j - Public Notices, SZSOPPZB7G BY POST (LINDER THE HOKSESHOE), PRINCES ST , DUNEDIN. PLUCKS, WITH Oii'AGfi GIVEN IN. STATIONERY. FANCY GOODS. , Stationery Packets (ruled), 1/6, 2/, 2/3, 2/6, Tt^ 2/ _ b j b '^^ . ,>---. 4 \' t ', Stanonery Boxes (ruled), 9d, 1/4, 2/, 2/6 r^kl' Vrt 2& ~*/fi v i rm W-»* . EnV ? l /? Pe ' > l 4 X CkelB '" 1/3 ' 3 PUCketS fOF Wo^box'letfal 9^^^^^^ 6 1/6 ana ±/» Fi s 0 2 ,, 2/6, 5;, 4/, 6/, up to 15/6 ! II a Tf Kt* 9 ? 4§* X' 1 h'9 7/9 Bottles of Scent 9d. 16, 1/9, 2/9. 3/. 4/, 5/ °RR e Q i°n°S Sf « ♦ 4/ ' ' ' ' '' ' Wmter Games-Steeplechase, 1/3, 2/9. .4/. I B/9, iu,o, up to . &/6 R . j R iy3 ; Lmto, 1/3, 2/i ; Poek-et xsotebooks, sa, Bd, l/<2, lp, 1/y, up >. ' ,„■ , , . ' '' o , -\ ' ' " I I 10/ »/>/*'» r j 2/3 ; Word-making, 1/3, 2/ ; Draughts- ' Tnk m Rottlps 1/ 1« 4/ ! men witn B031"^B 031 "^ J / 5 > 2 / 3 > "P to 6 / b Fountain Pens. 7d, 1/?, 2/9. 3/9 G!ot^r S^" 1 , m 7 e ,, W *ft rbup y Alarn o s ,' do do Gold Nibs. 6/9, 7/9, 12/9 „ . J o , Cill P h - .7^ 'The Wasp, 9/. Penholders. 2d. 4d, sd, 7d f B , est , limekecper» m the market. Penholders (silver mounted). 2/, 2/3, 4/ C ' oc Sr A ft r r a?' '/ 6 ; Pce P- ofDa y> Pen Nibs, 7<l, 10d> I,Z per box 10/& V Ordinary Alarm, 5 6 ".I " Nibs, 3/3 per box; "Relief, ' 4/3 per box Clocks-Ordinary Ansoma, 6/6; Ordinary, Gillott's Nibs— all numbers,— 2/9 per box */»;, Ivory Dial, Wooden -Case, 14/; IQO Delivery Forms, 1/4. iaght-day Striking Clock, 20/; Oxidised Cash Receipt Forms, 1/2, 2/1, 1/ Belfry Alarm, 17/'; Imitation Marble, Writing Tablets, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9 Heavy Clock, Ivory Dial, Gilt Face, Counter Day-books, with Blotter, 2/3. 3/, 4/3 Eight-day Striking dock, 55/ Counter Day-book 3, 1/6, 2/3, 2/10, 3/5, 4/2, Knives, 7/6, 9/7, 11/7, 17/8, 18/9, 22/3 per doz 5/9- - - ♦ •-- Spooas/2/2, 4/4, 5/4, 5/6, 11/6, 14/4 per doz Day, Cash, and Ledger -Books, 2/, 3/6, 4/1. Forks, 4/4, 5/4, 96, 11/8 per dozen | 4/6, 6/2, 7/7; 8/11, 10/1, 12/4, etc Lamp with Opal »Shade,..standing 18 inches ! Marking Ink, lOd, 1/8 high, give Splendi.l tight, 4/6 each | Inkstands (ordinary) , 1/3, 1/9, 2/3, 2/9, 3/, ~ Inkstands ' (presentation). 10/, up to 30/ ARTISTS* MATERIALS. Pocket Ink Wells, 7d, 1/1, 1/3, 1/9, 2/3, 2/9, \ Baryto Prints, 5/9; Photogravures, 3/3, 7/, 3/6 11/6; Winton Panels, 1/3 to 6/ Ink Wells (cut glass), 1/3, 1/9 j Sketching Panels, 6d to 3/6; Sketching I Books and Blocks, 1 2 to 10/ FANCY GOODS. | Plaques, lid to 6/6; Pastel Crayons, 4/6, J iv' 6; L'nseed Oil, 7d, 1/5 Crinkled Paper, 5d per roll, or 4/6 per doz | Copal and Mastic Varnish, lOd, 1/5 ; Turassorted pontine, 5d and 7d Companions, Ladies', 1/3, 2/3, 2/9, 3/9, 4/3, Indian Ink, 7d, 1/5; Waterproof Inks, 7d ; 4/9, 5/3, up to 21/ I Charcoal, 7d, 1/8, 2/2 per box ; Charcoal Purses, 7d, 1/1, 1/8, 2/2, 2/8, 3/2, 3/9. 5/, f Powder, 7d per bottle ; Leather Stumps, 7/6, up to 35/ I 3d to 8d Hand Bags (Ladies'), 2/9, 3/9, 4/3, 5/6, 6/6, | China Palettes, 1/3. 1/6; Mahogany Palettes, 7/6, 8 .6, up 1o 28/ I 1/, 1/6, 1/9, 2/1, 2/3, 2/10, 3/4, 7/6 Albume, Photo, 5/3, 6/3, 9/6, 11/9, 15/, 28/ I Academy Boards, sd, lOd, 1/3, 1/8 ; Fancy Albums, Postage Stamp, 1/, 1/3, 1/9, 2/6, Articles for painting on, 1/ up to 7/6 up to 10/6 Brushes, all kinds and prices Foreign Stamps, 20 for 4d. 30 for 7d, 50 for Studio Easels, 5/6, 7/. 12/6, 16/; Fancy 1/1, 75 for 2/7, 75 for 5/3 Japanese Easels, 1/6, 3/, 3/6, 4/6 Stamp Mounts for Albums, 3d per Packet Handbooks on Art, 1/5 Writing Desks, 2/9, 5/, 7/9, 11/6, 25/6, up to Ellis' s "Sketching from Nature,-" 4/4 60/ Collie's Manual of Oil Painting. 3/3 Tourist Cases, 2/, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, up to 45/ Winsor and Newton Oil Colour Boxes Playing Cards, 1/2, 1/8, 1/11, 2/9, 3/ (fitted)— Pocket, 11/6; Tourist 15/9Pipes 7d, 1/1; in Cases, 2/9, 3/9, 5/, 6/6, ; Compact. 21/; Student's, 26/3; Com7/6, 8/6, 10/ I panion, 34/ ; Double Companion, 42/ ; Tobacco Pouches, 1/6. 2/3, 3/9, 4/6, 5/6, 6/9, j School of Art (Rowney), 8/ ' 6 8,, 11/ , Winsor and Newton's Water Colour Boxes, Ulove^ and Handkerchief Boxes, 3/, 5/, 7/ (set ; from 1/ to 17/6 Ol 2) j Stretched Canvasses, all eizes and prices. YOTJ MAY HAVE f" » urine «r r «« EVERY MAN HEAPS OF FUN ipisssis A * D SSS-Ti 1 " n " >thod iB ca *y <"><* pleaiant. and will effect a »orr»ct »r.d permanent cure. Sent, in a plain sealed • DAlS,e'tpS'l,°LD A IS,e'tpS'l,°Ll 1 "S=! -tin lF««Ba&teSßfeag ever occurred to you how easy it is to make m^^^ m^ mmm^ mma^^"a^^ photographs 9 The advent of the dry plate has "~ put this fascinating art within the reach of -_ _- TT - everyone. 1VF ILK FEVER IN COWS. XT - t v i , A , r JLyJL WONDERFUL SUCCESS How nice it would be to take pictures of your friends, home gatherings, scenes of child "life, ( Spreydon Lodge, Christchurch, etc., etc. 20th January, 1901. vni' r\v nn att thitct? ttiivpo ix^ttxi John Berry, Veterinary Chemist, YOL CAN DO ALL THESE THINGS WIIH Co! om bJ street, Cbnstchurch. A CAMfcKA. rj ear Sir,— Within the last few weeks I have You do not need an expensive one, either. } lad six cowa very bad with milk fever, and The inexpensive ones take just as good a pic- !l! l , aye mu ,v P leas , ure ln informing you that ture for all practical purposes as the more * hfOU B h th , e timel y U9 , e ,°! >' our . M^g ev « costly outfits, only they're smaller, of course. C " r + t' efv haY ? « ucc , eed « d . ln Ba yj n ß FIVE °" fc r> i ii 1 D , t , , »>f the SIX. I firmly believe, if your Remedy Remember that Photography provides the had been ap pi ie<J in C ime to the one that died, young with wholesome healthy fun, makes the she would h £ ve been Bayed . she wa3 too fa ; bright boy or zirl hrusbtw. i^»»-. • - *n gone your remedy was tried. I might try and think out the why ana the wherefore say that aU the cowg were too {at for dairy o; the results ODcajudQ. ... c v-u.^., .. . ..-. cows y our reme dy being so successful with educator. Ihis is an age of progress. AH our ray COWB j can strongly recommend it to anygreat weekly papers now issue an illustrated one who keepB dairyi^ cowa . supplement. Quantities of photographs of all ! a „„ respectfully, subjects are required and when accepted, s . GARFORTH, Sprevdon. m^e/enoufhTo^y SS^U^ JSfi ' B™J? CLEANSING POWDKR, Se^-are?- " *° ±*™ F^iS^Uf Exp^Tfter-Birth. the same? ....... . . . 2s; by post, & 2d. teur photographer requires in° New Zealand. Healm e /or SS 2 0 /. c J~^J NOW IS THE TIME TO GET AN OUTFIT. BERRY'S CANTERBURY EMBROCATION, For Swollen and Hard Udders of Cowb, Start with a £2 outfit. The camera that ac- Sprains, Sprung Sinews. Over-reaches, Wind companies it curries 12 plates, thus enabling Galls, Lameness, Stiff Muscles, Bruises, the operator to take 12 pictures without reload- Strangles, etc., in Horses. 2s ; by post 2s 9d. ing the camera. A first-class Achromatic lens WHOLESALE AGENTS — is fitted; it has time and instantaneous shut- KEMPTHORNE, .PROSSER'<fe CO., ter, and two view-finders ; a dark-room lamp, 25 9 Dunedin. developing, toning, and fixing dishes, printing frame, fixing salts, two bottles developer, toning solution, one packet of plates (12), one MONEY TO LEND. packet of P.O.P. (36 pieces), ajid book of instructions are included for the above price. •— - We havo splendid mahogany half-plate -»TtfPTTT T*T?r*a jt t»t>t"-v"t< Cameras, English made, fitted with T. and I. JJAGGITT BROS. & BRENT, shutter*, three U U mulea. K. It. leus. tripod, Solicitors, High street, Dunedin, have cairying-case, and all appliances required for finishing photos foi £7 15s, £8 17s 6d and £12 MONEYS TO LEND at CURRENT 7s 6d. We have a'so Thointon-Pickard Amber and Ruby half-plate Cameras, ntted with high- RATES, in large or small amounts. grade Lenses, fiom £12 10s to £'20, fitted with Thornton -Pickard T. and I. shutters, or with focal plane shutter, for very fast exposures. dut^t- T /-.TTT»r ,t j * t, We also have Goerz and Zeiss and Cooke |^ AR J JI < D ,^ 11^ Lod f tar )' Benzine Lenses (half-plate) and caskets of lenses for all Pt -^° l Naphthas (mineral stove wood), classes of work. Premo Cameras, fitted with Arsemc Bluestone Cream Tartar (Go d3n Tlock the Rochester Optical Company's Lenses. These bra ™>, Caustic Potash Chloride of Calcium cameras are fast making a name for them- *nd Lime, Permanganate and Chlondeof Poir selves, and as they can be obtained from us ash Manganeso (silk dressed). Agent lor New from 35s to £20, buyers have a wide range of John Hare and Sons, Bristol, Eng-t-hoir* land, celebrated Paints, Colours, Varnishes, We "stock Imperial, Ufor* »«d Marlon Anchor Brand Whitelead.-HENRY MARKPlates and Papers; Wellington Bromide and WALD, 47 Crawford street, Dunedin ; Ilfoid ditto paper; Films for Eastman Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland, MclCameias; Lamps, Albums, Mounts, and all bourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, and 54 Chemicals Great Tower street, London, E.C. To ri s e a vl 0 -deC r adXt°^n S 7fmmunications CtUN : BRAND INDIAN CHUTNEY, to *-J Piquant, Peppery, and Pleasant. The THE MANAGER, best in the world. From all grocers. MARSHALL'S PHOTO DEPOT. a™l an d steel pills, X*- able to ladies; by post, 4s 6d. — Ad86 PHIICeS Street, Dunedin drese Mrs L. Hawkins, 106 George street, Duaedin, I4au
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Bibliographic details
Otago Witness, Issue 2505, 26 March 1902, Page 34
Word Count
1,589Page 34 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Witness, Issue 2505, 26 March 1902, Page 34
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