1899 NOVELTIES IN PUNTS.! STRAWBERRY-RASPBERRY. STRAWBERRY-RASPBERRY. — This is called the novelty of novelties, a strange and beautiful shrub or- bush, _ bearing huge fruits like a strawberry, of a rosy-red colour, and most deliciously flavoured. The bush grows after the manner of a raspberry, and commences to bloom when only a few inches^ high as soon as set out, and continues to ripep fruit until late in. the autumn. This fruit is considered a great acquisition to the list of small fruits, and is destined to become a. standard market berry, as it can be utilised for every- purpose that strawberries or blackberries are ueed. The plant is quite hardy, and will, no doubt, succeed in every part of New Zealand, and a great sale is predicted for this new fruit this season. Price, Is 6d each : postage free, 2s. LOGAN BERRY.— This fine berry is the result of a cross between tho raspberry and blackberry. It partakes of the flavours of both of these fruits, and is pleasant, mild, and delightful to the tasto. It is excellent for* the table, eaten fresh or cooked, and for jelly or jam is without an equal. An enormous bearer and ripens early in the season. Price, 2s 6d each ; postage free, 3s. " GOLD MINE " NECTARINE.— A new variety raised in our own. colony, and | said by reliable authorities to be the i best nectarine ever seen or heard of. J Fruit of enormous size, flesh tender, juicy, and melting, and of most delicious flavour. An enormous cropper. We pre- j diet a large eale for this very fine fruit i as it becomes known to fruitgrowers. Price, 3s each. "THE CAPTAIN" STRAWBERRY.— A fine cropping strawberry of excellent ; flavour, good colour, and firm flesh. Its ] principal recommendation, however lies in its latene3B ; we pulled berries from our plants during the last week ill j April. Price, Is per dozen ; postage free, Is 6d per dozen. j NEW APPLES.— Seo our Novelty List : for varieties which have not yet been offered in New Zealand, and which comprise Rome of the leading sorts in America. NEW VIOLET, '"'CALIFORNIA."— This fine new variety is of robust habit and vigorous growth, flower 3 immense in size, *nd of clear violet-purple colour j which does not fade out ; fragrance in- ! tenae. Price, Is each ; postage free, 13 I 6d. NEW BLOOD-RED CLEMATIS.— " Madame Edouard Andre." — The near- \ est approach to a bright red ever sent ! out. A strong and vigorous grower and a free bloomer. Price, 3s 6d each ; postaere free. 4s. NEW SNOW-WHITE CLEMATIS.— " Snow-white Jackmanii." — Of a beautiful pure white colour, and only differs in this respect from the favourite purple Jackmanii. Price, 3s 6d each ; postage free, 4s. NEW ROSES.— See our Novelty List for new varieties for 1899." This contains all the best , varieties introduced at Home and on the Continent during tho last two seasons. NEW CHRYSANTHEMUMS. — Our List contains nil the latest and best no* velties in this popular flower, and may . be had on application. FRUIT TREES, FOREST TREES, ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS, ROSES, and PLANTS of every description, well grown, clean, and healthy. SEEDPOTATOES, RHUBARB ROOTS, STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ■ Etc., Etc., Obtainable now from !\3IMMO & BLAIR, SEED MERCHANTS AND SEED GROWERS, 3D XT BBT ES X> I IN" .
Page 8 Advertisements Column 2
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 8
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