Public Btotices ' A W 8 O N IMPORTER, WHOLBBALB WINE, BPIRIT AND GENERAL MERCHANT, TAisr and Wood stbeets, Invehoaboill. als npHE SOUTHLAND TIMES Subscribers having occasion to complain of non-delivery or late delivery of their papers are requested to communicate with the pnbfiahcr At th« pffloe. XJOBERT McNAB, BARRISTER and BOLICITOB, Temple Chambhes, ESS STREET. f 6 TTTJST PUBLISHED THE NEW ZEALAND FAMILY HERB < DOCTOR, I A Book on the Botanic Eclectic System of Medicines, containing the latest discoveries in Medicide and Burgery. Also a description of the Herbs. Roots, Barks and Seeds, dec, em- ' ployed in the Botanic practice . By JAMES F. NEIL, M.D., U.S.A. Price, 6s ; to bs had at Neil's Botanic Dispensary, Tay street, Invercargill. j25 DO YOU FEEL A 8 if you had Lumbago, Rheumatism in J\.[ every bone, a bilious attack, aad' a cold in the bead combined, TEAT'S LA GBIPPE, THE REMEDY IS JONES' HONEY PECTORAL. If you have not this " Compound Sensation," take Jones' Honey Pectoral, and you will not. Ib6dAND2b6d PER BOTTLE. al GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE **! DEPARTMENT. Established 1870. EV^RY POLICY GUARANTEED BY THE STATE. For tbe following, amongst many reaßons, Ne^y-Zealanders should support their national office : — 1 Its Security is absolute. 2. Its Premiums are low. 3. Its Bonuses are high. 4. Its Funds are all invested in the Colony. 5. Its business is restricted to New Zealand, the HEALTHIEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. New-Zoalanders who insure in Australian and American offices which obtain the bulk of their business from the old world and the other colonies (including Queensland, 'Western Australia, aud Fiji) have to pay for THE LOSS ARISING FROM THE HEAVIER MORTALITY OF THOSE COUNTRIES. The death-rate in Queensland is 50 per cent, higher than it is in New Zealand. Accumulated Funds at present date, over ONE AND A HALF MILLION POUNDS. ANNUAL INCOME, over £282,000. F. \V. FHANKLAND, F.1.A., S] Commissio"er and Govt. Actuary. £2000 WORTH OF BARGAINS AT THB EXHIBITION MART ! ANOTHEB tT GRAND CLEARING SALE 44 RBGABDLESS OF COST. Space Wanted and MUST BE MADE to make 100 m for NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! JUST TO HAND. DON'T FOBGET 11 DON'T FOBGET I S2OOO WORTH OF BARGAINS (STCoME Early anb Secure some SO SEASONABLE OFFEB REFUSED as the goods MUST GO. SALE NOW ON ! SALE NOW ON ! Nots thb Address— J. H. WHITAKER, CASH DRAPER, EXHIBITION MART, COBJSTEB TAY and DEVEttON STBEETS A DULTEBATED PEFFIB Adulterated Pepper is being offered to Grocers throughout Otago and Sonthland, as pare pepper, by a loquacious individual, such pepptr being a disgrace to the Trade. BEWARE OF SUCH RUBBISH AND INSIST UPON HAVING Strain's Absolutely Pure Pepper Every tin or package guaranteed pure. Ask for Strange Benowned MAORI BRAND COFFEE, a blend of the finest Mocha, Ceylon and other choice coffees. Ask for Strange Patent SOLUBLE COFFEE POWDER, made simply with boiling water, much superior to essences and cheaper to uai. DAVID §TR4N6, STEAM COFFEE & SPIOE MILLS, Invuboakgill N.Z. TO- H V COUGH OlfCB TBIED ALWAYS USED. AS SAFE AS IT 18 CERTAIN. BONNI>ON'S PECTORAL OXYMEL OF CARRAGEEN OR IRISH MOW*, Will Cora any kind of Cough or Cold, recent of chronic, Influerza, Loss of Voice, Sore Longs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Tickling of the Throat, Bronchitis, Inoipients, Consumption, and all similiar co mplainta. IT IS GUABANTBED TO GIVH SATISFACTION; It is endorsed by Vocalists and Public Speakers ; it clears the Throat, Removes all HaskineßS and other causes that lead to loes of Voice. SOLD EVERY WHEBE. Wholesale at Drug Warehouses, ma MONEY TO LEND on Freehold SeomritJ Apply MAODOFALD * BUBBBLL, Bek etetott I»T««Kf i&
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 4
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