SOUTH NEW ZEALAND FINANCE LOAN, BUILDING, AND AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITBD. Formerly the Invercargill Permanent Building Society). Subscribed Capital £75,676 Paid-up Capital £19,600 Shareholders number 196. Loans Granted - Bepayable by Monthly Instalments. Billß Discounted (Secured by the Deposit of Shares, Bond Warrants, Bills of leading, or other approved Documents). Sale and Purchase of Shares or other Agenoy Business. Money Received on Deposit Fixed or at Call, at Highest Current Bates. GEOBGE TBEW, my 18 ol Manager. JT # W. THOMPSON, L.D.8., SURGEON DENTIST, SPEY STBEET, INVEBCABGILL, -THE WEEKLY TIMES OF FBIDAY, 26th APBIL, OJNTAINS:— Beports -Wallace County Council, Invercargill Borough Council. Distriot, 8.M., and Police Courts. .Nautical Enquiry re Wreckof the barque Emilie. Trial of the Howardtteddes sheep-shearing machine Editoki alk— T he Wreck of the 'Emilia The N.Z. i<.-ih : bition. Proposed tiale of Gas Plant. Bail way Management Commercial. — Invercargill Current Prices. Share Market. Auctioneers Beports— Mitchell Whiie <fc Co. Wilson 1 aine and Co. Thomas Green. H Carswall. & Co. Babbitskin Market. Dunedin, Melbourne and Sydney Markets. Fabmkbs' Items — Weeds (continued). The nse of Manure. Bust in Wheat. With and without the Weighbridge. Curb in Horses, a gri culture m Common Schools. A Cow and her first Calf, Latest Telegraphic and Cable News, <tc. Storyteller, Ladies' Column, Poetry, Fun and Fancy, Draughts, Correspondence, ic. QMOKE STEAN'S CUT TOBACCOS They are good in Morning Noon and Night, Good in Darkness or in Eight, Good while Working or at Play, And always drive dull care away. Bough Cut Buby Fins Cut Buby Welcome Nugget Cigarette Honey Dew , Sponge Cake Cigarette Nail Bod Cavendish Juno Mixture FRANK A. STEANS, AMERICAN TOBAOOO DEPOT (Opposite the Theatre), DBB STBBET, INVEBCABGILL. ]2. rpUNEBAL NOTIOE The Friends of the late Mrs Hagar, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, leaving the house of Mr H. Small, Jed street, at 4.80 p.m. THIS #AY, for the Eastern Cemetery. ! X I HGSLA ND & FEBGUaON, a 25 Undertakers.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 2
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