Business Notices. CHOICE NURSERY STOCK.-A FEW " LEADING LINES." HO'WDEN AND — • Nubserymen- and Seedsmen, 51 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. — • Apples (Blight-proof stock), per doz 9s; per Pears, per doz 12s, 15s, and 18s 100 70s ' Plums, per doz 12s, 15s and 18s Cherries, 18s per doz Plums, Japanese, per doz 18s and 24s Peaches, each 2s; per doz 18s Apricots, each 2s; per dozen 18s to 20s Nectarines, each 2s; per doz 18s ' Grape Vines, each 2s 6d to 5s Gooseberries, fine sorts, per doz 3s and 6s . Raspberries, per doz 2s ; per 100 12s 6d Currants, black, per doz 5s Blackberries, per doz 6s Currants, red and white, per doz 4s Strawberries, from 2s 6d per 100, & 20s per 1000 ROSES. — Hybrid Perpetual, per doz 8s ; Teas and Noisettes, per doz 12s. Special Collections for Cash with Order. 'Apples, our selection, per 100 50s j Twenty-five hardy Coniferse, Trees and Shrubs, fifty hardy Coniferse, Trees and Shrubs, for 30s ' for 15s
PLANT NOW K9ACROC&RFAS - - - - - - RgAGSOCARP&S. RHUBARB ROOTS (from Our Great Prize Taker), COLOSSAL ASPARAGUS ROOTS, SEAKALE ROOTS, CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER, AND SAVOY PLAJNTS. Country Orders Punctually Attended to. pryor & soiy, 54 PRINCES ST. THOS. PETERSON & CO., MANSE STREET, DUNEDIN. (Established Dunedin 1879), Receive Consignments of FRUIT, EGGS. BUTTER, CHEESE, BACON and other FARM PRODUCE. Agents for Hick's Patent •' Montauk" foracaly, woolly, *nd other blight., Ross's Antidote;
Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 8
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