ROUGHS, COLDS in the Head and on the Chest, BEONCHITIS, ASTHMA, INFLUENZA, and CONSUMPTION cured by takin» TUSSICURA, the GREAT THROAT anl LUNG HEALER. Thousands have now testified to its efficacy as a certain cure and powerful Tonic in all cases of Throat, Chest, and Lung troubles. BRONCHITIS is a complaint that is especially prevalent during the winter season, more particularly with those who are obliged to lead an open-air life. A few doses of TUSSICURA, will afford relief. TESTIMONIAL. * Mr R. H. Browne, county engineer, writes aa follows: — Mr S. J. Evans. Dear Sir, — Although I had tried your TUSSICURA in several instances when siiffering from a more or less severe form of cold with entire success, it was only recently that it was possible for me to test it in the case of influenza. I am pleased to say that the use of the mixture resulted in a complete cure, and all traces of this exceedingly troublesome complaint were removed. I regard your preparation as a most valuable one, and as I have had frequent opportunities, both in regard to myself and mern^ bers of my family, of testing it, I can speak with some authority on the subject. It is to bo hojjed that TUSSICURA will prove proEt* able to yuorself, as I am sure it deserves to be. Wishing you every success in your undertaking,— l am, yours .very truly,
Page 54 Advertisements Column 2
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 54
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