The following prices are approxtlate quotations. The quotations »r« obtained each week from the Secretary of the Grocers' Association, aa<s are a fair statement of the current market, but are. of course, liable ta fluctuations. WHOLESALE. Fresh Separator Butter, Is 2d. Factory Butter, %Tt> prints, Is s^d. Eggs Is 6d. Flour £l4 to £ls. Oatmeal, £l6 to £l6 10s. Pollard 160 s. Bran 100 s. Flour £|l2 10s to £l3 10s. Potatoes—lst grade 120 s, 2nd 110 s, KETAIL. Fresh Separator Butter, Is 4d. Factory butter, Sib prints, Ist grade Is 7d, 2nd grade Is 6d. Cheese lid. Eggs is 9d. Ham Is 3d. Potatoes, 8s cwt. Flour, 2001 b 27s 6d, 1001 b 14s 6d„ 501 b 7s 6d, 251 b 4s. Oatmeal, 501 b 9s 6d, 25rt> 4s 9d. Pollard 14s. Bran 8s 9d. Onions, 121 b Is. Bacon, Is Id. Patent Barley and Groats Is. Onions (Victorian) 2d lb.
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Southern Cross, Volume 24, Issue 15, 5 August 1916, Page 6
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Southern Cross, Volume 24, Issue 15, 5 August 1916, Page 6