Public Notices OPTICAL GO',DB SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES OF ALL DESCHIPTIONB, One Shilling per pair up to tho best pebble (Peritcopic). The| Pausodonopic Spertac'e — a frreat trea to spectacle wc&rars. Goggles and Eye Preserver Magnifying Glaasaß Opera and Field Glasses Compass en Barometers Thermometers, .4o l. rodgebl and 00,, LBVIATHAH GIFT DEPOT, DBS STBEBT. FBMA.LB PILLS are invaluable ; no irroKßlaritlM or obstructions can re»i»t them. SaCdudCts box. Steel and Pennyroy»l Pills. 3t «dbox, ufesnd reliable. Bongean'a, 4s 6d box. Note, lithtr Mnt Post Free on receipt of prico in stampi or poital note. Address— Mrs L. Hawkini, 84 Qeorge itraet, rjunedin* As a general family a .*ient, . BWMrea jrtlh^t mercury, and are invaluable to all who »nffcc fc»a Billons and Liver Compfainti, Indigestion, XUrity Diseases, Wind, Spasms, Pains toefcifesm the Shoulders, Palpitation of the .Heart. Imj^e Btoqd. , Skin Bruptions, Hervouspess, Hjwdaohe,, CpwMWj tion.Qiddinegs, 40. Is 3d h bottle of 30 TOgar-cort* pills-^one pill is a dose. Sold byiß okateUUlnd storelwepers. Wholesale Agenti i^gompttMM,. Prosser, and Co. H.B.— Sont Post Jnt of 1» 3d in Svamps. A.ddress-0. W. HAWKDIB, 91 George street, Dunedin. CERTICURA GINTMEHT Gnres Chilblains, Irritating Eruptions, -Sere or Cracked Nipples, Bad Logs, Banning Sores, Cats Burns, Bruises, Boils, Bashes, Inflammation of tt c Eyes, dec. Instate covered pots, 1b 6d, 2b 6d and 3* 6d each. Sold by all chemists and storekeepers. Wholesale agents : Kempthorne, Prosser and Co. N.B— Poßt Free on receipt of price in stamps. Address— o. W. HAWKINS, 94 George street, Dnnedin. Certicura Blood Cleanser, 4b 6d Certicnra Lotion, 3s 6d. Certicura Oil, 2s 6d Certicnra Soap, Is, a Tablet. Eiiner of the above PiUs or tho celebrated " Certicura" Bemedies can be obtained at Mr G BAILEt'B, Tay street, Invercaraill. Dunedin, Feb. 6th, 1890 I was troubled for many years with an irritating complaint. I tried the Certicnra Ointment, and f om the first application found relief, and a single Pot cured me.— Btjbun Isaacs, No. 6 Princes strept, and 185 acd 137 George St. Dunedin, September 7th, 1888 Over 20 years with bad legs— l applied Certicnra Ointment at night; the irritation trc* instantly stopped on using the ointment ; the next morning was surprised at the improver ment. Five 2s 6d pots completely cured me.-— Hu M. Kinsb. I suffered torture from Bilions Colic. One bottle of Certicnra Liver Pills cured me.— l.N., Dunedin. A bad taste in tho month and nausea in the morning was cmed by Certicura Liver Pills.— G. C. Port Chalmer?. Certloura Nerve and Brain Remedy positively cum Nervous Debility. Premature Deollne. _SemWal Weakness, Indiscretionn and Excesses. a.Bi-i-Cme month's treatmont sent Poit Free on reoripfe of fa In stamp*, or postal note. AddrMt-rO. IT. HAWKINS, Herbalist, 94 Qeorge «treat, Dunedin. ~1 _■ 1 iijjmii"" L" 1 a r~ C t^tSHd 'B^sssVll'^ f"fS,fu'S ' O * i3@HS K9BBBBBI ■■ *A W D A a cg 1 q (J5 oS 'w* ■ ;)Hsss» ll.lq ; m I H if Wholesale from Kenipthorne. Froiner K »>nd 00. WEEKLY TUBS IS PTJBX-IBHBD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING In time for the first inland MAILS ARID TBAINS, It is an excellent Advertising Medium having a large and INOBEASING 018---OULATION amongßt FAKMEKS& SETTLERS In its pages special attention » paid to Agricultural and Pastoral Interests, while the general reader is supplied in it« columns with a large amount of varied extract and original matter in addition to *1\ the local and general intelligence gathered during the week. PRICE— PEB ANNUM— £1, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE AGrBNTS— Inveroargill Al Booknellert Wyndham ... ... McKay & 00. Mataura Mac Gibbon & Sou Gore D. B. Esther -Gordon ... .„ ... Alex. Browa Riverton J. W. Chapman Thornbury ... ... Mr Foster Otautau ... ... 3. Oampbel) Winton T. MoWlUiatn Lumsden James Martin Bluff Mrs Wilida Woodlandß J. Big wood Ealf-moon Bay, S. I. ... W. Peterrin; Longridge ... ... Robt, Grant Waikaia J: Handyside . Orepuki Mr McPberaon Olifton H. Kiogtjland Dipton - ... W. H. WWtaker Waianiwa ii. 0. Lindsay Correspondence on subjects of Bpecialdr general interest is cordially invited. Letters intended for publication nhonld be addressed to " p Jho Editor," and those relating to busine < to " The Manager." OFFICE— Esii Street, n?erearjrtll
Page 4 Advertisements Column 5
Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 4
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