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House Furnishin CURTAIN POLES'—:Bamboo Curtain Poles, 6ft. long, complete with fittings—SALE .PRICE Is 9d Each. ' . BLIND RpLLEßS—Spring Rollers for Blinds, w,ith fittings complete. SALE PRICE is each. EXTENSION RODSr-Brass Extension Rods for" Short Blinds. Usual Price, 9d each—SALE PRICE • 6d each. HASSOCKS —Velvet Pile Hassocks in Assorted Colours. Usual Price 4s lid each—SALE PRICE 2s 6d each. CASEMENTS*—6O Pieces of Casement to be cleared in less than,two days, WHOLESALE COST* 'A lucky purchase placed us in pjosSpecial Sale Prices session of 60 pieces of the -Best Quality CASEMENT CLOTHS* with latest borders—Note Vhe SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ;~ 36in. Cream and Ecru Casement, w ith Coloured Borders," Regular Price is—SALE PRICE B**l p er yar d. 40in. "CASEMENT CLOTH, with Border., Regular Price is 3d—SALE PRICE 10id per yard. 50in. CASEMENT CLOTH, with Border. Regular Price Is 6d—SALE PRICE is per yard. 50in. CREAM and FIGURED CASEMENT CLOTH. Fast Colours.Regular Price, 2s 6d—SALE PRICE is 6d per yard. 50in. CREAM and ECRU MERCERISED POPLIN CASEMENT, with Fancy Borders. Regular Price, 2s 6d—SALE PRICE is 9d per yd.McGRUER, TAYLOR.
TTNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY u OF NEW ZEALAND, LTD. STEAMERS WILL BE DESPATCHED AS UNDER (weather and circumstances permitting). 'All fitted with Wireless Telegraphy. FOB SYDNEY AND HOBAHT. From Lyttelton. MOEBAKI. Wednesday, Aug. 9th.
Orient Line of Royal Maii Steamers FOB LONDON VIA DURBAN" AND CAPE, TOWN. From From Steamer. Tons. Sydney. Melb. Orontes 9,023 July 29 Aug 2 Omrah 8,130 Aug. 26 Aug. 3L First and Second Saloon Tickets available for return by P. &> O. Co. America, England, Europe, VIA SAN FRANCISCO. THE ISLANDS ROUTE HOME. From Due Steamer. Tone Well'gt'n. 'Frisc< Moana 4000 Aug. 17 Sept 6 Maitai 4000 Sept 14 Oct. 4 And every four wee^s. VIA VANCOUVER. ,THE ALL-RED ROUTE to London via Suva and Honolulu. \. Through some of the Greatest Scenic Wonders of the World. Choice of any vessels crossing Atlantic. From From Steamer. Tons. Sydney. Auckl'd. Makura 8,500 Aug. 31 Sept 5 Niagapa 13,500 Sept 28 Oct. 3 And every four, weeks. Pamphlets, Quid*. Books, and full particulars upon application. Offices ; Crescent, Invorcargill TRY THE. Jubilee Store FOR Cheap Groceries. f £ ARE OFFERING SpecialJCheap Lines for CASH, viz,, g COCOAS—Epps Cocoa, Pure Dutch, in lib tins. JAMS, in 1,2, 7, and 101 b tins, and 1 and 21b Bottles 1 and 21b Bottles, FINEST HONEY. NEW BED CH-AFF in any quantities AGENT for SUTTON'S SEEDS, put up in 4d packets. Now on Sale. Try these New Season Seeds. Also the*Famous Dy-O-La DYES, full range of colours; j E. BARLOW, ThelPeople's Grocer, . 129_DEE STREET opp. White Swan. 1
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Southern Cross, Volume 24, Issue 15, 5 August 1916, Page 4
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428Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Southern Cross, Volume 24, Issue 15, 5 August 1916, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Southern Cross, Volume 24, Issue 15, 5 August 1916, Page 4
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