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B j Pnblic Notices. D E W A K D The Foufcbland Acclimatisation Sooiety will pay a £5 reward and half of the fiae imposed, to any person who will give such information as will lead to the conviction of poachere of either trout or salmon. R.H. BRODRICK, als Hon. Secretary. JJ^ H A W 8 O N IMPORTER, WHOLESALE WINE, SPIRIT ADD GENERAL MERCHANT, Tat and Wood streets, Invbboa.b.cuxl. als QMELLIE BROTHERS (LIMBED), B UjR S 8 I D E, Are Gash Purchasers of OLD HORSE SHOS3 AND SCRAP IUON. alB THE GOOD OLD-FASHIONED STONE MADE FLOUR. The most WHOLESOME, most NUTRITIOUS, SWEETEST, CHEAPEST, undBEST. ASK FOR THE " MILLSTONE " BRAT D. Kept by all the Grocer/- and used by all the Bakers. al /^1 RE V VALXEY COAL MINES BBUNNEB, COA.L PIT HEATH, AND W ILLSEND, WEST COAST, The undersigned have always a supply of the above Co*ls on hand which are confidently recommended for all ussh coals are put to. We specially draw attention to these coals ss most economical for steam purposes. Proprietors of threshing mills ;-nd all other steam powers would do well to {live thesa coals a tri-*I. B RUNNER IS UTS ALWAYS ON HAND. Apply NIOHOL BROS., a 23 Agents Grey Valley Coal Company, Ltd XUiST PUBLISHED THE NEW ZEALAND FAMILY HERB DOCTOR, A BooV on the Botanic Eclectic System of Medicines, containing the latest discoveries in Medioide and Surgery. Also a description of the Herbs. Roots, Barks and Seeds, <fee, employed in the Botanic practice By JAMES F. NEIL, M.D., U.S.A. Price, 5s ; to ba had at Neil's Botanic Dispensary, Tay street, Invercargill. j26 rpRANSFEROF SOLICITOB'S BUSINESS I have this day disposed of my business aa a Barrister and Poiic'tor of the Bupreme Court of New Zealand to John Ranking Cowan, Barrister and Solicitor and can recommend him favourably to those clients who have favoured me with their busings during the past fifteen years. Dated at Invercargill, tr-is fifteenth day of April, 1890. LAWRENCE K RF.ADE, Office No. 2 Australian Mutual Provident Society's Buildings, Esk street. Referring to the above I am prepared to carry on the above busiucsa in the Ohambtrs recently occupied by Mt Reade. a! 6 JOHN R. COWAN. /^vrepuki coal and shale co; fublkTnotice. The Orepuki Coal Company are now prepared to deliver COAL from their new mine, which will be found much snper or to any other coal in Southland for Household and Stean? purposts. (t-'ee Government Assays of N. Z. coals in Exhibition Catalogue.) Obtmned BEOOND PRIZti FOR COAL, at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition. STUDY ECONOMY AND BURN OREPUKI COAL FROM KEW SEAM. It is cheaper and lasti longer than any other in the market. PBICEB -.—HOUSEHOLD 203 PER TON. Delivered in any quantities. Allowance for truck lotß. Special Rate for Factories and Mills. AOEKT8 — C. W. BROWN, Invercargi'l, G. O. CASSBLB, Riverton. T. Mo WILLIAM, Storekeeper, Wintoi. a 24 "CIOR REAL BARGANB GO TO MOSELEY'S CORNER, THE LARGE IRON BUILDINGS ESK STREET. FOR SALE— Suite of Furniture (nine pieces), L 9 10s ; Rosewood Harmonium, Walnut Sideboard, with mirror panels ; Handsome Duchess Dressing Tables and Waahstands. Books of every description, and 500 pieces of Music to chooße from. ChefEoniers and all kinds of furniture very cheap. Boots, Diapery, Clothing, Earthenware, Cooking Utensila, Tools, and a host of goods too numerous to msntion, at the very lowest prices. N 8.-- Furniture made to order. Will. MO^ELEI, BUYS AND BKLLB NEW AND SECONDHAND GOOD 3. W &f. has no connection with Second-hand Store at opposite corner, formerly known as The Beehive. als NOTICE. T O0 K OUT ~ L 0 O K OUT I 1 FL\DUY AND COMPANY, DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS, WILL OPEN AT WINTON ON TOES-" DA¥, APRIL 22nd, Next door to McLeod's fctore, with a Large Stock of Drapery and Clothing, &c, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES A large assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS— VERY CHEAP, INSPECTION INVITED. FINDLA.Y AND COMPANY. By buying a parcel at F. and Co.'s you will save 20 per cent. &2L SO YOU FEIiL AS if you had Lumbago, Rheumatism in every bone, a bilious attack, and a cold in the head combine i, THAT'S LA GUIPPE THE REMEDY IS JONES' HONEY PECTORAL. If you have not this " Compound Sensation," take Jones' Honey Pectoral, and you will not. is 6d AND 2s 6d PER BOTTLE, al r*i RAT EF U L— O OMFORTING EPPS'TcOCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-seleoted cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a co7ietitution may bo gradually built up nntil strong enough to resist every tendency to diseasa. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ua ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wb may escape many a fatal shaft by kteping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." — See article in the Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold in i pound packets by grocers, labelled thus— JAMES EPP9 AND CO, Homoeopathic Chemists Loadop, Sag,
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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881Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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