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Special Advertisements RABBITSKINS. H. & F. M°DONALD & CO., ESK STREET, INVERCARGILL, Cash Buyers at Highest Rates of RABBITSKINS! Mneepsltiiis, WO(H>, Tallow, Hides, Horsehair, Goatskins, £tc. NET CASH. NO COMMISSION. TOP PRICES GUARANTEED. H. & F. McDONALD & CO;, ESK STREET, INVEKCARGILL.
E> J. B. yUL F, L. D.S.. SUBGEON DENTIST, May be consulted in rooms (lately occupied by Mr Ktraker ( above Messrs Wesney Bros., Dee street, Invercargill. Mr Yule will vißit Gore on Monday and Tues pay, sth and 6th May ; Mataara, Wednesday, 7th May ; and Wyndham, Thursday, Bth May. TTT OBTH BEADING THE DRESDEN PIANO OOMPANY, INVEBCA.BGILL, MBS M. J. MOIB, AgentOwing to the success which has attended the efforts of this Company, Large Consignments of the very best Instruments are continually coming to hand. THESE TS NO CAUSE FOB DELAY IN PROCURING A PIANO. A Small Deposit and £l 3s 6d per Month purchases a Handsome Full Toned Piano, Made expressly for the DRESDEN CO. No Troub'e ! No Publicity ! Pay the Deposit and the Instrument is despatched to you. Also, in Stock-ALL KIND 3 OF OTHEB MUSICAL, TNS i ttUMKNTS AND FITTINGS. NEW MUSIO EVEBY WEEK. Mrs M. J. MOIR, Agent, Opposite to P"*' Office. a* 2 Sf You Have CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCH or COLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTING of FLESH, Or any Disease where tlie Throat and Jjungs are Inflamed, Lack of Strength or Nerve Bower, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSION OP PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. Palatable as Milk. Ask for Scott's Emulsion, and let no explanation or solicitation induce you to accept a substitute. Sold by all Cliemists. SCOTT & BOWNE. New York, NEW ZEALAND EIXH 1,8 ITIO N HAVING BOUGHT THTS HOSGEIL RUGS, TWEEDS, &c AT EXHIBITION, we have just opened a few OHOIOE BUGS AND ENDSi OF TWEED that were Bhut out for want of space: We have also secured the right to Bell in New Zealand of the HAMMOQUETTE RECLINING CHAIR (one of the wonders of the Exhibition) Pronounced the most comfortable, and can be adjusted to suit any 6izcd person. We have a sample chair here and cordially INVITE INSPECTION. HALLENSTEIN BROS. & CO.. New Zealand Clothing Factory. DEE STBBET, INVEBOABGILL. J3l THE VERY BEST Place in Town for Purchasing Goods, for 3 very good reasons — 1st — Because of the splendid Stock to choose from at WESNEY BBOS., THK LEVIATHA.N GIFT DEPOT. 2nd — Because you will get the Latest Design in all Lines at WESNEY BBOS., THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. 3rd — Because yon will get all articles at the very lowest Prices at WESNEY BBOS., THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. All the Ixew Yearly Volumes iust to hand. Leisure Hour London Journal Sucday at Home Family Herald Cassells' Magazine Boys' Own Annual Quiver Girls' Own Annual Casßells' Saturday Journal, <fee, Ac, &c. AT WESNEY BBOS., THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DBPOT. NEW BOOKH arriving every month at WESNtiY BBOTHEBS' LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. NEW STATIONERY of atl kinds at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW JEWELLEBY, Silver Brooches, Earrings, Studs, <feo, &c, at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW FANOY GOOD 3 of all descriptions at Wecney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot FBESH SUPPLY of the New Waterbury Watcheß at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW PBIZE BUUK3, 1000 Volumes to choose from at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot LETT'S AND NEW ZEALAND DIARIEB POR 1890, At Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW FURNITURE VABMBH abd BLACK LACQUER, 9d per Bottle. At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot A Good Household Broom for ls At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot OUP3and 4s per dozen At Wcne-y Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depo KNIVES and FOUK-i, 6s per dozen At Wesney Bros ' Leviathan Gift Depot TEA SPOOLS, wear white like silver, 4s 6d and 6s per dozen At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot INDIA liUBBE-.V STAMPS made at shortest notice oo the prcmi j es At Wesney Bros' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW ENAMEL PAINTS, At ls, Is 6d, and 2s per Tin ; all colours. At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot SILVEtt P. WABJU of every description snitable for presentation At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot NEW MADAME WEIGEL Patterns every month At Wesney Brop' Leviathan Gift Depot WOOLS, Hilke, Brigg's Patterns, Jtfacramo Thread, <fee, &c, At We8&o;y Bros' Leviathan Gift Depot Pionoß on the Hire bystom (ZOs per month or At "^epney Bros' Leviathan Gift Depot Jam Pots, Jelly Jaw all pricea, At Wesney Bros' Leviathan Gift repot Iron Trunks', Portmanteaus, Travelling Bags, Hat Boxee, &c. <*c, At Wesney Bros' Leviathan Gift Dopot Call and you will gc<; all your wants supplied at Wesney- MrotUers, THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT DBB STBEET. I ItfVEIiQABUILL.
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Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 2
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763Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 2
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