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"Old Timer."— Both A. Fieser and J>. Russell took part in the Single-handed Championship of 1888. The tournament was held in Dunedin during Easter' week. W. -Carswell beat A. Eraser in the' thiwi round. D. Russell beat Garswsll is the fifth rotmd <16-15), but in the final Russell lost to G. S. White (19-12). The Rink Championship, played at the same time, Was won by Taieri {R. Ckurton, J. Oughton, W."-Cars-well, D- Madrie, c), who* defeated Caledonian (W. M. Whifce, H. Bevexstock, J. D. Tates, J. Ogg, s) by 19 to 13. Commenting on the rink in the Witness a week later " Jack" wrote 'as follows: — "Great ainneement was created by > -the manner in which the members of the winning club encouraged each other. Whenever any of them made a good shot explanations in fcbe purest Doric broke forth, and what handshakings ensued ! To * stranger to the customs of Scotland such a shaking of hands would seem childish. Hewould not be able to understand what a world of meaning those fervent grips of the hand were intended to convey. It is an unspoken language — a token that words are not strong enough to convey their appreciation of their comrades' expertness." The annual meeting of Taieri Bowling Orob is fixed for July 3. The championship for laet season was won i>y Mr David Stevenson. A correspondent writes me as follows: — "The win was a most popular one. Stevenson is of a quiet disposition, a steady player, and generally well up in his matches. Ail players are pleased- to see him at the top on this occasion. The win carries with it the gold medal by the president iMi E. Pinder)." The time is *ast approaching when Mr Payne and his merry men must take things seriously. The following paragraph was published many years ago. It appears to me tiiat * republication at this juncture is particularly apropos: — **At the annual meeting of the New South Wales Bowling Association ti» Obainnan said he "bad heard that a team was coming o*er from New Zealand, and in with this he wished to -draw attention to a style which tie New Zealand players had adopted. They *tood with one foot on the mot, but delivered fcbe bowl with the arm stretched out Irom the side, making a run forward with the delivery. The result was that they onld thus get a different line a,ud bias, and could reach the 'jack' even when ijt was .covered to a player "standing' 1 fairly on th enrat." It does not appear by the ,i<eport whether any discussion -ensued or any motion was passed on the subject. It may, however, be as w-ell for me to remark that' the New Zealand bowlers play $s fair a. game as their New Soutn Wales neighbours, and that the statement in the renprt is a gross and lndiorous libel. Many of "the New Zeaianders certainly play with one foot on the mat, but the foot off the mat, it may as well be explained to the New South- Wales players, k, directly in float, and not At ihc Aide, *nd the New Zealand players do not stretch out their arms at the side. If the jack is coyered the "New Zealand players -cannot do mote than their neighbours. If the Kew South Wales players have cuch preposterous ideas as to our play, there can .scarcely he two opinions on the point as io whether they will allow the New Zealand team to play one foot on the mat or not." — "Jack, ' Ctsgo Witness, 1887. I tare had a oemversa-tion with Mr C. J. Payne since last issue, and lie has kindly favoured me with the following information regarding his arrangements in conn-ection "with the Australian tour of a New Zealand team: — "It is intended to snake the team a representative team for New Zealand. Several members of the North Island clubs have been approached, and encouraging replies have been received Only _, first-clais players will be invited, as it is cleshed to show the Auftrnlians ~ne standard of play in New Zealand. After the team has been definitely decided on the names will be submitted to both associations for approval. The associations will be asked to allow the team to travel under their auspioee. The team wili jconzist of 20 pluyera. send they should arrive ia Australia about- the beginning of October and leave for N<ew Zealand after the Melbourne Cup. Players will be allowed to take part in the Victorian Single Championship, which takes place at Melbourne in November. An effort will be n^adij, to arrange a match New Zealand v. Australia at th© Victorian tournamant. Already quite a number of -ouf- very best pleyers have definitely <lecided to nuke the trip." During the tour of the New Zealand team in Australia the New Zealand Exhibition tournament will be spoken of very frequently by the team, and an endeavour will be made to get a good representation from Australia to that tourney. As showing the amount of interest taken by local enthusiasts in the doings of the New Zealand team, several players have notified their intention of making the trip, not as playing members but purely as a holiday jaunt. Caretaker J. Mitchell continues to effect marked improvement to St. Kilda Green. Finding that the northern end of the creen. for a distance of nearly 20ft inwards, had sunk to the extent of 2in. he has had the timber lifted _and relaid. He decs not anticipate the alteration will be noticeable by the opening of next season, as the glass comes alone so quickly that the extra top-dressings which will be necessary to build up the sward will be completely obliterated. Then, as Mitchell say?, "the bovris won't roll downhill-like!"' Kaituna annual meeting on Thursday next. - Therp are several important matters to be dealt ,witli. Mr C. T. Paterson"* morion — '"That in future the caretaker shall not -be, a member of any bowline | club "' — is one that member? should coal j wid» in no hesitating way: there is more in this than appears on the surface, ard vv.hilo I b*»ar no grudge against a-ny n»rson ho\u:ng the petition of carotakor. I say dittinctlv that Mr Paterson's motion is one which should ho calmly threshed onr. A notice of motion by Mr C. R. Smith reads: — "That in the opinion of this raceiing the male , members of the tone*.* section should be eranted the piitilcgc of a voice and vote in it- affairs, and that it br a rPaucst to tho incoming oomirnft^ i to bring forward proposals t° this offset j on lines equitable Jo each section of th-a ' «lub for consideration at the next general

' meeting."' We all have our fads and fancies, and perhaps Kaituna will see fit to carry out Mr Smith's suggestion ; but, looking at the matter from a. purely bowl- ' ing point of view, I honestly do not believe tennis is accountable for any striking augmentation to the bowling ranks. Certainly there are exceptions — Mr Smith takes a. keen interest in both games. It is eaid that the tenders received for Kartuna's new pavilion — perhaps I should say additions to tihe present structure — exceeded the estimates to so great an extent that fresh tenders are to be called for. Prosperous Dunedin! Twenty years last May Dunedin Club played a series of rink games for prizes presented by Mr T. G. Young (the present vice-president). A subscription rink match was also played. For Mr Young's prizes the team skipped' by'the late Mr Andrew Thomson won after a close and exciting game against Mr John Thomson's team. In the subscript-ion match the latter skip was again runner-up, Mr Angus M'Diarmid's riuk winning. In both matches Mr Thomson's rink proved victorious over Mr T. Sneddont {now of Kaituna). Seeing that the time-limit game has-been a disturbing element to a great number of players, especially so at the last annual N.Z.B.A. toTumament, tfee following letter, written by Mr James Bractenridge whilst a resident of Invercargill 20 years ago, : makes interesting reading, and also shows that even so far back as 1886 the Wellington player was one of those who took an' intelligent view of things :— " Bowling ' Editor Witness,— l see in your * Bowling Notes' of the 15th April a letter from a well-known bowler. ... I am glad to see that single-handed matches are commencing to receive some consideration. . . . I hope some of tiie -old bowlers -of • Dunedin will keep the ball a-rolling until a fair beginning is made. .. . . As for our rink matches, I quite agree with Mr , Struthers: play so many heads — say, 25, which is a good game. I think myself a time game is altogether wrong, as iv never ' gets justice — the one side being generally ' in a great hurry, while ihe other fiide tries all it can to put off time." , East Taieri Club was formed towards the latter end of 1885. In commenting on the fact, " Jack." in the Otago Witness of Jannary, iSB&, said : " They should be ! aU& to form a capital green, asd I hope they will make it large enough." The initial steps were taken by Mr Thos. Calender, the veteran Otago bowler, for forming ihe New Zealand Bowling Aeso- ' datum in December, 18P5. < Naseby could boast a bowling green in ': . tlie eighties, and many pleasant outings ■ were held. Nothing, has been heard of : the Naaebyites in the matter of bowling for years. Said to "have _*!! become curlers. , J . Brackenvidge <yas a live member of the j club in those days. Tuapeka Times/ November 20, 1E85 : "An ' interesting game took place on the green ' on Thursday between a rink of Englishmen .(Taylor, skip) aad a rink of Scotch- ' men (James Robertson, .skip). The, featured of "tile match was that it was played in ' a hailstorm, the green for a time being , perfectly white. Bnjdislimen' won by 18 _• to 17." After thie Daily Times says, an English v. Scotch- match was played in '■ Danediii, and again the Englishmen scored IS to Scotland's 17. As showing the playing strength of Caledonians in 18S6. it is noticeable tihat in a four-rink game against Dtmedin the Caledonians were able to hold their own — 81 ail. Twenty years ago there were over 400 bowling clubs in Scotland. It's nigh on twenty rears since Mr ' Andrew Mo-wait preeided at a howling smoke in W-atson'.« Hotel, and in -respond- . ing to it-he toast of the New Zeakiod Bowl- ; ing Association said, in the words of the , immortal Burns : — Then let us pray that come what may, And come it will for »* that; When man to man the w&xld o'er Shall bri there be and a that. That prophecy, surely, is rapidly becoming fulfilled through tlie agency of "bowling ! KAITUNA BOWLING CLUB. The following is the -report to be submitted to members of the Kaituna Bowling Club at the annual meeting on Thursday, June 28: — Yonr couuniitee, in placing before you its annual report and balance sheet, has very great pleasure in congratulating members upon the progress of tbe dab for the past season. Although th» undent of piay has not been equal -tnis year to t&wt of some former seasons, on account of unfavourable weather conditions, tbe quality of tfee play, both at tournaments and in inter-club matches, has worthily upheld the reputation of the club. The assets of the club have -been considerably increased by the purchase of '* new mower, the erection of a rabatmtial fence between the bowling green and the lower tennis court, and in various other ways. The finances of the cCub continue in a. satisfactory condition. Tiie ton. treasarer again fa»s the satisfaction of reporting that ail subscriptions have been paid to date, and tkat, far the first time in tbe history of the club, tb-ere remains, after providing for *U liabilities, » credit balance, small but significant. The committee has specia.l pleasure in congratulating the club upon the fact. Early in the season your committee took into serious consideration the question of the club's liability to debenture-holders, and the desirability, and, indeed, necessity, of affording the members increased and improved pavilion accommodmtion. As it was found that the estimated revenue for the sens on would not more than aieet the ordinary expenditure, a. sub-committee was appointed to wait upon debenture-holders and make an appeal to their generosity. This committee met with a ready and gratifying response, and as a result nearly every outstanding debenture has been presented to the o;ub by the late holders. It was then decided to make an appeal to m«mbers for funds -wherewith to rebuild the pavilion and, a.s ihe' result of * canvass, jour committee has promises to date of subscriptions amounting to £239 10s. At a special general meeting of the c'.ub, held on May 3, the committee was autho- , rised to c? 11 "for tenders ar.d to proceed with the rebuilding cJ the pavilion. | litfcr-cHh Fixtures— Kaituna holds tbe; proud pos.tion of being th-e champion club for the 1905-G, having: met and defeated eveiy other cub :u the iiiter-c)ub area. This lesult is not only a proof of the high playing calibre of ".he members, but also te=tifies to the wisdom of the pan of electing a sole elector aud id the ability of the selector (Mr G. B. Dall) The tola 1 aggregate points" scored br th» c'.ub in the 11 matches was 1345 a= agaanst 10J0 scored by the opposing clubs. Club Ties —A very large number of members entered fo-r these matches, which were all keenly cositested. The following is a list" of the prize wiuneT? : — Championship (*be presidents prize), Mr A. Baillie. with Mr C. J. Pavne as runner-urj; Rink Mateh — Messrs R. E 'Ta,y!or. P Braftlnvaite, A. Baillie, and T. I

Sanders (s) ; vice-president's prize (Handicap) — this was won by Mr T. Sneddon, who was also successful last year and upou several previous occasions, And each time from scratch. Mr D. Melville was second. Doubles: Messrs Moore and Corliss (s) take first prize, and the second prize goes to Messrs Stephens and Blackwood. Tournaments.— The New Zealand Bowling Association tournament was held in Dunedin this year, and on M ladies' day," at Kaitnma. the largest number of people ever seen at any gathering of bowlers in the Southern Hemisphra were ti» guests of Mr C J. Payne, tie president of the association aad an esteemed past president of this club. At this tournament the club was represented by Messrs J. Stone, P. W. Seelve, W. Smart, aad C. T. Paterscra (s); H. W. Reid, T. Sutclifie, F. Smith, and C. J. Payne (s); J. F. Bailey, W. M'llwrick, H. Smetton, nnd G. B. D.ail (s); A. Baillie, J. Sanders, T. Sanders, and T. Sneddon (»); C. Sundstrum, D. Dougherty, D. G. M'Pherson, and R. H. CoHman <s). Messrs M'Hwrick *nd Dall won the Championship Doubles. At Tim*ru the crab w*« represented by Messrs H. W. Reid, T. Sutcliffe, F. Smith, *nd C. J. Payne <s). Payne's rink .secured the chief honours upon this occasion. At Oama-ru the representatives were Messrs J. F. BaCcy, J. Connell, A. Baillie, and T. Sneddon (s) ; D. Melville, J. Melville, J. Sanders, and T. Sanders (a); J. G. Patterson, J. Stone. G. N. Hayes, and C. T. Paterson (s); H. W. Reid. F.. W. Holmes, F. Smitih, and C J. Payne (s) ;, W. G. Hay. J. Lindsay, J. C. .Stephens, and'H. Smeaton (s). Sanders' s rink secured th© Phoenix first prize. At Invercargill Messrs J. Stone, J. F. Bailey, H. Donald, and T. Swndets (s) were the club's representatives, and Messrs Bailey And Sanders -secured third prize in the Doubles. The usual progressive tournament was held on March 23. A number of representatives- from other dubs were invited to, .and took part in, this tournament, and +!•»» prize went to Mr J. RM. Stewart, a visiior. The Green. — There is every prospect of a good playing gretfn for the coming season. The top-dressing has been done, and in this connection the be«t thanks of the club are due to Mr H. W. Reid, who kindly took the levels. The very best thanks of the club are due to Mr E. M. Roach, architect, a very old and valued member, for honorary services in preparing plans atid specifications for .the new pavilion, and also to those members who have so liberally handed in debentures aad subscribed to the new pavilion fund. Obituary. — The club h«s lost by death during the "year two -old a-nd valued members, Mr James Ra-ttray (one of the founders oi the club) and Mr E.'Cook.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2728, 27 June 1906, Page 60

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BOWLING. Otago Witness, Issue 2728, 27 June 1906, Page 60

BOWLING. Otago Witness, Issue 2728, 27 June 1906, Page 60


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