Outside the urgent call for fighting men there is no more urgent Empire call than the call f Q r funds to proAide hospital necessaries for those who are wounded and sick._ The Southland Red Cross Association and the local Soldiers' Club have done and are doing yeoman service in this respect, and are to be congratulated on their efforts, but the call is for money to provide the material to' make the various hospital articles. The committee responsible for the raising of this money have decided to hold a monster Fancy Dress Skating Carnival from the 16th to the 19th of this month to assist the, worthy cause. Arrangements are weU in hand, and the Carnival promises to be one of the patriotic functions yet held here.
The,Poster Committee has received
excellent support, the following firms declaring their intention to be represented :
Southland Times, Southland News,*' Broad, Small and Co. Dallas and Watt, McGruer, Taylor and Co., the A.C.M., Price and Bulleid, W. Lewis and Co., Kingsland and Co., Fleming and Co., Carswell and Co. Besides this they have also donations towards the cause of, over £ll2. The la'dies are woi'king like Trojans, so that nothing will be left to be desired. The Provender Committee also have promises of good' support, and those who desire to help will please send their donations of sweets, flowers, fruit, or cash, to Mrs R. J. Gilmour, the - convener of the committee, or to the secretary', Mr S. B. Macdonald, Esk street.
Southern Cross, Volume 24, Issue 15, 5 August 1916, Page 9