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Drapers and Cl others. A STEP FORWARD. JKen s Suits, Youths Suits, Boys' Suits, Manufactured by Ourselves on the Premises, and carefully cut and better trimmed than ordinary Ready-mades ; in fact, Al Articles at MODERATE PRICES. NOTE PARTICULARLYThat if we have nothing made up that you care for, you can select Tweeds for either your own or your Boys' Garments, and we will make you up Stock Sizes to fit at the iSTsORDINARY READY*MADE PRICES. SUITS Gut specially to measure and finished in the Best Style by competent workmen at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Bring your Orders to the EXHIBITION— you will not only save your money, but help to find employment for the workers of the town ; both desirable objects. TKRIttB-NET PROMPT CASH. THOMSON AND BEATTIE. O N VIEW TO-DAY IN OUB SPACIOUS SHOW ROOMS. TO-DAY— FIRST SHOW DAY TO DAY-FIBST SHOW DAY OF NEW AUTUMN MILLINERY— STYLE UNEQUALLED OF NEW AUTUMN MILLINERY— STYLE UNEQUALLED FOR THE CORRECT STYLE AND GOOD TASTE FOR THIS CORRECT STYLE AND GOOD TASTE ■ SEE PRICE AND BULLEID'S NEW MILLINERY SEE PRIOE AND BULLEID'S NEW MILLINERY 150 Ladies' Plush Jackets, the latest, 36i 6d. 37s 6d 150 Ladies' Plash Jacked, the latest, 36s 6d, 37s 6d Price and Balleid are opening New Goods Daily Price and Balleid are opening New Goods Daily ALL INVITED, NO ONE ASKED TO BUY ALL INVITED, NO ONE ASKED TO BUY 1000 Smart Chic Sailor Hats, Is, U 3d, Is 6d 1000 Smart Obie Sailor Hate, Is, Is 3d, Is 6d Our Dress Department Crowded with New Goods Oar Dresi Department Crowded with New Goods The Very Latest Styles at Moderate Prices The Very Latest Styles at Moderate Prices TRY OUR DRESBMAKING— REASONABLE CHARGES TRY OUR DRESSMAKING— REASONABLE CHARGES 500 New Umbrellas — See Window Show 500 New Umbrellas— See Window Show And Save Yoor Cash Bills for 1890 And Save Your Caßh Bills for 1890 The Cheapest Drapers for Ready Money The Cheapest Drapers for Ready Money ONLY RELIABLE GOODS KEPT IN STOCK ONLY RELIABLE GOODS KEPT IN STOCK AT THE LOWEST POBSIBLE rRIOEB AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CT ALL INVITED TO GO TO PRICE AND BULLEID'S, TAY STEEET, INVERCARGILL. Medical. K E. KUGELMANN & CO/S STANDARD HERBAL MAGNETIC REMEDIES. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND :— Messrs P HAYMAH A Co., Dnnedin, Christchurch, Wellington, and Avckland. These nnriraUed Herbal Medicines are universally acknowledged te b« the beat la «»• world. They are quite different to all others known, being absolutely unsurpassed » tneu Th«f an absolutely specific for those complaints for which they are specially prepared, aai are free from pouons and all mineral drugs, and are quite pleasant to take. F'HE BALSAM OF PARADISE : FOR ALL rr\HE HERBAL MAGNETIC TOFIC LITER LU»G<fc THROAT DISEASES, such as 1 AND STOMACH RESTOREB.~For nil Bronchitis, Asthma, Wheezing, Coughs, Colds, Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, ConFog Fever, Sore Throat, Bleeding from the gested Liver, Enlarged Liver and Spleen, LangLongs, Tightness on the Chest, Inflammation our. Drowsiness, Pains Between the Shoulders, of Lungs, Collapse of the Air Cells, Induration Chronic Indigestion and all Stomach complaints, of Lnugs, Congestion of Lungs, <fee, Ac. It is Heartburn, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Tom' ttb« only medicine known to mankind that will ing of Food, Loss of Appetite. Sick Headache, completely cure Consumption in its early stages. Nervousness, Nervous Debility, Prostration It is composed of choice fruits, flower seeds, and the convalescing stages iof all Acute gums, balsams, and herbs. It renovates and Diseases. Price, 6s, and 10a. fattens the weakest constitution}, alike of young ■ — ~ or old. We sold OVER ONE MILLION HpHE HERBAL MAGNETIC LIVER PILLS BOTTLES during the first five years that we 1 —These Pills are unrivalled, and superior introduced this marvellous and elegant remedy, to all others for all Liver 'Troubles, Biliousness, and that too, WITHOUT ANY ADVERTIS- Costiveness, Giddiness, Indigestion, Wind, and ING WHATEVER. It is exceedingly pleasant Heartburn. They are composed solely of the to taste, and causes an immediate improvement vital properties of herbs, are coated and tasteIn all who take it. Sold in bottles at U 6d, less. In glass bottles, at Is 3d, and Be each. 4s <d, and 10s. These should be kept in every house, as they are . . a lure cure for numberless ills. I^HR NATURAL BLECTRIO BLOOD rronr fttttti ttrrkat rnra VMTiTTw. PURIF^R-This medicine has no equal T «oul S^lan^n^abSSTSSfi^ Wood. It will work wonders in every case with- f\~ T^ a l ° n f 1 T»" ed "fP?™! 4 » i . un ! oTwception. See Handbook. Price, 4a 6d doubtedly the best inhalent in all Asthmrtcal « 8 6d, andl2s 6d each bottle. complaints and Difficult Breath^, as Dry Asthma, Humid Asthma, Spasmodic Asthma, ~ ~ ~~" 7ZZZ, Nervous Asthma, Bronchitis. Wheezing. Tight. HE KUGELMANN'S EYE OINTMENT ntBB OT the Chest, Catarrh, Hay FeverVCoMs in . AND ANODYNE EMOLIENT.-This the Head, etc^ eto. B undoubtedly the finest Pharmaceutical pro- . duct of the century. An immediate cure for ITKBBAL MAGNETIC SNEEZING obilblains and frost bites. Nothing hitherto Xl POWDBB.— This is a most useful little known can compare with this Ointment for itß Remedy of a uniform and very positive charmarvellous excellence, elegance of combination, acter. It has been devised and used for many and superior effectiveness. It will cure all Eye yearß dm-jug the inventor's practice for Colds in Diseases, Blight of all descriptions, Inflamma- the Head, Catarrah of the Nose, Hay Fever tion of Eyes and Lids, Chronic Ophthalmia, and Ozena, Decay of the Bones of the Nose, Dis;Jl and every Eye Disease ; and as well it is the charges from the Nose, Nasal Polypus, and all best and nicest thing possible for Fly Bite or obstructions in the Nose ox Nasal Passages. It Mosquito Bites, and for Sore Throats, Coughs. } a ex t re niely useful in the treatment of Asthma, Mumps, Quinsy, Ac It is simply splendid. All Bronchitis, and all Lung Troubles complicated weak and nervous persons should use it to rub w [^ naas j obstructions. It will instantly check well in down the spine and on the stomach. We c o i,j j^ the Head, and remove Giddiness and guarantee that all who use this once will sever Headaches resulting from Catarrh. be without it. Price 2s 6d, and 6s. . « The Boom of the Coming Century." HI. KUGELMANN'S CHILDREN'S wttowtmTwww vrwrnns. . VITAL ESSENCE.-For all the ail- JT K ra^E?| L^?21 raal B If9? B^ C mento of i^ancy and childhood. A real child- Jtl. ESSENOE.-An external remedy for "n's friend: £ice our Handbook. Price, 2s 6d all pams or aches. Nothing like this has erer otS s. ™JrhnttiV been known, and nothing else will ever equal it. and be per botue. If you % j^^^^^ gouty p^t^ you do not care about, obtain a bottle of this HE. KUGELMANN'S HERBAL Electrio Essence and it will make you happy. • MAG > ETIC OINTMENT.— This un- Use it for sprained backs, knee joints, all swellrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly the best ings, dropsy, back ache, sciatica, neuralgia, weak Ointment ever elaborated for curing Old Sores, spines, lumbago, contractions, lameness, cramps. Bad Legs, Ulcers, Fistulas, Piles, Bleeding Piles, quinsy, mumps, diphtheria, croup, aad f »r all Eruptions of the Skis, Broken Chilblains, Cuts, pains and aches. Never be without it for all Wounds. Ac., Ao., Ac. In jus at Is, Is «d, 2s bites of insects or stings, and for burna, oexU. 6d, and h each, amd»cald*. Sold in bottle*, U M aad 7*. SOLE PROPRIETORS: HE. Be IfcC€USJLJS*AJ«W AJTD CO., 4th AVENUE, NEW YOBK CITY, U.SA. Australian Head Office and Warehouse : 172 and 174, William rireet, Melbourne, Victoria. Plantations and Reducing Establishment at " Mount Paradise," Gembrood, Gippslaod. 0- Dofi*t fail to read our Descriptive Handbook. Mailed free to any address or may be had upon application to any of the following local agents:—-lavereargill.-J Hatch 4 Co, C H Macalister, Neil's Herbal aad liurtone, T Me Cheaney, Matheson & Co, John. Sherwood, Wesaey Bros. _B|u«-£WaddeJ •nd Co-TSobol * C* thornbury— WhiUingh»m Broe. and lwhi»m, Q Wmm, Vmmt-
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Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 4
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1,319Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 4
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