in it, with the exception of a dozen Chinese, whose lives "vere preserved in order that they might bury the dead. j The iLady Annie dredge afl Walkaka won 207 ounces for 130 hours' work this week. -This is much the largest quantity of gold produced by a Southland dredge in the same time The approach of the holiday season reminds us that your boys will be requiring new suits, and we have made every provision for their requirements, and hold large # stocks of boys' colonial twce<l suits in Knickjer, Norfolk and Conway ut prices that will suit all purses , boys' odd tweed and cord trousers, the xnost wearresisting in the market— the very thing for romping boys ; fcbys' washing Galatea tunics with deep sailor collars, nicely trimmed, 3s 6d to 3s lid; b>ys' and men's Panama straws, full range of sizes, from Is lid upwards ; motor caps, with leather peaks and bands, 3s 6d each. We have also a splendid issortmont oi Gladstone bags, Brief bags, Portmanteaux, Cabin trunks, ami Iron tranks at the very lowest possible prices. — McGruer, Taylor aria Co. Many special features are embodied in the construction of the McCormick New Big 4-Mowers, noteworthy among which may be mentioned the frictionless bushings, symmetrical and staunch! main frame, simple and powerful tjears, direct stroke pitman, and long steel wearing plates for the knife. They are rot only durable machines, but they are olso ex. ceedingly light in and easy to operate, they are the farmer's favourite throughout tfte worW wherever grass ia grown. Mr Campbell, Longlands, Hawfces Bay, working one of these 4ft. 6in. Mowers cut 200 acres in 10 days without a hitch- This speaks for Vsclt that the McCormick Mowers are all we claim for them.— Morrow, Bassett at A Co. KOZIE TEA COUPONS. The FOURTH distribution oi cash bonuses to consumers of KOZIE Tea takes place on 7th December. All coupons sent in by that date participate. Three first prizes of £5 each and 43 other cash bonuses ranging 1 from £3 to 2s (W given away at each distribution instead of extensive advertising and costly packages. Golden Guineas cud Golden Tips combined. Try Golden Tip Kozic at 2s. For that tired feeling or a lit of the blues nothing equals a few doses of Dr Orossland's Nox'ol. Its wonderful power over the digestive organs, the liver and Stomach, amaze all who use it. 2a at chemists and stores. Get a. bottle today. •• Why, Jack, how well you look !" " Yes, old chappie, I take a few doses of Dr Crossland's Noxol, the prreat Liver and Stomach remedy, now and again and it's made a new man of me. It's rattling good physic, and only 2s a bottle at all chemists or stores." . HIGHLY ESTEEMED. No liniment stands higher in the ««tlmation of those who know its real value than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. There are thousands who feel that they cannot get along without it and always keep it Vi thetr homes. The pain fiom cuts, burns, bruins and like injuries Is promptly relieved by its use and the injured parts quickly healed. Sold by* VacaUsiei nd Co.. chemists, Deo street. A BLESSING UNAPPRECIATED. —Oaa_ol.the^ greatest blessings a modest man can wish" ToV~4»-«k*go6d^r«Uable set of bovtelo. If you are not the hapjiy possessor of such an outfit your^can greatly mprove the efficiency .6i those, you have by the judicious use . of O&unbertoin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to take and agreeable In elector sale by Mocalister and Co., chemists. Tee street* •*■■■'

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Southland Times, Issue 19471, 26 November 1904, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 19471, 26 November 1904, Page 2


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