NEW ZEALAND CASUALTIES. In the following list of casualties, when the rank' Is not appended, the soldier is a private (infantry), trooper (mounted), sapper (engineers),, gunner (artillery), or rifleman (N,Z. Hide Brigade). Where (M) appears it indicates that his wife wai given as next-of-kin where that is not specified. KILLED IN ACTION. OTAGO INFANTRY. HUMBY, WALTER LIONEL CHARLES (Mrs R. Hum by, mother). JOYCE, THOMAS (Mr W. Joyce, Kedcliffs). ROACH, GEORGE JOHN (Mrs J. M"Kay c Christchurch, sister). WHITE, WILLIAM CHARLES (Mr R. While, Westport, father). RIFLE BRIGADE.—Keid, Sydney Balfour (Mrs B. Rcid, Invefoiirgill, mother); Gcrrie, William (Mrs B. Gerric, Harrow street, Dunedin, mother); Williams, Dan vers, England; Hales, Samuol Edward, Wellington; Lloyd, Alexander, Hunter villo; Furnival, Prederio Win., Sergt., England; Feriday, Hubert, Sergt., Mount Albert; Kimctr, Charles Thornton, Wellington; Pali nier, John, Wairoa; Sibbin, George Richard! Thomas (M). Karon: <jui.nn, Charles Henry, L.« cpl. (M), Seddonviile; Walsh, Thomas Henry. Qreynionth; Marshall, George Alto, Grey Lynn| White, Bouald Piizwilliam, Kelson. AUCKLAND INFANTRY.—Bishop, Wm. Normal Clarke, Titirangi; More), Horace Valentine Heme Bay; Shanahan, Thomas, Lowgarfc; Wai j-'ice, Gordon, Wanganui. WELLINGTON INFANTRY—GiII, William James Cpl., Castle Guernsey; Christiansen, George Win Franta, Woodville. CANTERBURY INFANTnY—'i'arleton, John Bei nard (Mrs M. Tarleton, Rattray street, Duaedir, mother); Satherlcy, Edwin (M), Wellington. ENGINEERS.—HovvIund, Leslie George (M), Blaketowo. MACHINE GUN CORPS.—Fowler, B. D. G., Liojt., Palinerston Xoirtli. DIED FROM WOUNDS. RIFLE BRlGADE.—Wright* Robert Ernest (XL Wright, Mataura, father; Pnttou, Frederick Jno., Mount Somen*; Baines, Walter Ernest, Ormondvillc; Johns, William, Cpl., Pentherston; Worsford, 8., Liuwood; Ellen, George Edward Carter (M), Chertscy; Ayling, John, Oncibii'ngu; Erearton, Thos. Henry,, L.-ep). (M), Wellington. AUCKLAND INFANTRU.—Petty, George Henry James, Hoi ham pore. WELLINGTON INFANTRY.—Hare, Bobert, (Miss M .Hare. Milburn, sister). CANTERBURY INFANTRY.—Lowe, Sidney Chas., Kivfori; Paget, Frederick Harold, West "Oxford; Cribb, William Henry, Cpl., Military Medal, Addington. ■' , ARTILLERY,—OIson, Alfred Win., Cpl. (M), England. KNTKENCHING BATTALION.—EIIis, .Tames, died while a prisoner of war, Linwood. DIVISIONAL TRAlN;—Daniels, George Mcrvia (Miss A. C. Daniel*, Howard street, Dunedin). DIED FROM SICKNESS. OTAGO INFANTRY. WEIGHT, WILLIAM HENRY, Corporal (Mrs L. Rowden, England, mother). ARMY" SERVICE CORPS.—Louden, John, Sergt.. St Kilua. " WELLINGTON INFANTRY.-Mascorini, William Jules, Bcrhamporc. DIED AT SEA. MAORI CONTINGENT.—Bamtka, Percy, Oha*a-< wai. DIED. CANTERBURY INFANTRY.—Cruickshank, Alex'ander, Sergt., Military Medal, Marlborough. ENTRENCHING BATTALlON.—Henderson, David Crossau (J. Henderson, Stirling, father). MISSING; BELIEVED TO BE KILLED. ENTRENCHING BAT f ALSTON.—Lcwindon, Liik», .Auckland; Murray, Andrew, Scotland. WOUNDED AND MISSING. ENTRENCHING BATTALION.—KeIeher, John Joseph, Kohurulahi. MISSING. WELLINGTON INFANTRY.—M'Hardie, Cyril James, Seo.-lieut. (M), Falmerston North; Maddock, Richard James, Lowei Hutt. WOUNDED. OTAGO INFANTRY. PERRY. MARION (Mr A. Perry, Kihikihi, father). BROWN, WILLIAM (Mr H. Brown, Ireland, brother). LTJSCOMBE, CHARLES EDGAR (Mrs J. L-nscombe, Leith street, Dunedin, STYLES, CHARLES (Mrs M. Styles, Wadestown, mother). <
RIFLE BRIGADE.—Phrfan, Valentino Qlra 1). Phelun, K.aituni;aU», wife); Smith, Charle* Joseph (0. Smith, Hound Hill, Colao Bay, father); Gillies, William John, Soo.-lieuh, Haiailton; Larson, Charles, Mauricovillc; Lacry, Harold, Knglai-.d; Webb, George Stokes, I-.-cpl. (A. Webb, father); Wilson, Collin Hobert Owen [A), To Kniti; Olemcntson, Claud Enston, Cpl., Wellington; Simpson, Huntly GludsuniC, England; TJnsworth, Edwin, Dpi., Birlwnhend; Adams, Albert. Henry (SI), Christchurch; M'Laughliu, Williaim Stewart, Seo.-licut., Irwcll. AUCKLAND I NFANTRY.—Eong, Frank (H. Long, Otaikia, hither); M'Hugb, Jtuues, Scotland; Sullivan, John, Ohatu; Bird, Leslie, Dargavillfli Cnrradus, William, Grtiy Lynn; Chilly, Henry Leonard, Sergt., Anekland; Gordon, beorgo, Scotland; Walton, Thomas Edward, Tokatokai Williamsou, Fra-nk, Mount Albeit; Albert; Wilson. Hobert Jamos, Wellington. WELLINGTON I NFANTRY.— M'Conaehic, John Galbraith (Mrs G. M'Conaehic, Lochielj mother); Knofflock, - Ernest, Inglewood. CANTERBURY INFlNTßY.—Ballagli, John, Hororata. ARTILLERY.—Pearse, Walter Ashton (W. Pearse, Loiigbouoh, father); Gibson, Geo. (Mrs J. E. Gibson, Duncan street, Duuedin, mother); Bills, Harold Benson (Mrs A. Bills, Scott, sheet, St. Kilda, mother); Brittlifl, Harry, Timaru. MACHINE GUN CORPS.—Beyao'.cls, Arthur William, See.-lieut., Westland; Bollard, Edward, England; Cook, Thomas, Sergt., Waitoa; O'Brien, Algsir Michael, Parnell. WOUNDED AND ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL. OTAGO INTANTRY. MIDDLiEM'ISS, ADAM EGBERT (Mr W. Middleui.Ls3, East Gore, father). P'O'VME.i;, LEONARD M'i-lIER'SON (Mrs A. Downer, H'ciensville, mother). TAEGOTnNING, iIL'SSELL HOOI'ER (Mr YV. Tregonning, Waipiata., father). (J "NEILL, ROWLAN.:) (Mr J. O'Neill, 103 Elgin road, Dunedin, father). fiIFLE ' BFi.iGADE.—Hamilton, William BoTiert, Cf.'i. (Mrs ;. Hamilton, Winton, mother): Ifitchso:c, Albert Kohcrfc (Mrs T. l-litehoux, 1 - Hampden, mother); M'Grpgor,' Ewen (J. M'Gregor, Waikaia, father); Johnston, James, Cpl. ( V V. Johnston, Wiudsor, father); Sometvillc, Wm., L.-cpl. (Mrs I. Somerville, Mllburn, mother); Kins, Charles Alexander (Mrs B. King,- Matnnra, wife); Moody, Henry Richard, Kihikilii; Higgms, Michael Gray, Blenheim; Scott, William John, Queensland; Farrar, Arthur, Huntly; M'Otuloy, John Biehard, To Puke; George, William, Wellington; Madden, Prank, Huloombo; Bedward, Darner Septimus, Ormondville; Andrew, William, Timaru; Kearney, Jas., Ireland; Bane, Alexr., Waimate; M'Grath, Patrick, Scotland; Nivcn, Wm. Jas., Soulhbridge; Tur, Arnold Pursay, Bichmond; Worner, Alfred Octayiona, Southbridge; Baidlaw, David Osborne, Wanrerley; M'Kenaie, Murdoch, Kopnranga; Clark, Harry, L.-cpl., Perkins; Jago, Edgar Smut, Waitotara; Dicker, William Cecil, Poxton; Jeffs, Jos. Jolin, L.-cpl., Warwickshire; Burke, Francis J,. Christchurch; Mitchell, Henry John, L.-cpl., Maropine; Gledhill, Leslie Chas., Ponsonby; Brooks, John Percy, Ekctahuna; Neville. Cravenor, England ;• M'Kay, G. (M), New Plymouth; Toms, W. J.,- Carterton; Flicker, George, G eorgetown; Alexander, S., Apiti; Andrews, T., Gisborne: Butler, D. J. (M), Wflihan; Kcarse, B. E., Wellington; Hughes N. E., Weraroa; Leo, R. H., Tx>v,-er Hutt; Powe, H. H., Waitara; Ryan, E., Melbourne; Elder, P. A., Capt., London; Burgess. J. W., Cpl., Ashburton; Foley, H., L.-cpl., England; Soal, A. E., Ashburton; Vewman, Henry Joseph, Nelson; Fletcher, H., Hnvi>look North; Aro, W. J., Thames; Brown, 0. P., 71 anmure; Cavanngh, T. M'E. (M), Auclc!».'jd: K'itchings, Sydney, Houhora; M'Callum, -G. W., Paterangi; 'if'Dona.ld, E. 8., Thames; Norris, J., Hamilton East; Spittle, J. W., London; Woods. W. W., Cpl., Botomanu; Austin, Henry Harold, Christchurch. AUCKLAND INFANTRY.—CampbeII, Noel Johnston, Cpl., Birkenhead'; Stewart, James Stanley, Epsom; Harris, Francis Thomas, Addington; Francis, William, Cpl., London; Godwin, Edward Henry, Lyall Bay; M'Coy, Ernest, Auckland; Preudergast, Matthew Michael,' Auckland. WELLINGTON INFANTRY.—Bosc, Charles Huntley (M), Woodville); Pilkington, Harold, L.-cpl., Pctone; Richardson, J. M., Wanganui; Halls, C. S., Rangiwahia. CANTERBURY INFANTRY.—Hankin, Leo Jeralt, Cpl. (Mrs L. Hankin, Cochrane street, Egliifton, wife); Horgan, Benjamin Joseph, Waimate; O'Dwyer, Timothy, ilisbornc; Paul, Matthew (M), Gisborne; Corlett, Harold Percival, Auckland ; Stackhouso, Archie William, Omihi; Caukwell, Harry,.. Ponsonby; Mason, Wm. Arthur, Waikeikci AiiTILLERY.—ArnoId, Cyril William, England; Wilkinson, Arthur Edward, Beceftoir. Buchanan Leslie Henrv, Cpl., ■Christchurch. HEADQUARTERS.—Bobinson, F. G., Paiea. ENGINEERS.—Hadcliffe, Basil, Lyttelton. HACWINE GUN CORPS.—M'Kcehnie, William Best (H. M'Kechnie, George street, Dunedin, father). ENTRENCHING BATTALION.—Tweedie, Gordon, •Cheviot. DIVISIONAL TRAlN—Strand, Andrew, Tort Nelson. MAORI CONTINGENT.—I.eef, Henrv Tai, Whirinalcl. Carr, John, Ts-land Bay; Glasson, Selwyn Peter, New Brighten. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY: REMAINING WITH UNIT. OTAGO INFANTRY. TAPIER, GEORGE STEWART, Lane©corporal (Mi- A. Napier. A'lfredifon, fatlier). HAYES, JAMES WILLIAM (Mr J. HuyeH Cheviot, father). RIFLE BRIGADE—Graham, Ernest Wilfred, v.'aikumetc; Waters, Frederick Victor, Ohoka; fC.onr.ard, Donald Nieol, St. Andrew's; Kirk, B. 0., Lienb. (M), Motueka; Tonka, E., Eec.-lieut., JReraaera. AUCKLAND i NFANTRY.—BarUfs, John Ralph, Hastings; Thompson, Maurioo Walter, Pukokohe; Warring, Henry James, Mount Albert; Harrison, Hawlyji Stanley, Lieut., Devonpcrt; rrice, William Charles Gordon I'M), Waipuwa. ENG!NE£RS.--Biakcv, Edwin, Ocvonpori. DIVISIONAL TRAlN.—Samson, Gerald Gaearay, Cpl., JVivonport. MEDICAL CORPS.—Kerr, Harry, Frankton Junction; Moore, John Clarence, Auckland; Bother;,', Albert Victor, Cpl. (M), Penrose; Andrews, Edgar William, Tetcne. OFFICIAL CORHECTIONS. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING; REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION. OTAGO iPiFANTRY. Vv'INGETT, \YIL-EIAM RJCHAED (Mrs M. Wingelt, Kngland, inotherV WIIELHAM', ASKLEY ROY (Mr A. -Wliclhani, TakHtakn-, father). FLJKT, HERBERT LA3STHAM (Mrs J. S. Flint. Miif-andrew road, Dunedin, wife). MINOGTJIS;-A1\ T THONY (Mr J. Minogno, Invoreargill, brother). I'LUNKETT', _ JOHxT (Mrs M. Phinliett, Queen's .Uuneclin, mother). SEIDEUR PERCY LUSCOMBE (Mr J. Peideiiiij Milton sireot, Morning ton, fatlier). PREVIOUSLY REPORTED WOUNDED AND MISSING; NOW REPORTED KILLED IN ACTIGN. OTAGO INFANTRY. ELAXAEL, EDWARD LESLIE (Mrs J. Biaxal!, Pnhnorston North, mother). BARBER, THEOPHII/TJS (Mrs Barber. 4-2 Richmond street, South Dunedin, mother) KEIL-L. JOHN. Dance-corporal (Mrs J. NeOl, Mataroa street, Mornington, wife). WHITE, DONALD (Mrs C. Wiute, Wild Bush, mother).
PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING; NOW REPORTED DIED FROM WOUNDS. AUCKLAND I NFANTRY.—SeuIIen, Felix, Napier. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING AND RELIEVED TO BE PRISONERS OF WAR; MOW REPORTED PRISONERS OF WAR IN GERMANY. ENTRENCHING BATTALION.—Edwards, Felix William, Sergt. (P. Edwards, Bnlelutlia, lather); Fairley, David Pickcrton (..Mrs K. Fairley, Kaikorai, mothcj); Poster, Allied Edward (Mrs L. Foster, High street, Dunedin); Young, Peter Robert Leslie, S rgt., wounded (J- Young, Mataura); Eddy, Matthew John (A. Eddy, Awarua Plains, father); Charier:-, William (it. Charters, .Mos-liiirn, father); Cochrane, George, 8.cj>l. (W. Cochrane, Stony Creek, father); Cranstoun, Willaatn Koberfc (Mrs G. Cranstoun, Edendale, mother) < Crowe, Joseph (Mrs J. Crowe, Eolith llillend, mother); Everitt, Earl Howard (J. Everitt, Waiareka Junction, father); Cold, Edward Boyes (Mrs M. Cold, Balelutha., mother); M'Laren, John Osborne (W. M'Laren, Signal Hill, Opoho, father); Sharpe, lan, Cpl., (J. Sharpe, Oawka, father); Sonuess, Thomas, Sergt. (T. Sounesa, 12 Howard street, Dunedin, father); Wade, Thomas (Miss SI. Wade, Dunedin, sister); Foss, Percy Oswald (Miss E. M. Foss, Oaraarn, sister); Foster, Charles Wallace. Thornbury; Crooks, .lames Alexander, Avondalc; Farley, Frederick George G., i'iha; .lainieson, Roderick M'Donald, r J.V Awanui; Field, Victor Record, F raparaun-.u; Gwilliam Llewellyn, Wellington; Hendricksen, George, Happy Valley; Hngkoc, Thomas, England; • M'Given, Roy Keith, New Plymouth; Fiviin, Eraneis Edward, Otira; Ferguson, Bobert, Morningside; Every, Arthur Win., Cpl.. Wellington; Price, Fredk. Arthur, Christchurch. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING AND BELIEVED TO EE PRISONERS OF WAR; NOW REPORTED PRISONERS OF WAR IN GERMANY. ENTRENCHING BATTALION.—Anderson, Maurioo Wm., Grey Lynn; Glen. Leonard Clarence, wounded, Sydenham; Fine, Ernest Frank, Lower Riccarton; Floyd, Samuel, Inglewood; Moyn:ihfin, Timothy Thomas, Pahiutua ; Dobson, John, Bomuei-a; Ploare, Charles Edward (M), Frankton Junction; M'lntosli, William Jo!m, Te Awainutu; Graham, John Francis, L.-cpl., Gisborne; Hodge, Murray Charles (M), To TToro; Edmondson, Herbert Vivian, Motupipi; Gibson, Alfred Henrv, Cheviot. ARTILLERY.—Furness, John Ernest George, Wellington. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING AND BELIEVED TO BE PRISONERS OF WAR; NOW OFFICIALLY REPORTED WOUNDED AND PRISONERS OF WAR IN GERMANY. OTAGO INFANTRY. DAVIS, CHARLES BARKER (Mr A. Davis, Greenmeadowa, brother). SHANiVON, WM. HUGH (Mrs H. Shannon, Marton). ENTRENCHING BATTALION. Melvin, Erie George, Sergt. (G. Melvin, Invercargill, father); Anderson, Arthur Morrison (Mrs A. Anderson, Fairfield, mother); Bull, Albert Leslie (T. Bull, Tecs street, Oamaru, father); Davies, Recce James, L.-cpl. (Mrs Dav'ics, 20 Plavfair street, Dunedin, mother); M-William, James (Mrs E. M'William, 23 Patrick street Dunedin); Mowbray Joseph Henry, L.-cpl. (Mrs T. Mowbray, "l 7 Miller street, Dunedin, mother): Thompson. Shaw (MiThompson, Glcnham, father); Joins, Francis Henry, L.-cpl., Arch Hill; Chirk, Reginald John, L.-cpl., Wellington; Cherrington, Jas., Kawakawa; Ewing. Jas., New South Wales:. Hickman, Leslie Alfred Dark, Onehunga; Mouldey, Thos. Clement, Pnkekohe; Rainbow, Albert Henry, Tasmania; Rickard, David Templelon, Hamilton; Robson, Henry John, Wiiiuku; Wallace- Wells, Henry Jas. Olive, Avondale; Arrowsmith, William, England; Dack, Hone (M), Patea; Dudley, Alfred James, New Plvmouth; B-i.'id, Robert James, Petone; Beilly, Leslie, New Plymouth; Roberts, Francis Sampson, New Plymouth; Tanner, James, Victoria; Tassell, Sydney James, Marlon; Thornton, Gerald, L.-cpl., England; Tvler. Edgar Arthur, Zeehan; Anderson, Alexis Harry Victor (»*), J,ower Riccarton; Moran, John, Greymouth; Read, Thomas, Watorton. RIFLF. BRIGADE.—Madsen, Thorold, Howiek. WELLINGTON INFANTRY.—ITiomas, John Trevor, Ashburton. , PREVIOUSLY REPORTED WOUNDED; NOW REPORTED INJURED ACCIDENTALLY. RIFLE BRIGADE.—Price, Alfred, Wales.
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Otago Witness, Issue 3352, 12 June 1918, Page 21
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1,792THE ROLL OF HONOUR. Otago Witness, Issue 3352, 12 June 1918, Page 21
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