Business Notices. ThO Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Children, Delicate WHeadache. Heartburn. Indigestion, Sour Eructations, males, and the SickBilious Affections; ness of Pregnancy. Sold Throughout the World. N.8.-ASK FOR DiNNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. Agents: KEMPTHORNE PROSSER and Co. Auckland and Dunedin; and t SHARLAITD and Co., Ltd , Wellington and Auckland. SKpxXul^ INCREASING I Are the sales of Liebig Company's Extract, and likely to increase more S than ever as cooks learn that dainty nourishing gravies and entrees can be h so much more easily and economically prepared by its use, than when all the S stock had to be made in the kitchen. For handiness, fiavour and whole- I someness, there is nothing to equal the original S Supplied to The War Office; The Bengal Commissariat; The India and Colonial Offices; The Malakand Field Force; and All recent British Expeditions. fl ignaturelnßHf£ oM Scientific Board— V»** e^ Sir Henry E. Roscoe, F.R.S., D.C.L. *°" A^^^JL^^3 Dr. Max yon Pettonkofer. A^^^^^ Dr. Carl yon Voit. Ay 0 * '*f6BIOH 3UgSt** U .^Mfc. " / FOR INFANTS, CHILDREN AND INVALIDS. Sfiany Food&. require the most important part, viz,, H311.K to lie added, but liestfie's Food is partly made off Milk already, and Simply requires a little Water to make a perfect Food instantly ready. It /s an entire Diet, and Not Only an Extra Like many Foods. Eecornmended by the Highest Medical Authorities All over the World.
ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL FOR THE HAIR. Preserves, Beautifies, Nourishes and Restores it more effectually than anything else; prevents grey hair and scurf. For Ladies and Children it is the best preparation ; also in a Golden Colour for fair or grey hair: ROWJ.AfiD'S ODONTO FOR THE TEETH. Whitens and Preserves them, prevents decay, sweetens the breath. Ask for Rowland's articles, of Hatton Garden, London. Sold by Chemists and Stores. ■■ IMMEDIATELY RELIEVE Cne Cigarette instantly relieves the - worst attack of the above. Sufferers at night find them invaluable. OF ALL LEADING CHEMISTS.
Page 54 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 54
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