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/^1 O O D ADVIOI "We are now cony need that a bottle ol St. Jacobs oil should fiad its way into tb< house of every cycler, and in fact into everj houd* 1 . For rLeumafigra, in particular, H sets like & cbaru ; and in f »ct tbe oil, in tbe word* of tboßr w^o a ivr i»e if, truly 'conquers psin.' W;! comic yd lo the careful and iuielligent nonce of our rea'ie s the names oi iucfc famous men as Beach H»Dlan, Furnivsl, Pullinger, Idams, Painter, Wade, Woodside, and other* of equal prominence, who bave written tbe Voge'er Ootnpany testimonials. Tbefe giant atbleie*, together »ith a host of other weiJ-knowu aieu, have appendel their signatures to etatfmen p that prove that Ht. Jacobi oil ii no bogus j r paration made up toiell, like, alas I many we know of, but a thoroughly buna-ride and genuine article, which will and does do what its proprietors claim for it. Our readers will thus tee we are very firm believem in the virtue* of this preparation, and we are not singular in our belief. Beyond the high testimony we have received from Messrs Fnrnival and Adami, it should beno'icrd that, the champions in almost evtry o! her t port or pa»tinae prevalent in Great B UaiD, the United States, and the colonies— particularly Australia— have placed on record their high opinion of the remedy. We do strongly advise our readen, therefore, never to be without a bottle of St. Jacob* oil, and if they are only wise enough to take our advice they will assuredly not regret it. . . ."
Wanted, &c. WANTED — a bricklayer and a rough carpenter. Apply to Ho well & 00, Tay street. a 23 ELSIE GOLD MINING COMPANY, NOKOMAI. Wanted underground alluvial Miners. Wages £2 10a per week. None but competent men need apply. ALFRED E. CONLIFFE & CO. »21 Nokomai. LOST on East Road, on Tuesday last, an Account Book. Finder will be rewarded on leaving same at this office. a 24 VIEW ZEALAND GOVEBHMENT LIFE IX INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. This Department has a vacancy for the service b of a gentleman as TRAVELLING AGENT. To gentlemen possessing influence and energy this offers a good opportunity for lucrative employment. Address, THB RESIDENT AGENT, a 24 Invercargill. ' FiHE undersigned are Cash Purchasers of X MILLING OATS. al9 MAOPHERSON & CO. PRINTING of Every Description, executed with meatnesn and despatch, done at the SOUTHLAND TIMBB OPFIOH. \XJ E are Oat- h Purchasers of PRIME DAIRY VV od GRAIN FED PIGS, at highest liv« and dressed weight prices. IHOS. QUINN & CO., alB Belfast Factory, Conon St. TO SPORTBMEN— Just received, per mail steamer, a small consignment of S.B and D.B Breech an<i Muzzle-loading Guns . These are of very superior quality, and are specially made to Oder. Apply immediately to the AMERICAN CARRIAGE FACTORY. a 23 ÜBB THE " CINGALESE " BRAND OF CEYLON TEA. a 24 XJTT OOD LANDS AGENCY.— Mr C. Bigwood VV saddler, Woodlands, is now the local agent for the Southland Times and the Weekly Timbb. Copies of these journals may te obtained from him immediately on the 1 rrival of first train after publication Mr bigwood will also receive orders for advertising j and information concerning local miUUrswhich j Meetings. QOUTHLAND BUGBY FOOTBALL UNION o — The Annual General Meeting of the above Union will be held in the Prince of Wales Hotel on Friday, 26th inst, at 8 p.m. Bharp. Delegates pl«ase note. GEO. JOHNSTON, a 23 Acting Secretary. NOTICE. APUBLIO MEETING will be held in the « Hall, Wallacetown, on TUESDAY, the 29th inst, at 7.30 p.m, Business: — To consider the Small Birds Question. a 24 JAMES BRUNTON. Sporting SOUTHLAND RACING OLUB AUTUMN MEETING To be held on the BAOECOURSE, MYROSS BUSH, ON WEDNESDAY, 30th APRIL, 1890 PROGRAMME— NOVRL BAOE of 25 soya, 1$ mile AUTUM*» HANDICAP of 40 soys, Ii mile BTE& PLEOH A.BE of 27£ soys, about 2 miles FLYING HANDICAP of 17£ soys, f mile HANDICAP TIME TROT of 26 sove, 3 miles HALF- HOLIDAY HANDICAP of 27i soys, 1 mile CONSOLATION HANDICAP of 12^ soys, once round the course Acceptances close at 8 o'clock p.m on Friday, 26th April. For particulars see posters. RICHARD CLARK, m 27 Secretary S.R.C. TTTINTON JOOKEY CLUB WINTBR H VCJFG MEETIM© Will be hkld on SATURDAY, 24th MAY, 1890. Prepident— Mr Andrew Liddell. Vice-President— Mr James MoArthur. Treasurer — Mr C. D. Moore. Judge — Mr John Tennant, Starter — Mr John Mitchell. Clerk of Course — Mr Thos. Lambert. Clerk of Scales— Mr Robert Wilson. Timekeeper — Mr James Hunter. Handicapper— Mr George Dowse. PROGRAMME. 1. HURDLE RACE HANDICAP, of 20 boys. Distance two miles 2. MAIDEN PLATE, of 16 soys. Distance one mile and a quarter 3. BIRTHDAY HANDICAP, of 26 soys. Distance one mile and a half 4. TIME TROT, of 16 soys. Distance two miles 5. FLYING H of 16 soys. Distance one mils 6. WINTON DISTRICT HANDICAP, of 20 bovb. Distance one mile and a quartet 7. BELLING BAGE HANDICAP, of 20 soys. Distance one mile and a half 8. CONSOLATION HANDICAP, of 10 aova Distance one mile Nominations for all handicaps, close on 26th April Weights declared on iOth Hay Acceptances and Maiden Plate entries close on 17th May No qualification fee charged For fall particulars see posters, JAiiES WILSON, a 5 e&cwtwry.
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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881Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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