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Business Notices; SHEEP-DIPPING. WE EME JTi'ST TO HAND A SUPPLY OF BROOKE'S CELEBRATED SHEEP DIPS. BROOKE'S POTASH ARSENICAL SHEEP DIP BROOKE'S PERFECT SHEEP DIP BROOKE'S CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP FOR PARTICULARS APPLY WHITTINGHAM BEOS. AND INSTONE, AGENTS, INVERCARGILL. ■a- Choice Selection MONUMENTS in Stock. Funerals conducted to or from any part of Southland. REID AND GRAY^ WBBB AWABDBD • GOLD MEDAL AM) FIRST ORDER OF MERIT AIVD SPECIAL MENTION By the Jurors at the recent Melbourne Exhibition, and also at the previous Exhibition they not only received Gold Medal for their Double-Farrow Plough, but Special Commendatory reference from the jurors as followi:— " In ploughs there is one exhibit to which, we wish to draw ipecial attention as being the best and that is the Doable-Furrow of Reid and Gray, Dunedin, New Zealand , In finish and construction it is far superior to any other." DOUBLE-FURROW PLOUGHS (THE BEST MATBBIAL AND WOBKMANBHIP THBOUGHOUT.) DISC HARROWS. In Sizes from 6ft to 12ft wide, fitted with Patent Adjustment for Distributing the weight uniformly on the Harrow at any angle, and making it the most perfect Harrow in New Zealand. HEED-SOWING ATTACHMENTS FITTED 'ON IF REQUIRED. IMPROVED NEW ZEALAND GRAIN DRILL, WITH POSITIVE FEED AND BPRING OOULTEB9. REID AND GRAY'S COMBINED MANURE AND TURNIP DRILL From 2 to 8 Coulter?, and fr<.m 14in to 16in between the Drills. §11 1 L ZIG 5K A €3- HA ABOW§, Same price as Iron ; will last double the time of Iron Harrows. BEID & GBAY'S HOBSK GEARS are universally used in New Zealand. They are selfcontained, consequently no liability of breaking. Over 1000 in use, CHAFFCUTTERS AND BAGGERS. No 1, 2, 2£, 3 and 4 Chaff cntters with all the latest improvements. Twine Bindere, Flexible Tripod Harrowp, Square Link Chain Harrows (all sizes), also new pattern Light 2-horse Gear, Plain and Barb Fencing Wire, Wire Strainers, Drays, Grubbers, Acme Harrows, Corn Bruisers, Cambridge Bolleis, &c. PLOUGH FITTINGS AT BBDUOED PRICES. OATALOGUBS ON APPLICATION Iron Fencing 1 Standards. We are the Largest Makers of these Standards which we cut and punch to any size and guage from the Beit Quality Standard Iron. No inferior Iron kept. Net weight delivered is charged: CLAYTON AND SHUTTLEWOBTH'S THBBSHINO MILLS AND ENGINES. Also, Tbaction Engines Fob Sale. TAILORING. TURNER AND COLBRAN A LABGE AND CHOICE ABSOBTMENT OF NEW GOODS ALWAYS IN STOCK. REMNANTS FOR SALE, CHEAP ff All y/oik done on the premises and the labour kept in the town, at Dunedin prices.49 COUNTBY OUBTOMERS LEAVING THE! IB ORDEBS WITH US MAY BELY UPON HAVING GOOD WOBKMANSHTP AND MATEBIAL. See appended extracts from letter*:— Mfieass Tubnbb k Colbban. Messbs Tuknbb & ©olbban. Gentlemen, — Enclosed please find cheque Dear Sirs, — Please receipt account for Suit, in payment of Suit which fit very well. with which I am very well satisfied. F.W.B. J.BJ.F. Biverton, 20th July, 1888. Gore, Ist Augnit, 1888. Mbssbs Tubnbb & Colbban. Mbssbs Tuknbb & Colbban. Dear Sirs.—l am well pleased with the Dear Sirs,— l send meagurements for Suit fit &nd workmanship in Overcoat. Enclosed and obeqne £3 15s, also pattern. You made find £1 ; will send balance soon as possible, me a Huit 12 moaths ago which gave the best S.H.W of wear, Winton, 20th July, 1888. B.M, Martroa, 14th September, 1889. ME6SBS TUKNEB & OOLBBANt — — DearSirs,-Enclosed find cheque for the Messbs T™" 5 * & OolbbAN. balance on Suit, which I have received all Gentlemen,— 'The Suit of olotkes seem to right and fits very well. fit very nicely .,;. I J.T.W. W.B. Mandeville, 27th Jnly, 1888. 18th January 1889. IMPBOVBD ILLUBTBATKD CHARTS FOR BELF-MKABOBEMBNT WITH BAMPLIB SENT ON APPLICATION. TURNER AND COLBRAN, OSTB BTRSKT INVVHOAUOTIJ.. T H QiS^ESS^^KS? PTCT TSUBB REMEDYJOR BALDNESS (With which iB J™^ | »ta> d the Weekly ™ Qp THE FALL i N g of YOUR HAIR PUBLISHED EVEBY SATURDAY MORfc AND ING EBADICATB ALL TRACES OF AND DELIVERED THROUGHOUT SOOTH DANDBUFF, LAND ON SATURDAY NIGHT wEIOE is Established ... 1865 -j+HE MOST DEADLY ENEMY TO THE Contains : HUMAN HAIR. Particulars of Bills of Sale, Stock Mortgages, ~~~" Liens on Wool and on Crops, Bailments If your Hair is Falling Out and. Becoming Affidavits of Satisfaction, Bankruptcy Peti- Weak and Thin from any cause, tions, and DißCharges t &c, filed daring each THEN USB * week, up to Friday night HICKKA»'S EOLIPSB KAIB Original Articles, illustrating the working PEODXTOBIRj of Commercial Law, and other interesting and valuable matter. Registered. Absolutely indispensable to the safety of all Traders, and which no one can afford to It ia the only preparation that has and will be withont. cure Dandruff and Baldness. It will arrest the Terms: £1 7b 6d (including Digest) per mmm falling, strengthen the weak and dormant pores strictly payable in advance. of the scalp into healthy action, and produce Fre« Sample Copieß obtainable from the a vigorous growth of new hair on the bald Proprietors, partß. B. T. WHEELER &CO Dunedin Aa a P roof of fchis tbere are hundreds ia all ' parts of New Zealand who have their hair reHaving AGENCIES in every place in NEVf stored by its nse, after having been bald for ZEALAND and also throughout Australia, *f*™ TJ?ZaZ!& k t7 y6MB Bnßland, Ac we ar« in a position to trace of a 6 e : . These are positive facts. Anyone can absconding debtors, COLLECT ACCOUNTS see original wmten testimonials on application FOB SUBSCBIBBB and give reliablaprivats to the proprietor. information as to the commweial standing of _ . , ... „„„+„;„„ o !!rr t * ... individuals. acll bottle contains supply for one month's us« For partionlaiß apply Head Office Dnnedin. To be obtained from wn. mtrrivfTi — *# t •» O. H. MAOALISTEB \ HATCH AND CO. W. G: BBIGHT Ag«nt for InvercargiU H> B< JO NES j GEO. BAILEY And all Chemists in Southland. PRINTING of every description, executed — . with neatness and despatch, done at the WHOLESALE OF K. Z. DRUG CO.— SOLE
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 4
Word Count
960Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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