Special Advertisements ■- -p J. B. YULE, L. D.S.SURGEOH DENTIST, May be consulted in rooms (lately occupied by Mr Straker ( above Messrs Wesney Bros., Dee street, Invercargill. Mr Yule will visit Gore on Monday and Tnes pay, -sth and 6th May j Mataura, Wednesday, : 7th May j and Wyndham, Thursday, Bth May. f # W. THOMPSON, L.D.S., : * SURGEON DENTIST, ; SPEY STREET, INVERCARGILL, COMING EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE. ■ ~ Slowly but surely are the mineral resources • of Pegasus being' developed by a small band of determined pioneer^ and as we are confident of the future, we will still supply all you require at HEDUCBD PRICES. L. RODGERS & SONS, v f2O General Merchants, Pegasus. %■ XT7 ORTH READING THE DRESDEnIpFaNO COMPANY, INVERCARGILL, %.. MRS M. J. MOIB, Lg-sst. Owing to the success which has attended the efforts of this Company, Large Consignments '* of the very best Instruments are continually - coming to hand. ? THERE IS NO CAUSE FOR DELAY IS ~ PROCURING A PIANO. : Small Deposit and £1 3s 6d psr Month purcbaMß a Handsome Full Toned Piano, Made expressly for the DRESDEN CO. Ho Tionbie ! No Publicity I Pay the Deposit and the Instrument is despatched to you. AJso, in Btock-ALL KINDS OF OTHER MUSICAL INBTRUMBNTS AND FITTINGS. • NEW MUSIO EVERY WEEK. Mrs M. J. MOIB, A&BNT, Opposite to Post Office. a! 2 ■vtbw Zealand e;xhi;bjtio n HAVING BOUGHT TH« HOSGEIL RUGS, TWEEDS, &c. AT EXHIBITION, we have just opened a few OHOIOB BUGS AHD ENDSt OP TWEED that were shut out for want of space; We have also secured the right to sell in New Zealand of the HAMMOQUETTE RECLINING CHAIR (one of the wonders of the Exhibition) Pronounced the most comfortable, and can be adjusted to suit aDy 6iz<;d per Eon. We have a sample chair here and cordially INVITE INSPECTION. HALLENSTEIN BROS. & CO., Nbw Zealand Clothing Factory. DEE STREET, INV.BRCARGILL ]31 WHITTINGHAM BROS. AND vv INSTONE MERCHANTS * COMMISSION AG3N TS Wood street, Inv«rcargill. Thornbury and BiverUm. BSTABtISHJiD IK 1863. BtTTHRS OF AM, SUSDZ QV PRODUCE, GRAIN, WOOL, RABBIT BKINS, 40.. '"And will make advances on same, if pet into Jheir hands for sale. Aw preparod to sxacate ;r ' indent orders on the most f&voaraMe t^rms. ; ; ; ; London Oorwspondenta— g^v B, WHirroroHAM aito Co. ffS?yi - •■"•■■
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 2
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