W^-jjfc TTUDDaRT, PARKER Iran*! COMPANY'S |K_jxSu Largo and Powerful VICTORIA (Waller) ... 3000 tons reg. WESTRALIA (Rainey) ... 2884 tons reg. ZEALANDIA (Wyllie) .'.. 2771 tons reg. Will sail (circumstances permitting) FOR NAPIER, WELLINGTON, LYTTELTON, AND DUNEDIN. Zealandia, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 5 p.m. Westralia, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 5 p.m. « i No uuiio alter noon.) ttiist launch on arrival FOR AUCKLAND AND SYDNEY: Westralia, Saturday, Sept, 24, 7 p.m. Zealandia, Saturday, Oct. 8, 10 n,m. (No cargo after noon Friday.) First Launch at 6 a.m. FOR MELBOURNE, via BLUFF and HOBART (From Dunedin). Victoria, Sunday, September 25th. (Tarawera, hence Sept. 18, connects.) All tickets are available also for stopover or return by ANY of UNION CO.'S STEAMERS, and holders of U.S.S. Co.'s tickets may travel by above-named vessels. DALGETY AND CO., Ltd. Agents. -THE "MASTA" PIPE.T||£ In selecting a pipe it should bo remembered tliat it is to PUfIIPC k° 3" ol ~* inseparable CompanuuUlut ion. It is, therefore, a matter of considerable importance QC A that you should select a pipe that is m material, shape and nine principle, certain to prove rlrti satisfactory. The "MASTA" Pipe consists of a most simple and effective arrangement of Traps and Cooling Chambers which, while causing tho Tobacco to retain its natural fragrance, ensures to the smoker a perfectly COOL, DRY, CLEAN AND WHOLESOME SMOKE. WHAT WE CLAIM IS THATThe "MASTA" prevents objectionable moisture being drawn into the mouth. The "MASTA" prevents moisture saturating the tobacco m tlie Bowl. The "MASTA" requires no cartridges or absorbents. The "MASTA" is Economical, as n»t a particle of tobacco ia wasted. The "MASTA" .retains the full mellow flavor of the tobacco. The "MASTA" is not complicated, and can easily be cleaned. The "MASTA" is tho only perfect pipe for "wet" smokers.. The " MASTA " is sold m three grades, A, B, and C, at 3s 6d, 5s 6d, and 7s 6d. Postage paid to any address. A Booklet, containing valuable hints to smokers, . will be posted to any address on application. W. MILLER, WHOLESALE AND DISTRIBUTING AGENT. TENNIS AND CRICKET MATERIAL JUST TO HAND (ex Athenic). i f\ CASES OF TENNIS, CRICKET, JL U AND HOCKEY MATERIAL, Direct from the Manufacturers. TENNIS RACQUETS TENNJS BALLS SLAZENGERS TENNIS NETS TENNIS POLES TENNIS MARKERS CRICKET BATS WISDEN'S CRICKET BALLS V V ' CRICKET PADS CRICKET STUMPS DUKE & BARTLETTS CRICKET BATS CRICKET BALLS G G _R USSEY ' S FAMOUS CROQUET SETS. W. MILLER Only One Address : MILLER'S CORNER GISBORNE. IMPORTANT. TO MY NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS. T HAVE PLEASURE m announcing the ■I ARRIVAL of the following indents from the British Manufacturers : — EX S.S. DELPHIC— 4 CASES, 6 BALES CARPETS, CURTAINS, & HOUSEHOLD/ DRAPERY. EX S.S. ATHENIC— 8 CASES LINOLEUM AND CORK CARPET. 1 CASK CHINA. AtfD TO ARRIVE PER S.S. HAKAIADue Wellington 3rd September-— 6 BALES CARPETS (WILTON, AXMINSTER & BRUSSELS. Also, — 7 BALES SEAMLESS VELVET SQUARES & HOUSEHOLD •DRAPERY. PER S.S. INDRAGHIRI - 15 OASES LINOLEUMS (60 rolls), from six feet to twelve feet wide. » JOHN TOWNLEY COOK COUNTY FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. A T ■■■ pRESENT JMMENSELY \yORN .".; . NEW RABAT COLLAR. For LADIES' WEAR, Made from Choice GUIPURE LACE, In Paris and Ivory Shades. JUST OPENED UP. THE CHOICEST ASSORTMENT. THE CHOICEST ASSORTMENT. PRICES RANGE FROM 9 D TO 1T gD. — At^H. NEILL'S NEXT MR MAYNARD'S BUTCHERY, PEEL STREET (Two doors off Gladstone Road). TF LOOKING FOR STRAWS, 1 - TRY 1 NEW ZEALAND [ _s_l '___n _b _^_^__l THEIR PRICES AND QUALITIES ARE SURE TO PLEASE. NEW FOLDER. SPECIAL FLEXIBLE STRAW— 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 7s 6d, 9s 6d, 12s 6d, 17s 6d. Also m REAL PANAMA— 22s 6d, 30s, 455. S. E. GRIFFITHS, MANAGER. Telephone No 169. >
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10163, 24 September 1904, Page 2
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