! TEMPORARY PREMISES. WILLIAM PETTIE & GO. WISH to direct Special Attention to the VERY LARGE STOCK VERY LARGE STOCK Of J^EW MILLINERY J^EW T3LOUSES J^EW QOSTUME QKIRTS _^EW TJNDERSKDITS J^EW JACKTTS N EW M ANTLES J^EW IJNDEHCLOTHING Etc., Etc., Etc., NOW BEING SHOWN NOW BEING SHOWN In their mEMPORARY "DREMISES (Next Mr Hennessy's). W".P. AND QO. regret that, owing to the limited accommodation, they are unable to display their goods to advantage, but ladies can rest assured that, all the same, the NEWEST and MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS are tliere, and at their well-known MODERATE PRICES. MODERATE PRICES. TV.P. AND QO. hope very shortly to be able to announce the date of REMOVAL to their NEW SHOWROOM. In the meantime, Ladies are respectfully invited to inspect the LATEST NOVELTIES m the above Departments, at their mEMPORARY GLADSTONE ROAD, Gisborne. PANAMAS, OTtfAW T)OATERS, TJARD AND OOFT TjIELT • H ATS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. _N Y S J lll_L__B__ill B _^ s Wmi7_^^^^__B\_F// W ' " St/ O HERTS, pOLLARS, T) RACES And QJOAKVES OF THE CHOICEST. BUSINESS INCREASING DAILY MARK WAY HOUSE »pHE "j^EW j^PIUNG QOODS Under GAS-LIGHT. 'JpO-MORROW pRIDAY pVENING From 7.30 till 10 o'clock, We purpose making a Display of all the NEW ARRIVALS NEW ARRIVALS In our gHOW WINDOWS And also throughout the various sections of, the shop. THE WHOLE PLACE WILL BE BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED Aiid we cordially invite your inspection of tlie BEAUTIFUL THINGS ON VIEW. THE NEW DRESS FABRICS JAPAN SILKS VOILES, DELAINS DAINTY BLOUSES PRENCH QRGANOIE SJ.TNS SILK BLOUSE LENGTHS SHANTUNG SILKS CRASHES, Etc., Etc.. MILLINERY. Q.RAND JJISPLAY. AGENTS FOR THE W.B. CORSETS. WISE PEOPLE DEAL WITH US. THOMAS ADAMS BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, NEWS AGENT, TOBACCONIST, AND FANCY GOODS MERCHANT. JUST ARRIVEDDirect from the Manufacturers— mENNIS. AND CRICKET MATERIAL TI_NNIS RACQUETS The Very CRICKET BATS ( Best Value CRICKET BALLS { Ever Seen WICKETS, Etc., Etc. ; In Gisborne. Splendid value m Boys' Cricket Sets. LATEST AND BEST BOOKS, i'lie Grafters, by Francis Lyude Flemming, the Adventurer, by Theodore Roberts The Crossing, by Winston Churchill The Faith of Men, by Jack London The Daughter of the. Snow,s, by Jack London The Shadow of Victory, by Myrtle Reed Barbe of Grande Bay on, by John Oxenham The above books ore the Latest and Best of the American Novels issued lately. NEW SUPPLIES. Real Siberia and America at Work, by John Foster Fraser The Virginian, by Owen Wister Letters of a Self-made Merchant, by H. Lbrrimer The Crisis and Ricliard Carvel, by Winston Churchill The Magnetic North (a tale of Klondyke), by Elizabeth Robins. THE TOBACCONIST DEPARTMENT is still to the fore with a large and varied Try the "SWAN BRIAR. PIPE." Sole Agent... T. ADAMS. [\ CARD.] REGINALD O. SKEET, ARCHITECT, Palmerston Road, Gisborne. . Up-to-date Designs of Architecture m all iba branches furnished on shortest notice. Artistic Buildings aud Comfortable Dwellings at a low cost. Telephone No. 9. 941
Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10163, 24 September 1904, Page 2
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