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Special Advertisements RABBITSKINS. H. & F. IVPDONALD & CO., ESK STREET, INVERCARGILL, Cash Buyers at Highest Bates of RABBITSKINS! &heeps]&iiis, WO»i>, Tallow, Hides, f&orseli&ilr, GrOfttsklns, JBtc. NET CASH. NO COMMISSION. TOP PRICES GUARANTEED. H. & F. McDONALD & CO:, ESK STKEET, INVERCARGILL.
aUOKE STEAN'S COT TOBACCOS They ire good in Morning Noon and Night, Good in Darkness or in Light, Good while Working or at Play, And always drive dull care away . Bough Cut Ruby Fine Cut Suby Welcome Nugget Cigarette Honey Dew Sponge Oake Cigarette Nail Bod Cavendish Juno Mixture FRA\k A. STEAKS, AMERICAN TOBACCO DEPOT (Opposite the Theatre), DSKSTBiiET, INVEaCARGILL. ]2. rpHE WEEKLY TIMES OP FBIDAT, 25th APRIL, CONTAINS:— BBPORTS— Wallace County Council. Invercargill Borough Council. District, R.M.. an;i Police Courts. Nautical Enquiry re Wre;kof the barque Emilie. Trial of the HowardGedde3 sheep-shearing machine Editorials— The Wreck of the Emilie. The N.Z. inhibition. Propoaed Sale of Gas Plant. Bailway Management Commercial. — Invercargill Current Prices Share Market Auctioneers Reports— Mitch-1> Whi'e & Co. Wilaon Tame and Co. l homaa Green. H Carawell, & Co. Uabbitskin Market. Dunedin, Melbourne and Sydney Markets. Farmers' Items — Weeds (continued). The use of Manure. Rust in Wheat. Wita and without the Weighbridge. Curb in Horses. > griculture in Common Schools. A Cow and her first Calf. Latest Telegraphic and Cable News, &c. Btoryteller, Ladies' Column, Poetry, Fun and Fancy, Draughts, Correspondence, &c. SOUTH NEW ZEALAND FINANCE LOAN, BUILDING, AND AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED. Formerly the Invercargxll Permanent Building Sooiety). Subscribed Capital £75,675 Paid-up Capital £19,500 Shareholders number 195 Loans Granted Repayable by Monthly Instalments. Bills Discounted (Secured by the Deposit of Shares, Bond Warrants, Bills of Lading, or other approved Documents). Sal« and Purchase of Shares or other Agency Business. **Inney Received on Oeposifc Fixed or at Call, at Highest Current Rates. GEORGE TREW, my 18 ol Manager. AARON BLACKE'S I^TEW GIFT DEPOT jj% Is still acknowledged to be ONE OF THE BEST PLAGES TO PURCHASE— STATIONERY REQTISIifiS, ACCOUNT BOOKS, BCHOOL BOOKS (all sorts), CHINA O UNA MINTS, EXERCISE BOOKS, WRITING DESKS, FISHING TACKLE, SOHOOLBAGS, ALBUMS, PLUSH FRAMES LARGE PACKETS.NOTEPAPER (6 qra), Is, 250 GOOD ENVELOPES, Is 6d,i PIPES, TOBACCO ALL KINDS, ACCORDEONS, CONCERTINAS, PERFUMERY FANOY GOODS, PATENT MEDICINES, <fee, &o. TO THE FRONT.— Recognising the great importance of placing before the public the VIRTUES OF iHE PORE INDIAN TEA., A SPECIAL BAY haH been provided in the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition where the great masses of visitors are daily in the enioymeni cf a CUP OF THIS BXHILAR-ATI-G BBVERAGE. THIS BOON 13 OBTAINABLE IS THIS TOWN. &ARONIbIj4ICJ£Ii:, Southland Oltjb Buildings, Daa Stbkbt IHE VERY BEST Place in Town for Purchasing Goods, for 3 very good reasons — 1st — Because of the splendid Scock to choose from at WESNEY BROS., THK LEVIA--IHA.N GIFT DEPOT. 2nd — Because you will get the Latest Design in all Lines at WEBNEY BROS., THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. 3rd — Because you will got all articles at the very lowest Piices at WBSSJBY B&QS., THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. All the Imcw Yearly Volumes just to hand. Leisure Hour London Journal Sunday at Home Family Herald Caßsells' Magazine Boye' Own Annual Quiver Girla' Own Annual Cassells' Saturday Journal, &c, &c, &c. AT WESNEY BROS., THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. NEW BOOKS arriving every month at WESNEY BROTHERS' LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. NEW STATIONERY of aH kinds at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW JEWELLERY, Silver Brooches, Earrings, Studs, &c, <tc, at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW FANOY GOODS of all description? at Wesney brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot FBE9H SUPPLY of the New Waterbory Watches at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW PRIZE BOOKd, 1000 Volumes to choosa from at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot LETT'S AND NEW ZEALAND DIAKIES FOR 1890, At Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW FURNITUUE VARNISH ahd BLACK LACQUEtt. 9A ver Bottle. At Weancj Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot I A Good Household Broom for la ! At Wisney Bros.' Lsvialhan Gift Depot ODP3and 3AUOKRS, 4j pr-r rfozen At Wesnf:y Broe.' Leviathan Gift Depo KNIVES and F-iuK \ 6s per dozen At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot TEA SPUO SS, wear white like silver, 4s 6d and 6b per dozen At Webney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Dopot INDIA RUBBER S I'AMPd made at shoikst notice o<i the premves At Wesney Bios' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW ENAMEL PAINTS, At Is, If 6d, and 2s per Tin j all colours. At Weaney B os.' Leviathan Gift Depot SILVER P. WARE of every description suitable for presentation At Wesney Bros,' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW MADAME WEIGEL Patterns every month At W- sney Bros' Leviathan Gift Depot W0< r !LS, Bilks, Brigg's Patterns, Macrame Thread, &c, &£, At Wcs ey Bros' Leviathan Gift Depot Pisnofl on the Hire fc-ystein (20a per month or , mote) At ''Vney Broi' Leviathan Gift D-?pot ' Jam Pots, Jelly Jar^, all prices, i Aft Wesaey Bros' Leviathan Gift i^epot ( Iron Trunk*, Portmanteaus, Travelling Bags, Hat Boxe?, <fee. A c, At We?ney Bros' Leviathan Gut Depot i Oall and you wi!i ge' 311 your wants supplied at ( W^sney .ffirotlaers 1 THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT < DBB STBEET. i UiVEBCAJ&Ukk, I i
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Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 2
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838Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 2
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